Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Homeopathic treatment for gall bladder stone , kidney stone

जिस किसी को पत्थरी की बिमारी हो वो चूने से परहेज़ करे ( पान, खैनी गुटखा वगैरा जिसमे चूना मिला कर खाया जाता हो न लें)
पथरी होने का मुख्य कारण आपके शरीर मे अधिक मात्रा मे कैलशियम का होना है | मतलब जिनके शरीर मे पथरी हुई है उनके शरीर मे जरुरत से अधिक मात्रा मे कैलशियम है लेकिन वो शरीर मे पच नहीं रहा है वो अलग बात हे| इसलिए आप चुना खाना बंद कर दीजिए|
आयुर्वेदिक इलाज !
पखानबेद नाम का एक पौधा होता है ! उसे पथरचट भी कुछ लोग बोलते है ! उसके 10 पत्तों को 1 से डेड गिलास पानी मे उबाल कर काढ़ा बना ले ! मात्र 7 से 15 दिन मे पूरी पथरी खत्म !! और कई बार तो इससे भी जल्दी खत्म हो जाती !!! आप दिन मे 3 बार पत्ते 3 पत्ते सीधे भी खा सकते हैं !
होमियोपेथी इलाज !
अब होमियोपेथी मे एक दवा है ! वो आपको किसी भी होमियोपेथी के दुकान पर मिलेगी उसका नाम हे BERBERIS VULGARIS ये दवा के आगे लिखना है MOTHER TINCHER ! ये उसकी पोटेंसी हे|
वो दुकान वाला समझ जायेगा| यह दवा होमियोपेथी की दुकान से ले आइये| (स्वदेशी कंपनी SBL की बढ़िया असर करती है )
(ये BERBERIS VULGARIS दवा भी पथरचट नाम के पोधे से बनी है बस फर्क इतना है ये dilutions form मे हैं पथरचट पोधे का botanical name BERBERIS VULGARIS ही है )
अब इस दवा की 10-15 बूंदों को एक चौथाई (1/ 4) कप गुण गुने पानी मे मिलाकर दिन मे चार बार (सुबह,दोपहर,शाम और रात) लेना है | चार बार अधिक से अधिक और कमसे कम तीन बार|इसको लगातार एक से डेढ़ महीने तक लेना है कभी कभी दो महीने भी लग जाते है |
इससे जीतने भी stone है ,कही भी हो गोलब्लेडर gall bladder )मे हो या फिर किडनी मे हो,या युनिद्रा के आसपास हो,या फिर मुत्रपिंड मे हो| वो सभी स्टोन को पिगलाकर ये निकाल देता हे|
99% केस मे डेढ़ से दो महीने मे ही सब टूट कर निकाल देता हे कभी कभी हो सकता हे तीन महीने भी हो सकता हे लेना पड़े|तो आप दो महीने बाद सोनोग्राफी करवा लीजिए आपको पता चल जायेगा कितना टूट गया है कितना रह गया है | अगर रह गया हहै तो थोड़े दिन और ले लीजिए|यह दवा का साइड इफेक्ट नहीं है |
और यही दवा से पित की पथरी (gallbladder stones ) भी ठीक हो जाती है ! जिसे आधुनिक डाक्टर पित का कैंसर बोल देते हैं !
ये तो हुआ जब stone टूट के निकल गया अब दोबारा भविष्य मे यह ना बने उसके लिए क्या??? क्योंकि कई लोगो को बार बार पथरी होती है |एक बार stone टूट के निकल गया अब कभी दोबारा नहीं आना चाहिए इसके लिए क्या ???
इसके लिए एक और होमियोपेथी मे दवा है CHINA 1000|
प्रवाही स्वरुप की इस दवा के एक ही दिन सुबह-दोपहर-शाम मे दो-दो बूंद सीधे जीभ पर डाल दीजिए|सिर्फ एक ही दिन मे तीन बार ले लीजिए फिर भविष्य मे कभी भी स्टोन नहीं बनेगा|sent by anwar ahmad,delhi, homeo prac +919278869600 (whatsapp)...share with your friends please. It may help somebody.


