Dear Saleem,These are more likely to be publicity materialrather than actual accomplishments, I suppose.Thanks,Ganesan. :~)Brazilian town turning human waste into clean energyPETROPOLIS, Brazil (AFP) — High in the cool hills of eastern Brazil, this tourist hot spot also known as the Imperial City is attracting worldwide attention thanks an innovative scheme to recycle human sewage.
It has fostered a relatively simple idea now gaining traction in other parts of Latin America and as far afield as Spain, as nations struggle with the impact of burgeoning populations compounded by dwindling supplies of fuel and water.
Here bio-digesters -- specially designed organic enzymes and bacteria -- are used to break down waste water and turn it into an alternative energy sources such as gas.
During three fermentation processes, the bio-digesters are unleashed on human effluent and as they break it down they produce a bio-gas, a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide, which can then be piped into homes for use in heating or cooking.
"In fact this is a greenhouse gas, which is harmful to the atmosphere when it is unleashed, but can be collected to be useful," said Jorge Gaiofato, technical director at the Environmental Institute (OIA), the non-governmental organization behind the scheme.
Today there are more than 80 such bio-digesting ponds in Petropolis, a town some 65 kilometers (40 miles) from Rio de Janeiro on the east coast, which was once the summer residence of the Brazilian emperors in the 19th century.
The results of this 21st century project are exciting a lot of interest. Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic and Haiti have all established similar schemes.
The beauty is that nothing -- literally -- goes to waste. The mud left over from the bio-digesting process can be used as fertilizer for crops and the remaining water, now cleaned of noxious elements, is emptied back into neighboring rivers.
Gaiofato hopes the scheme will become more widespread in Brazil, where according to official statistics less then half of towns and villages collect their waste water and only 20 percent of it is subsequently treated.
This clean energy is now supplied to five of the city's poorer districts, providing gas for cooking and heating to about 20,000 people.
"The bio-digester recycles and reuses the waste water. Normally treating such waste is the job of the government as there is too much of it. But, the bio-digester is a solution for places where there is no existing network," added Gaiofato.
And the system is cheap. According to the non-government organization the cost of just one bio-digester is three times less expensive than installing traditional water treatment plants.
One bio-digester, which can serve four houses, costs just 1,000 to 1,500 dollars to set up.
If 10 houses use such a system, that produces enough gas for one household to be self-sufficient in gas.
The company Aguas do Imperador, which is charge of the sewerage system in Petropolis, has even installed a bio-digester system in the city's slums.
Two months ago Gean Carlos dos Santos, a 35-year-old teacher, decided to remove his septic tank to install a bio-digester, which he helped to build.
"I had a septic tank, but after taking an ecology course, I decided to change it for a bio-digester. Now we are not polluting the river any more and we get to use bio-gas" for cooking.
He has saved so much on his energy bills, that he is now thinking of using bio-gas to heat his water.
OIA says its project was initially designed to help poor communities deal with a growing sanitation problem and provide them with alternative sources of energy for cooking and heating other than wood or coal.
But as the world wakes up to the problem of global warming and limited fossil fuels, the use of bio-digesters is catching on among more well-off communities.
Copyright © 2009 AFP. All rights reserved. More »
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Brazilian town turning human waste into clean energy

Limited liability partnership (LLP)
In India several expert groups have examined the need for a concept like LLP .These include the Abid Hussain Committee 1997, the Naresh Chandra Committee on Private Companies and Partnerships 2003 and the Irani Committee for new Company Law, 2005. The Naresh Chandra Committee particularly analyzed the concept in detail under following parameters:
- Application of the LLP Regime;
- Incorporation, Registration and Number of Partners;
- Limited Liability;
- Financial Safeguards; and
Justifying the need to introduce LLP the Committee opines:
An earlier version of the LLP Bill was introduced in the Rajya Sabha around 2 years ago on 15th December, 2006 and was referred to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance. The Standing Committee submitted its report on 27th November, 2007. Finally the Limited liability partnership Act was passed in 2008 with effect from 1 April, 2009.
