Sunday, September 28, 2008
new invention in waste water treatment

i m moninder i want to get knowledge of flocculation test
----- Original Message -----From: moninder pal singhSent: Sunday, September 28, 2008 10:06 PMSubject: need ur help frdi m moninder i want to get knowledge of flocculation test actually i m working of water treatement plant as supervisor but i m freshly graduate need a a help of urs i shall be thanksfull to u i need to know simple test to check optimum dosing of coggulent
coggulent basicly use a ferrous sulphate heptahydrate and now using a alum
but want to know about ferrous sulphate
we use 40 kg of ferrous sulphate in a.5 kl tank ahm i hear about ferrous its help to make floccule in alkaline inlent is it true
in our plant ph just 7 to 9 not so much alkaline basicly want to know optimum ph test
hope u help me thanks frd

Your blog reflect something about India
From: saleem asraf syed imdaadullah <>
To: Gazzali I <>
Sent: Sunday, 28 September 2008 20:00:26
Subject: hi Reply from saleem:

Saturday, September 27, 2008
ALL NOC FORMS FOR Uttar pradesh to set an industry

NOC form UP pollution control board

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Preparations Before Leaving For Hajj
Mobile : 9899300371
311/22,Zakir Nagar,New Delhi-110025
We used to sit in mataaf facing the kaaba door till all our companions gather at the same place. Similarly we used to gather near the iron gate near jannatul baqi in medina till all our companions gather. Only after that we used to go to our home together.
15. Mobile phone
16. tayammum earth
Medication during Hajj
- Take Medicines with prescription
I just cant describe the feeling here. Seeing is only believing. Go for it man when you are young and energetic.
Here is one of my haj experience that you may find interesting and informative
at makkah u find barbers to shave off your hairs easily. so many of them are there....shouting at you...kom here kom here...
But on the 10th zulhijjah, at mina, you will not find barbers easily. and you cant shave yourself or your male relative cant shave you if he has not shaved his hair .We want to take off Ihraam fast , so, i searched and searched frantically but could not find any.
nobody there take chances with unknown people . But I asked one boy whether he will shave me, he said yah yah, why not. and now listen how he shaved me. i gave him my razor. he opened the razor set and took out the blade. holding the blade by hand he shaved me in 10 minutes flat. and my head was red here and there with cuts.
my mom was not worried about the cuts , she was worried about the unknown boy and probable infection. i Told mom that I carried the blade from Delhi. (MY OWN BLADE)
After that , i shaved my father and took almost one hour to shave him, isko dekh kar shamim bhai dar gaye and he took a round of the tents at mina aur shamim bhai ko kisi ne kar diyaa ganja,
Summery of the story : Take your own blade with u when u go there. and dont take unnecessary risks.

Monday, September 22, 2008
homeopathy potency how to choose
The test of reality.
First and foremost, I have again to repeat that finding the right remedy is the most important part of the treatment; without it, no matter how you administer it, if it is not the correct one, it will not work. We all know that but it is better to reaffirm it clearly.
When the remedy is correct the speed of action is remarkable, there is no need to wait for months especially in deep mental/emotional situations; if by the end of the series there has been no result, the remedy was obviously wrong…but nothing happened and not too much time was wasted.
In the world of human creations, arts and the human body and as related to the Golden Ratio number, Phi, 1:1.618, the "Sacred Number", known and used since antiquity by many different civilisations
As shown, you will find the Fibonacci series and the Golden Ratio everywhere you look, from microcosm to macrocosm, so why not use it in Homeopathy?
The Fibonacci Series.
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377,….is constructed by adding one number to the previous one, which forms the next in the series:
0 + 1 = 1
1 + 1 = 2
2 + 1 = 3
3 + 2 = 5
5 + 3 = 8
8 + 5 =13 and so on, giving the famous Fibonacci Spiral
By itself, each and every potency is low or medium; the combination with the previous one produces a depth of action equivalent to the value of the multiplication.
Compare it to the launch of a space shuttle; the first rocket lifts it somewhat from the ground, the next one puts it in the atmosphere then the boosters come in and propel it into the stratosphere and the empty space
What would happen if the doses were taken too close to each other? Remember the hypothesis that each dose needs to develop it's whole action before giving the next one, the shuttle analogy.
Speed of action.
- J.S. Sepia 5C to 55C, 6 days to cure
- P.S. ulcerative colitis, Pulsatilla 5C to 55C, days are in brackets: 5C (1) 8C (3) 13C (3) 21C (5) 34C (7) 55C: 19 days to cure
J.S. migraines and the pill, Sepia 5C to 55C, cured
- P.S. ulcerative colitis, Pulsatilla 5C to 55C, cured
- S.B. headaches, hay fever, Silica 3C to 55C, cured
I.V. Platina; the first teaspoon of 5C was unremarkable but the second one had an immediate effect lasting for a few days; when it had to be repeated regularly at 24 hours interval, moved to 8C that had an immediate effect and was repeated until needed more frequently; 13C and 21C followed the same pattern; 34C was used every third day until it stopped working; 55C just maintained the situation and we are now at 89C taken when needed to keep the clinical picture stable or help bring it back to stability.
Mobile : 9899300371
311/22,Zakir Nagar,New Delhi-110025

choose the exact waste water treatment method BOD/COD
of BOD to COD to know the treatability of wastewater.
Now, let's see what is BOD and COD; and what is their relevance
with reference to wastewater treatment.
**Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)**
The strength of wastewater is judged by BOD. This is defined as the
amount of oxygen required by bacteria while stabilizing the
organics in wastewater under aerobic conditions, at a particular
time and temperature. This can be referred as BOD5, which accounts
for 70% of the total BOD. The measurement of BOD is based on the
principle: determination of dissolved oxygen content of
water/wastewater on the first day and dissolved oxygen content on
the fifth day ('5' in BOD5 indicates this). The difference in
dissolved oxygen concentrations between first day and fifth day is
expressed as BOD of wastewater.
**What does COD of wastewater mean?**
Chemical oxygen demand (COD) reflects the concentration of organic
compounds present in wastewater. This measures the total quantity
of oxygen required for oxidation of organics into carbon dioxide
and water. The oxidation of organics in wastewater is carried out
by the action of strong oxidizing agents. Generally, acidified
potassium dichromate is used as an oxidizing agent for the
determination of COD. Silver sulfate is used as the catalyst for
the oxidation of organics in wastewater during the determination of
COD. Mercuric sulfate is added to control the interference of
chloride in the estimation of COD. The method consists of adding a
known concentration of potassium dichromate (added with silver
sulfate and mercuric sulfate) into wastewater containing organic
compounds to be oxidized in the heating condition. After oxidation,
the excess potassium dichromate is back titrated with ferrous
ammonium sulfate.
**Importance of COD**
Estimation of COD expresses the total concentration of organics
present in the wastewater. This measures approximately the
theoretical oxygen demand of wastewater. The determination accounts
for about 95% of the organic concentration in wastewater. This
forms about 1.43 times the BOD of wastewater. BOD to COD ratio
reveals the treatability of wastewater. If the ratio of BOD/COD is
above 0.5, the wastewater is considered to be highly biodegradable.
If the ratio is less than 0.3, the wastewater is deemed to undergo
a chemical treatment before the routine biological treatment.
With this mandatory information, you will be able to choose the
exact right wastewater treatment plant that suits your need.
Mobile : 9899300371
311/22,Zakir Nagar,New Delhi-110025