Sunday, January 31, 2016

Explanation of Some Important Islamic Terms: Islamic Concepts & Definitions

Explanation of Some Important Islamic Terms:

Islamic Concepts & Definitions

Please read the full article here

{ Let no people mock another people } (Koran 49: 11).
When the prayer is finished, go forth in the land } (Koran 62:10).
Belief (iman) is incomplete for whoever does not love for his brother what he loves for himself, according to the famous hadith:
"lâ yuminu ahadukum hatta yuhibbu li-akhîhi ma yuhibbu li-nafsihi"
"He is not a believer who does not love for his brother what he loves for himself."
The principles of treating the illnesses of the soul
They are five: 
-lightening the stomach by diminishing one's food and drink,
-taking refuge in Allah Most High from the unforeseen when it befalls, 
-shunning situations that involve what one fears to fall victim to, 
-continually asking for Allah's forgiveness and His blessings
     upon the Prophet  night and day with full presence of mind, 
-and keeping the company of him who guides one to Allah.

Man Is Vice-Regent Of Allah On Earth.
    Allah the Creator of the universe created man as the best creature in all creation. He says in the Holy Qur'an:
We have indeed created man in the best of forms.
Sura The Fig (95) verse 4

   With the best of forms and due to his particular qualities man was exalted in his position as he was made vice-regent of Allah on earth. Allah even commanded the angels to fall down in obeisance to him. But it was man who took it on to himself to shoulder this big responsibility amânah - and to discharge the duties as deputy of the Lord, with all the difficulties and suffering this entails.
Knowledge of four objects:
The objects of knowledge (al-ma`lûmât) are four:
1st. God, Allah who is not defined by any definition, nor limited by any limitation while He is the Absolute Concious Being (al-wujûd al-mutlaq). He is neither the effect (ma`lûl), nor the cause of anything (`illa). On the contrary he exists through His very Essence and His existence is not other than His Essence.
Knowledge of Him consists of knowledge that He exists.
His Essence remains unknown, whereas the Attributes that are attributed to Him are known. Knowledge of the reality of His Essence (haqîqat al-dhât) is impossible and to dwell on it leads to /confusion/.
2nd. The second object of knowledge is the Universal Reality (al-haqîqat al-kulliyya).
This reality is eternal when the Eternal is described by it (it belongs to God), and it is temporally originated when the temporally originated is described by it (it belongs to the world). So it is qualified neither by existence nor non-existence, neither by temporal origination nor eternity (al-qidam). No objects of knowledge - whether eternal or temporally originated - are known until this reality is known, but this reality does not exist until those things described by it exist.
• Eternal existent: it exists without a precedent nonexistence (`adam mutaqaddim), such as the Being of God and His Attributes.
• Temporally originated: it exists by means of something other than itself, such as the existence of everything other than God (mâ siwâ Allâh).
• The likeness of it would be the quality of wood in timber, in a chair etc. 'Woodness' lie within the reality of any of these things. //
3rd. The third object of knowledge is the entire world (al-mulk al-akbar).
4th. The fourth object of knowledge is man.
Ibn Al-`Arabi; from Fûtuhât Al-Makiyya; 118.33 ff


Saturday, January 30, 2016

life time achievement ERDF Excellence award 2015 Dr Syed Iftikar Ahmed, AIDS PREVENTION SOCIETY, GUWAHATI, ASSAM, INDIA

Proud Moment. Our Dear Munu Ka Syed Ahmed getting life time achievement ERDF Excellence award 2015 for his work on AIDS in NE States.His NGO AIDS PREVENTION SOCIETY,GUWAHATI.