In order to the appreciate the concept of LLP it is important to understand the broad differences between the Limited liability partnership and Company( under Company Act 1956) ;and Limited liability partnership and the Partnership under the Partnership Act,1932. The foremost difference between an LLP and a company lies in that the internal governance structure of a company and is regulated by statute (i.e. Companies Act, 1956) whereas for a Limited liability partnership it would be by a contractual agreement between partners. The dichotomy of management-ownership as prevalent in a company is palpably absent in a limited liability partnership. LLP will have lesser compliance requirements and will have more flexibility as compared to a company.
Talking about the differences between the general Partnership and the Limited Liability Partnership, it was abundantly clear the features of the traditional partnership as governed by the Indian Partnership Act, 1932 have increasingly become redundant. The main problems with this anachronistic Act are that
- it does not recognize the distinction between a partnership and its members (i.e. the partners);
- it imposes unlimited liability on each partner for acts committed by any other partner and by the partnership as a whole.
In case of general Partnership as per the Indian Partnership Act, 1932, each of the partners is jointly and severally liable for any liability arising out of or in respect of the partnership. The LLP is a separate legal entity with unlimited capacity where no member or partner is liable on account of the independent or unauthorized actions of one's partner, and whose liability is limited to the respective stake of each in the LLP. The members of an LLP would have the option to have a general partner or more with unlimited liability, but it would not shield the partners from legal liability arising out of their own personal acts which are not done for and on behalf of the LLP, that is, any act done beyond the acts and powers of the partners as laid down in the incorporation document. Also the main benefit in an LLP is that it is taxed as a partnership, but has the benefits of being a corporate, or more significantly, a juristic entity with limited liability.
Now let me briefly talk about the salient features of the LLP Act , 2008:-
- The LLP will be, as already mentioned, an alternative corporate business vehicle that would give the benefits of limited liability but would allow its members the flexibility of organizing their internal structure as a partnership based on an agreement.
- The Act does not restrict the benefit of LLP structure to certain classes of professionals only and would be available for use by any enterprise which fulfills the requirements of the Act.
- The LLP will be a separate legal entity.
- It will have perpetual succession.
- The rights and duties of partners in LLP, will be governed by the agreement between partners and the partners have the flexibility to devise the agreement as per their choice. The duties and obligations of Designated Partners shall be as provided in the law.
- Indian Partnership Act, 1932 shall not be applicable to LLPs and there shall not be any upper limit on number of partners in an LLP unlike an ordinary partnership firm where the maximum number of partners cannot exceed 20.
- An LLP shall be under obligation to maintain annual accounts reflecting true and fair view of its state of affairs. Since tax matters of all entities in India are addressed in the Income Tax Act, 1961, the taxation of LLPs shall be addressed in that Act.
- LLP shall maintain annual accounts. However, audit of the accounts is required only if the contribution exceeds Rs. 25 lacs or annual turnover exceeds Rs.40 lacs.
Syed Burhanur Rahman, Attorney, New Delhi. E This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Syed Burhanur Rahman is an alumnus of St. Stephen's College and Campus Law Center, Delhi University. A Quiz aficionado, he has featured in premier T.V Quiz shows including Mastermind India(BBC),University Challenge Quiz(BBC) and Nat Geo Genius Quiz (National Geographic Channel).An Attorney working with INDUS G & D Law(Delhi),his practice areas include Corporate Law, IPR and Taxation Law .

AFT (autotrophic farming technique), APT (autotrophic purification technique)

MBBR (moving bed biofilm reactor ) wastewater treatment
An introduction to MBBR (moving bed biofilm reactor )/ FM Reactor/ FAB Reactor wastewater treatment
When communities of microorganisms grow on surfaces, they are called biofilms. Microorganisms in a biofilm wastewater treatment process are more resilient to process disturbances compared to other types of biological treatment processes. Thus, biofilm wastewater treatment technologies can be considerably more robust especially when compared to conventional technologies like activated suldge process..
In the MBBR biofilm technology the biofilm grows protected within engineered plastic carriers, which are carefully designed with high internal surface area. These biofilm carriers are suspended and thoroughly mixed throughout the water phase. With this technology it is possible to handle extremely high loading conditions without any problems of clogging, and treat industrial and municipal wastewater on a relatively small footprint.
System description
The MBBR™ biofilm technology is based on specially designed plastic biofilm carriers or biocarriers that are suspended and in continuous movement within a tank or reactor of specified volume. The design of associated aerators, grids, sieves, spray nozzles and other integral parts to the reactor is also of great importance in making up the system as a whole .
