Thursday, February 04, 2016



Two Models

A)For Whole House: ENVO ARSENIC AND FLUORIDE FILTER 1000 Liter per hour capacity
FLOW : Well water pumped In---Iron Filter---Arsenic Fluoride Filter----Collection Tank---pumped to overhead tank

B)For Point Of Use :KITCHEN
ENVO CANDLE FILTER 20 Liter per day capacity WITH FLUORIDE

Maintenance Cost: Rupees Ten Per Day for 20 liter of water.


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Source of Article :

Groundwater contamination cases rising in State
Ajit Patowary
 GUWAHATI, Jan 28 - Cases of contamination of groundwater in the State are swelling up everyday, making groundwater unsafe for consumption. According to the official data, the number of the State’s districts which have got their groundwater contaminated by fluoride and arsenic has shot up to 22 and 21 respectively from 19 and 20 respectively in 2014-’15.
According to the data available with this newspaper, in 2014-’15, the arsenic affected districts of the State included Baksa, Barpeta, Bongaigaon, Cachar, Darrang, Dhemaji, Dhubri, Goalpara, Hailakandi, Jorhat, Kamrup, Karimganj, Kokrajhar, Lakhimpur, Morigaon, Nagaon, Nalbari, Sivasagar and Sonitpur.
This year, Tinsukia has also been found to be affected by arsenic, raising the number of affected districts to 21, said the sources.
Till 2013-’14, nine districts – Barpeta, Dhubri, Goalpara, Golaghat, Jorhat, Kamrup, Karbi Anglong, Karimganj and Nagaon – were found to be affected by fluoride.
But in 2014-’15, with the inclusion of Baksa, Cachar, Chirang, Darrang, Dibrugarh, Morigaon, Nalbari, Sivasagar, Sonitpur and Udalguri, the number of affected districts rose to 19.
In 2015-’16, with the inclusion of Bongaigaon, Lakhimpur and Tinsukia, the number of fluoride-affected districts have shot up to 22, sources said.
According to experts here, the trend of rise in the number of fluoride and arsenic affected districts should be studied, together with the impact of such contamination of groundwater, which is used by the people of many areas in these districts for the purpose of drinking as well as domestic use, on human and animal health.
Except in the two districts of Karbi Anglong and Nagaon, no comprehensive health impact studies of groundwater contamination in the rest of the districts has so far been known to have been conducted, said the experts. The origin of fluoride so far is known to be geogenic.

The State’s Department of Mining and Mineral may undertake such studies, involving also the Public Health Engineering Department (PHED), Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) and the North Eastern Regional Institute of Water and Land Management (NERIWALM) in this regard, said the experts

Read full article

आर्सेनिक प्रभावित इलाके में चर्म रोग सबसे पहले दिखते हैं। इस गाँव में 28 प्रतिशत लोगों को हाईपर केराटोसिस और मेलोनोसिस 31 प्रतिशत लोगों में पाये गए। आँत की बीमारियों में 86 प्रतिशत लोगों को गैस्ट्रीक, 57 प्रतिशत लोगों को लीवर सम्बन्धी रोग, 46 प्रतिशत लोगों को पाचन और भूख की कमी जैसे रोग हैं। चौंकाने वाली सूचना यह है कि लोगों की प्रजनन क्षमता पर असर पड़ रहा है।

नपुंसकता (एजूसपरमिया) 9 मर्दों और 6 औरतों में बाँझपन दिखा। 137 महिलाओं का मासिक-चक्र बिगड़ गया है जो दूसरी बीमारियों का संकेत है। सबसे खतरनाक प्राथमिक और मध्य विद्यालयों के बच्चों में भी आर्सेनिकोसिस के गम्भीर लक्षण दिखना है। दस प्रतिशत बच्चों की हथेली और तलुवों में हाईपर केराटोसिस के लक्षण दिखने लगे हैं। स्कूल के बच्चे उस चापाकल का पानी पीने के लिये विवश हैं जिसके पानी में आर्सेनिक की उपस्थिति 100 पीपीबी से ज्यादा है।

