Thursday, September 15, 2016


BEARD IS CALLED MALE HIJAB. Because a beard saves a person from a sin. For instance you can change your clothes and become one of the common people, however, the beard differentiates from a believer to a non-believer. So a person will think twice before going to a place which are disallowed in islam.

Importance of the Beard in Islam in the words of Rasulullah (SAW):

  1. Rasulullah (SAW) said “I have no connection iwth one who shaves, shouts and tears his clothing eg. in grief or affication.” – Reported by Abu Darda (R.A.) in Muslim, Hadith no. 501
  2. The teachings of Hadhrat Ammar Bin Yaasir, Abdullah Ibn Umar, Sayyidina Umar, Abu Hurairah and Jaabir (R.A.), indicate that ALL used to keep beards that were one fist length or more. Hadhrat Jaabir (R.A.) had said: “We used to grow long beards and only during Hajj and Umrah did we trim them to the required length (i.e. fist length).”
  3. Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Umar (R.A.) relates that: “He who imitates the kuffar (non-believers) and dies in that state, he will be raised up with them on the Day of Qiyamat (Judgement).”
  4. Rasulullah (SAW) says: “Trim closely the moustache, and let the beard flow (Grow).” – Narrated Ibn Umar (R.A.) in Muslim, Hadith no. 498.
  5. “Rasulullah (SAW) ordered us to trim the moustache closely and spare the beard” says Ibn Umar. – Muslim, Hadith no. 449
  6. Rasulullah (SAW)said: “Act against contrary to the polythesists, trim closely the moustache and grow the beard.” – Reported by Ibn Umar in Muslim, Hadith no. 500
  7. Rasulullah (SAW) said “Trim closely the moustache and grow the beard.” – Reported by Abu Hurairah (R.A.) in Muslim, Hadith no. 501
  8. Rasulullah (SAW) said: “Anyone who shaves has no claim to the mercy of Allah” – Reported by Ibn Abbas (R.A.) in Tibrabi
Let us look at the benefits of males wearing a beard. Doctor Daniel G. Freeman, of University of Chicago, did research on the reproductive value of male beardedness. To test his theory Doctor Freedman and his graduate students asked a group of undergraduates about their feelings about beardedness by giving them questionnaires and interviewing them. Furthermore, on e of the graduate students interviewed seven women about their feelings towards men with beards. The female students rated a bearded male face as more masculine, independent, sophisticated and mature compared to a clean-shaven male face. They concluded from their studies that beard increases "sexual magnetism" and attractiveness and makes men more appealing to women. The presence of a beard makes a man appear more masculine to women, and she feels more feminine towards him.
This research carried out by Doctor Freedman in the field of social psychology shows that the presence of a beard on man's face makes him more sexually attractive to women.


In a 1973 issue of psychology , Robert J. Pelligrini, a psychologist from California State University published the results of an experiment on the perception as a function of different state of beardedness or beardlessness. To carry out the experiment, Pelligrini hired eight full-bearded young men from the ages of 22-25 years, who were willing to have their beards completely shaved off. All men were professionally photographed in each of the following states:

Full beard, Goateed,Mustached,Clean shaven
Upon completion of the photographic sessions, there were a total of thirty two photographs i.e. four photos of each of the eight men. In the experiment, those photos were randomly distributed to subjects who were asked to rate their first impression based on a number of personality traits. The subjects who evaluated the photos compromised 64 male and 64 female psychology students. Hence, each photo was judged by two males and two females. 

The result of this study by Pelligrini indicated a generally positive correlation between the amount of hair on the person's face and his being perceived as masculine, good looking, dominant, mature, courageous, liberal, non-confirming, older healthy and attractive.

Beards can make you MORE attractive - 

  • Bearded men were most attractive for those after a long-term relationship 
  • A beard seemed to switch how women saw men with masculine faces

The researchers say beards can enhance a man's masculinity, providing a signal to women that suggests they are more fertile and better adapted to survive.