Lemon water makes a healthy drink, especially when taken in the morning. If you like your tea without milk, then you can add a little bit of lemon and honey in your tea.
It is really soothing. Daily consumption of lemon water has a number of health benefits.

Good for stomach: Lemon is really helpful when it comes to digestion problems. Due to the digestive qualities of lemon juice, symptoms of indigestion such as heartburn, bloating and belching are relieved. Traditionally grandmoms always recommended a glass of lemon juice when somebody suffered from fever or stomach upset.

Glowing skin: Lemon, being a natural antiseptic medicine, can participate to cure problems related to skin. Lemon is a vitamin C rich citrus fruit that rejuvenates skin and results in a glowing skin. Lemon also acts as an anti-aging remedy.

Lose the flab: In India, many people drink lemon water with a dash of honey early in the morning to lose weight.

Cures throat infections: Lemon is an excellent fruit that aids in fighting problems related to throat infections, sore throat as it has an antibacterial property.

Controls high blood pressure: Lemon water works wonders for people having heart problem owing to its high potassium content. It controls high blood pressure, dizziness, nausea as well as provides relaxation to mind and body.
Source of the article:

Benefits of Lemon water or Lime water or Nimboo paani 
Drinking a glass of Nimboo Paani aka lemon water first thing in the morning, has a lot of positive health benefits. Some of them are as follows:
  • Lemon water aids bowels to eliminate naturally and easily.
  • Lemon water is good for digestion.
  • Nimboo paani helps to relieve symptoms of indigestion like heartburn, burping, and bloating.
  • Lemon water has an alkalizing effect in the body. Alkalinity reduces acidity in the body and thus reduces inflammation.
  • Nimboo paani helps to reduce arthritic pain or gout by diluting uric acid in body.
  • Nimboo paani helps one to lose weight. Pectin fiber, present in lemons, helps fight hunger cravings.
  • Lemon water helps oxygenate the body and maximizes enzyme function.
  • Nimboo paani stimulates the liver’s natural enzymes. Thus assisting the liver in the process of dumping toxins like uric acid and of liquefying congested bile ducts.
  • Nimboo paani provides the body with hydration, anti-oxidants and electrolytes, thus helping in keeping skin blemish-free.
  • Lemon water is a rich source of the immune boosting vitamin C and helps body in healing.
  • Nimboo paani helps to soothe a sore throat, due to its antibacterial properties.
  • Nimboo paani helps to reduce phlegm in the body.
  • Lemon water is high in potassium, thus is good for brain, nerve function and for heart health. Thereby helps to ward off stress and depression.
  • Lemon water helps to lower blood pressure.
  • Nimboo paani helps to relieve toothaches and gingivitis.
  • Nimboo paani helps to cure the common cold.
  • Lemon water helps to dissolve gall bladder stones and other calcium build ups in the body.
  • Nimboo paani helps to replenish salt levels in body after playing sports or physical activity or workouts.

Disclaimer: We dont guarantee any specific results as a result of the procedures mentioned here and the results may vary from person to person. The topics in these pages including text, graphics, videos and other material  are for informational purposes only and not to be substituted for professional medical advice.

Monday, July 25, 2016


An introduction to MBBR (moving bed biofilm reactor )/ FM Reactor/ FAB /FMR Reactor wastewater treatment

When communities of microorganisms grow on surfaces, they are called biofilms. Microorganisms in a biofilm wastewater treatment process are more resilient to process disturbances compared to other types of biological treatment processes.  Thus, biofilm wastewater treatment technologies can be considerably more robust especially when compared to conventional technologies like activated suldge process..
In the MBBR biofilm technology the biofilm grows protected within engineered plastic carriers, which are carefully designed with high internal surface area. These biofilm carriers are suspended and thoroughly mixed throughout the water phase. With this technology it is possible to handle extremely high loading conditions without any problems of clogging, and treat industrial and municipal wastewater on a relatively small footprint.

