The untold love story-II: Golden rules of flirting on Orkut
1. 'Hi..wanna be friends' is the worst way of starting a conversation. Some try to impress by praising something linked to the profile but I don't approve of that. The best way is to explore her communities. Try to find out her views by participating in discussions with her on communities. Impress her with your knowledge and converging views.
2. The next step is to directly interact through scraps. Generally people tend to discuss a lot on scrapbooks so try to explore her and her friends scrapbooks. Gather as much information as you can. But don't reveal this directly to her or else she might take you as a pervert. Be patient for an opportunity to help her in time of distress.
3. You can now move on to messenger. Add her to your messenger list. You would have come more closer now so feel free to express yourself. Don't make a fool of yourself by investing emotions or expressing your weakness in front of her. Remember, don't show too much interest and on the other hand make her feel important.
4. If you fail in the step 1 then either the girl isn't interested in opposite sex or you haven't done your homework well. All girls are not flirtable so no point in banging your head on a wall. (Bhains ke aage been bajane se koi faida nahi). You can move on to step 2 directly if the girl is easy going.
There isn't much you can do with just Orkut so direct contact is the only way of developing the relationship. I leave the morals and ethics involved to your judgement.
Coming back to my story, well I made a big time fool of myself with girls. But you need to make mistakes to learn. My dreams of finding Miss Yahoo messenger was slowly fading. And the one fine day I installed Skype, searched for "18-22 F India" and typed "hi…wanna chat?". My luck was about to change. These were first signs of rains after years of draught. She replied in affirmative and I fell in love even before she sent me the second message.
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