Monday, September 19, 2005

Why discuss Rainwater Harvesting in India?

In India, rainwater harvesting is an ancient tradition. From as far back as 4500 BC, the simplest of earthworks in Thar Desert and Rajasthan, would harvest water from the falling rain. These simplest forms of rainwater harvesting would evolve in accordance to the eco-regions within India’s borders. Using rivers, floods, monsoon, underground rivers, surface water and the earth itself, the ancient cast of pallar (water managers) have been respected for thousands of years. Rainwater harvesting in India is more than an age old tradition that varies from region to region, rainwater harvesting is an integral part of Indian identity and cultural history, that without, India would never have been.


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  4. The idea of rainwater harvesting is being commonly used nowadays, however the idea of rain harvest is not new for India. Water harvesting methods had been evolved and created hundreds of years ago.