उल्लेखनीय है कि विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन और अमेरीकी पर्यावरण सुरक्षा एजेंसी ने पेयजल में आर्सेनिक की अधिकतम सीमा 10 पीपीबी निर्धारित की है। पर भारत समेत कई देशों में इसे 50 पीपीबी मान लिया गया है। लेकिन इस पूरे गाँव के भूजल में आर्सेनिक 100 पीपीबी से अधिक है। अधिकतम स्तर 1908 पीपीबी दर्ज किया गया। पड़ोस के गाँव सिमरी में तो 1929 पीपीबी आर्सेनिक मिला। यह स्तर बिहार में सर्वाधिक है।

अब तक सर्वाधिक स्तर भोजपुर जिले के पांडेयटोला में 1861 पीपीबी पाया गया था

Pond/well---Pump---Iron Filter----Activated Alumina Filters---Activated Carbon Filter----UV Tube disinfection----Collection Tank----Supply by 20 Ltr JAR


The Iron filter with iron removal media is very high efficiency in Iron, turbidity and bacterial removal.

The Activated Alumina Filter removes both Arsenic and Fluoride. This is a WHO approved conventional method applied all over the world..

The Activated Carbon filter removes residual colour ,odour and Iron. Also it removes the bad effects of activated alumina.

UV Tube disinfects the water before supply.

Source of Water : Pond, Well
To provide 10 liters per capita per day (LPCD) of safe drinking water for drinking and cooking purposes in areas affected by fluoride, arsenic, heavy metals and pesticides. 
Quantity: 3000 Liter per day (For 300 persons @10 liter per person per day ).

Project Cost: .Equipment cost will be around Rs. Three Lac only. Building and other infrastructure cost extra.
To design a system we need

1. The total quantity of water to be treated

2. A water test is recommended.

FOR A SINGLE HOUSE: 1000LPH FRP Vessel Filter with Arsenic fluoride media .Cost:Rs.40,000/=


sr no
Filter Body 
Three Chamber of 20 Liter each
Candle Filter(Tripura Type)
Plastic Tap
3kg Alumina, 1 kg Carbon(replace after six month
MS, 1 No

FOUR KALSHI FILTER AT VILLAGE( Removes Iron, Fluoride, Arsenic)

A homemade, four-pitcher filter unit, one of the simplest and most inexpensive ways treat drinking water. The first pitcher contains coarse sand. The second contains  activated alumina, third pitcher contains activated carbon, and the fourth collects the filtered water. 

A sari cloth is sometimes used as an additional filter between the top 2 kalshi. 
  • Simple
  • Excellent microbial removal, Iron Removal,Fluoride and Arsenic Removal
  • Can be constructed of local materials
  • Cost:Minimum

  • Fragile
  • Low flow (1-2 litres / hr.)
  • Irregular flow rate, requires frequent cleaning
  • Availability of activated alumina
Cost :Rs.500/=
Operating & Maintenance: replacement of activated alumina after two months

CONTACT : Saleem Asraf Syed Imdaadullah, 09899300371(Delhi)
                     Rakib Hussain (Mobile: 9859171561,Guwahati.)


Wednesday, February 03, 2016

How to Install Android Apps on SD Card without Rooting

Source Of The Article:
Today we will be talking about moving android apps to memory card by default. After that all the apps will place in sd card and you will face no more”low memory” notification. The best thing about this method is that it doesn’t require rooting your android device. It’s safe, it’s Easy and it works.
Android phone above V2.2
USB cable compatible with phone
Java development kit
Android SDK

Use Google to download above development kits. Before starting this method you should make backup of all your data. Although it’s a safe method but it is always advisable to make a backup of your data. You can use application like titanium backup or similar apps like that for this. Now when you have made a copy of everything, we can move on to method.