A Message From Dr.Syed Iftikhar Ahmed
My dear friends,                                
I  really feel  honoured to have recieved the ERDF Excellence Award 2015 from the Honb'le. Chief Minister of Assam and his kind words of praise  recognizing   our  work .                                        
 It  has been a  long journey.                             
 I feel overwhelmed with your warmth and wishes which makes me feel that the last 30 years of my struggle was worth fighting though when I look back I miss all those colleagues, friends and hundreds of young lives that we have lost on the way particularly in Manipur, Nagaland and Mizoram. . It was a frustrating fight. But I did not lose focus. My Heroin  drug user population with HIV and Hep  B and  Hep C co infection  were dying fast even before we could initiate ARV . When I was invited by the President of the UN to the UN General Assembly in New York  in 2008 and again in 2010 ,  I raised the issue of this co inf in North East India.  Advocacy paid off . Today we have range of free ARTs in  India and Hep treatment with Heroin substitution with Buuprenorphine in north east India unthinkable  ïn  the past.  My clients are living healthy and productive  for more than 20 years . HIV is now  a chronic manageable disease . I had to explain this in the Legal Colloq. for two days through my presentations   convened by Justice Ranjan Gogoi which was inaugurated by the Chief Justice of India and in presence of  a large number of legal luminaries of the country . 
Currently our organisation is involved  in AIDS Vaccine development programme  in collaboration with International AIDS Vaccine Initiative - IAVI.                       
 Thanks again to all of you.            

Dr Syed  Iftikar Ahmed

I started my NGO work in Guwahati after my return from UK with the establishment of AIHC ( Assam Imdadiya Hospital Committee) in 1983 and the AAIS Clinic in Ambari in 1984. Late Shri Hiteswar Saikia , the then Chief Minister of Assam helped us and encouraged us in establishing the AAIS Clinic and seen in the pic examining him in the Clinic on the opening day . Today on his Death Anniversary we pay our homage to him . As founder Chairman of the Clinic along with our team of medical doctors comprising Dr Medhi and Dr M I Khan could provide free medical services to a large number of people since then including Lab Tests, Immunisation , regular health camps and Eye Check up Camps with Cataract surgeries throughout the state of Assam .
More about the NGO on

Assam Tribune report---Arsenic and fluoride contamination of ground water in Assam

Source of Article :

Groundwater contamination cases rising in State
Ajit Patowary
 GUWAHATI, Jan 28 - Cases of contamination of groundwater in the State are swelling up everyday, making groundwater unsafe for consumption. According to the official data, the number of the State’s districts which have got their groundwater contaminated by fluoride and arsenic has shot up to 22 and 21 respectively from 19 and 20 respectively in 2014-’15.

According to the data available with this newspaper, in 2014-’15, the arsenic affected districts of the State included Baksa, Barpeta, Bongaigaon, Cachar, Darrang, Dhemaji, Dhubri, Goalpara, Hailakandi, Jorhat, Kamrup, Karimganj, Kokrajhar, Lakhimpur, Morigaon, Nagaon, Nalbari, Sivasagar and Sonitpur.
This year, Tinsukia has also been found to be affected by arsenic, raising the number of affected districts to 21, said the sources.
Till 2013-’14, nine districts – Barpeta, Dhubri, Goalpara, Golaghat, Jorhat, Kamrup, Karbi Anglong, Karimganj and Nagaon – were found to be affected by fluoride.
But in 2014-’15, with the inclusion of Baksa, Cachar, Chirang, Darrang, Dibrugarh, Morigaon, Nalbari, Sivasagar, Sonitpur and Udalguri, the number of affected districts rose to 19.
In 2015-’16, with the inclusion of Bongaigaon, Lakhimpur and Tinsukia, the number of fluoride-affected districts have shot up to 22, sources said.
According to experts here, the trend of rise in the number of fluoride and arsenic affected districts should be studied, together with the impact of such contamination of groundwater, which is used by the people of many areas in these districts for the purpose of drinking as well as domestic use, on human and animal health.
Except in the two districts of Karbi Anglong and Nagaon, no comprehensive health impact studies of groundwater contamination in the rest of the districts has so far been known to have been conducted, said the experts. The origin of fluoride so far is known to be geogenic.

The State’s Department of Mining and Mineral may undertake such studies, involving also the Public Health Engineering Department (PHED), Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) and the North Eastern Regional Institute of Water and Land Management (NERIWALM) in this regard, said the experts.
Two Models
A)For Whole House:ENVO ARSENIC AND FLUORIDE FILTER 1000 Liter per hour capacity
FLOW : In---Iron Filter---Arsenic Fluoride Filter--- Out

B)For Point Of Use :KITCHEN :ENVO CANDLE FILTER 20 Liter per day capacity

sr no
Filter Body 
Three Chamber of 20 Liter each
Candle Filter(Tripura Type)
Plastic Tap
3kg Alumina, 1 kg Carbon(replace after six month
MS, 1 No


ENVO PROJECTS,09899300371(DELHI), 
LOOKING FOR Associates all over Assam 
And NE States.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016



The two commonly used types of bio-gas plants are:
a) Floating drum type, and
b) Fixed dome type.
The commonly used model of bio-gas plants are: 
a) Floating drum design:
i) KVIC model, 
ii) Pre-fabricated ferro-cement digester model, and 
iii) Pragati model. 
b) Fixed dome type: 
i) Janta model, and 
ii) Deenbandhu model.