System description

The MBBR™ biofilm technology is based on specially designed plastic biofilm carriers or biocarriers that are suspended and in continuous movement within a tank or reactor of specified volume. The design of associated aerators, grids, sieves, spray nozzles and other integral parts to the reactor is also of great importance in making up the system as a whole .
The industrial and municipal wastewater is led to the MBBR™ treatment reactor where biofilm, growing within the internal structures of the biocarriers, degrade the pollutants.  These pollutants that need to be removed in order to treat the wastewater are food or substrate for growth of the biofilm.  The biocarrier design is critical due to requirements for good mass transfer of substrate and oxygen to the microorganisms  .  Excess biofilm sloughs off the biocarrier in a natural way .

An aeration grid located at the bottom of the reactor supplies oxygen to the biofilm along with the mixing energy required to keep the biocarriers suspended and completely mix within the reactor.

Treated water flows from reactor through a grid or a sieve, which retains the MBBR™ biocarriers in the reactor. Depending on the wastewater, the reactors are may be equipped with special spray nozzles that prevent excessive foam formation.

The MBBR is a biological aerobic degradation of organic pollutants. The process utilizes millions of tiny, polyethylene biofilm elements that provide a high surface area as a home for a vast, highly active bacteria culture. This fixed film process features a flexible reactor design, the ability to handle load increases without the need for extra tankage, and remains stable under large load variations, including temperature, strength or pH. Like the activated sludge process, the MBBR process utilizes the whole volume of an open tank. Unlike an activated sludge reactor, it does not require sludge return to operate effectively. In MBBR , addition of media quantity and Air Quantity is the Key Factor.

Total reactor volume of the MBBRs is designed for different hydraulic retention time for different types of waste water at average flows and than checked against peak flows. Essentially nutrient levels and DO levels are the only control points for the system.

Moving Bed Biofilm Bioreactor (MBBR) process uses the whole tank volume for biomass growth. It uses simple floating media, which are carriers for attached growth of biofilms. Biofilm carrier movement is caused by the agitation of air bubbles. This compact treatment system is effective in removal of BOD as well as nitrogen and phosphorus while facilitating effective solids separation.

Design and Construction Principles

Neutralised and settled wastewater passes through MBBR for reduction in BOD/COD. Most of the MBBR plants are provided with vertically or horizontally mounted rectangular mesh sieves or cylindrical bar sieves. Biofilm carriers are made up of high density (0.95 g/cm3) polyethelene. These are normally shaped as small cylinders with a cross inside and fins outside. The standard filling of carrier is  not more than 465 m2/m3. Generally, design load for COD-BOD removal is 20 g COD / m2d. Smaller carriers need smaller reactor volume at a given loading rate (as g/m2d) when the carrier filling is same. 

It is advisable to use MBBR in combination with a DEWATS  as a pre-treatment unit, depending on the local conditions and input characteristics. It is a very robust and compact alternative for secondary treatment of municipal wastewater, having removal efficiency for BOD 90 – 95% (low rate) and that of 75 – 80% for high rate. Average nitrogen removal is about 85%. There is no need for sludge recirculation. Phosphorus and faecal coliform reduction is feasible with additional passive (non-mechanical) or active (mechanical) system components.

A constantly operating MBBR does not require backwashing or return sludge flows. It has minimal head-loss. Coarse-bubble aeration in the aeration zone in the wastewater treatment tank provides ease of operation at low-cost. Agitation continuously moves the carrier elements over the surface of the screen thus preventing clogging. Maintenance of MBBR system includes screening, influent equalisation, clarifier system, sludge handling and integrated control system. There is no need to maintain f/M ratio as there is self-maintenance of an optimum level of productive biofilm. Skilled labour is required for routine monitoring and operations of pumps and blowers.