Follow these steps as told:

  1. First download and unzip the android SDK to your pc(you can download it very easily by doing some searches on Google).
  2. After you unzip, run the SDK manager.exe file.
  3. Now do a tick mark on android SDK tool and platform under the given TOOL’s section
  4. Press the install package Button below the page
  5. Close the SDK manager.
  6. Now we need to connect our test phone to PC through cable.
  7. Enable USB debugging mode. (To enable USB debugging mode, Go to settings, click on applications then select development, Inside check USB debugging).
  8. To go inside the tools directory where the SDK is unzipped.
  9. Copy the address.
  10. Now open command prompt.
  11. in command prompt type cd and the copied address.
  12. Then type adb devices and enter.
  13. Then type command  adb shell pm getInstallLocation 2.

Now your phone is directed to install apps in memory card. Here location 2 means External memory.
Just pay heed that some apps works better when they are in phone memory, like whatsapp, apps with some widgets. They may malfunction if sent to memory card. It’s better to keem them intact in phone. Otherwise this method works fine.

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Monday, February 01, 2016

Times Health Friday 29 Jan 2016, 'All India Critical Care Hospital Ranking Survey 2016'

Times Health Friday 29 Jan 2016, 
'All India Critical Care Hospital Ranking Survey 2016'
2.Fortis Escorts,New Delhi

2.Indraprastha Apollo,New Delhi

1.Indraprastha Apollo,New Delhi

1.Indraprastha Apollo,New Delhi

1. Milan-(Formerly BACC Health),Bangalore
2.Nova IVI Fertility,RK Puram,,Sec-2,New Delhi

Quran---Facts About Quran E Majeed You Would Love To Know!

