Monday, October 09, 2006

How to create good work habits

1. Avinash religiously maintains a list of tasks to be done and sticks to it, updating the leftovers in the next day's list.

2. To handle the stress, he meditates for 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes after coming back from work.

3. He replies to e-mails immediately after reading them. This habit, he says was the hardest to develop, but is extremely rewarding. It saves him time; he does not have to go through the e-mail again, which he would have had to do if he replied later. It also reduces the clutter in his inbox -- and his mind. 

4. Avinash does not carry work home, though he is always tempted to do so. This has helped him maintain the much-needed balance between work and life.

Here is a step-by-step process that will help you create powerful professional habits. This, in turn, will take you to the next level of success in your career.

Step 1: Gain clarity about your goals

Unless you are clear about the result you want, you will not be able to decide which habits to develop. Apparently, when George Bernard Shaw was trying to make it as a writer, he realised he was not doing a very important thing -- he was not writing every day. He decided to write five pages every single day, no matter how uninspired he was. This is an example of someone who created a habit with a very clear purpose in mind.

You need to decide the result you want to achieve.

Step 2: Decide habits you want to develop

Which habits are most useful in helping you reach your goal?

If you want to be a manager or an administrator, it is critical that you have excellent time management skills. Maybe, you need to develop a habit of religiously writing down your tasks for the day every single morning.

If you want to be successful at an exam like CAT or GMAT and math is a problem area, you might want to develop the habit of doing at least 10 math problems every day.

If you want to achieve excellence in technology, you might want to develop the habit of reading at least one article from a technical journal every day.

If you are setting goals for yourself, you might want to develop the habit of revisiting your goals every day and planning a daily action list based on those goals.

Developing conscious habits in any sphere of life is extremely rewarding. Here are a few examples of some good work habits you can develop.

1. Replying to e-mails within a specified time of receiving them.

2. Planning for delays and being punctual.

3. Having an organised hard disk or file folders.

4. Writing a journal -- 'What did I learn today?'

5. Creating half-an-hour of 'quiet time', when you learn something new related to your job everyday.

6. Reading an inspirational quote or article everyday.

7. Daily meditation/ exercise for stress relief.

8. Spending some time on a passion/ hobby to recharge yourself.

Now, I want you to brainstorm and come up with 12 power habits you want to develop. Twelve, because we are going to make a yearly plan.

Step 3: Prioritise according to urgency

Take a long, hard look at the list of power habits you want to develop. Rank it in order of urgency -- which of these habits do you need to start working on right away?

Step 4: Habit of the month

We are not going to work on more than one habit per month. If you try to develop six habits in a month, you will probably find it too hard and give up (though this would depend upon your level of self-discipline). So, let us not set ourselves up to fail. Let us set ourselves up to succeed.

Starting today, for the next one month -- you must, every single day, practise the habit you have listed as most important. You have to do this for a month ie 31 days. If you break the habit on any particular day, you have to start over and do it again for 31 days.

After you have successfully completed your first habit, you can move on to habit number 2. When you do this, you will notice the first habit you worked on has already become part of your nature; you don't need to make an effort to sustain it.

If, after continuing a habit for 31 days, you may find you have a rational reason not to continue with it. That is okay. You can quit after you have followed a habit continuously for 31 days (and, if you trust me, you won't). However, you must not quit a habit within 31 days of beginning to practise it.

In one year, you would thus have developed 12 powerful new habits, which would probably stay with you for a lifetime. In the course of time, these habits will effortlessly help you achieve the results you most desire.

Think of the alternative. These 12 months would pass anyway. But, if you adopt this programme to inculcate habits that support your goals, you will be able to move closer to them and feel a greater level of fulfilment and joy -- which is a natural side-effect of self discipline.

do you think a textile unit having 670cumtr/d discahrge will spend so much in maintaining an ETP

Gobar Required









DAP reqd




inlet BOD



outlet BOD



BOD removed



BOD load



Phosphorous reqd


kg /day

DAP required






DAP in a


liter tank and set the metering pump % stroke to




Nitrogen reqd



Nitrogen in DAP



Actual nitrogen to be added






Total cost of operation of the plant comprising of all four segments is as under;



Consumption /day



Amount (Rs)




469 Units



Detail of Power consumed is mentioned in another sheet in table no 8




a) Urea

40 Kgs.




b) DAP

20 kgs.





Man Power

5 Persons





Repair & Maint.