Calculations!:Aeration Tank Volume, HRT, MLSS Values.
I am working in a STP & ETP plant. I need to know how to calculate:

1. Volume of Aeration tank
2. HRT
3. F/M Ratio
4. MLSS value.

The relevant details of the ETP are as below:

Influent flow = 10 m3 / day
In. flow BOD = 1200 mg / L
In.flow COD = 2200 mg / L
TSS  = 850 mg / L

Dear Jayroopa

You may please refer Water & Waste Water Engineering by Metcalf & Eddy.
BOD of effluent is 1200 mg/l. It will be difficult to bring down the BOD by Activated Sludge process to desire permissible limits.

Simplified method of calculation is as below.

Process Activated sludge
Flo3, CUM 10
Type Extended aeration
Food to Microorganism ratio (F/M) 0.15
Total BOD load, Kg BOD*Flow/1000.= 12
Total mixed liquor suspended solids(MLSS) Total BOD/(F/M) = 80 kg
MLSS in Tank say mg/l 3000
Volume of tank, CUM Total MLSS/(MLSS/1000) = 26.6
Retention time, hr 24*Volume of Tank/Flow = 63.84

You can select F/M & MLSS values and optiimise the volume of a tank.
The waste water has high suspended solids therefore sedimentation is must.

Maximum efficiency of Activated sludge process is 95% therefore if you need lower value of BOD in treated effluent then you have to opt two stage process.
For further information please contact

Prof. R. V. Saraf
Viraj Envirozing India Pvt. Ltd.
21 Radhakrishna Near SBI, Paud Road, Pune 38

13 Aug, 2008   |  Taral Kumar

Dear Jeyaroopa,

Though the calculation is not that simple, I will give you a thumb rule. Multiply BOD with Quantity of effluent and divide it by 500 to get aeration tank volume. For example, for 10 cum/day with 1200 BOD, aeration tank volume shall be 10 x 1200 / 500 = 24 cum. That is 2.5 days storage nearly. But that is because the BOD is excessively high.

With best regards,

Taral Kumar
Executive Director
Akar Impex Pvt. Ltd.
Noida, Uttar Pradesh

Friday, July 22, 2016

Before any major decision, pray Salat-ul-Istikhara

Before any major decision, pray Salat-ul-Istikhara

What is Salat ul Istikhara?

Source: Fiqh-us-Sunnah, volume 2, number 32 and volume 4, number 141.
Often, we have to make major life-changing decisions: whether to undertake a major project or not, whether to apply for a promotion or not, whether to change career or not, whether to invest in a certain company or not, whether to get married or not, whom to get married to, etc.
Istikhara (Arabic) means to ask Allah to guide one to the right thing concerning any affair in one’s life, especially when one has to choose between two permissible alternatives, e.g. a career choice, getting married, etc.  Similarly, a traveller should consult good righteous persons before setting out on a journey, because Allah says, “And consult them (O Prophet) in affairs (of moment),” (Qur’an, 3: 159) and one of the characteristics of the believers is that “they (conduct) their affairs by mutual consultation” (Qur’an, 42: 38). Qatadah said, “Every people who seek the pleasure of Allah and consult with one another are guided to the best course in their affairs.” The traveller should also make istikharah and seek guidance from Allah.
Sa’ d ibn Waqas reported that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, “Istikharah (seeking guidance from Allah) is one of the distinct favors (of Allah) upon man, and a good fortune for the son of Adam is to be pleased with the judgment of Allah. And a misfortune of the son of Adam is his failure to make istikharah (seeking Allah’s guidance), and a misfortune for the son of Adam is his displeasure with the judgment of Allah.” Ibn Taimiyyah said, “He who seeks guidance from the Creator and consults the creatures will never regret it.”

How does one pray Salat ul Istikhara?