Design Parameters taken for  Bio Methanation

·         Feed Substrate Total Solid Concentration(TSC):  8-9 % (For Cow dung)
·         Ratio of Dung to Water: 1:1
·         Bio Gas produced : 0.06 cu mtr / kg dung (Summer 47 degree)
·         0.03 cu mtr / kg dung (winter 8 degree)
·         Temperature : 35 degree centigrade
·         PH – 7-8
·         Retention Time : 30 days (For temp 25-35 Degree Cent)
·         Depth of the plant is between 4 to 6 m according to the size
·         Depth to diameter ratio between 1.0 to 1.3
·         When the digester diameter exceeds 1.6 m, a partition wall is provided in the digester
·         Average gas production from dung may be taken as 40 lit/kg. of fresh dung

·         One Cu. m gas is equivalent to 1000 litres

FIG. 3. Chinese Biogas Plant Design
The digester is of standard KIVC design, consisting of a cylindrical underground chamber using 23-cm (9 in.) brick walls and a concrete floor. It has two standard 10-cm (4 in.) cement household pipes for the inlet and outlet. A feed trough, slurry pit, and soaking pit for the digested slurry are provided. Figure 1 shows the details. The only departure from the standard design is provision of a water trough to hold the gas holder (as explained below).
The gas holder consists of a geodesic dome made of wood, to which a vinyl balloon is secured. The balloon is made of heat-sealed vinyl fabric available on the market. The whole assembly sits inside a water trough that serves two purposes: it prevents gas leakage through the water seal if filled with 20 to 30 cm of water, and it helps to anchor the balloon. Hooks around the gas dome also help to secure the structure so that it does not blow off under pressure. The dome struts and hubs were made as shown in figure 2A and B.
Design of Biogas Plant
Number of cows4
Assuming 1 cow produces10 kg of dung/day
Amount of dung produced by 4 cows40 kg
Amount of gas produced by 1 kg of dung0.05 m�
Amount of gas produced by 40 kg of dung2 m�
Daily requirement of gas for cooking and lighting
for 1 person0.5 to 0.6 m�
2 m� of gas per day will provide cooking and lighting for2/ 0.6 to 2/0.5= 3 or 4 persons
The volume of the fermentation well should be at least 30 times as large as the daily input. Since manure is usually retained in the fermentation well for about six weeks, it is desirable for the well to be about 45 times the volume of the daily input.
Using a 1:1 ratio of cow dung and water:
Daily input of cow dung40 kg
Daily input of water40 kg
Total input80 kg
Volume of the well required
(45 times the daily input)80 x 45 = 3,600 kg
100 kg of dung and water occupy1 m�
3,600 kg of dung and water occupy3.6 m�
Digester tank capacity required3.6 m�
The gas holder volume should be enough for 60 to 70 per cent of one day's production.
70 % of 2 m� gas[70 x 2] /100 = 1.4 m�
Digester tank capacity3.6 m�
Gas holder capacity required1.4 m�
Size of the Digestion Tank
Assume 1.75 m as the internal diameter of the digestion tank.
The depth required will be1.5 m
Using a 20 cm thick wall, the external diameter will be1.75+0.2+0.2m = 2.15 m
Size of the Gas Holder
A hemispherical PVC balloon is used as the gas collecter.
Assuming diameter of the dome to be1.9 m
Volume of the dome (half sphere)1.795 m�
Design of Dome to Support the Gas Holder
Type2 frequency dome,Class I,
Method I
Diameter of dome1.95 m
Radius of dome0.975 m = 38.38 in.
Length of struts (including hubs)
Long strutsradius of dome x 0.618= 23.75 in.
Short strutsradius of dome x 0.5465= 21 in.
Distance from centre of hub to centre of hole at end of strut2.75 in.
Length from centres of holes at each end of strut to ends of strut1.5 in.
Actual length of long struts23.75 in. - (2 x 2.75 in.)
+ (2 x 1.5 in.) = 21.25 in.
Hole-to-hole distance18.25 in.
Actual length of short struts21 in. - (2 x 2.75 in.)+ (2 x 1.5 in.) = 18.5 in.
Hole-to-hole distance15.5 in.
Number of long struts required35
Number of short struts required30
Number of five-element hubs required6
Number of six-element hubs required20

How much Biogas can I produce?