Estimated Rs 15,000 P.M. (Appr)






Estimated cost per month : Rs. 1,07,850/=

Estimated cost per annum : Rs. 12 Lacs.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

A venture capitalist's wishlist

From 1992 to 2000, Srini Raju was the Chief Operating Officer of Satyam Computers. He was the first CEO of Cognizant Technology Solutions. In 2000, he turned Venture Capitalist and founded iLabs Capital to help start new ventures. iLabs now funds 13 companies. He is also one of the founding members of the International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT).

What does he look for in a venture?

"I will look for two things," says Raju. "One is the quality of the team. Second is the business plan. My question to an entrepreneur will be -- are you looking to be one among many or unique? If someone comes to me without doing proper homework on competitors, I won't even look at the person. When someone comes with an idea, I ask -- are you the first one, the second or the hundredth? Most of the time, they don't know."

Advice to budding entrepreneurs

1. "First," says Raju, "I will tell them to go and work with another start-up company. All my life, I have struggled working at start-up companies. I never worked with big names; we created brands later on. It is very tough because you always have to identify yourself. We had to sell ourselves because we didn't have brands. My brand was my idea. So, budding entrepreneurs should first work at a start-up company � one where the management is good.

2. The next thing is to identify whom you want to start the company with. Don't ever start one all alone. You should have a minimum of three and a maximum of five buddies, because it is very difficult to get good talent. When big companies find it difficult, how can a start-up attract good people?

3. Many businesses are very local today. Look at Reliance -- everything is local for them, and they are doing big business. So, people now know that you can build big businesses by looking at local markets alone. Investors are also okay with that outlook. You don't have to have an international market to succeed. We look at the global market only in the case of services."

The booming areas

"Opportunities today are plenty," says Raju. "You have to decide where you want to play the game." His recommendations:

1. "Infrastructure is a booming area. Housing is awfully short in India, so we have to build houses for millions of people. Housing will continue to be a big area for some time.

2. Retail and distribution are booming.

3. I would call media and entertainment the most exciting sector. What was India-centric will go global, like Hollywood has.

4. The Life Sciences space is very interesting; both in terms of medical care and medicine."

How to make a GREAT PowerPoint presentation

How to make a GREAT PowerPoint presentation

Sunder Ramachandran | May 29, 2006

Does the thought of making a PPT get your palms all sweaty?

Well, you can change that. Here, we tell you how to hone your presentation skills, so that you look forward to it instead of approach it with dread.

For those who are lost, PPT is an abbreviation for the PowerPoint Presentation. This is a high-powered software tool marketed by Microsoft. They claim 30 million presentations are made with PowerPoint every day.

Basically, it is a tool used to present information in a slide show format. You can use text, charts, graphs, photographs, sound effects and even video with a lot of ease to present (sometimes boring) ideas, facts, trends, whatever information you want to.

So, whether your audience is your boss, your colleagues, a client, or students, here's how to make a killer presentation.

When making the slides...

Shoot them with bullets 

"Less is more on a slide show. Too much information on a single slide becomes unreadable, especially when it is projected on a big screen for a large audience," says Delhi-based Ajay Jain, CEO, TCP Media.

1. Present your content in the form of four to five bulleted points per slide; anything more and you end up creating clutter. Using bullets not only makes your slide readable, it also adds to the overall impact of your presentation.

2. Let your bullets be visible. Try to use a font size of 18-24.

3. Don't let each bulleted point be too lengthy. Limit it to six words in one line -- use short sentences.

4. Try to restrict it to six lines in a slide.

5. Contrast the text with the background.

6. To highlight certain important information, present that text in a larger font size. 

Don't make it too animated

PowerPoint offers tremendous multimedia capabilities, but don't get carried away with flashy videos, music clips or graphics. Restrict it to certain slides, you don't have to employ it for each and every one.

"One of my students made a presentation on micro finance. It was a serious topic but every slide had background music and even the click of the mouse produced fancy sounds. This took away from the seriousness of the subject being discussed," says Madurai-based M Subramanian a senior faculty member with the R L Institute Of Management Studies.

Use the multimedia capabilities only for special emphasis or to demonstrate how something works. If you use animation excessively, your presentation could be labeled as 'school-boyish'.

Space it out evenly

Select the first of the three or more objects you want to space out, hold down the 'Shift' key and click the remaining objects you want evenly spaced out.

Go to the 'View' menu and select 'Toolbars', then select 'Drawing' to open the 'Drawing' toolbar. Once there, click 'Draw'.

A menu opens.

Click 'Align' or 'Distribute', then 'Distribute Horizontally' or 'Distribute Vertically' to align the objects you selected. Your slides will look balanced and dapper.

When presenting...

Your PPT is not a Teleprompter

Don't commit the cardinal sin of reading out your slides word for word. This is guaranteed to get your audience yawning and reaching for more coffee.