The industrial and municipal wastewater is led to the MBBR™ treatment reactor where biofilm, growing within the internal structures of the biocarriers, degrade the pollutants. These pollutants that need to be removed in order to treat the wastewater are food or substrate for growth of the biofilm. The biocarrier design is critical due to requirements for good mass transfer of substrate and oxygen to the microorganisms . Excess biofilm sloughs off the biocarrier in a natural way .
An aeration grid located at the bottom of the reactor supplies oxygen to the biofilm along with the mixing energy required to keep the biocarriers suspended and completely mix within the reactor.
Treated water flows from reactor through a grid or a sieve, which retains the MBBR™ biocarriers in the reactor. Depending on the wastewater, the reactors are may be equipped with special spray nozzles that prevent excessive foam formation.

body massage spa premature ejaculation
premature ejaculation in man..early discharge..
2. During the time of penetration into the vagina
3. Immediately after the penis enters into the vagina.
As many as one in three men may experience premature ejaculation during sex."Teens and men can understand their sexual response during masturbation and learn ejaculatory control without drug therapy."
Check for any disease that may cause it:
What's less well known is that the same lifestyle habits that promote a healthy heart also promote healthy erections even into old age, said Allan.
"There's always going to be some decline in sexual function with age. The difference is that while a fit older man with healthy arteries might have the occasional mild erection problem, an older man with damaged arteries will have more erectile dysfunction,"
It is very essential to stay physically active. It helps to maintain regulated blood flow to the pelvic regions. Erectile dysfunction has been found to be more commonly reported in men who are not physically active.
Method One : Make lot of foreplay with your wife. Most important thing is, dont get tensed when you get early. lie down and ask her to play with you. You wont get result in a day. But in a week, you will find lot of difference. Increase your confidence level. The review goes on to say that penile-vaginal intercourse isn't important for a woman's orgasm, so in that respect it doesn't matter how long the sex lasts.
Method Two : Masturbate one hour before having sex .
This technique involves sexual stimulation until the man recognizes that he is about to ejaculate. The stimulation is then removed for about thirty seconds and then may be resumed. The sequence is repeated until ejaculation is desired, the final time allowing the stimulation to continue until ejaculation occurs.
Having sexual intercourse after long intervals is responsible for premature ejaculation. So have regular sex. practice makes man perfect.. AS SOON AS YOU ENTER PENIS INSIDE HER,JUST STOP FOR FEW MOMENT AND DIVERT YOUR MIND TO SOMETHING ELSE LIKE KISSING HER,PRESSING HER BREASTS ETC. THIS WAY YOU WILL LAST LONGER INSIDE HER.
Method Four : Sex Position , keep your legs wide open, Dont keep your both leg together during sex
The sex position will be like this..., She lie down on her back with legs wide open. Ask her to up her leg (knee bend but still foot on floor and legs wide). You also spread wide your legs and start moving in and out. try this position for few days, you both will be comfortable and she get early orgasm and your time will also get increase day by day.
Read more: The secret to longer-lasting sex - The Times of India
Go Herbal
You may buy DAMIAGRA from SBL in India.
I have already disclosed its miracle cure for the first time in this forum on 21st of January 2012, the link is given below
All those who used this medicine were shocked to see the quick result of Baryta Carb 30, the very first dose of this medicine will show you the miracle of this remedy in premature ejaculation. You can use 3 drops of Baryta Carb 30 in a glass of water once daily and continue taking this remedy untill you reach the desired results. It may also be used in 6th potency with same results. Baryta Carb is also known as Barium Carb, Barium Carbonicum, Baryta Carbonicum etc etc, is not only the cure of Premature Ejaculation, its the wonderful cure of Erectyle Dysfunction i have always cured my patients of Premature Ejaculation successfully and never needed any other remedy, all those suffering from such problems may experience and observe the magic of this remedy.
Dr Syed Zaair Husain Rizvi
Jaffar-e-Tayyar Society Malir City Karachi Pakistan
How to make love to your wife in islam and Science.

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How to Give a Back Massage
How to Give a Back Massage
Filed under: Herbal Remedies — Tags: back massage, back pain relief, how to give a back massage, relieving back massage — nickmutt @ 6:24 pm
Our back represents a large part of the body, and is a very common place to accumulate tension. Back massage is extremely soothing and relaxing and great for relieving stress and tension. This article discusses how to give a back massage that gives relief from back pain naturally.