According tot he researches of herbalists, allowing the beard to grow prevents a person from contracting diseases of the throat and of the gums. 
States, "I don't understand why people feel uncomfortable growing a beard. When people have hair on their heads then what is the problem with keeping the hair on the face. If a person is suffering from loss of hair on the head then the person feels shy but it is astonishing that people today shave their beard with pleasure. A long beard saves a person from the cold affects reaching the neck..
We find that the beard is not only a command of the sacred law but beneficial for a person too. The Doctors and Philosophers of many years ago would keep a beard; take for instance, Charles Darwin, Louis Pastar, Abrahim Lincon and many others. It is only recently people have been removing it

A person went for an interview once and he got the job with the condition that he removed the beard. The person refused and left the interview room. On his way out he saw a picture depicting Jesus on the wall. Taking this off he presented this to the interviewers and said, 'If Jesus came to the interview, would you have told him the same.' The interviewers were dumbfound, the person left leaving the picture with them. This is the attitude Muslims should have, meaning, if you want our expertise then you take us as we are physically and spiritually. 

You may hear that some people say that bacteria grows in the beard is unhygienic. The answer tot that is shaving the beard rid natural cells from the face, hence leading to cancer of the face. The question to ask is that how can the beard have bacteria when one washes it five times a day whilst doing ablution.
Another benefit of the beard is that it saves a person from a sin. For instance you can change your clothes and become one of the common people, however, the beard differentiates from a believer to a non-believer. So a person will think twice before going to a place which are disallowed.
Doctor Herbert Mescon from Boston University calculated that if a teenager begins shaving at the age of 15, then in his 55 or so years of shaving, he is likely to spend approximately 3350 hours, equivalent to 139 days, at this task in his lifetime.
A man should think, how can he possibly place the hair which Allah, The Exalted, has commanded him to keep and practice of the Messenger, May Allah bless him and grant him peace, down the same drain pipe as one urinates, Is this the respect we have for the practice loved by the Prophet? We are so weak in faith that we want to follow the practices of the west rather than the Prophet. We are living in such a time where the women are wearing shirt and pants and trimming their hair, whilst the male are disfiguring themselves with rings on their faces. If a person does not keep a beard then how can he be recognized as a male, may Allah have mercy on us.

Scientific benefits for having a Beard
1. A beard protects the face from harmful chemicals, and pollution in the air, which will cause cell damage, and increase wrinkling and bad skin. So keeping a beard protects your skin from the elements, reduces wrinkles, ageing, and bad skin.
2.The beard covers the skin, which protects the sebaceous glands from being infected by acne vulgaris bacteria, thus preventing acne/spots/pimples!
3. Keeping your face warmer and protects your chin from dangers.
4. It prevents disease of throat and gums
5. Most of the respiratory problems are prevented by keeping beard
6. It is the identity for a man with respect to woman.
7. Research says the longer and thicker the beard the wiser the person is supposed to be.
8. What is the total time spent in shaving by a man in his whole lifetime? Dr. Herbert Mescon from Boston University did research to give an answer to this question. Dr. Mescon calculated that if a teenager begin shaving at the age of 15, then in his 55 or so years of shaving, he is likely to spend about 3350 hours (which are equivalent to about 139 full days) at this task in his lifetime. That is an incredible amount of time which literally goes down the drain. You can add to it thousands of dollars one spends during his lifetime on products for shaving (razors, shaving gels, after-shave lotions etc).
Sources of the above compilation:


Various Sources of the following compilation:

A chat with Dr. Devi Shetty, Narayana Hrudayalaya (Famous Heart Specialist) Bangalore was arranged by WIPRO for its employees. The transcript of the chat is given below. Useful for everyone.
Qn1. What are the thumb rules for a layman to take care of his heart?
1. Diet - Less of carbohydrate, more of protein, less oil
2. Exercise - Half an hour's walk, at least five days a week;
3. Quit smoking
4. Control weight
5. Control BP - Blood pressure and Sugar
Qn2. Can we convert fat into muscles?
Ans: It is a dangerous myth. Fat and muscles are made of two different tissues, fat is fat ... Ugly and harmful... Muscle is muscle. Fat can never be converted into a muscle.
Qn3. It's still a grave shock to hear that some apparently healthy person
gets a cardiac arrest. How do we understand it in perspective?
Ans: This is called silent attack; that is why we recommend everyone past the age of 30 to undergo routine health checkups.
Qn4. Are heart diseases hereditary?
Ans: Yes
Qn5. What are the ways in which the heart is stressed? What practices do you suggest to de-stress?
Ans: Change your attitude towards life. Do not look for perfection in everything in life.
Qn6. Is walking better than jogging or is more intensive exercise required to keep a healthy heart?
Ans: Walking is better than jogging, since jogging leads to early fatigue and injury to joints.
Qn7. You have done so much for the poor and needy. What has inspired you to do so?
Ans: Mother Theresa, who was my patient.
Qn8. Can people with low blood pressure suffer heart diseases?
Ans: Extremely rare.
Qn9. Does cholesterol accumulate right from an early age (I'm currently only 22) or do you have to worry about it only after you are above 30 years of age?
Ans: Cholesterol accumulates from childhood.
Qn10. How do irregular eating habits affect the heart ?
Ans: You tend to eat junk food when the habits are irregular and your body's enzyme release for digestion gets confused.
Qn11. How can I control cholesterol content without using medicines?
Ans: Control diet, walk and eat walnut.
Qn12. Which is the best and worst food for the heart?
Ans: Fruits and vegetables are the best and oil is the worst.
Qn13. Which oil is better - groundnut, sunflower, olive?
Ans: All oils are bad.
Qn14. What is the routine checkup one should go through? Is there any specific test?
Ans: Routine blood test to ensure sugar, cholesterol is ok. Check BP, Treadmill test after an echo.
Qn15. What are the first aid steps to be taken on a heart attack?
Ans: Help the person into a sleeping position, place an aspirin tablet under the tongue with a sorbitrate tablet if available, and rush him to a coronary care unit, since the maximum casualty takes place within the first hour.
Qn16. How do you differentiate between pain caused by a heart attack and that caused due to gastric trouble?
Ans: Extremely difficult without ECG.
Qn17. What is the main cause of a steep increase in heart problems amongst youngsters? I see people of about 30-40 yrs of age having heart attacks and serious heart problems.
Ans: Increased awareness has increased incidents. Also, sedentary lifestyles, smoking, junk food, lack of exercise in a country where people are genetically three times more vulnerable for heart attacks than Europeans and Americans.
Qn18. Is it possible for a person to have BP outside the normal range of 120/80 and yet be perfectly healthy?
Ans: Yes.
Qn19. Marriages within close relatives can lead to heart problems for the child. Is it true?
Ans : Yes, co-sanguinity leads to congenital abnormalities and you may NOT have a software engineer as a child.
Qn20. Many of us have an irregular daily routine and many a times we have to stay late nights in office. Does this affect our heart? What precautions would you recommend?
Ans : When you are young, nature protects you against all these irregularities. However, as yougrow older, respect the biological clock.
Qn21. Will taking anti-hypertensive drugs cause some other complications (short/long term)?
Ans : Yes, most drugs have some side effects. However, modern anti-hypertensive drugs are extremely safe.
Qn22. Will consuming more coffee/tea lead to heart attacks?
Ans : No.
Qn23. Are asthma patients more prone to heart disease?
Ans : No.
Qn24. How would you define junk food?
Ans : Fried food like Kentucky , McDonalds , Samosas, and even Masala Dosas.
Qn25. You mentioned that Indians are three times more vulnerable. What is the reason for this, as Europeans and Americans also eat a lot of junk food?
Ans: Every race is vulnerable to some disease and unfortunately, Indians are vulnerable for the most expensive disease.
Qn26. Does consuming bananas help reduce hypertension?
Ans: No.
Qn27. Can a person help himself during a heart attack (Because we see a lot of forwarded e-mails on this)?
Ans: Yes. Lie down comfortably and put an aspirin tablet of any description under the tongue and ask someone to take you to the nearest coronary care unit without any delay and do not wait for the ambulance since most of the time, the ambulance does not turn up.
Qn28. Do, in any way, low white blood cells and low hemoglobin count lead to heart problems?
Ans: No. But it is ideal to have normal hemoglobin level to increase your exercise capacity.
Qn29. Sometimes, due to the hectic schedule we are not able to exercise. So, does walking while doing daily chores at home or climbing the stairs in the house, work as a substitute for exercise?
Ans : Certainly. Avoid sitting continuously for more than half an hour and even the act of getting out of the chair and going to another chair and sitting helps a lot.
Qn30. Is there a relation between heart problems and blood sugar?
Ans: Yes. A strong relationship since diabetics are more vulnerable to heart attacks than non-diabetics.
Qn31. What are the things one needs to take care of after a heart operation?
Ans : Diet, exercise, drugs on time , Control cholesterol, BP, weight.
Qn32. Are people working on night shifts more vulnerable to heart disease when compared to day shift workers?
Ans : No.
Qn33. What are the modern anti-hypertensive drugs?
Ans: There are hundreds of drugs and your doctor will chose the right combination for your problem, but my suggestion is to avoid the drugs and go for natural ways of controlling blood pressure by walk, diet to reduce weight and changing attitudes towards lifestyles.
Qn34. Does dispirin or similar headache pills increase the risk of heart attacks?
Ans : No.
Qn35. Why is the rate of heart attacks more in men than in women?
Ans: Nature protects women till the age of 45. (Present Global census show that the Percentage of heart disease in women has increased than in men).
Qn36. How can one keep the heart in a good condition?
Ans: Eat a healthy diet, avoid junk food, exercise everyday, do not smoke and, go for health checkups if you are past the age of 30 ( once in six months recommended) ....
Please, don't hoard knowledge.
It takes sharing of knowledge to discover and understand the world in which we live. Do send it to all your friends and relatives....... They might benefit.