PPT slides are to be used as a visual communication aid and not as a teleprompter for the speaker. 

"If I want my audience to make notes of important points, I usually provide hand-outs or leaflets after the presentation. This ensures the audience is listening instead of taking notes," says Mumbai-based Prabh Sharan, training manager with Kingfisher Airlines.

Get out of the way

Make sure you are not blocking the audience's view. Use a laser beam to identify the points on the screen, never your arm. A flailing arm is a distraction.

"In one of the college presentations, a colleague kept prompting us to read the slides but would not move away. We ended up reading the slides from his face as he was standing right in front of the projector," says Madan Ramachandran, an MBA graduate from ICFAI business school, Hyderabad.

Go slow

"In one of our routine university meets, a fellow academician flipped through a 15-slide presentation in about five minutes," says Delhi based Shanthi Chander, senior administrative officer, Indira Gandhi University. "At the end of it," he concludes, "we all had the same question on our minds -- what exactly just hit us?"

Don't rush through your slide show. Give about 30 seconds to two minutes for the images on your slide show to make an impact. This will also give you time to answer questions and make your point.

Do dummy runs

Don't make the first presentation to your audience. You should do the entire presentation by yourself (in front of a mirror, if possible). See how it flows and how long it takes.

If you are uncertain, maybe you could run it past a colleague or a friend. Ask them for feedback. Go through other presentations. if you have them, and see how others have done it. Recollect all the presentations you attended -- what you like about them, what you disliked about them, etc. Now, implement what you have learnt from all of this in your slide show presentation.

It's not just technology

PowerPoint may be a great piece of technology, but your effectiveness as a public speaker will eventually dictate the impact.

Dress smartly. Entertain the audience with some amount of planned humour. Share anecdotes and stories.

Don't talk in a monotone. Pack in enthusiasm and energy into your voice.

And, if you do goof up, never apologise -- take a breath, smile and move on. You will be surprised to know how many in your audience may not have even noticed the mishap until you made it obvious.

Smart tips...

Go blank: If you want the audience to take their eyes off the slides, just put the presentation on slide show mode and press 'B' on your keyboard.

This will blank out the screen and you will have the audience's attention. Press 'B' again and you are back.

Add speaker notes: Worried about forgetting your script? Here's a smart solution.

Go to the slide for which you want to add notes. Go to the 'View' menu and select 'Notes'.

Click the text placeholder and begin typing your speaker notes. Only YOU can see these notes, so your audience will leave your presentation, impressed with your ability to say smart things at the right time. Try it out, it's really cool.

Navigate: If you have to navigate through slides, you can simply type in the slide number and press 'Enter'.

A powerful presentation is not a matter of chance. It takes a lot of preparation and practice, but the thundering applause from your audience will make it all worth it.

So bring out your shining new slide show and wow even the toughest audience.


1. Type Of Waste : Is it dyeing and printing or only dyeing or only printing
2.Total quantity of waste : Not mentioned
3.Total processing hour in a day of 24 hours: Not Mentioned
4. Flow Rate: 40 cu mtr/ Hr
5.Inlet Parameters: pH:-------, TSS:--------, BOD:---------, COD:---------, OIl & Grease:-------, Detergents:-------
6.Outlet parameters required:
7.Available area for the proposed ETP:
8. Do you mean to reuse the treated water or some part of it, if yes how much water and where

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Advice from an entrepreneur turned VC

On what, as a VC, he will look for in an entrepreneur

1. I will see if they have a fire in their belly because, at the end of the day, they are the ones going to make a venture a success. They must have passion and conviction.

2. They should be ready to play a long innings. I call it a marathon as well as a sprint. You have to be running fast despite it being a long race.

3. Ideas change, as do business models and markets, but they should understand that it is eventually all about people. If the team is strong, does the right things and learns from customers and the marketplace, it can always create value and get an exit. So, it is a team affair to begin with.

4. I will ask, are they clear about market opportunities for the ideas they are going after?

5. I will also ask them what is the implemented value they offer customers. I am not talking about the perceived value. A lot of them get confused about the stated value versus realised value. They can write anything on a piece of paper, but is that what customers are saying once they implement your services?

6. I will look at the barriers for entry. How much lead-time do they have compared to other players? How soon can they get in? Even gorillas can get in when the market becomes viable; can they compete with the big boys? Can they carve their own niche?

If an entrepreneur doesn't have answers to all the questions a VC asks, no one will invest money in his idea. It is true that he will not have all the clarity in the beginning, but he should be willing to refocus his business model when the need arises.