The following is a calculator for estimating the amount of biogas your operation can produce. The calculator is a guideline only and should not be used for design purposes.

Choose the biogas production number that applies to your operation...
Example: 600 sow farrow to finish operation, choose Farrow to Finish


Cubic metres biogas per hog per year

Farrow to Finish


Farrow to Wean









Cubic metres biogas per cow per year



Multiply the number of animals by biogas production number...
Example: 600 hogs x 720 m3 biogas / hog / yr = 432000 m3 biogas / year

Multiply the result by the numbers below for cogeneration of electricity and heat...

____________ x 1.7 kWh/ m3 biogas = _________ kWh of electricity per year
____________ x 7.7 MJ/ m3 biogas = _________ MJ of heat per year

Multiply the result by the numbers below for heat production using boiler....
____________ x 15 MJ/ m3 biogas = _________ MJ of heat per year

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Different methods of filtering and purifying drinking water

Source Of The Article ::

Water Purification and Treatment Technologies

A comprehensive look at the different methods of filtering and purifying drinking water.
The drinking water treatment technologies used in the majority of systems include one or more of the following methods or media types:
• Sediment Filters - Ranging from 1 to 20 microns are normally used as a prefilter to protect and extend the life of other filters.
Activated Carbon, including Granulated Activated (GAC), Carbon Block, and Catalytic Carbon – Standalone, or combined with other technologies to remove chlorine, chloramines, VOCs, MTBE, and a wide range of contaminants including lead and mercury.
Water Softeners – Used to soften "hard" water using ion exchange technology that exchanges magnesium and calcium with sodium or potassium.  Water softeners are not designed to purify water that is microbioligically unsafe.
BASF ATS Media  – Home systems, usually combined with activated carbon.
Steam Distillation – Systems for home, business and commercial use.
Reverse Osmosis (RO) - Systems for home, business and commercial use.
Deionization – Not recommended for drinking water.
Ozonation – Nature’s natural sterilizer.
KDF Media – Advanced zinc-copper alloy with the widest range of contaminant removal.  Usually combined with Granulated Activated Carbon.
Ceramic – Alternative to germicidal UV-C for filtration of bacteria, etc. 
Activated Alumina – Specifically designed to remove fluoride and arsenic by adsorption.
• Bone Char – The best material for removing fluoride. Bone Char also removes chlorine, heavy metals and radioactive isotopes. For this reason, it is placed after a chlorine adsorption filter in all OPUS systems, to ensure maximum efficiency for adsorbing fluoride.
Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation (UV-C) - To disinfect microbioligically unsafe water.
Ultra-Filtration (UF) - Ultra Filtration uses membrane technology to reject contaminants from 0.01 to 0.2 microns. UF is effective in the removal of bacteria, pyrogens, high molecular weight dissolved solids and other water contaminants without removing healthful minerals.
Bioceramic Water Amplification (BCWA) –Technically not a filter, BCWA improves the health promoting qualities of water by increasing alkalinity, oxygen, active hydrogen ions and healthful minerals, while lowering the ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential), giving water antioxidant properties. BCWA is available as an inline filter that can be added to an existing water treatment system, integrated into a drinking glass (Alkalark) to treat individual glasses of water, and as Balance Water Sticks designed to be inserted into your drinking bottle.

Treatment of Oily waste water Ceramic Membrane Application

Ceramic Membrane Application

Separation of liquids and solids; separation of oil and water; separation of liquids and liquids; (especially for filtration food and beverage industries, chemical and petrochemical industries, pharmaceutical and mining industries.)