Moses(A.S.) Parting Red Seas as mentioned in Quran

Listed below are some fascinating facts about Quran E Majeed. I am sure you will love to know it and to share with your fellow brothers and sisters.
1] Qur’an is divided into 30 sections (Ajza)
2] There are 114 Surahs of the Qur’an. Longest is Surah Al Baqrah (286 Verses), the shortest is Surah al-Kawthar (“Abundance” with 3 verses)
3] Prophet Muhammad saws Facts of Quran received the first revelation in 610AD at the Cave of Hira (Ghar ul Hira)
4] There are a total of 6236 verses in the Qur’an
5] The revelation continued for a period of 22 years, 5 months and 14 days approximately until the demise of the Prophet in 633AD or 11 AH (After Hijrah – the migration of Prophet Muhammad saws Facts of Quran from Mecca to Medina)
The compilation of the Qur’an:
This passed through 4 stages:
Stage 1 – Upto the death of Prophet Muhammad saws Facts of Quran PBUH
  • A great number of Companions (Sahaba) committed the Qur’an to memory.
  • The various Surah’s of the Qur’an were written down on parchment, wooden tablets, soft stone, palm leaves and bits of leather.
  • Therefore during the lifetime of the Prophet the Qur’an was preserved by both memory and by writing in various forms. One of which validated and authenticated the other.
  • Since Prophet Muhammad saws Facts of Quran could not read or write himself, he memorised the Qur’an whilst his Companions both memorised and wrote it down.
  • During the Ramadhan before his demise, the Qur’an was rechecked and reconfirmed twice
Stage 2 – The Caliphate of Abu Bakr (ra) (died 634AD)
  • Abu Bakr (ra) asked Zaid bin Thabit (ra), one of the scribes of the revelation to put the Qur’an together in a single volume.
  • The instructions of arranging the order of the Qur’an in terms of it’s surahs was well known due to the clear instruction of our beloved Prophet Muhammad saws Facts of Quran during his lifetime to his Companions.
  • Zaid (ra), in consultation with the various Sahaba, collated a single ‘Mushaf’ or copy of the Qur’an. The process of validating and authenticating what was written was facilitated by Zaid’s rigourous approach in ensuring that nothing was written down until certain test were carried out in the interest of legitimacy by at least two witnesses i.e. the document itself provided by a Companion supported by the evidence of other Companions who had committed it to memory.
  • Therefore the first Mushaf was compiled during the Caliphate of Abu Bakr (ra)
  • It was written on sheets and was tied with strings
Stage 3 – The Caliphate of Umar (ra) (Died 644)
  • Concerted efforts were made to learn the Qur’an through the process of memorization
  • Abu Darda (in Syria) alone assisted 1600 students in his Qur’anic classes
  • The Mushaf, the first copy of the Qur’an came into the possession of Umm Ul Mumineen Hafsa (ra), the widow of the Messenger of Allah allah Facts of Quran during Umar’s Caliphate
Stage 4 – The Caliphate of Uthman ibn Uffan (ra) (Died 655AD)
  • By approval of our beloved Prophet Muhammad saws Facts of Quran, a dialectal variation related to some of the words of the Qur’an had been practiced among the various Arab tribes.
  • As Islam spread, this caused much confusion especially after the expansion of Islam into non-Arab lands
  • Also, there were still occurrences whereby some Companions wrote down what they heard from the Prophet and did not have it verified. This obviously introduced an element of risk that mistakes, grammatical or otherwise could have crept into these ‘personal’ writings of some of these people
  • Uthman (ra) , quite rightly sanctioned the preparation of a single Qur’an for all the Muslims. Once again, Zaid bin Thabit (along with 3 other Companions of our beloved Prophet Muhammad saws Facts of Quran was engaged in comparing the Mushaf in the possession of Umm Ul Mumineen Hafsa (ra) with existing copies in the custody of other Companions. As instructed by Uthman, wherever a dialectical version was noticed, it was replaced by the dialect of the Quraish, the tribe of Prophet Muhammad saws Facts of Quran.
  • Seven or Eight copies of this Mushaf was distributed to the major Muslim centers in the Islamic World. All other copies were recalled and destroyed. Any further copies were made on the basis of these seven or eight.
The Present Day
  • Two copies of the original Mushaf of Uthman still exist. One in Topkapi Museum in Istanbul, Turkey and the second at Tashkent in Uzbekistan. The national library of Karachi in Pakistan have a copy of the Mushaf which is in Tashkent which was presented to Ayyub Khan in 1965 on a visit to Russia (Uzbekistan was then part of the former USSR)
  • Muslims continue to read, learn and memorise the same Qur’an.
  • Although a number of symbols were introduced into the Qur’anic script, notably during the reign of Hajjaj bin Yusuf, the meaning of the Qur’an has not changed. These were introduced to make the reading and recitation of the Qur’an easier for non Arabs.
  • The Qur’an has been preserved through both it’s written and memorised form. Today it is available on a range of media, i.e. CD’s, MP3, Audio Cassette etc.
  • From Singapore to Spain, the same Qur’an is recited, with the same meaning as the original.
Allah allah Facts of Quran has promised in the Qur’an :
“We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will assuredly Guard it (from corruption). [Al-Qur’an 15:9]
Courtesy of Muhammad Shafiq

understanding about the matter of FATE & Destiny,Qadar and Qadaa , Destiny and Decree in ISLAM

understanding about the matter of destiny
I must emphasize the fact that as a Muslim, you MUST believe in Qadr (destiny). Even if you don’t yet fully understand it, accept it for now. It is one of the articles of faith in Islam and cannot be discarded.
Tawakkul means putting in one’s best efforts—leaving no stone unturned, and then putting one’s trust in Allah and not in one’s own efforts or availability of the means one has, because whatever the outcome, it comes about only with the approval and decree of Allah and not otherwise. It is reported that one day Prophet Muhammad (SAW) noticed a Bedouin leaving his camel without tying it and he asked the Bedouin, “Why don’t you tie down your camel?” The Bedouin answered, “I put my trust in Allah.” The Prophet then said, “Tie your camel first, then put your trust in Allah.” 