What causes angina?

Glyceryl trinitrate (GTN)

GTN comes as tablets or sprays. You take a dose under your tongue as required when your angina pain develops. GTN is absorbed quickly into the bloodstream, from under the tongue. A dose works to ease the pain within a minute or so.You should always carry your GTN spray or tablets with you.
How long people with chest pain should wait before calling an ambulance is a question familiar to general practitioners and emergency doctors.
The British Heart Foundation advises patients with known ischaemic heart disease that chest pain that lasts more than 15 minutes is probably a heart attack.2 Within this time patients are advised to use their glyceryl trinitrate (GTN) spray three times at five minute intervals before calling an ambulance.


 Each person’s individual condition is unique and this leaflet contains general information and is not a substitute for discussion with the doctor or nurse.
Coronary angiography is recognized as the gold test for diagnosis of coronary artery diseases. 

An angiogram can show doctors what's wrong with your blood vessels. It can:
·         Show how many of your coronary arteries are blocked or narrowed by fatty plaques (atherosclerosis)
·         Pinpoint where blockages are located in your blood vessels
·         Show how much blood flow is blocked through your blood vessels
·         Check the results of previous coronary bypass surgery
·         Check the blood flow through your heart and blood vessels

Preparing to come to hospital
Please do not yourself shave or remove hair from your chest, arms, legs or groin before coming into hospital. If needed, this will be done in hospital by experienced nurse just before your coronary angiogram.

It is very important that you have a thorough shower or bath the night before you come into hospital.

NURSE DUTY:  Assess the client’s and family’s knowledge and understanding of the procedure. Provide additional information as needed. Explain that the client will be awake during the procedure, which takes 1 to 2 hours to complete. A sensation of warmth (a “hot flash”) and a metallic taste may occur as the dye is injected. A rapid pulse or a few “skipped beats,” also are common and expected during the procedure. A good understanding of the procedure and expected sensations reduces anxiety and improves cooperation during the procedure. • Provide routine preoperative care as ordered.The nurse will shave around your groin and upper thigh area. Shave and prepare both groins with antiseptic solution, if the site for insertion will be the femoral vein.