Steps for back massage -
Uncover the back to just show the buttock crease. At this point it is good idea to place a small rolled up towel under your partner’s forehead otherwise he or she will have to turn his or her head sideways or end up with a squashed nose through which it is difficult to breathe.
1. Starting at the lower back effleurage oil using both hands. Work slowly up the back to the shoulders, pressing gently on the upward stokes, releasing the pressure as you come back down.
2. Starting at the base of the spine work up on either side, using gentle thumb pressure or little thumb circles. Repeat five or six times.
3. With reinforced hands (one on top of the order) sweep up the spine then work around the shoulder blades in a figure-of-eight movement. Repeat the figure-of-eight four or five times.
4. Now work around each shoulder blade individually, still with reinforced hands, in a circular motion. Repeat four or five times each side. You may feel knots (little bumps) around the shoulder blades. These are an indication of tension and massage here gives great relief.
5. Work around the shoulder blades with your thumbs, helping to break down the knots and bumps. Allow your partner to be your guide as these areas can be tender.
6. Squeeze along the top of the shoulders from the neck out, using your fingers and thumbs. Repeat four to five times on each side.
7. Stroke up the back of the neck and out to the ears, using your thumbs.
8. Stand at your partner’s head and sweep your hands down the centre back, across the top of the buttocks, then firmly pull up at the sides. Repeat five times.
9. Move to your partner’s side and rub backwards and forwards over the whole back with frictions to warm the area.
10. Make thumb circles out from just above the buttock crease round towards the hips. This area can often be tender and massage here is soothing. Repeat several times.
11. Effleurage the whole back.
12. Gently stroke up the spine, hand over hand, several times, allowing your touch to get lighter and lighter.
13. Finish by gently holding your partner. Place one hand at the base of the spine, the other at the base of the neck. Hold this position and feel the warmth build up under your hands. After approximately one minute gently lift your hands off. Cover your partner over.
Note: Use massage oil to decrease the friction created on the skin and to prevent the pulling of hair.
Use slow movements for a soothing or calming response and fast movements for a stimulating effect.
Do not put any direct pressure on the spine. Avoid any broken skin, blisters or areas of possible infection.
Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.
Looking for some Home Remedies for Backache? Check out the biggest Home remedies website and find some effective natural Home Remedies for Headache – natural pain relief methods to use at home.

herbal remedies heart problemCholesterol Problems, High Blood Pressure problems.
Make it a habit of daily taking
1. Garlic (Allium Sativam)
2. Ashwagandha(Withnia Somnifera)
3. Guggul ( Commiphora Mukul)
And EXERCISE ---- Atleast One K.M. of Walking every day. Increase it to 3 K.M. every day

Saturday, June 13, 2009
Ways to improve your productivity in the office
It is possible to find extra time in your day simply by reorganizing the way in which you approach the tasks that fall within your responsibility. Take a look at each of the following areas of your working life and see where you can make improvements which will allow you to put more time into the things you really need to focus your attention on.
1. Communication
Just by speaking clearly, concisely and checking that the person you are communicating with has understood what you have said, you can save precious time by getting what you need first time.
2. Planning
Keep a yearly planner on your desk that you record repeat projects (annual/monthly/etc) on so that you can see at a glance when you need to start collecting information for them.
3. Prioritizing
Each morning go through your in box and prioritize its contents. Once you know what has to be done, how urgently it is needed, and how long it is likely to take to complete, add the tasks in order of importance to your work schedule for the day. When the mail comes in, prioritize any items that need attention, and then add these to your work schedule.
4. Delegation
If you have staff employed to help you, delegate some of your routine tasks which you can quickly instruct someone else to take responsibility of. Remember to communicate the instructions clearly and ensure they are understood before leaving the task in the employees care. Once you delegate something, just a quick review to ensure it’s done correctly and on time is all that you should need to do. Shuffling a few of these tasks to team members will free up your time for more specialized work.
5. Don’t multitask
Research has shown that multitasking is not productive. For optimum productivity, focus on one thing at a time.
6. Take a break
You can’t always be working at optimum productivity. Instead, you should shoot for working in short bursts at your most productive times.