What entrepreneurs should keep in mind while meeting a VC

1. To begin with, he should do a lot of homework and find the right VC. He should find out what the VCs are interested in, what they are passionate about, etc.

2. Once you do the homework, select a set of VCs. If I were an entrepreneur, I wouldn't pitch to all of them on day one; I would pitch to two or three of them and get feedback.

3. Pitching should be more informal. You will know the VC's interests in the first meeting itself. VCs will put forward some common objections, but you put all objections in a bucket -- objections about the team, technology, size of the market place, competition, etc. Once you put them in a bucket, decide whether you can resolve them. Target 10-12 of the relevant ones before going to pitch.

4. At conferences like TiE-ISB, you get to meet busy VCs over a cup of tea or lunch, which you will otherwise be able to do.

5. A lot of entrepreneurs are worried about VCs stealing their ideas. My advice to them is, never worry. They should protect their intellectual property. VCs will never steal their ideas; they have very little time. So, they should shed that idea first. I must say this fear doesn't exist in Silicon Valley because so much has happened there. The level of professionalism there is higher. The fear occurs because entrepreneurship has been happening relatively recently in India. It will take some time to come out of it.

What one should do after becoming an entrepreneur

1. You have to dispel the notion that 'I want to own 90 per cent of what I build'. You have to look at making the pie bigger. It doesn't matter whether you own 90 per cent of a $10 million company or 20-30 per cent of a $300 million company. Your net worth is much higher. So, you have to create and share wealth.

2. You also have to bring in the right people to make the pie bigger.

3. When you scale a company, as an entrepreneur, you start with a lot of passion. After you build to a certain scale, you have to decide when to step aside and bring in a professional team to take the company to the next level. Entrepreneurs across the world have this possessiveness; they want to hold on to their company very closely.

4. Apart from your hard work, you have to be at the right place at the right time. Timing is everything. You have to time it right, which is where judgment comes into play. You may go up to 10-20 million in revenue but, when consolidation takes place in the marketplace, you will be nobody. You may never get an exit. Finally, remember that luck plays a major role.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Water Purification

Water Purifiers - How Safe is the Water You Drink?

Water is life's mater and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water, but water in its raw state is not suitable for drinking. It contains numerous contaminants, which can be dangerous to human health.

But, thanks goes to Science that has invented devices to shield civilization against such aqua ailments. A water purifier is one of such devices that purify our drinking water. A water purifier is a wonderful device that converts raw water so that it tastes like nectar; therefore by this process it makes ordinary tap water perfectly suitable for drinking.

Health Benefits of a Water Purifier:

A water purifier is very beneficial for healthy living. Ordinary untreated water can contain numerous contaminants including bacteria, algae, viruses, fungi, minerals, and man-made chemical pollutants that cannot be seen with the naked eye. These contaminants are very pernicious for one’s health.

A water purifier kills these organisms and filtrates the contaminants to make the water perfectly fit for drinking. Thus water purifiers save us from numerous dangerous bacterial and viral diseases that easily spread when water becomes contaminated.

Water Purification Techniques:

Different water purifiers use different techniques of purification. The common techniques used to purify water include boiling, carbon filtering, distilling, reverse osmosis, ion exchange, electrode ionization, water conditioning and plumbo-solvency reduction.

Carbon filtering: This technique is commonly used in home water filters. Charcoal, a form of carbon with a high surface area due to its mode of preparation, adsorbs many compounds, including some toxic compounds. The water is passed through activated charcoal to remove such contaminants. Granular charcoal filtering and sub-micron solid block carbon filtering are the two types of carbon filtering systems.

Granular charcoal is not very effective for removing contaminants such as mercury, volatile organic chemicals, asbestos, pesticides, disinfections byproduct (trihalomethanes), mtbe, pcbs etc. The sub-micron solid block carbon filter is the better system that removes all of the contaminants.

Home water filters drinking water sometimes also contains silver. These small amounts of silver ions can have a bactericidal effect.

Reverse osmosis: The reverse osmosis water system is the technique in which mechanical pressure is applied to an impure solution to force pure water through a semi-permeable membrane. The process is called reverse osmosis, and is theoretically the most thorough method of large-scale water purification.

Ion exchange: Most common ion exchange systems use a zeolite resin bed and simply replace unwanted Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions with benign (soap friendly) Na+ or K+ ions. This is the common water softener. A more rigorous type of ion exchange swaps H+ ions for unwanted cations and hydroxide (OH-) ions for unwanted anions. The result is H+ + OH- → H2O. This system is recharged with hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide, respectively. The result is essentially deionized water.