Although the client remains awake, sedation may be given. Signed consent is required, and pre procedure fasting may be ordered. • Administer ordered cardiac medications with a small sip of water unless contraindicated. Regularly ordered medications are continued to prevent cardiac compromise or dysrhythmias during the procedure. • Assess for hypersensitivity to iodine, radiologic contrast media, or seafood. An iodine-based radiologic contrast dye is typically used for an angiogram. Iodine or seafood allergy increases the risk for anaphylaxis and requires an alternative dye or special precautions. • Record baseline assessment data, including vital signs, height, and weight. Mark the locations of peripheral pulses; document their equality and amplitude. The data provide a baseline for evaluating changes after the procedure. • Instruct to void prior to going to the cardiac catheterization laboratory,to promote comfort.
The room is kept at a cool temperature because of the hi-tech equipment, television screens and monitoring equipment. You may shiver there as you will be without warm clothes. You will be asked to move over on to the x-ray table, which is quite narrow . 

You will be lying face up with a green towel over the private parts on the x-ray table and awake throughout this procedure and asked to lie flat and keep still as possible. They may strap you to the bed.
The shaved groin area is washed and disinfected and then numbed with an injection of local anesthetic. A small incision is made at the entry site, and a short plastic tube (sheath) is inserted into your artery. The catheter is inserted through the sheath into your blood vessel and carefully threaded to your heart or coronary arteries.
Threading the catheter shouldn't cause pain, and you shouldn't feel it moving through your body.

The angiogram catheter will be put into an artery in your leg near your groin, or in your arm. The catheter travels through the artery to the area in the body that is being studied. Contrast liquid is put through the catheter to help your blood vessels and organs show up better. You may feel warm as the liquid is put into the catheter. You may get a headache or feel nauseated. These are normal feelings that will go away quickly.

A series of X-rays will be taken once the dye is injected. The X-ray machine will be moved around you and the bed will be moved to obtain the correct position. You will notice that the x-ray machine will move close toyour chest and will also move towards your head and from side to side. This enables a complete picture of the heart, arteries and valves to be taken
.Some people may experience a metallic taste in the mouth or a feeling of wanting to go to the toilet. These sensations are not unusual. If you feel sick, itchy or have any chest pain or discomfort you must tell the doctor. The procedure takes approximately 15 – 30 minutes.

During angioplasty, the balloon is blown up inside the coronary artery, squashing fatty deposits and widening the narrowed artery. Usually the catheter also carries a short hollow tube made of stainless steel (called a stent) which opens out as the balloon is blown up and is left inside your artery. It is like a tiny piece of scaffolding that holds the artery open.

• Assess vital signs, catheterization site for bleeding or hematoma, peripheral pulses, and neurovascular status every 15 minutes for first hour, every 30 minutes for the next hour, then hourly for 4 hours or until discharge. The data provide vital information about the client’s status and potential complications such as bleeding, hematoma, or thrombus formation. • Maintain bed rest as ordered, usually for 6 hours if the femoral artery is used, or 2 to 3 hours if the brachial site is used. The head of the bed may be raised to 30 degrees. Bed rest reduces movement of and pressure in the affected artery, reducing the risk of bleeding or hematoma. • Keep a pressure dressing, sandbag, or ice pack in place over the arterial access site. The nurse will check your groin area and feet pulses frequently. Check frequently for bleeding (if the access site is in the groin, check for bleeding under the buttocks). Arteries are high-pressure systems. The risk for significant bleeding after an invasive procedure is high. • Instruct to avoid flexing or hyperextending the affected extremity for 12 to 24 hours. Minimizing movement of the affected joint allows the artery to effectively seal and promotes blood flow, reducing the risk of bleeding, hematoma, or thrombus formation. • Unless contraindicated, encourage liberal fluid intake. An increased fluid intake promotes excretion of the contrast medium, reducing the risk of toxicity (particularly to the kidneys). • Promptly report diminished peripheral pulses, formation of a new hematoma or enlargement of an existing one, severe pain at the insertion site or in the affected extremity, chest pain, or dyspnea. While the risk of complications is low, myocardial infarction or insertion site complications may occur. These necessitate prompt intervention. • Provide instructions about dressing changes, follow-up appointments, and potential complications prior to discharge