7. Complete your most dreaded tasks first thing in the morning
Whichever activity you are dreading the most is probably the one you need to complete first thing in the morning.
8. Just start
Often times, starting is the hardest part. Once you get going, you will quickly get into a rhythm that could last for hours.
By Priti Shah
Laurent & Benon Management Consultants Ltd, a public limited company with its corporate office Gurgaon with Pan-India presence. We as an organization strive to offer the right Human Resource Solutions at the right time and enable our clients to enhance the net worth of their human resource capital.
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Wednesday, June 10, 2009
What is Spermicide?
A spermicide kills or disables sperm so that it cannot cause pregnancy. Spermicides come in many different forms: foam, jelly, cream, film, and suppositories. Most use the chemical nonoxynol-9 against sperm. Spermicides provide lubrication and can be used with other methods of birth control. They are most effective when used consistently and correctly with a barrier method of birth control, like a condom. Spermicides are 71-82% effective as birth control. Used alone, spermicide does not protect against HIV/AIDS.
Spermicide can be used alone or with other birth control methods to reduce the risk of pregnancy. The lubrication it provides can increase pleasure. Insert your spermicide within a half hour before intercourse. Add more spermicide for repeated intercourse. Leave your spermicide in your vagina for 8 hours after the last act of intercourse and do not douche for 8 hours. Douching weakens spermicide. It is available in most drug stores and does not require a prescription.
Foam comes in a can and is the consistency of shaving cream. To use it, shake the can well. Place the applicator on the top of the can and press down or to the side, depending on the package directions. The plunger will rise as the applicator fills. Insert the applicator about two or three inches into your vagina and press the plunger to deposit the foam over your cervix. As you withdraw the applicator, be sure not to pull back on the plunger. This will suck some foam back into the applicator. It is effective immediately.
Creams and Jellies
Creams are opaque and jellies are clear. They can be inserted into the vagina with an applicator and/or rubbed over the penis. Cream or jelly is typically used with a diaphragm or cervical cap. It can also be used with condoms and is effective immediately.
Vaginal Contraceptive Film (VCF)
VCF comes in thin squares that dissolve over the cervix. To use it, fold the film in half and then place it on the tip of a finger. Insert your finger into your vagina and put the VCF over your cervix. A dry finger and quick insertion will help the VCF stay in place and not stick to your finger. It may take about 15 minutes for the VCF to melt and become effective.
Suppositories are capsules that dissolve in the vagina. They are inserted into the vagina like a tampon and pushed up to the cervix. It takes about twenty minutes for a suppository to become effective.
The sponge is a both a chemical and a physical barrier, and is 80 - 91% effective. It is a small, soft, bowl-shaped piece of synthetic sponge with a loop attached. It contains a spermicide, so it both blocks and absorbs sperm and also kills sperm. It is less effective for women who have previously given birth.
To use, moisten with water and insert into the vagina with the dimple side towards the cervix.. It can be inserted up to 12 hours before sex and can be used for multiple acts of intercourse. It must be left in the vagina for 6 - 8 hours after intercourse. Pull the loop to remove the sponge.
The sponge is not currently availble in the United States, but can be found in other countries and/or purchased through online ordering.
Your Health
The vagina absorbs little spermicide. If you become pregnant while using spermicide, the pregnancy will not be affected.
Side Effects
You or your partner may be allergic to materials in spermicide. This can cause genital irritation, rash, genital dryness or itchiness. If this happens and your spermicide has nonoxynol-9, try a spermicide without this chemical. Research also indicates that spermicide increases the risk of HIV for sex workers when used frequently.
Available without a prescription.
Lubrication may increase pleasure.
Use can be part of sex play.
Does not affect future fertility.
Does not protect against HIV/AIDS.
Must be readily available and used prior to penetration.
Can be messy.
Can have a bad taste during oral sex.
Possible genital irritation.
When used frequently spermicides may irritate the vagina making it easier to catch HIV/STI
Your Cervix
The cervix is the opening to the uterus where menstrual blood, babies, and sperm pass. It is also the opening through which abortions are performed. Spermicide and barrier methods of birth control, like the diaphragm, female condom, and cervical cap, work by covering the cervix and preventing sperm from entering the uterus. Hormonal methods of birth control, including oral contraceptives and Depo Provera, affect the mucus around the cervix and make the opening more resistant to sperm.