Electrodeionization: It includes passing the water through a positive electrode and a negative electrode. Ion selective membranes allow the positive ions to separate from the water toward the negative electrode and the negative ions toward the positive electrode. It results in high purity de-ionized water. The water is usually passed through a reverse osmosis unit first to remove nonionic organic contaminants.

Water conditioning: This is a method of reducing the effects of hard water. Hardness salts are deposited in water systems subject to heating because the decomposition of bicarbonate ions creates carbonate ions that crystallize out of the saturated solution of calcium or magnesium carbonate. Water with high concentrations of hardness salts can be treated with soda ash (Sodium carbonate) that precipitates out the excess salts, through the common ion effect, as calcium carbonate of very high purity. The precipitated calcium carbonate is traditionally sold to the manufacturers of toothpaste.

Plumbo-solvency reduction: In areas with naturally acidic waters of low conductivity (i.e. surface rainfall in upland mountains of igneous rocks), the water is capable of dissolving lead from any lead pipes that it is carried in. The addition of small quantities of phosphate ion and increasing the pH slightly both assist in greatly reducing plumbo-solvency by creating insoluble lead salts on the inner surfaces of the pipes.

Monday, October 02, 2006

8 lessons for budding entrepreneurs

At the Tie-ISB Connect 2006, Sanjeev Kumar spoke about the eight lessons he has learnt as an entrepreneur. These are mantras that all budding entrepreneurs should keep in mind.

1. It always takes a long time to establish a company.

2. It always costs more (than you thought it would) to start a company.

3. We need leaders, not managers, for an enterprise to succeed.

4. Perseverance pays. You have to believe in what you are creating, and keep the faith. In 2001, many people told us we were over, but we are still here.

5. History does not always repeat itself.

6. Communication is key. Listening is extremely important. You should have the ability to listen to your employees.

7. Be prepared for the culture factor in the US and in India, though a lot of cross-pollination has taken place by now.

8. In good times, be prepared for the bad times. Good times will not last forever. Business is cyclical.

He also compares India of the past to what it is today:

1. India today has the right mix of technical resources.

2. There is a better ecosystem in place. In 1999, when we were establishing ourselves, we had only personal contacts.

3. There is a more developed and distributed academic system in India today. Silicon Valley succeeded because of better academia. Today, in India, you have not just the IITs, but many good private institutions that produce excellent, technically competent people.

4. The speed at which the domestic market is growing is very heartening.

5. Infrastructure is developing fast, and is as good as what's in America.

6. India has more cost-effective communication channels.

7. Accessibility is easier today.

8. The Indian government has realised the importance of having business, so there are more incentives from the authorities. The best thing is states competing with each other to attract new ventures.

9. Many states have realised the importance of Tier 2 cities. We need more Tier 2 cities in all states.

Sunday, October 01, 2006


SYED ENVO PROTECT (I) Pvt. Ltd is the “Environmental Organization” which undertakes turnkey projects: -

1) To supply Treated Water in adequate quantity to the Building/Industry/Institution for consumption in various areas.

2) To provide effective WasteWater Treatment & Reuse Technologies to the building/Industry/Institution to reclaim precious water and reuse it.

3) To provide Sewage Treatment system & Reuse Technologies to the building/Industry/Institution to dispose off sewage properly and reclaim precious water and reuse it.








Sr No Title Author Publisher

1 Sewage Treatment In Hot Climates Duncan Mara Wiley-Interscience
2 Oxidation Ditches In Waste water Treatment M.G. Mandt & B.A. Bell Ann Arbor Science
3 Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering G.S.Birdie Dhanpat Rai & Sons
4 Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering Garg
5 Chemistry For Sanitary Engineers Sawyer Mc Graw -Hill
6 Waste Water Engineering:Treatment Disposal Reuse Metcalf & Eddy TATA McGraw-Hill
7 Liquid Waste Of Industry Nelson L. Nemerow Addison-Wesley Publishing Co
8 Guide For Industrial Noise Control P.N.Cheremisinoff & Elerbusch Ann Arbor Science
9 Journal Of Indian Water Works Association Mumbai
10 Microbiology for sanitary Engineers Ross E. McKinney McGraw-Hill Book Co
11 Industrial Pollution Control Handbook Herbert F. Lund McGraw-Hill Book Co
12 Air Pollution Handbook MaGill,Holden & Ackley McGraw-Hill Book Co

Saturday, September 30, 2006

5 simple steps to reach your goal

Goals, who needs them?

Well, research indicates that less than 3 per cent of us regularly set written goals. However, those who do invest time in this exercise are overachievers who seem to succeed effortlessly. To them, non-goal-setters appear like dead leaves in the wind, their trails mostly decided not by them but the direction in which the wind blows fastest.

A written set of goals, organised and structured, can help keep us focused in the same way a map helps us find our destination in an unknown city. Corporations spend millions on planning and goal setting. Even at work, employees are often judged by their ability to achieve goals that have been set for them. And yet, in our personal lives, we rarely use the power of setting goals.

Davinder Sachdeva, General Manager (Sales) at one of the five largest software companies in the world, tells us how he does it. "Writing down a goal means it is important to me. Unless I write it down, it is a vague idea floating in my head. When I write it down, I can fit it into my schedule and make it real."

Here's a simple five-step process of setting goals that you can actually achieve, rather than just wish for.

Step 1: Define your goal

This seems simple, but surprisingly isn't. Most people do not clearly know what they want. Defining a goal helps you articulate what you want -- not only to others, but also to yourself. Imagine leaving your home every morning with a vague idea of where you are headed. What are the chances you will get anywhere worthwhile?

So, how do we define specifically what we want? Take a rough sheet of paper and pick an area of your life (career, education, health, relationships, spirituality, personal growth, etc) where you would like to set a goal. Write down around 20 things that you want to see happen. Don't think or analyse too much. Let your thoughts flow.

Now prioritise this list -- rank these 20 in the order of their importance to you. What you are doing is gaining clarity into what is most important. You will find yourself a lot clearer in your head.

Step 2: How will you know you have achieved this goal?

As an example, let's work on your top three goals. Most often, if we don't have good validation criteria after having set a goal, we will never know if we actually succeed in achieving it. So, ask yourself this significant question: How will I know I have achieved this goal?

This might be straightforward for some goals. If one was 'to get a promotion', or 'get admission into XYZ institute', the for that is straightforward. But, if your goal is 'to become a better manager', that's a little vague. You might want to set the validation criteria as:

1. The attrition rate in my team will drop.
2. Rewards earned by team members will grow.
3. Meetings will be shorter.
4. I will give and take regular feedback from my team.

If these things happen, you will know you have become a better manager. Now, look at your goal and try making your validation criteria as specific as possible. Notice that all four points mentioned above can be measured tangibly.

Step 3: How to go about doing it

Take a good look at your goal and validation criterion. What do you need to do to make these results happen? This is the time to break down your goal into actions and sub-actions. Come up with a list by asking yourself this question.

Step 4: Set a time frame

Setting a time frame for your goal breathes life into it and also allows you to build it into your schedule. It also helps you create a sense of urgency about your goal. If you are having trouble doing this, refine your goals and make them more specific. The more specific your goals are, the easier it will be to set a time frame around it.

Step 5: Take Nike's advice

Just do it.

Unfortunately, this is what proves to be the most difficult step for most. Inertia, procrastination and laziness hold us back from doing what we know we should be doing. Here's some simple advice on how to get things done:

1. Read your goals, your validation criterion and action steps every single day, more than once if possible.
2. Use a planner and fill in your list of actions. If you see what needs to be done in your planner, you are more likely to do it.
3. Use a reminder service. You can use an online calendar or reminder service to send you a reminder email every day.

The trick is to keep your goals and action list on top of your mind somehow, and keep taking action. If you do not do this, chances are they will meet the same fate as your New Year resolutions.

Finally, if this sounds like too much work, try to spice it up by making it fun. Introduce elements of things you like. For example, I usually do boring things like making monthly budgets and taxes while sitting at my favourite coffee shop. By combining these two activities, I am able to transfer the 'fun' element from one to the other.

Most often, we need to tweak our mindset just a little bit to create huge results in our lives.

-- The author is a corporate trainer.

Do you regularly set goals for yourself? How do you achieve them

Seven techniques to help you relax
Today's fast-paced lifestyles force us to push our minds and bodies to the limit, usually at the expense of our physical and mental well-being. When we become stressed, our bodies switch to a mode called the 'fight or flight response', which is characterized by increased heart rate, blood pressure, higher breathing rate, etc. Over time, these reactions increase cholesterol levels, disturb intestinal activities, depress the immune system, and leave us feeling 'stressed out.'

"Relaxation techniques are great tools for dealing with stress and promoting long-term health by slowing down the body and calming the mind," says Ashish Verma, Hyderabad-based relaxation and wellness training consultant. "Used daily, these techniques can lead to a healthier outlook towards stressful situations and a decline in stress-related disorders such as anxiety, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, insomnia, etc."