1.You may need to lie flat and keep your arm or leg straight for several hours after your angiogram with a weight put over the punctured groin area. 
2.You must use a bedpan or a urinal until you are able to get out of bed and go to the bathroom.
3.No movement even to eat. The nurse will feed you till they see you improve.
4.No lifting heavier than 5 kilograms or 11 lbs. for 7 days
5.IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT YOU DO NOT STOP TAKINGYOUR CLOPIDOGREL FOR 12 MONTHS FOLLOWINGYOUR PROCEDURE, PARTICULARLY IF YOU HAVE ADRUG-ELUTING STENT.If any doctor asks you to stop taking Clopidogrel before 12 months, please ask them to contact your cardiologist to discuss their reasons.

Patient Reactions:
I losed my privacy fully at the hospital. The female nurses comes frequently after the procedure to check the groin area for any bleeding. She lifts the scrotum by her hand to wipe out any blood.They make you urinate too much by giving medicine after the proceedure so that the dye dont effect your kidneys. She picks up your penis and place it inside urinal and waits near you till you finish urination. Than she takes away the urinal from between your legs. All your privacy is always exposed to her. And the first thing every morning is a sponge bath given by three nurses, one attending top portion of my body ,one middle and one bottom. And lastly she spoon fed me. You feel like you are back to your childhood days with your mother. 

From a medical point of view I think you should NOT shave anything before you go in;; If you cut or nick yourself it is a source of infection ; Let the professionals do their job;; why risk it? 

I didn't have a problem with them shaving there..good luck with your tests...take care 

I've shaved and then went in and they just redid it. I think that they do it no matter what just to make sure it's done right. I even had male nurses twice and they make you feel comfortable while they shave you. Good luck on your angio. 

I have had several angiograms, and have been given a dry run in my pubic area each time. They shave both sides of the groin area in case the first side doesn't work. Each time, I've been awake and had female nurses. 

I was in bed with only a gown on when a female nurse in her mid 20s came in with a cart, pulled the curtain closed, and pulled down the bed covers. She announced that she would shave my  pubic area. After donning a pair of rubber gloves, she started dry shaving from my navel down to my penis and down around my balls. As she was starting to shave me with the single edged razor, a fellow female nurse showed up to my embarrassment. 

The hospitals around here do it after you are asleep. They do NOT want you to shave at home. 

I had a heart attack at work and was brought to Yale. The residents were very courteous and relatively concerned about my dignity. Not so the female surgeon who pulled up my gown and left me exposed, fortunately flacid, before several women and med students, all female. One of the residents who came in periodically (male), apparently embarrassed for me, eventually covered my penis with the sterilizing cloth. It was cold and wet and shocked me, but restored some dignity. It disappeared later after the local anesthetic set in and I was again left exposed. The tech (also a female MD) inserting the femoral artery cath for the stent never looked at my face or my genitals, that I noticed, but she had a silly, perhaps embarrassed grin on her face throughout the procedure.  

Upon entering the cold operating room (with doctor, 4-5 female nurses and other technicians present). Once on the operating table, one nurse lifted my gown and began shaving my groin area with my genitals completely exposed. She had to move my penis and scrotum with her gloved hand to complete her site prep. When finished, she pulled up my gown and left my genitals completely exposed to all nursing/tech staff in the room. It was humiliating. After about 5 minutes, of my lying there completely exposed, one male tech placed a cloth over my genitals. This was completely uncalled for and an unforgiveable violation of my privacy.- 

The nurses would only have been 20 or 21. They undressed me when I was admitted and I remember both stared quite hard at my penis when they took my gown off. I was in pain and didn't find that at all stimulating. When I got my first sponge bath ,I was very embarrassed. The nurse was obviously amused and actually scrubbed my penis, scrotum and anus with a warm towel. I eventually got used to these early morning baths and things were more or less under control. 

