- Holding Tank: Wash water is collected in holding tanks
- FM, FLOC, Tube Settler Module: From Holding tank wash water is pumped to chemical treatment unit consisting of Flash Mixer, Flocculator and Tube Settler where lime and ferrous sulfate are added by auto doser in required quantity with effluent and allowed for settling.
- FILTERS: The chemically treated water is stored in a bleach tank and pumped through pressure sand filter followed by activated carbon filter.
- For zero discharge conditions: Iron removal filter, ion exchange filter and reverse osmosis (RO) system. Double stage RO system (each with six membranes) with spiral wound membrane is in operation. Pump pressure is maintained in the range of 21.2–28.2 kg/cm2 .Rejects of first RO is sent to second RO and the final reject (20%) is sent to Multiple Effect Evaporator (MEE). Condensate water is recycled in the cleaning operations. Outlet with 100 g/L solid content is allowed for solar evaporation and the combined permeate is used in the process.
Mobile : 9899300371
311/22,Zakir Nagar,New Delhi-110025
email: saleemasraf@gmail.com
BLOG: http://saleemindia.blogspot.com