To work and to strive is within the ability and the limits of man..whether the striving is accepted or not, or whether the desired result is achieved or not is entirely in the Blessed Hands of the Lord Most Majestic Who Created Alone!.
We are not like robots that have no choice in our actions.  Everything happens by the will of God but at the same time we have a free will to choose our choices and this is why we are accountable for our actions.
From the outset, we should point out that this is an issue in which the world’s greatest minds have applied themselves, and on account of which many people have lost their way.  The Prophet’s Companions did not speak about questions of free will and determinism.  They did not need to, because their faith was so strong and left no room for the types of doubts to take root which instigate this line of thinking

God directs commands and prohibitions at us makes sense only if we are free to comply.  Otherwise, we would be commanded to do that which is outside of our capacity, since our compliance or non-compliance would be predetermined.  Therefore, it makes no sense to make demands of entities that have no ability to comply with those commands.
If people were not free in their choices, their argument against God – that they had no guidance – would not become invalid after God sent the messengers, since if they were compelled in their actions, it would make no difference whether or not they received guidance. 

Finally, we have practical, a priori knowledge that we carry out actions by our own will and choice.  We decide what to do and what to abstain from, without any sense of being compelled in our decisions.  This applies to even the smallest of willful actions, like sitting and standing, entering our homes and departing, as well as more substantial decisions like marriage and divorce or deciding to relocate to another city.  This is why we feel it most acutely if someone else tries to force us to do something we do not want to do.  And this is also why God does not hold us legally accountable for what we do under compulsion. 
This hadith was originally narrated by Ibn-i-Abbas: “One day I was riding behind the Prophet (SA). He commanded: ‘Son! Let me tell you a few words (to memorize). Respect Allah, that is, take care to stay away from what is forbidden. Consider that you will find Him facing you.’ He went on to say ‘Whenever you want anything, ask for it from Allah. Whenever you need help, ask for it from Allah.
Even if all creatures were to combine there forces in unison, desiring to offer you some kind of advantage or benefit, they will not be able to grant you anything more than what Allah has prescribed for you. Also, even if all the creatures were to combine forces to harm you, they would not be able to do any more than what Allah has approved for you. Everything has been written, and all the pages have been completed and the ink is long dry.’”
This is a hadith that every believer should keep like a mirror in their heart. They should act in this way, they should work in this way and end their life in this way. With the mercy and help of Almighty Allah may they be safe and sound from the difficulties of the world and the hereafter.
In this hadith, it is stated that a servant of Allah should arrange all of their behavior and actions in the knowledge that everything is always in the hands of Allah Almighty and subject to His divine acceptance.
When a servant of Allah reaches the complete understanding that Allah is the one and only owner of everything, they are then able to comprehend that whatever position a person finds themselves in they are nothing more than helpless humans with only limited powers.
Therefore, they can rely neither on their name nor their possessions, nor their children. They then know that everything occurs with the help of Allah Almighty and this increases one’s knowledge, devotion, love and resignation. Then a person stops expecting anything from created beings. They know that all the difficulties will come to an end if they are patience, and at the end of every trouble there is ease, relief and comfort.

Now reading this hadith, it may seem as if you have no choice in how things turn out. You might think you have no free will and that Allah has already planned out everything you’re going to do and that’s the end of the story.
Not so fast.
There are four parts to believing in Destiny in Islam.

  • Allah’s Knowledge: Basically, this is accepting that Allah knows EVERYTHING. He knows what has happened and what has not happened. He knows what would have happened if something did not happen. Nothing, absolutely NOTHING, escapes His knowledge. Get it? Got it? Good.
  • The Writing: This means that everything in existence, all actions, speech, events, EVERYTHING, was recorded in the Preserved Tablet (Lawhil Mahfuz). This is confirmed in the Quran where Allah states:  “Do you not know that Allah knows what is in the heaven and earth? Indeed, that is in a Record. Indeed that, for Allah, is easy.” Chapter 22, verse 70.
  • Allah’s Creation: Accepting that Allah has created all things. This includes physical things like humans and animals, as well as non-tangible things like our actions and world events.

  • Allah’s Will: Accepting that nothing happens outside of Allah’s will. If Allah does not will for something to happen, then it will never take place. And if Allah wills for something to happen, then with absolute certainty, it will happen.

  • Qadar and Qadaa Destiny and Decree

    When we use the the word Qadaa in this sense, we are talking about Allah’s decree. Your birth, your death, natural disasters, accidents, and things like this are all part of Allah’s decree. They are things that no one has any control over.
    You have some control over your Qadar. You can choose to believe in Islam or not. You can choose to go to work or not. You can choose to run through the streets naked as a jaybird.
    Qadar are the things that happen in all of our lives, both big and small. When you get up in the morning, pray, brush your teeth, eat breakfast and then head out for work, these are all part of your Qadar.
    “Qadaa” means “decree” or “order.” A similar word is Qadiyy, which is a Judge.
    When we use the the word Qadaa in this sense, we are talking about Allah’s decree. Your birth, your death, natural disasters, accidents, and things like this are all part of Allah’s decree. They are things that no one has any control over.
    You have some control over your Qadar. You can choose to believe in Islam or not. You can choose to go to work or not. You can choose to run through the streets naked as a jaybird.
    Or not.
    But you have no control over Allah’s decree. You may choose to work, but you cannot choose to be wealthy. Your wealth is part of Allah’s decree.
    You may choose to live a healthy lifestyle, but you cannot choose to always be healthy. If so, then no one would ever get sick! Sickness and health are part of Allah’s decree.
    If you decide to work hard and live healthy, then you are living out what was written for you in the Preserved Tablet. And if such habits lead to more money and health, then that is Allah’s decree.
    Likewise, if the stock market crashes and you lose all of your wealth, or if you are suddenly diagnosed with a serious illness, that is all part of Allah’s decree which you have no control over.
    Abdullah then makes the decision, with his own free will, to change his life around and become a more dutiful slave of Allah.
    we have free will and are not being treated unjustly by Allah.
    Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has said that the dua can alter Qadar. So some things that happen on a daily basis can be changed by dua.
    Things like sickness, accidents, and other tragedies can be averted through dua.
    I hope this helps you understand, Inshallah. Qadar and Qadaa are very deep subjects and you should not spend too much time fretting over them. Just put your trust in Allah and make dua to Him constantly, and follow the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as best as you can.

    And Allah knows best.

    The Last Sermon By Prophet Muhammed (SA) In A Snapshot

    The Last Sermon By Prophet Muhammed (SA) In A Snapshot

    taken from
    The sermon was delivered on the Ninth Day of Dhul Hijjah 10 A.H. in the ‘Uranah valley of Mount Arafat’ (In Mecca)
    After praising and thanking God he said:
    O people lend me an attentive era, for I know not whether after this year, I shall ever be amongst you again. Therefore listen to what I am saying to you very carefully and take these words to those who could not be present here today.
    O people just as you regard this month, this day, this city as Sacred, so regard the life and property of every Muslim as Sacred trust. Return the goods entrusted to you to their rightful owners. Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you. Remember that you will indeed meet your Lord, And that he will indeed reckon your deeds. God has forbidden you to take usury (Interest), therefore all interest obligation shall henceforth be waived. Your capital, however, is yours to keep. You will neither inflict nor suffer any inequity. God has judged that there shall be no interest and that all the interest due to Abbas Ibn ‘Abd’al Muttalib (Prophets Uncle) shall henceforth be waived.
    Beware of Satan, for the safety of your religion, He has lost all hope that he will ever be able to lead you astray in big things, so beware of following him in small things.
    O People, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women, but they also have rights over you. Remember that you have taken them as your wives only under God’s trust and with His permission. If they abide by your right then to them belongs the right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Do treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers. And it is your right that they do not make friends with anyone of whom you do not approve, as well as never to be unchaste.
    O People listen to me in earnest, worship God, say your five daily prayers (Salah), Fast during the month of Ramadan, and give your wealth in Zakat. Perform Hajj if you can afford to.
    All Mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over Arab; Also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do unjust to yourselves.
    Remember, one day you will appear before God and answer your deeds. So beware do not stray from the path of righteousness after I am gone.
    O people no prophet or apostle will come after me and no new faith will be born. Reason well, therefore, O people and understand words which I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, The Quran and my example, the Sunnah, and if you follow these you will never go astray.
    And those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again; and may the last one understand my words better than those who listen to me directly. Be my witness, O God, that I have conveyed your message to your people.”