Second day after the procedure a young nurse came in my area in ward and said she was going to give me a sponge bath. After she had washed everything except my genitals and bottom she asked if I wanted to wash those areas myself or have her do it. I had IVs in one arm and attempted with my other, but I was still in quite a bit of pain and she she offered to help. She had me roll over onto my side and she gently washed my butt. Then I turned back over and she washed my entire groin area. She was very gentle and kind.God Bless her. .

In 1980, I had gone to the hospital for the angio and the day after the operation, I was given a bed bath by the nurse which was very embarrassing. At the start, she had me sit up, then took off the gown, the only thing I had on (although the sheet and blanket still covered my legs and genitals). She washed my back, then had me lie down to wash my chest and abdomen. Next, she uncovered my left leg and hip to wash that, At the time, I was thinking she probably wouldn't wash my genitals, but then she uncovered my right leg and hip--the bed coverings only partially covering my genitals .She washed my right leg and hip while I was thinking surely she won't be washing my penis. WRONG! A few minutes later, the bed coverings were gone completely and there I was naked while she washed my manhood! Very embarrassing to say the least!

Read More About Patient experiences

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Subject: Ranking of true Islamic countries
*How Islamic are the Islamic Countries*
A study conducted by Prof. Hussain Askari of George Washington University entitled *“How Islamic are the Islamic Countries"* showed that most of the countries that apply *Islamic Principles* in their daily lives are not ones that are traditionally Muslim.
New Zealand ranked 1st, Luxembourg 2nd, Ireland 3rd, Iceland 4th, Finland 5th, Denmark 6th Canada 7th. Malaysia 38th, Kuwait 48th, Bahrain 64th and the surprise *Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ranked 131st*.
The study, published in the *Global Economy Journal* might be shocking to most of us but when we look around us and see the reality of the situation, we find that the results of the study are accurate and true.
As Muslims we seem to care only about performing religious Obligations/Rituals/Sunnah (prayer, fasting, niqab, beards, etc), reading the Qur’an and the Hadiths, but we don't practice what we espouse.
We listen to religious lessons and sermons more than the other people on the face of the earth, but we are still not the best of Nations. In the last 60 years, we have listened to 3,000 Friday sermons.
_*A Chinese merchant once said: “Muslim merchants come to me and ask me to put fake international labels and brands on their goods. When I invite them to eat, they refuse because the food is not Halal. So it is Halal for them to sell fake goods?”*_
_*A Japanese Muslim said: “I traveled to the West and saw Islam in practice applied in the daily life of non-Muslims. I traveled to the East, I saw Islam but did not see any Muslims. I thank Allah I knew Islam before I knew how Muslims act.”*_
Religion should not be reduced to Prayer and Fasting. It is a way of life and it is about how we treat others.
Performing a religious obligation is up to you and it is something between you and Allah. However, good ethics is something between you and other people. In other words, if we do not put Islamic ethics into action and practice, corruption will become rampant and disgrace will be our future.
We should not judge a person based on how he performs religious obligations for he might be a hypocrite.
_*The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Verily, the bankrupt of my nation are those who come on the Day of Resurrection with prayers, fasting and charity, but also with insults, slander, consuming wealth, shedding and beating others.”*_
I believe *Islam* (external aspect of faith) is incomplete without *Imaan* (internal aspect of faith) and *Ihsaan* (social aspect of faith). Ponder, understand and realize this.
Lord Bernard Shaw is said to have said: *Islam is the best religion and Muslims are the worst followers.*
A statement by Nasiruddin Shah before Shariyah court in Pakistani movie ' Khuda ke liye' ,
*"Haram ki kamai jeb me dale hum halal gosht ki dukan dhundhte hai" !!!*