Here are some techniques you might want to consider:

1. Deep breathing

A simple but effective method of relaxation. "It works well in conjunction with other relaxation techniques such as Progressive Muscular Relaxation, imagery and meditation for reducing stress," says Ravi Tripathi, a yoga teacher based at Kanpur. Here's how to do it:

. Inhale. Close your mouth, loosen your shoulders, and inhale as slowly and deeply as you can.
. Hold. Keep the air in your lungs as you slowly count to 6.
. Exhale. Release the air through your mouth, again slowly counting to 6.
. Repeat. Go over the inhale-hold-exhale cycle 5-10 times.

2. Progressive Muscular Relaxation (PMR)

This is good for relaxing your body, especially when your muscles are tense. It requires slowly tensing and then releasing every muscle group individually, from the toes all the way up to the face. "It is useful for calming nerves before an important presentation or performance, and for quieting down when you are highly stressed," says Ashish Verma.

3. Meditation

"The concept behind meditation is to consciously relax your body and focus your thought processes on one particular thing for a prolonged period. Your mind thus remains occupied and diverted from issues causing you stress," says Tripathi. Follow these steps:

� Sit comfortable and quietly.
� Close your eyes.
� Relax your body muscles (you can use a technique like Progressive Muscular Relaxation for this).
� Focus on your breathing.
� Breathe in deeply, then exhale. Count your breaths (gives you something to do with your mind, helping avoid distraction).
� Repeat this for 10 or 15 minutes.

4. Self-hypnosis

"This is when you hypnotise yourself. Affirmations are often used -- positive statements we repeat to ourselves to counter stress and unpleasant thoughts. An example of an affirmation is 'I feel vibrant and alive. I love how I feel'," says Verma. Sit down at a quiet, comfortable place. Relax your body. Imagine waves of relaxation running down your body from your head downwards, washing away stress. Feel the muscles in your body relaxing as waves of relaxation wash over them.

Next, utilise suggestion to deepen the state of relaxation. You can do this by simply saying to yourself: 'I am tired and sleepy. I can feel my arms and legs getting heavier. I am becoming more and more tired�' Once you feel completely relaxed, add the affirmations you have prepared too.

5. Yoga

If you have tried it, you already know that it can help you achieve your goals with more focus and renewed spirit. "Yogic breathing reduces blood pressure and brings intense relaxation. Furthermore, it gives you improved appearance via better posture, muscle and skin-tone, if practiced regularly. Bones and muscles are strengthened and joints become more flexible. It is also amazing to see how much more positive a person's outlook on life becomes within just a few months of practice," says Tripathi.

6. Imagery

You may have noticed how particular environments can be very relaxing, while others can be extremely stressful. This is the idea behind the use of imagery in stress reduction. "You use your imagination to recreate a scene, place or event that you recall as being relaxing, safe, peaceful, beautiful and happy. You can bring all your senses into the image by, for instance, imagining sounds of running water and birds, the smell of cut grass, etc. Use the imagined place as a peaceful retreat from stress and pressure," says Verma.

7. Music or suggestion CDs

Another approach is listening to calming music or relaxation tapes. Soothing music has a lot of power to influence your thoughts and feelings. "It takes no effort from your side to listen to these. Moreover, they can be very welcome at the end of a long day," says Verma. Examples of such audio CD titles are Yoga Nidra - Complete Relaxation by Yogacharya Arunkumar (approximately Rs 150) and Ragas for Relaxation (a collection of Indian classical music by various artists for approximately Rs 295).

With continued practice in the techniques enumerated above, you may experience renewed energy, better concentration, better ability to deal with problems, more efficiency in daily activities, less indigestion, headaches, nausea, and less frequent emotional responses like anger, anxiety, crying, anxiety, apprehension and frustration.

Sounds good, doesn't it? What are you waiting for?

Have you tried any of these techniques befor

---richa pant

Friday, September 22, 2006


High Blood Pressure

By David Werner. Adapted for India by: The Voluntary Health Association of India by Dr. C. Sathyamala. Revised and updated by Padam Khanna with Dr. Stella, M.P. Mansukhani and Dr. Salai Pa Cin; Illustration by Shinod AP

Crush and take one teaspoon of the juice of yellow drumstick leaves after food once a day.
Mix one teaspoon ginger juice, one teaspoon honey and one teaspoon powdered cumin seeds. Take this once a day.
Curds, raw onion, garlic and turmeric powder to be used regularly in the food also helps in reducing high blood pressure.
Avoid excessive salt and animal fat.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

9 essentials of entrepreneurship

So what is entrepreneurship all about?

It is all about hard work and applying your mind properly.
It needs complete dedication to your ideas and putting your best efforts into them.
It is going to bed thinking about the idea and waking up in the morning thinking about it.
It is a field where you need constant attention at every detail.
It is about driving yourself: If you are a professional, your boss will remind you that you are not working, if you an entrepreneur you have to remind yourself.
It is about convincing others about your ideas too: You have to get the full support of your family and friends to succeed.
It is about networking: Being an entrepreneur also means that you have to be constantly in touch with clients, customer and business partners at close quarters.
It is about leadership: You should know how to be a leader and add value to the leadership with your ideas.
It is about confidence: You have to live with the conviction that even if things don't work out in the initial stages, later on everything will be in place and you will emerge a winner.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


to design anything you first need to know the amount of water to be treated and the time period within which you will have to treat that amount of water.
have water test report and look out for the parameters that are exceeding.Those parameters are to be controlled.Yes you have to cetainly look for NA salts.
Now make the flow chart and select the equipments according to the parameters. Like, use softener for removing hardness.
Estimating and costing
Parameter Value
pH 7.32
Turbidity --
Total Solid --
Alkalinity --
Hardness 70 mg/litre
Colour --
Fe(Iron) 0.15
Total Solids 186 mg/Litre
Total Suspended solids 8.0
Silicon Dioxide 72.7

Sunday, September 17, 2006


all about design of bio gas plant, gas holder, gas dome

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Monday, September 11, 2006

infomedia yellowpages for MARKETING

Sunday, August 13, 2006

kyonki... KAL HO NAHO

i was a very sincere and honest child, people and my class mates used to call me mahatma gandhi.i always excelled in whatever i struggle period began after i passed my tenth class in first division. i studies gone downhill in my class twelfth.

the only thing i regret is not having enjoyed college time and my youth. when my friends used to take their girlfriends out on long drives.i used to search for the work people used to show attitude and i used to feel --i am a school topper and these semi literate people are treating me so badely. so there were ego hassels also.. i am sleepwalikng through my life. i am waitinmg for my death. that is a reality and the sooner we accept it, the better it is.that is why i work like a maniac..i dont know what will happen tommorow and i want to make the most of the time i have,i know tomorrow will never come.LIFE IS TODAY. at times i wonder why people are afraid of dying.actually i feel that only after dying one gets to know their reality as they can see everything--how they lived,how they behaved with other people and how they worked.One can only judge oneself after living a whole lifetime

THES ARE THE WORDS OF SONU NIGAM....Surprisingly they resembles my own thoughts and struggle process.


1.Touch and be touched:
studies have shown that people who are touched lovingly every day had significantly lower heart problems. SEAWEED:
they have been shown to stabilise blood pressure, regualte levels of triglycerides,phospholipids,cholesterols.they dissolve any fatty buildup in the blood vessels, restore cardiac efficiency and prolong the life of the heart muscle. GARLIC:
studies confirm garlics ability to lower blood pressure,reduce phospholipids,cholesterol, strengthen heart action,increase immune response,reduce platelet clumping and clotting (thus reducing strokes) and stabilise bloodc suger levels.Eat GARLIC raw or lightly cooked, several cloves a day.

4.Go for a WALK:
move. go for a walk. do it. regular exercise is key.


UASB Design
In general, there are two ways to design an UASB reactor
If input COD: 5,000 - 15,000 mg/l or more, the design method should be used based on Organic Loading rate, (OLR) If input COD < 5000 mg/l, the design method should be calculated based on velocity.

Some H2S gas can pass the GSL separator and accumulate above the water level in the top of the reactor. This will be oxidized to sulphate by oxygen in the air to form Sulphuric Acid that will in turn cause corrosion of both concrete and steel. Below the water level: Calcium Oxide, (CaO), in concrete can be dissolve with by Carbon Dioxide, (CO2), in the liquid in low pH conditions. To avoid these problems, the material used to construct the UASB reactor should be corrosion resistant, such as stainless steel or plastics, or be provided with proper surface coatings, (e.g. coated concrete rather than coated steel, plastic covered with impregnated hardwood for the settler, plastic fortified plywood, etc).
Operation criteria: The optimum pH range is from 6.6 to 7.6 The wastewater temperatures should not be < p =" 350"> 20oC) and sometimes the start-up can take up to 3 – 4 months. In start-up process, hydraulic loading must be Ј 50% of the design hydraulic loading.
The start-up of the UASB reactor can be considered to be complete once a satisfactory performance of the system has been reached at its design load.


Thursday, July 13, 2006

yahoo password

Friday, July 07, 2006

phising sites

Sunday, May 07, 2006


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