Women’s bodies also naturally produce hormones that change the cervix during a menstrual cycle. You can learn more about your cervix using a speculum to perform a self-exam. For instructions and a speculum, ask your clinician or visit
Emergency Contraception (The “Morning After” Pill – “Plan B” – “EC”)
You can prevent pregnancy after sexual intercourse by taking Emergency Contraception pills (Plan B). Plan B works by giving the body a short burst of synthetic hormones that disrupt the hormone patterns needed for a pregnancy to start. Emergency Contraception is most effective in the first 24-48 hours after unprotected intercourse, but it can work for several days.
To find Emergency Contraception, see If you already have birth control pills in your possession, this page explains how to use them as emergency contraception.
In Washington State, you can get Plan B directly from your pharmacy. Call ahead to make sure they have it in stock. Some women are buying Plan B in advance (it costs around $35-50) so they will have it on hand if they need it.
Further Resources
VCF Vaginal Contraceptive Film is made of soluble material, a material that dissolves when it comes in contact with bodily fluids inside the vagina.
Our Bodies, Ourselves. Boston Women’s Health Book Collective.
Feminist Women’s Health Center at and
March 13, 2009
Sex Without Risk Breast Feeding Cervical Cap Continuous Use of Hormonal Methods
Contraceptive Patch Depo-Provera Diaphragm Emergency Contraception
Female Condom Female Sterilization Fertility Awareness Implanon
Intrauterine Device Male Condom Mini Pill The Pill
Spermicides: Foam, Jelly, Film, Sponge Vaginal Ring Vasectomy Withdrawal
Feminist Women's Health Center
proud to operate Cedar River Clinics

tablets are having serious side effects.
and never go for permanent birth control like vasectomy etc. it can never be reversed. but if you have three kids atleast and age not below 35 years, then doctors advise the woman to go for permanent birth control laprocopic surgery.
How does Triquilar work? What will it do for me?
Levonorgestrel - ethinyl estradiol is a progestin (levonorgestrel) and estrogen (ethinyl estradiol) combination birth control pill used to prevent pregnancy. The ingredients of this medication work by preventing ovulation (the release of an egg from an ovary) and causing changes in the mucus of the cervix, which make it difficult for sperm to penetrate and for an egg to implant.
This medication may also be used to treat acne in women 14 years of age and older or to regulate the menstrual cycle
Levonorgestrel - ethinyl estradiol should not be taken by anyone who:
is allergic to levonorgestrel, ethinyl estradiol, or to any of the ingredients of the medication
is or may be pregnant
has active liver disease
has any eye lesion resulting from vascular disease of the eye, such as partial or complete loss of vision or defect in visual fields
has had a heart attack
has undiagnosed abnormal vaginal bleeding
has or has had benign or malignant liver tumours
has or has had cerebrovascular disorders (e.g., stroke)
has or has had coronary artery disease
has or has had thrombophlebitis or thromboembolic disorders
has, has had, or may have breast cancer
has, has had, or may have an estrogen-dependent tumour
Spermicides and Lubricants
What are spermicides? I What are lubricants? ISpermicides and pregnancy I Spermicides and STIs I Using spermicides I Oil-based v. Water-based lubricants I Where do I get spermicides and lubricants?I Links you can use
What are spermicides?
Spermicides are a contraceptive method that come in many forms including foam, cream, gel, film, and suppositories. Spermicides contain the chemicals non-oxynol 9 (N-9) or octoxynol that prevent pregnancy by immobilizing and killing sperm.
What are lubricants?
The important difference between spermicides and lubricants is whether or not they offer any contraceptive protection. Spermicides prevent pregnancy; lubricants do not. Lubricants are products that increase sexual pleasure by making the contact surfaces wet and slippery and by decreasing friction and possible irritation. Some lubricants come in forms similar to spermicides but offer no contraceptive protection, so if you need pregnancy protection, just be sure your tube or box says it's a contraceptive.
How effective are spermicides in preventing pregnancy?
If a couple uses spermicides alone (not using condoms or another method) correctly every time they have intercourse, about 6% of them will become pregnant. However, not all couples use spermicides every time and they don't always use the spermicide correctly, so the average pregnancy rate is about 21%.
Do spermicides prevent STI transmission?
Because spermicides kill sperm, scientists initially believed that they would also kill sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as chlamydia, gonorrhea and HIV. However, according to the 2002 Centers for Disease Control STI Treatment Guidelines, N-9 contraceptives do not protect against these infections and may increase STI exposure risk because it can cause genital irritation. To read more about this report, click here.
How do I use spermicides?
For vaginal intercourse, your choice of spermicide is inserted into the vagina ahead of time. The spermicidal chemicals may cause genital irritation, particularly N-9. If you experience inflammation or a burning sensation, look for a spermicide with octoxynol or a lower amount of N-9. The various spermicides are listed below and include information about their N-9 content:
Jellies, Creams & Gels
Jellies, creams and gels all have the same level of protection but have different consistencies and textures. Experiment to find which type of spermicide suits you and your partner. Twist the applicator on to the end of the tube of spermicide and fill the applicator. Untwist the applicator, insert it into the vagina approximately 3 inches and depress the plunger to squirt the spermicide out. All three products will protect you from pregnancy immediately. These spermicides vary in the amount of N-9 they contain, but most have between 1% and 5%. The applicator may be washed with mild soap and water, stored in a clean, dry place and used again.
Spermicidal foam is the same consistency of mousse hair-styling products. Shake the can of foam vigorously for at least 30 seconds. Press the tip of the applicator on the nozzle of the can, press down and fill the applicator. Insert the applicator into the vagina approximately three inches and depress the plunger to squirt the foam out. It will be active immediately. Foam has a concentration of N-9 of about 12.5%, which may lead to genital irritation. The applicator may be washed with mild soap and water, stored in a clean, dry place and used again.
Vaginal Contraceptive Film (VCF)
This spermicide comes as a 2-inch by 2-inch sheet of film with a consistency similar to wax paper. Fold it in half, and then in half again and place it on the tip of your index finger and insert the film into the vagina and up near the cervix. You must insert VCF at least 15 minutes before intercourse for it to work effectively. The film will dissolve to a thick gel consistency by absorbing vaginal secretions. Do not place the film on the tip of the penis for insertion as the film will not have adequate time to dissolve and may not end up in the right position. VCF has the highest concentration of N-9, about 28%, which may lead to genital irritation. Use another type of spermicide or another method if you experience irritation.
These are spermicides in a solid form. Brand names you might see in the drugstore include: Encare, Intercept, Koromex, and Semicid. Read and follow the directions on the box. You must allow 10 to 15 minutes for the suppository to dissolve into a foamy substance before having intercourse. Suppositories may be somewhat less effective than foam, cream or gel because it is hard to tell if they have dissolved sufficiently. Because suppositories have a N-9 content of 2% to 8%, some women may experience a sensation of warmth or burning as the suppository dissolves. If this is painful or irritating, use another type of spermicide or another method of contraception.
More information on how to use a spermicide:
Detailed instructions for use are always included in the packaging. Be sure to read them carefully before you use any of these products.
Insertion of a spermicide into the rectum, as a means of reducing STI risk, is not recommended because the spermicide can cause irritation of the rectal tissues, and can actually increase the risk of STI transmission. For STI protection, always use condoms when having anal sex.
For each act of intercourse you should insert another application of spermicide.
If more than 1 hour has passed between insertion of a spermicide and intercourse, another application of spermicide must be used.
What's the difference between oil-based and water-based lubricants?
The only lubricant you should use with latex condoms is water-based lubricant. Oil-based products such as Vaseline, mineral oil, baby oil, vegetable oil, cold creams and most hand creams have oil in them that reacts with latex. Mineral oil, a common ingredient of hand lotions, can cause a 90% decrease in condom strength after as little as 60 seconds of exposure, dramatically increasing the chance of leakage or breakage. Water-based lubricants such as Astroglide, KY, Probe, and Wet have no oil and don't react with latex. An easy way to tell the two apart is that oil-based lubricants bead water and are difficult to wash off. Water-based lubricants rinse off easily in plain water. If you're not sure, read the label. If you're still not sure, don't use it as a lubricant.
Where can I find spermicides and lubricants?
Here at the pharmacy in Health Services we have spermicidal foam and jellies, as well as the lubricant Astroglide at prices that are typically 50% cheaper than drug store prices. Click here to check out the pharmacy's hours and stop by to pick some up.