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The economic impact of Eid-ul-Azha Qurbani

Source of the article:
The word udhiyah means an animal of the ‘an’aam class (i.e., camel, cow, sheep or goat) that is slaughtered during the days of Eid al-Adha because of the Eid and as an act of worship, intending to draw closer to Allaah

“Udhiyah is  for the one who is able to do it, so a person should offer the sacrifice on behalf of himself and the members of his household.”If a man sacrifices a single sheep or goat on behalf of himself and his family, that will suffice for everyone he intended of his family, whether living or deceased. If he did not intend anything specific then it includes all those who are included in this word (family or household) either customarily or linguistically. Customarily it refers to all those whom he supports of wives, children and relatives; linguistically it includes all those who are related to him of his own children and the descendents of his father, grandfather and great-grandfather. 
One-seventh of a camel or cow is equivalent to one sheep; if a man sacrifices one-seventh of a camel or cow on behalf of himself and his family, that is sufficient, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said that one-seventh of a camel or cow takes the place of a sheep in the case of the hadiy (sacrifice offered during Hajj), so that applies also to the udhiyah because there is no difference between the udhiyah and the hadiy in this regard. 
If two or more people buy a sheep and sacrifice it, that is not sufficient, because no such thing has been narrated in the Qur’aan and Sunnah. Similarly if eight or more people share one camel or one cow, that is not sufficient (but it is permissible for seven people to share a camel or cow), because acts of worship are as prescribed in the Qur’aan and Sunnah and are not subject to personal opinion; it is not permissible to go beyond the set limits with regard to how much is to be done or the way in which it is to be done. This does not have to do with including others in the reward, because it was narrated that there is no limit to the number of people on whose behalf the sacrifice may be offered.

Source of the article : Almighty Allah made us remember Ibrahim (A.S.) story every year in Eid-ul-Azha for a reason.

Almighty Allah is not interested in anyone’s suffering, but Allah brought us here for a reason, He created us for a reason and He puts us in situations to help us learn what we were created for: The ultimate, sincere and pure belief in Allah!

The economy of Eid-ul-Azha, an Islamic festival, commemorating the sacrifice of prophet Ibrahim, seems to be the most dynamic of all other celebrations in generating business and temporary employment.

The meat is then usually split into three parts; one for the family, one for friends and neighbours, and the last one given to the needy people. almost all Muslims practice it in order to make sure that everyone can partake in the feast.

Eid al-Adha, then, is even more powerful than Eid al-Fitr in terms of its economic impact. Trillions of Rupees are channelled and redistributed among the people, and the poor people get a slice of it. In the spirit of spiritual festivity, it seems that material wealth also plays a big part in helping other people to smile.

It is the rural areas that raises sacrificial animals and receives the major chunk of the spending.
 There was a whole chain of middlemen between the original seller in remote areas and the ultimate buyer in cities.
Transporters have already been mentioned. Trucks and other smaller pick-ups work round the clock. There are caretakers of animals bought by people who are either incapable or not inclined to handle cattle by themselves.

Hide collectors, animal feed sellers, animal doctors and makeshift stalls of other paraphernalia have sprung up all over the country employing people in thousands. Normally sale of freezers rise before the Eid as many people store the meat for consumption. Salt is used for preserving raw hide.Sell of spices also picks up.
There are many industries that receive a direct stimulus on Eid-ul-Azha. The leading sectors are leather industry, cement industry, livestock and agriculture. Indirect benefit reaches yet other industries.
For instance, when farmers and investors in livestock sector get returns on their annual investments on Eid, they buy new automobiles, tractors, renovate houses and purchase various other items that are part of the rural economy.

“The multiplier effect of billions spent on Eid-ul-Azha is hard to quantify. It should suffice to say that beside earning blessings of God, they generate additional demand for a wide variety of goods and services”.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Honey and Cinnamon Mou Jul aru dalchini health benifits

Source of the artcle: