Monday, August 30, 2004
Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore , the only indian medalist of OLYMPIC 2004

Yea! I believe in GOD. I don’t spend a long time invoking GOD daily; I just recite the gayatri mantra everyday.
"Thought brilliance" and "hard work" are essential components to achieve success; "luck and destiny" have a definite part to play as well. It is not enough just to be smart--- you have to be in the right place at the right time. I have been extraordinarily lucky.
Having the right set of values is very important in life. To be legal and ethical at all times, to be fair to individuals, to practice the virtues of basic honesty, not to play games and to lead by example ---- these are some of the values I believe in and practice.
Some General health tips
Drink 8-10 Glasses of Water a Day. Do not take extra salt except that is in normal cooking.
Add Movement to Your Life. Park further so you walk between the car and the stores, take steps instead of elevators, and take longer routes to your desk.
Think Positively.
Take Time to Relax. Allow yourself to destress at least once a day.
Sleep 6-10 hours a night (or until you are well rested).
Wash your hands often. Minimally wash hands before eating and after using the restroom.
Eat a large variety of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Belief is Something. Studies have found that people who have faith live longer.
Eat vegetables every day. Vegetables provide vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Many are known to prevent various diseases including cancer.
Drink water before, during and after exercise. Thirst lags behind your body's need for water. So drink water early and often.
Laugh. Let humor enter your life. One of the easiest ways of being healthier is to find a way to relax more and have more fun.
Find a way to bring joy into your life. Treat yourself to long baths or help a neighbor. Find a way to smile and help others smile.
- People who remember their strengths and successes more than their weaknesses and failures are happier and work harder and thus perform better.
- If you are feeling drained, now might be a good time to connect with your people and community that care for you. Tap into likeminded and other positive people and be ready for a shift in perspective .Make calls, write to an old friend. Creat an advisory group around you for yourself of selected people.
- You don’t have to do everything yourself. Do that thing that you enjoy doing. Take help of others for the other jobs. Develop a support group.
- Achievement is more to do networking and connections. Its 5Cs--- computers , contacts, contracts, correspondence, communication. Man makes his own destiny .Success comes with being honest to ones dreams and self. My success is my own making . Work hard intelligently and enjoy life. Follow a regular routine. Money will come by itself. Don’t get obsessed with money.
- Make the people as the arbiter of their own destiny to improve their lives. People have always been the solution. Don’t impose solution from the above .
- Do one thing at a time .If you can really focus on what is right before you, everything falls into place .

Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm schizophrenic, and so am I.
Your so boring, if you threw a boomerang, it wouldn't come back to you.
"Dual Airbags"
Our lips touched, then she crossed her legs and broke my glasses.
"Chili's a lot like sex: When it's good it's great, and even when it's bad, it's not so bad."
A friend is someone you can call to help you move. A best friend is someone you can call to help you move a body.
Politicians and diapers have one thing in common. They should both be changed regularly, and for the same reason.
Lorena Bobbit for White House Intern.
Life is sexually transmitted
Kids in the back seat cause accidents; accidents in the back seat cause kids
The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard
Lead me not into temptation...I can find the way myself
There are two types of pedestrians...the quick and the dead
A closed mouth gathers no feet
The more people I meet, the more I like my cat.
Don't blame me. I'm only doing what my Rice Crispies told me to do.
My child was inmate of the month at the county jail
My kid beat up your honor student
If crime fighters fight crime, and fire fighters fight fire, then what do freedom fighters fight?
Why do we drive on parkways and park on driveways?
"One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, FLOOR"
If a man is talking in the woods, and there is no woman there to hear him, is he still wrong?
Fight crime, shoot back!
If only men could be as satisfying as chocolate
Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like bananas
The best things in life are free plus tax
If Clinton's answer is yes, than it must have been a realy stupid question.
Skydivers: Good to the last drop
Why do they let semi-drivers drive big trucks?
Why do they call apartments "apartments" when they are built together?
The grass is always greener on TV
Easier said than sung in Russian
Smile and the world audits your taxes.
If you try to fail and succeed, which have you done?
According to my calculations, the problem doesn't exist.
Pride is what we have. Vanity is what others have.
How can I miss you if you won't go away?
Warning: Dates in Calendar are closer than they appear.
Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
We are born naked, wet, and hungry. Then things get worse.
Make it idiot-proof and someone will make a better idiot.
Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.
Puritanism: The haunting fear that somewhere, someone may be happy.
Consciousness: That annoying time between naps.
I souport publik edekashun.
Be nice to your kids. They'll choose your nursing home.
There are 3 kinds of people: those who can count & those who can't.
Why is 'abbreviation' such a long word?
Ever stop to think and forget to start again?
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.
A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.
For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism.
He who hesitates is probably right.
Never do card tricks for the group you play poker with.
No one is listening until you make a mistake.
Success always occurs in private, and failure in full view.
The colder the x-ray table, the more of your body that is required on it.
The hardness of the butter is proportional to the softness of the bread.
The severity of the itch is proportional to the reach.
To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is research.
To succeed in politics, it is often necessary to rise above your principles.
Two wrongs are only the beginning.
You never really learn to swear until you learn to drive.
The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard.
What's the number for 911?
My school colors were clear.
I stayed in a really old hotel last night. They sent me a wake-up letter.
I'm taking Lamaze classes. I'm not having a baby, I'm just having trouble breathing.
My girlfriend's weird. One day she asked me, "If you could know how and when you were going to die, would you want to know?" I said, "No." She said, "Okay, forget it."
I went for a walk last night, and she asked me "How long are you going to be gone?" I said, "The whole time."
My buddy got busted for counterfeiting. He was making pennies. They caught him because he was putting the heads and tails on the wrong sides. He's in a minimum security prison now; he's on a whiffle-ball and chain.
I like this new idea of voodoo acupuncture. You don't have to go anywhere, you just walk down the street, and all of a sudden, "Ah!"
Hermits have no peer pressure.
Whenever I think of the past, it brings back so many memories...
There's a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot.
The other day I saw a rabbit in the forest in front of a candle making pictures of humans on a tree.
How much deeper would the ocean be if sponges didn't live there?
The other day, I went to a tourist information booth and asked "Tell me about some of the people who were here last year."
What a nice night for an evening.
When I was in high school, I got in trouble with my girlfriend's Dad. He said, "I want my daughter back by 8:15." I said, "The middle of August? Cool!"
Did Washington just flash a quarter for his ID?
I just got skylights put in my place. The people who live above me are furious.
I live on a one-way dead-end street.
Imagine if birds were tickled by feathers...
I remember when the candle shop burned down. Everyone stood around singing "Happy Birthday".
I accidentally installed the deer whistles on my car backwards. Now everywhere I go, I'm chased by a herd of deer.

Humankind, an admonition has been sent from your Lord. It is a balm for all that ails the heart, a source of guidance to grace the true believers. So let them rejoice in the bounty of Allah. It transcends what they hoard.
Allah tries his chosen people through many hardships, but those who persevere through adversity, surrendering themselves before the will of Allah, shall be blessed with a superb reward.
-The Prophet Muhammad, as reported by Anas bin Malik
Two groups of people seek proximity of God, those who revere Him publicly and are held in high regard by the sacred law, and those who do not display their devotion. Secure in the knowledge that God alone bestows all that is good or bad in this world, they choose Him as their companion and are delivered of want. The former because of their own need remain veiled from divine guidance, while the latter transcend through selflessness.
-Abu'l-Sari Mansur bin Ammar
Have they not observed all things created by Allah, how their shadows incline to the right and to the left, prostrating themselves before Allah in humility? All creatures in the heavens and on the earth and also the angels prostrate themselves before Allah; they are not contemptuous.
-Qur'an, An-Nahl, Surah 16:48
Those who commit evil in ignorance but afterward repent and mend their ways shall find the Lord forgiving and merciful.
-Qur'an, An-Nahl, Surah 16:119
Wisdom is the table, not bread or meat. Wisdom is the light, food for the soul. No nutriment can compare to the nourishment of light. Nothing can nourish the soul but light. Rid yourself of material needs and be set free. Taste the original victual, the dainty morsel of light.
-Rumi, "Mathnawi"
Each person behaves after his own manner, yet only your Lord knows who chose the best path to salvation.
-Qur'an, Al-Isra, Surah 17:84
Do not talk ill of the dead, for they have reached the final destination to receive what they sent before them.
-The Prophet Muhammad, as reported by A'ishah bint Abi Bakr
He said, "My Lord is aware of every word uttered in the heaven and the earth. He hears all, knows all."
-Qur'an, Al-Anbiya, Surah 21:4
When you see the misfortune of your brother, do not rejoice, for Allah may save him and afflict you with the same misfortune.
-The Prophet Muhammad, as reported by Wa'silah bin al-Asqa'a
Hadith translated by Aneela Khalid Arshed. Copyright 1999
It is He who sends down water from the sky, with which sprout buds of every kind. From these He brings forth the green vegetation, the thick variegated grain, and the clusters of dates that stem from the palm trees, vineyards, and the groves of olives and pomegranates, which are all so alike yet so different. Behold their fruits when they reach perfection. Indeed in all these are signs for those who believe.
-Qur'an, Al-An'am, Surah 6:100
If you persevere in adversity and depend on God, then know that He will remove your afflictions and bestow vast blessings upon you. For in His Book God promises, "Those who depend upon Allah, Allah bestows His bounty upon them and provides for them from means unknown." Therefore follow the road of patience and rejoice in His infinite bounty.
-Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani
Believers, remain mindful of Allah and always tell the truth. He will bless you with forthrightness and absolve you of your sins. Those who adhere to Allah and His messenger shall indeed have achieved a signal victory.
-Qur'an, Al-Ahzab, Surah 33:70-71
Translated by Aneela Khalid Arshed. Copyright
Those who restrain themselves from the greatest of sins and wickedness, except the unwilled offenses, shall find the Lord full of mercy. He is fully aware of you, from the time He created you from dust, and when you were hidden in your mothers' wombs. Therefore do not pretend to be pure, for He is completely aware of those who are chaste.
-Qur'an, An-Najm, Surah 53:32
In the valley, on the mountain, I beheld only God.
In hardship I saw Him by my side.
In ease and well-being I beheld only God.
Like a candle I melted in His flame.
Amid the sparks of the flames,
I beheld only God.
-Baba Kuhi of Shiraz, "Rabi'a the Mystic"
Children of Israel, I delivered you from your enemy and made a covenant with you on the right side of the holy mountain. Then I sent down the manna and quails and bade you to eat of the good things that were provided for you and warned you not to transgress, lest My wrath be incurred. For those who incur My wrath perish.
-Qur'an, Ta Ha, Surah 20:80-81
Beware of the pleas of the oppressed, because they will ask for justice from Allah, and Allah does not deny the rights of the deserving.
-The Prophet Muhammad, as reported by 'Ali bin Abi Talib
We have honored the children of Adam. We guided them on land and sea and made provisions for them and exalted them above many of Our creatures.
-Qur'an, Al-Isra, Surah 17:70
He that was born in the dark water of material wealth, how could he tell the freedom of open country from the dismal prison of the well? When you relinquish the ego for fear of God, the elixir of His fountain will arrive.
-Rumi, "Mathnawi"
The Truth has come; falsehood has vanished and will not return. Then tell them, "If I have gone astray, then it is to my own disadvantage, and if I am rightly guided, it is because of what my Lord has revealed to me. He hears everything and is always near."
-Qur'an, Saba, Surah 34:49-50
Fear oppression, because oppression will be intense darkness on the Day of the Resurrection.
-The Prophet Muhammad, as reported by Ibn Umar
It is He who created man from water and appointed for him kindred by blood and kindred by marriage; your Lord is ever powerful.
-Qur'an, Al-Furqan, Surah 25:54
Do not become the candle that gives light to others but itself remains in darkness. Do not follow the desires of your lower self. Should the Lord wish, He himself will pick you out and prompt you to be a source of guidance. He Himself shall endow you with the inner strength to endure the changes of fortune and will instill within you infinite wisdom.
-Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani, "Fayuz E Yazdani"
Abraham said, "Peace be with you! I shall implore forgiveness of my Lord for you, for He has been gracious to me."
-Qur'an, Maryam, Surah 19:47
Give up what appears to be doubtful for what is certain. Truth brings peace of mind, and deception doubt.
-The Prophet Muhammad, as reported by Hasan bin 'Ali
Give up what appears to be doubtful for what is certain. Truth brings peace of mind, and deception doubt.
-The Prophet Muhammad, as reported by Hasan bin 'Ali
Who will offer to Allah a goodly loan, that He may amply repay, multiplying it manifold? For it is He who takes away and He who rewards abundantly and to Him shall you all return.
-Qur'an, Al-Baqara, Surah 2:245
Who will offer to Allah a goodly loan, that He may amply repay, multiplying it manifold? For it is He who takes away and He who rewards abundantly and to Him shall you all return.
-Qur'an, Al-Baqara, Surah 2:245
Sufficient is our Lord for us. He is the greatest of all helpers; we depend upon Him alone.
-"Munajat E Maqbool"
And they will say: "Praise be to Allah, Who has removed from us (all) sorrow: for our Lord is indeed Oft-Forgiving Ready to appreciate (service):
"Who has, out of His Bounty, settled us in a Home that will last: no toil nor sense of weariness shall touch us therein."
-Qur'an, Fatir, Surah 35:34-35
Allah says, "I am with My servant when he remembers Me and his lips move in My service."
-The Prophet Muhammad, as reported by Abu Hurairah
Behold! verily on the friends of Allah there is no fear, nor shall they grieve; Those who believe and (constantly) guard against evil; For them are glad tidings, in the life of the present and in the Hereafter; no change can there be in the words of Allah. This is indeed the supreme felicity.
-Qur'an, Yunus, Surah 10:62-64
Your power comes from the power of God,
not from the veins or the beating heart.
The power of the saints comes from God,
not from feasts and trays of provisions.
They were created from the light
that transcends the angel and the Spirit alike.
-Rumi, "Mathnawi"
He said: "I will go to my Lord! He will surely guide me!
"O my Lord! Grant me a righteous (son)!"
So We gave him the good news of a boy ready to suffer and forbear.
Then, when (the son) reached (the age of) (serious) work with him, he said: "O my son! I see in vision that I offer thee in sacrifice: Now see what is thy view!" (The son) said: "O my father! Do as thou art commanded: thou will find me, if Allah so wills one practising Patience and Constancy!"
So when they had both submitted their wills (to Allah., and he had laid him prostrate on his forehead (for sacrifice),
We called out to him "O Abraham! Thou hast already fulfilled the vision!" - thus indeed do We reward those who do right.
For this was obviously a trial.
-Qur'an, As-Saffat. Surah 37:99-106
When you see the misfortune of your brother, do not rejoice, for Allah may save him and afflict you with the same misfortune.
-The Prophet Muhammad, as reported by Wa'silah bin al-Asqa'a
As to those who believe and work righteousness, verily We shall not suffer to perish the reward of any who do a (single) righteous deed.
-Qur'an, Al-Kahf , Surah 18:30
The good deed and the evil deed are not alike. Repel the evil deed with one which is better, then lo! he, between whom and you was enmity will become as though he was a bosom friend. But none is granted it save those who are patiently enduring and none is granted it save the owner of great happiness. And if a whisper from satan reach you, then seek refuge in Allah. Lo! He is the Hearer, the Knower.
-Qur'an, Surah 41:34-36

Saturday, August 28, 2004
Eastern Envo Protect Guwahati Assam India, my baby
Eastern Envo Protect ,Guwahati, Assam , India is One another company i helped to create and the founder syed mehdi hussain absorbed my staff bubu , abul etc from my Delhi based company Envo Projects, New Delhi. another wonderful experience of life.Our first project in assam is Pragati Hospital & Research Center,NH Bypass,Sivsagar,Assam where we installed Incinerator for bio medical waste management for which i brought old Ali Miya from Delhi to make the plant.Ali Miya is former employee of M/s Thermax Ltd.
From: Eastern envoSent: Friday, August 27, 2004 9:53 AM
Due to an increase in unplanned urbanization and industrialization, the environment has deteriorated significantly. Pollution from a wide variety of emissions, such as from automobiles and industrial activities, has reached critical levels in many urban and industrial areas, causing respiratory, ocular and other health problems. Monitoring of the urban environment in selected cities in recent years by the pollution control authority has identified 21 critically polluted areas in the country.
Agricultural activities including widespread use of fertilizers, pesticides and weed killers also alter the environment and create health hazards. Water stagnation and the consequent multiplication of vectors has increased the risk of vector-borne diseases. The risk associated with disposal of hospital wastes has added to the overall unhealthy situation.
India is a party to the UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in 1992. In the same year, a national conservation strategy and a policy statement on environment were formulated. The policy addresses issues related to sustainable development including health. Thrust has also been given to management of hazardous waste, adoption of clean technologies by industries, establishment of effluent treatment plants, criteria for environmentally friendly products, phasing out of ozone depleting substances, and creating mass awareness programmes.
A very far-reaching notification by the Ministry of Environment and Forests gazetted in 1994 makes it obligatory for almost all development projects to conduct an environmental impact assessment study which has to be evaluated by an impact assessment agency. A Government constituted group at the highest level has identified six priority programme areas, namely urban low cost sanitation, urban waste water management, urban solid waste management including hospital waste management, rural environmental sanitation, industrial waste management and air pollution control, and strengthening of health surveillance and support services. These areas have been addressed in the Dayal Committee Report that forms the basis for a comprehensive national programme on sanitation and environmental hygiene.
There are many constitutional provisions and laws pertaining to the environment and its protection and improvement. However, the level of enforcement has been extremely poor. Besides, there is no comprehensive legislation on environment and health. In view of the current situation and the Dayal Committee Report, it was proposed that action be taken by the concerned ministries/departments to prioritize the areas and activities that should be included in the 9th plan. During the 9th FYP the Ministry has proposed the following actions:
Strengthen environmental health and health risk assessment in the country. A division of environmental health will be established in the Department of Health for this purpose.
Establish a hospital waste management programme.
Initiate drinking water quality surveillance as a part of disease surveillance.
mehdi 27.8.2000

Thursday, August 26, 2004
its sun pani , fitkiri and potash


Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Iron is one of the most abundant metals of the Earth's crust. It occurs naturally in water in soluble form as the ferrous iron (bivalent iron in dissolved form Fe2+ or Fe(OH)+) or complexed form like the ferric iron (trivalent iron: Fe3+ met in the precipity Fe(OH)3). The occurrence of iron in water can also have an industrial origin ; mining, iron and steel industry, metals corrosion, etc.
In general, iron does not present a danger to human health or the environment, but it brings unpleasantness of an aesthetic and organoleptic nature. Indeed, iron gives a rust colour to the water, which can stain linen, sanitary facilities or even food industry products. Iron also gives a metallic taste to water, making it unpleasant for consumption. It can also be at the origin of corrosion in drains sewers, due to the development of microorganisms, the ferrobacteries.
In aerated water, the redox potential of the water is such as it allows an oxidation of the ferrous iron in ferric iron which precipitates then in iron hydroxide, Fe(OH)3, thus allowing a natural removal of dissolved iron.
However ground waters are naturally anaerobic: so iron remains in solution and therefore it is important to remove it for a water use.
The elimination of the ferrous iron, by physical-chemical way, is obtained by raising the water redox potential by oxidation thanks to oxygen of the air and this by simple ventilation. In the case of acid water, the treatment could be supplemented by a correction of the pH. Thus, the ferrous iron is oxidized in ferric iron, which precipitates in iron hydroxide, Fe(OH)3. The precipitate is then separated from water by filtration on sand or decantation. The stage of precipitation by chemical oxidation can also be carried out with the stronger oxidants such as the chlorine dioxide (ClO2), ozone (O3) or the potassium permanganate (KMnO4).
This elimination can be carried out by cascade or spraying open-air systems (for an acceptable maximum content of Fe2+ of 7mg.L-1) known as gravitating systems. Those systems require a significant place on the ground, but, in addition to an easy and a cheap exploitation cost, they also make possible aggressive CO2 and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) removal. There are also pressure systems, which in addition to their compactness, make possible to treat water whose Fe2+ concentrations between 7 and 10mg.L-1.Iron is often found in water in complexed forms. In order to be eliminated, iron complexed requests a coagulation stage, which comes in between oxidation and filtration.
SUMMERY:TYPE –I :Different units of the treatment plant for iron are :
- Aeration Tank , b) Rotary type air blower with aeration grid complete with nozzles, c) Dosing tank with
potassium permanganate (KMnO4) solution , d) Pump ,e) Activated Carbon FilterTYPE –II :
Different units of the treatment plant for iron are :
- Pump ,b) Online Air Injector , c) Online auto doser for dosing of potassium permanganate (KMnO4) solution , d) Online Air Mixer,
e) Activated Carbon Filter-------- X---------

Interacting with people
Always be a first-rate version of your self
instead of a second-rate version of somebody else

Miscellaneous Jokes
Pharmacist: May I help you sir?
Client: Yes… I, uh..well, this is sort of embarrassing, but I’m going out on a date tonight,
and you know, I need some…
Pharmacist: You need some protection.
Client: Right.
Pharmacist: Small, Medium, or large?
Client: Uhhh. Medium, I guess.
Pharmacist: Okay, that’ll be $2.35 including tax.
Client: Tacks!! I thought they stayed on by themselves!

Iron is one of the most abundant metals of the Earth's crust. It occurs naturally in water in soluble form as the ferrous iron (bivalent iron in dissolved form Fe2+ or Fe(OH)+) or complexed form like the ferric iron (trivalent iron: Fe3+ met in the precipity Fe(OH)3). The occurrence of iron in water can also have an industrial origin ; mining, iron and steel industry, metals corrosion, etc.
In general, iron does not present a danger to human health or the environment, but it brings unpleasantness of an aesthetic and organoleptic nature. Indeed, iron gives a rust colour to the water, which can stain linen, sanitary facilities or even food industry products. Iron also gives a metallic taste to water, making it unpleasant for consumption. It can also be at the origin of corrosion in drains sewers, due to the development of microorganisms, the ferrobacteries.
In aerated water, the redox potential of the water is such as it allows an oxidation of the ferrous iron in ferric iron which precipitates then in iron hydroxide, Fe(OH)3, thus allowing a natural removal of dissolved iron.
However ground waters are naturally anaerobic: so iron remains in solution and therefore it is important to remove it for a water use.
The elimination of the ferrous iron, by physical-chemical way, is obtained by raising the water redox potential by oxidation thanks to oxygen of the air and this by simple ventilation. In the case of acid water, the treatment could be supplemented by a correction of the pH. Thus, the ferrous iron is oxidized in ferric iron, which precipitates in iron hydroxide, Fe(OH)3. The precipitate is then separated from water by filtration on sand or decantation. The stage of precipitation by chemical oxidation can also be carried out with the stronger oxidants such as the chlorine dioxide (ClO2), ozone (O3) or the potassium permanganate (KMnO4).
This elimination can be carried out by cascade or spraying open-air systems (for an acceptable maximum content of Fe2+ of 7mg.L-1) known as gravitating systems. Those systems require a significant place on the ground, but, in addition to an easy and a cheap exploitation cost, they also make possible aggressive CO2 and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) removal. There are also pressure systems, which in addition to their compactness, make possible to treat water whose Fe2+ concentrations between 7 and 10mg.L-1.Iron is often found in water in complexed forms. In order to be eliminated, iron complexed requests a coagulation stage, which comes in between oxidation and filtration.
SUMMERY:TYPE –I :Different units of the treatment plant for iron are :
- Aeration Tank , b) Rotary type air blower with aeration grid complete with nozzles, c) Dosing tank with
potassium permanganate (KMnO4) solution , d) Pump ,e) Activated Carbon FilterTYPE –II :
Different units of the treatment plant for iron are :
- Pump ,b) Online Air Injector , c) Online auto doser for dosing of potassium permanganate (KMnO4) solution , d) Online Air Mixer,
e) Activated Carbon Filter-------- X---------

Monday, August 23, 2004
Waste water consist primarily of used water, the water that reaches the sewer . For different units it is different as shown in the chart .
Source | Unit | Range l/u/d | Typical l/u/d |
Apartment | Person | 200-340 | 260 |
Hotel resident | Resident | 150-220 | 190 |
Hotel Employee | Employee | 30-50 | 40 |
Individual Home | Person | 190-350 | 280 |
Airport | Passenger | 8-15 | 10 |
Automobile service station | Vehicle served | 150-200 | 200 |
Restaurant | Meal | 8-15 | 10 |
Office | Employee | 30-65 | 55 |
Laundry | Machine | 1800-2600 | 2200 |
Laundry | Wash | 180-200 | 190 |
Hospital medical | Bed Employee | 500-950 20-60 | 650 40 |
School | Student | 20-65 | 40 |
School boarding | Student | 200-400 | 280 |
For Industries | 80% of water used used in production will be released as waste water | ||
Meat processing | Mg | 15-20 cu mtr/ Mg | |
Milk Products | Mg | 10-20 cu mtr/Mg | |
Bread | Mg | 2-4 cu mt/Mg | |
Beer | Mg | 10-16 cu mtr/Mg | |
Whisky | Mg | 60-80 cu mtr/Mg | |
Paper Pulp | Mg | 250-800 cu mt/ Mg | |
Paper | Mg | 120-160 cu mtr/Mg | |
Textile Bleaching (Cotton) | Mg | 200-300 cu mtr/Mg | |
Textile Dyeing (Cotton) | Mg | 30-60 cu mtr/Mg |

Sunday, August 22, 2004
How many people must die before we will end the injustice that marked their lives when they were alive? The inevitable consequence of the neglect and indifference that agriculture has been subjected to is that more of our farmers will die in the coming months too, as they have each month for the last few years -- first by the few, then by the handful, the dozens, and now the hundreds.Each death is a personal tragedy, one that not only ends the faint hopes that may have lingered to the end, but also leaves survivors behind who are scarred forever and must live with their own burdens. And yet, even the smallest regard -- or respect -- for their deaths does not appear upon the face of our nation's policies towards agriculture and the abject poor who toil our lands.
Agriculture engages more Indians than any other occupation does. Indeed, by most accounts, anywhere between one-half and two-thirds of the people are dependent on agriculture for their livelihood directly or indirectly. In such an overwhelmingly agrarian society, the government's attitude to agriculture is significantly more important than its position on other issues.
Similarly, given this enormous footprint from one line of work, one would expect that the majority of news reports, analysis and commentary from the country's major media institutions would focus on it. Every major news organisation should be crawling with farming types pointing to all sorts of developments; by contrast, other less popular activities should occupy a small corner of space once in every few weeks. Right?
Alas. You would be fortunate to read one-tenth of the coverage of agriculture that is necessary to understand what is really going on with the livelihoods of the nation's majority. By now, the indifference to agriculture has reached such heights that in 'elite' publications, it can hardly be noticed that India is a largely agrarian nation.
But in fact it is, and however much we choose to ignore that, eventually we are forced to confront that reality. The plain truth is that if the news you are reading everyday does not include significant coverage of agriculture, then it is grossly incomplete, and for that reason, bears very little resemblance to the reality of India. Our expressions of surprise at 'unexpected' political developments are in fact more surprising for a different reason -- that we have become so deluded by our minor privileged sphere that we are unable to comprehend what great numbers of Indians experience. The most recent example of this disconnect is the election result in Andhra Pradesh, where the agricultural crisis swept our most celebrated chief minister from a glory that we imagined to near-total irrelevance in the blink of a political eye.
The inattentiveness to agriculture has made it easier for policy decisions to be made that are catastrophically harmful to the rural poor. Two recent developments in agriculture should remind us of this.
In the past fortnight, most news reports of the World Trade Organisation's negotiations on trade in agriculture have declared
progress. Somehow, it seems the developing and developed countries have found a formula by which poor farmers in Third World nations will be protected against the illegal subsidies that US and EU farmers get from their governments. These subsidies have allowed Western producers to lower their prices so much that small Indian farmers simply cannot compete. Reforming this state of affairs has been an absolute must for many years now.Any progress, therefore, must make the playing field a little more level, one would think. But the WTO doesn't work like that. In Geneva, what matters more is not leveling the playing field, but being able to make an announcement that the arena for competition is now more fair. The actual terms of the deal brokered become unimportant if a loud enough claim is made that the negotiations have been successful. Thus, trade representatives in the US and EU have both been quick to point to the lowering of subsidies in those countries, and this is parlayed around the planet as a breakthrough in the hitherto-stalled negotiations.
But read the fine print. Cuts in subsidies that America and the European Union agreed to are not based on their actual current levels. Instead, they are based on a maximum permitted level of subsidy which is considerably higher than it is now. The 'cuts', therefore, will have no meaningful effect on the amount of money doled out to First World farmers. And understandably, as a result, this 'progress' on paper is unlikely to make any difference to unfair competitive conditions that Indian farmers actually face. They are merely being told to accept that their condition could have been worse, and that their current plight must therefore be seen as a boon in comparison to that worse alternative.
The bait-and-switch is so blatant that one can scarcely believe that this is the outcome of a negotiation. And yet, incredibly, so far I've been able to find only one Indian entity that is unequivocally happy about all this -- the government!
Another example of the under-the-radar developments in agriculture is what's happening with genetically modified (GM) crops. These are plainly risky to public health, and the claims of improved nutrition from them are mostly unproven. Don't take my word for it; that's also what the Indian Council of Medical Research had to say about this recently.
If tests on animals show that a particular gene may be causing stunted growth and damage to the immune system, how happy would you be feeding on this variety of potato? How would you respond to 'nutritional imbalances' from eating your daily diet of GM rice? If the country's leading medical body is concerned about this, shouldn't the government be going slow on providing clearances for planting and sale? The agri-businesses contend that the risks of GM foods must be proven before they can be banned. But is that any way to guard public health? Wouldn't it be wiser to demonstrate their safety first before permitting widespread planting?
Genetically Modified crops have been tested in India in only the most rudimentary manner. The test results aren't public, and the claims aren't verifiable. The few tests that were conducted failed to show any advantage and in some cases actually showed losses compared to non-GM alternatives. So much so that farmers sought compensation from GM seed producers for making false claims. Under those circumstances, why are unapproved GM cotton seeds available so widely in the country, and what are the regulators doing about it? They are supposed to care about Indian consumers' health and about Indian seed security, but what do they actually do when faced with the inconvenient data? They allow further 'testing' of GM crops on such a large scale that it is ridiculous to call it testing anymore.
There's something else you should know about GM foods. The 'high-yielding strains' are touted as the answer to the world's
problems of starvation and malnutrition. But how true is that? The ICMR report notes that three-fourths of genetic modification is for tolerance to herbicides, and another fifth is to ward off insects. Less that 0.1 per cent, in fact, is modification for yield improvement and enrichment of vitamins. What is really being starved is the truth, while GM foods that are banned in many European countries are now being pushed in the Third World under the banner of benevolence.That, then, is agriculture. Hundreds of millions who depend on it for their livelihood have no way of engaging the secretive
deal-making that devastates their lives. And while this great majority of the nation is steered into a complete corner, the privileged are led by the media on an endless fantasy -- of an India that is growing in economic strength, and about to challenge the global powers and take her 'rightful' place in the family of nations.That's not going to happen. Not unless we connect the personal fortunes of the rural poor with the ambitions of the privileged few. The increasingly leftist politics that is taking hold in New Delhi is the price of neglecting this connection. Remember India Shining? There's an elementary amount of math to all this. While reality isn't the exclusive domain of one profession or another, when overwhelming numbers of the people are engaged in one line of work, it follows naturally that the particular reality they experience is the overriding reality for the nation as a whole. In this case, the reality that counts is this: countless families face the loss of their livelihood, and thousands of them are driven to such desperation that they have taken their very lives.

Signs Jokes
Written above the toilet...
If you think you're gonna miss, please raise the lid before you piss.

Solmon from Oman
From: salmanTo: saleemSent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 8:28 PMSubject: Solmon from OmanHi,Salim Ka. I am fine here. read your message and was delighted at knowing all the news.I am doing lots of work on the computer these days. Making Building plans for clients at the behest of my sponsor/architect.I love you also from the bottom of my heart and pray that this bond strenghthens further.But the problem i am facing in life is a new version for me as i have never seen disease, death etc..

Invitation from Islamic Finder
----- Original Message -----From: shakilSent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 3:03 PMSubject: Fw: Invitation from Islamic Finder
-----Original Message-----
From: Islamic Finder []
Sent: Thursday, August 12, 2004 11:47 PM
Subject: Invitation from Islamic Finder
Assalamu Alaikum!
**Please forward this message to all Muslims you know and remember that the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) says "Whoever guides to good, will be rewarded equally".
We are pleased to inform you that IslamicFinder now offers new services to all the Muslims around the world.
The new services are:
1. Prayer Times for more than 5.2 million cities worldwide. Check out at:
2. Mosques, Islamic centers and Muslim owned businesses around the world (You can also add).
3. The Islamic web directory, where you can find information about Islam, Quran, Hadith, Islamic History and Biography, Fiqh and Fatawa, Muslim Family, Education, etc. Check out at:
4. The Athan (Azan) software, which helps you automatically hear the Athan (Azan) from your computer five times a day for each single prayer. The software is free of charge. Download from
5. Qiblah direction of any city in the world.
6. Distance from any city to Kaaba (Makkah).
7. A geographical map for every city.
8. Monthly Prayer Schedule in Gregorian and Hijri.
9. Annual Prayer Schedule in Gregorian and Hijri.
10. Hijri Calendar. Check out at
And many other services.
You can find these services at:
You can add the prayer times search service to your website using the source code at the following link:
Should you have any question, email us at
Please forward this message to all the Muslim brothers you know.
Your brothers at the
-- is a non-profit organization.

----- Original Message -----
From: Alam S.I.
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 5:31 PM
Subject: Globalisation
> Question:
> > > > >What is the truest definition of Globalisation?
> > > > >
> > > > >Answer:
> > > > >Princess Diana's death.
> > > > >
> > > > >Question:
> > > > >How come?
> > > > >
> > > > >Answer:
> > > > >An English princess
> > > > >with an Egyptian boyfriend
> > > > >crashes in a French tunnel,
> > > > >driving a German car
> > > > >with a Dutch engine,
> > > > >driven by a Belgian who was drunk
> > > > >on Scottish whiskey,
> > > > >followed closely by Italian Paparazzi,
> > > > >on Japanese motorcycles,
> > > > >treated by an American doctor,
> > > > >using Brazilian medicines!
> > > > >
> > > > >And this is sent to me by an New Zealander, and I
> > > > >am an Indian
> > > > >sending it to you
> > > > >using Bill Gates' technology,
> > > > >and you're probably reading this on one of the IBM
> > > > >clones, that
> > > > >use Taiwanese-made chips, and a Korean-made
> > > > >monitor, assembled by
> > > > >Bangladeshi workers in a Singapore plant,
> > > > >transported by lorries driven by Indians,
> > > > >hijacked by Indonesians,
> > > > >unloaded by Sicilian longshoremen,
> > > > >trucked by Mexican illegals,
> > > > >and finally sold to you by Indians.
> > > > >
> > > > >That, my friend, is Globalisation!

On a flight to New York the flight attendant said to a lady sitting in first class, "Ma´am, I'm afraid you'll have to sit in the back since you have a coach ticket." The lady responded, "Listen, I'm a beautiful blonde, I'm going to NY, and I'm sitting in first class."
The two argued for a while but finally the flight attendant went and got the first officer - who came and said, "Ma´am, I'm afraid you'll have to move into the coach section since you have a coach ticket". To which she replied, "Listen, sir, I'm a beautiful blonde, I'm going to NY, and I'm sitting in first class."
After they argued for a while the first officer gave up and went to get the Captain who said, "I'll handle this. I'm married to a beautiful blonde." So - the Captain went right up to her, whispered in her ear, after which she got right up and moved into the coach section.
Both the flight attendant and first officer were shocked and asked the Captain - "I don't get it sir. What did you say to make her move back to coach." To which the Captain said, "Oh that was easy, I just told her first class wasn't going to NY!"
There was once a blonde who hated her life and so she wanted to commit suicide. She decided the best place to do it would be in public. So she stood on the sidewalk for hours and hours. A man walks by and asks "why do you have that rope around your waist?" the blonde says, "I put it around my neck and I couldn't breath"
Rude Jokes
Q. What did the hurricane say to the coconut tree?
A. Hold on to your nuts this is no ordinary blowjob!