Salatul Istikharah is a sunnah of the Prophet (s).   It is a prayer that one may pray if one must choose between permissible alternatives: it is two non-obligatory rak’at (that can be recited separately or in combination with the regular sunnah prayers or the prayer for entering the mosque […] during any time of the day or night, and to recite therein whatever one wishes of the Qur’an after reciting al-Fatihah. After the two-rak’ats, one praises Allah and sends salutations to the Prophet sallallahu alehi wasallam and recites the following supplication which has been recorded by al-Bukhari in Jabir’s hadith (see full text below): “The Prophet sallallahu alehi wasallam would teach us al-istikhara for all of our affairs as he would teach us a surah from the Qur’an. He said: ‘If one of you is deliberating over an act, he should pray two non-obligatory rak’at and say:O Allah, I consult You as You are All-Knowing and I appeal to You to give me power as You are Omnipotent, I ask You for Your great favor, for You have power and I do not, and You know all of the hidden matters . O Allah ! If you know that this matter (then the person reciting the du’a should mention the matter for which he is seeking Allah’s Guidance) is good for me in my religion, my livelihood, and for my life in the Hereafter, (or he said: ‘for my present and future life,’) then make it (easy) for me. And if you know that this matter is not good for me in my religion, my livelihood and my life in the Hereafter, (or he said: ‘for my present and future life,’) then keep it away from me and take me away from it and choose what is good for me wherever it is and please me with it.”
The following hadith (referred above in Fiqh-us-Sunnah) is narrated by Jabir bin Abdullah about Salat-ul-Istikhara in Sahih Bukhari (volume 2, hadith number 263 and again volume 9, hadith 487):
The Prophet (peace be upon him) used to teach us the way of doing Istikhara (Istikhara means to ask Allah to guide one to the right sort of action concerning any job or a deed), in all matters as he taught us the Suras of the Quran. He said, “If anyone of you thinks of doing any job he should offer a two Rakat prayer other than the compulsory ones and say (after the prayer)‘Allahumma inni astakhiruka bi’ilmika, Wa astaqdiruka bi-qudratika, Wa asaluka min fadlika al-‘azim Fa-innaka taqdiru Wala aqdiru, Wa ta’lamu Wala a’lamu, Wa anta ‘allamu l-ghuyub. Allahumma, in kunta ta’lam anna hadha-l-amra (then the person reciting the du’a should mention the matter for which he is seeking Allah’s Guidance)   Khairun li fi dini wa ma’ashi wa’aqibati amri (or ‘ajili amri wa’ajilihi) Faqdirhu li wa yas-sirhu li thumma barik li Fihi, Wa in kunta ta’lamu anna hadha-lamra shar-run li fi dini wa ma’ashi wa’aqibati amri (or fi’ajili amri wa ajilihi) Fasrifhu anni was-rifni anhu. Waqdir li al-khaira haithu kana Thumma ardini bihi.
Note from Rafik BeekunI have included the french, german and spanish translations of the above dua at the end of this post.
Similar hadiths were reported by Jabir (r) in Sahih Bukhari (volume 8, hadith number 391).
Note from Rafik Beekun: If you have trouble with the arabic version of the dua for Istikhara, here is a dua video where the dua is being recited in arabic.  Both the arabic version of the du’a, its english transliteration, and translation are included. Please use it to practice reciting the dua correctly before praying Salat Istihara:

Salat ul Istikhara: Prayer for consultation

Memorizer for the du’a for Salat ul Istikhara

If you cannot view the above video clip, please click here to hear the MP3 version of it.
To summarize,  here is how you pray Salat-ul-Istikhara step-by step:
  • Perform Wudu (the ablution) if you do not have it already.
  • Pray 2 raka’at either with the intention of praying Istikhara separately by itself  or jointly with  two non-obligatory rak’at (e.g. the regular sunnah prayers or the prayer for entering the mosque, or tahajjud.) Please make sure that you are not praying during the three times when it is undesirable to pray [The Prophet (s) said:   “There is no prayer after the Fajr until the sun (sufficiently) rises; and there is no prayer after the ‘Asr until the sun completely sets.” [Muslim, 1041, agreed upon].  Again, in another hadith reported in Muslim 1040, it is narrated: “ Three were the times at while Allah’s Messenger ( ) forbade us from praying or burying our dead (ie. funeral prayer): when the sun begins to rise until it is fully up; when the sun is at its height until it passes the meridian; and when the sun begins to set until it is completely set. [Muslim, 1040]”  Please note if istikhaarah is done for something that is immediate and cannot be delayed, then this prayer may be performed at a time when prayer is not allowed, such as if a person wants to travel after ‘Asr prayer. But if the matter is not immediate and the prayer can be delayed until after the time (see fatwah below)
  • Immediately after you have completed the 2 rakats, recite the abovementioned Istikhara Dua highlighted in yellow and mention the matter for which you are seeking Allah’s Guidance you have at the appropriate point in the du’a (indicated in red in the du’a above and also indicated in the video clips above).
  • Follow An Nawawi’s advice on how to interpret Allah’s guidance (please see section below).

What happens after one prays Salat ul Istikhara?
An-Nawawi holds that “after performing the istikharah, a person must do what he is wholeheartedly inclined to do and feels good about doing and should not insist on doing what he had desired to do before making the istikharah. And if his feelings change, he should leave what he had intended to do, otherwise he is not completely leaving the choice to Allah, and would not be honest in seeking aid from Allah’s power and knowledge. Sincerity in seeking Allah’s choice, means that one should completely leave what he himself had desired or determined.” [Note from Br. Rafik Beekun: Please view the video on “Istikhara and Marriage” at the bottom of this web page where the Sheikh elaborates on the different ways in which your prayer will be answered, Insha Allah}
It is not necessary that you get a dream or even a “feeling.” Rather, the istikhara is a prayer that Allah guide you towards that which is best (khayr) for you. If you do the prayer of guidance (istikhara) with the proper manners, the most important of which is to truly consign the matter to Allah and suspend your own inclinations, then Allah will make events unfold in the direction that is the best for your worldly and next-worldly affairs.
Please remember that the core of being a Muslim is to put your absolute trust in Allah.  Accordingly, once you perform the prayer of Istikharak, you need to follow the guidance of Allah whether it means pursuing or abandoning the intended undertaking. Allah also says:
And He provides for him from (sources) he never could imagine. And if any one puts his trust in Allah, sufficient is ((Allah)) for him. For Allah will surely accomplish his purpose: verily, for all things has Allah appointed a due proportion.” (Qur’an 65:3)

How many times can one pray Salat ul Istikhara?

As stated above, there is no limit on the number of times you can pray Salat ul Istikhara . though the fuqaha mention that it is recommend to repeat it, up to 7 times if necessary (usually done on separate occasions). [cf: Radd al-Muhtar]

Salat Istikhara and Marriage

Sunni Path Academy
Clip from SunniPath Answers Live event. This answer addresses the issue of how to pray Salat al-Istikhara, particularly in relation to marriage. Answered by Shaykh Hamza Karamali

Divine GPS: The Inner Dimensions of Salat Istikhara

This 39 minute lecture is by Imam AbdulBary Yahya. He was born in Vietnam during the Vietnam War, and very soon thereafter immigrated to the U.S. with his family. He grew up in Seattle, WA and after completing his primary and secondary education there, began his studies at the Islamic University of Madinah. It was at the University that he befriended Muhammad Alshareef, as they sat next to each other in the first year of their studies.
Upon graduation from the Islamic University of Madinah’s College of Shariah, AbdulBary Yahya returned to Vietnam and Cambodia and became a teacher and director of the Revival of Islamic Heritage Society in Cambodia and the Umm al-Qura Charity Organization in Vietnam.
He presently resides in Seattle, WA with his family, and is an instructor with AlMaghrib Institute, an organization that provides trademark double-weekend seminars leading students towards a bachelor’s degree in Islamic Studies. He is currently the Imam (spiritual leader and adviser) of Masjid Jaamiul Muslimeen in Seattle, WA. He also holds the positions of President of the Cham Refugee Community and Vice-President of the Islamic Center of Washington State.