High Turbidity Water (HTW)

This type of water is common in rivers, lakes and dams and industrial wastewater the prevalence of grease, dyes, ink, metal cutting liquids, alkaline and acid processing stream, diary fruit juice clarification and food processing water containing residues from example, soy sauce and vinegars to fermentation of beer in breweries increases turbidity.

Formerly, when treating HTW a Flocculation-Sedimentation Method was used. This process can treat HTW to a degree, but its short comings are many. Firstly this process needs a large tank to be successful. Area in today’s world is often hard to come by and expensive, not to mention when clean is needed in an emergency in natural disasters, the above technology would also take to long to construct. Hence this is not a viable process.

Sand Filter data over an extended period indicated that whilst the treatment time was short,the treated water quality is not good. The turbidity of the product water was still high which meant it could not safely be used. The tests concluded that if the raw water had very high turbidity, it can block the filters in several minutes.
Ceramic Membrane filtration system transforms high turbidity water into clean water in 2 – 3 seconds.

As this kind of system is equipped with a back wash component, the unit cannot be clogged easily. After the initial investment, users can use this application for years without need of spending more money. It can specially meet the needs of building small tap water plant for factories, towns and farms.

Municipal Wastewater Recycling

India is a country where water is scarce. Municipal Sewage from Wastewater Treatment Plant can be converted into clean water with our ceramic membrane technology for recycling use. This is an excellent method in preserving the water sources of some cities where water is not readily available.  Output wastewater after Multi-media filter and organic membrane quality is very poor, turbidity reached to 300 – 500 NTU, oil volume is 5 – 10 ppm hence not good for recycling. CMs filtering system can effectively remove oil, dirt, mud and sand from sewage. Combine this with our RO system, recycling target can be reached. 

M/s. Kemtech International Ltd.

Serving: International, India, Sri Lanka
Product Lines: Hilco Products
505-506, Red Rose Building
49-50, Nehru Place
New Delhi 110 019
Phone: (91) 11-41881341
Fax: (91) 11-26468345

Sunday, January 17, 2016

ENVO PROJECTS core competency lies in WTP,ETP,STP and Bio Gas projects

Globally successful companies do one thing well and say no to things that are not part of core competency.
You can compare startup’s in Silicon Valleys to redwood trees – lean and tall, while Indian startups are like banyan trees –more widespread and stout. The two differ mainly in terms of mindset.”
Early-stage startups should focus on their product and solving problems rather than business plan and growth in the early days.

ENVO PROJECTS core competency lies in WTP,ETP,STP and Bio Gas projects. We said NO to all other things since we started in 1994.
And we are a lean and thin machine with only two people at the top.

Management style of ENVO :

We  are strong in technology and execution. We assign projects to competent Managers, We delegate responsibilities to them and review the project from day One.

The philosophy behind my work in environmental engineering


Nature is a gift to us . No individual or organisation has the right dto utilise its resources in such a way that damage or inconvenience is caused  to  people of society . we all have a social responsibility to protect and preserve a clean and green environment. The goale of profit maximisation and customer satisfaction should be surbordinate to the social need and responsibilities. The present concern has been brought about by the health of humans, living being, tree , structures, monuments and all other things.It was repeatedly mentioned in the Qur'an: Forbidding from spoiling the earth after Allah (Exalted and Almighty) has created it suitable and well prepared for the successive human generations. It announced that Allah does not like spoiling or those who spoil in life, this includes spoiling environment, polluting it or being aggressive with it. Also it is forbidden to abuse it in any way that would make it deviate from the purpose of Allah created it for. This would be like showing ingratitude to Allah, that would cause vengeance from Allah, and becomes like a warning to those who perpetrated this, that severe penalty will almost come upon them as what happened before to the `Aad and the Thamud and those who came after them.
"Who did transgress beyond bounds in the land (in the disobedience of Allah) and made therein much mischief. So your Lord poured on them different kinds of severe torment. Surely your Lord is Ever-Watchful." (89:11-14) Islam urges its followers to have great concern for everything created by Allah, for it is part and parcel of "submission to Allah" to show reverence to all what the Almighty Allah created.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Water quality testing kits for field use. Arsenic and Fluoride onsite testing kit

Arsenic and Fluoride onsite testing kit

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

DEWATS, ANAEROBIC BAFFLED REACTOR,Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems

DEWATS stands for “Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems”.
In the DEWATS, the waste water/sewage is let through a multi stage low maintenance system to treat it and recycle it for flushing, gardening and other non potable end uses.

DEWATS--- modified septic tank system can be adapted very easilly with the size he is building and please use bacterial culture from one another septic tank for faster start up.
He has browsed the net and uses the term Aerobic, Anaerobic, bacteria
culture, etc. He has also enquired with some suppliers for a solution.
He has read an article 3-4 months back in a magazine about the use
of Bacterial Culture (solution) to completely digest the solid waste in
the septic tanks.
READ ABOUT DEWATS: Google search opens About 33,600 results (0.35 seconds) 
First page is

Advantages of DEWATS technology:
  •  Provides treatment for domestic and industrial wastewater
  •  Low initial investment costs as no imported materials or components are needed
  •  Efficient treatment for daily wastewater flows of up to 1000m3
  • Modular design of all components
  • Tolerant towards inflow fluctuations
  • Reliable and long-lasting construction design
  •  Low maintenance costs     
DEWATS technology is an effective, efficient and affordable wastewater treatment solution for small and medium sized enterprises (SME).Apartments,Resorts,Restaurants etc


Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Nano Membrane Filtration Technology for sewage treatment

Nano Filtration (NF) Technology for Sewage Treatment

There are two classes of membrane process used in the water and wastewater field. The first category includes reverse osmosis (RO) and nanofiltration (NF). 
There are two types of membrane filtration technology for water and wastewater treatment, namely ultrafiltration (UF) and microfiltration (MF). UF has pores of 0.01 – 0.02 μm, while MF for water treatment has pores of 0.04 – 0.10 μm. In wastewater applications, coarser MF pore sizes of 0.2 and 0.4 μm can be used, but the finer MF membranes for water duties are also suitable. 
MF removes common particles found in water including bacteria and other microbial organisms, while UF removes viruses in addition, thereby providing a physical disinfection barrier. For RO pre-treatment of wastewater, membrane filtration is normally used in combination with coagulation to control fouling, ensure operational stability and improve removals of dissolved organics.
• Wastewater treated by conventional activated sludge provides a suitable feed for membrane treatment
• The wastewater reuse market is growing rapidly, and provides an opportunity with excellent business potential for membrane filtration
• For wastewater reuse, UF/MF membrane pre-treatment is essential for low cost RO
• The energy cost and Total Water Cost for wastewater reuse is significantly below that of seawater desalination
• MBR – RO has higher energy costs than conventional wastewater treatment followed by UF/MF – RO
• Membrane filtration case studies in wastewater reuse have provided good experience for the water Industry.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Nokia E63 Memory Full – 4 Effective Solutions

Its very simple.
1)First backup all your data to your computer using NOKIA PC SUIT.
2)Just remove the SIM CARD and the MEMORY CARD.
3)Go to menu-tools--settings---general---factory setting.
4)You are done. Your phone will re start with original factory settings..
5)Use NOKIA PC SUIT to restore all data again to your NOKIA E63.

Nokia E63 Memory Full – 4 Effective Solutions

If you’ve been using Nokia E63 for more than a year, you are likely to get repeated annoying notification that “the memory is full. Delete some data to send and receive messages”. Though you delete all messages, the problem does not seem to get resolved. This is very annoying because you can not do some basic operations like receiving and sending messages, with this problem on.  Here are a few things that you can do to get rid of this problem once and for all. 
1. Backup phone memory to memory card -
This is my number 1 method of solving this issue. Go to Menu – Tools – Memory. Click on options and click on “Back up phone memory”. This will backup everything onto your memory card. This has been solving my issues for many a times.  
2. Clear Cache of the internet –Click on the internet button that you can see on the default screen. (Let it load the internet page)
Click on options, scroll down , click on “clear privacy data” select all. Click Yes. This will clear all privacy data and unload the phone and give a lot of memory.
3. Remove unwanted Apps –Chances are that you are have downloaded a few apps that are not useful to you anymore. Go to app manager and delete them.
4. Store most of the things in memory card – Store all your videos, audio files, active notes etc in Memory card rather than on your phone.
To store all active notes in memory card – Click on active notes – options – settings. First in the menu is memory in use. If it is showing ‘phone memory’ then change it to ‘memory card’.