Tuesday, March 08, 2011

The Power of Whole Brain Thinking


The Power of Whole Brain Thinking

Author: Prashad Deshpande
Director, Empowered Learning System
The Power of Whole Brain Thinking -By-Prashad Deshpande
How We Think Matters

The image of the Titanic sinking, immortalized in a movie is a defining visual of how the unimaginable can become possible and how 'rock solid' assumptions are mistaken for facts. Those closest to the Titanic were the ones most convinced of her invincibility.

"We believe that the boat is unsinkable." Philip Franklin, Vice-President of White Star Line, 8-00 a.m., April 15, 1912.

"I cannot imagine any condition which would cause the ship to founder. I cannot conceive of any vital disaster happening to this vessel. Modern shipbuilding has gone beyond that." ? Captain Edward Smith.

We all, at some point of time, fall a victim to the Titanic mindset, "Since I am so sure, I can't be wrong," and some of us most of the times. This is because the way we think influences the way we behave and we all 'see' the world through the prism of our own attitudes shaped by the forces of nature and nurture. The first step to make a shift in our mindset is to understand how we think and our dominant preferences.

Whole Brain Thinking Background
In the 16th century, when Rene Descartes declared "I think, therefore I am" he put a spotlight on the importance of thinking. Four hundred years later, Ned Herrmann took this question further when he experienced an epiphany after reading an article by Henry Mintzberg in the HBR. The article asked a powerful question that haunted him ? "How come managers can be so smart and yet dull at the same time?"

Ned Herrmann was a polymath, a singer (he sang at Carnegie Hall), a sculptor, a physicist by training from Carnegie Mellon, and he was also the head of Management Development at GE, at that time.

This question intrigued him in the sense it was a question vital to help him understand himself better.

GE supported Ned's experiments and applications and the pursuit of the 'aha' of the Mintzberg Moment during the late '70s, and it was these activities that led to the development of the whole brain concept and the Herrmann Brain Dominant Instrument HBDI®.

The Whole Brain Thinking Concept
Ned Herrmann combined Sperry's work and MacLean's research (both renowned Nobel Prize winning scientists) to create his Whole Brain Model, which emphasizes the fact that there are really four parts of the brain where dominances exist: Cerebral left, Limbic Left, Limbic Right, and Cerebral Right. These four styles or 'mindsets' are known as quadrants A, B, C, and

This is of course a metaphorical mode that describes how each of us has a preferred way and mode of thinking that affects the way we receive and process information. The awareness of one's own thinking style and that of others, combined with the ability to act outside of one's preferred thinking style is known as Whole Brain Thinking*

Tuning in
For a good metaphor to understand how the Whole Brain Thinking model works, consider for a moment that our brain is a radio and that we have our favorite stations that we are 'tuned to ' and listen to more often. These favorite stations are our dominant thinking preferences ? we all have at least one dominant preference.
The model helps us understand which 'stations' we have a preference for and which we 'avoid', and there is nothing right or wrong if some of us prefer tuning into different stations. It also tells us that each of us has an access to each station. If we don't listen to a station often, it may require some work for us to tune in. The faster we are able to tune into the right station given the situation, the more effective we will be. We don't need to stay tuned in to stations we do not prefer but tune in only when required.* (for more please read 'The Creative Brain' by Ned Herrmann.)

Whole Brain Thinking and the HBDI®
The Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI®) is the instrument that accurately identifies one's thinking preferences. This instrument is very easy to administer given that it is online ,takes only 20 minutes to fill in and provides an accurate, visual , validated profile of how one thinks and more importantly, how one thinks under pressure.

Over 2 million people world-wide have been administered the profile and in India, we have administered the profile to over 1,200 managers from 32 companies.

Examples of HBDI profiles reflecting the dominance of each quadrant. The white lines indicate how the individual thinks under stress conditions.

The inner concentric circle indicates avoidance in that quadrant, the circle next to that indicates secondary thinking preferences and the last two concentric circles indicate primary thinking preferences in that quadrant.

People Behind Profiles – the 'Adamant' CEO
The funny part of our consulting work is helping managers understand the implications of their profiles. Every profile is a 'story' and in interpreting the story, people gain insights that help them make significant changes in the way they approach issues and change their behavior toward the team, colleagues, clients, and at home.

Please refer to the profiles above.
The CEO of a large manufacturing company was a 'high blue' ? a very analytical, fact based, and precise person. He was impatient with people who took too long to get to the point. He was also very sure of his approach, had a high focus on task and numbers, and saw no need to change. After all, he was very successful having steered the company to new heights, the quintessential 'Captain of the Titanic". Under pressure, he became even more analytical and as his people would say privately he was the 'iceman' apparently bereft of emotion. Not completely true of course, he was emotional, but he prided himself on his ability to keep his feelings under check.

He 'saw' the world very differently from his deputy – the Vice President of Service who was more people focused, believed in relationships, and who was very approachable. He respected the abilities of his deputy, however, but was worried that he was too soft on people. On their one-on-one's, he repeatedly suggested to his deputy that he should be tougher and develop the ability to take 'hard' decisions.
Their weekly meetings were becoming increasingly strained and unproductive and when both of them completed their HBDI profiles, it was as if the lights went on ? a 'aha' moment.
They both saw how differently they 'viewed' the world and this acceptance of differences made the CEO open to change. The CEO requested his deputy to address the monthly staff meetings, which earlier, the CEO used to do. The outcome of this 'small' change was that while it was very difficult for the CEO in the initial meetings to control his impatience,? his deputy took 15 minutes to 'warm up' ? he found that when he spoke later, the team was much more receptive to his messages. For the deputy, he began to understand the importance of being succinct and precise.

Harnessing Potential
The power of the Whole Brain Thinking model is the ability to help people and teams change their mindsets. The HBDI is a cognitive tool, it is visual, it does not pigeonhole you in a box nor label you as a certain type, and there lies its almost universal acceptance.
A greater realization for people is that there are four equally valid and relevant ways of thinking and the goal is really to stretch oneself into quadrants where one has an avoidance and become 'situationally whole' when required.

We believe that the larger goal for individuals, teams, and organizations is to move three levels to harness the full potential of their people and teams: From the first level of just 'tolerating' differences to the next level of 'accepting' differences to third level of ' honouring' differences.

This journey can be extremely rewarding in terms of personal growth as well as for organizations in terms of unleashing the power of true collaborative working.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

How can one cover up a fart? SOME USEFUL TIPS..;-)


How can one cover up a fart? SOME USEFUL TIPS..;-)

Depending upon the company, another strategy is not to cover it up, but to proudly proclaim the fart as your own grand accomplishment and to issue a challenge to the others to outdo that one if they think they can.

As for the sound... if you are in a large group of people, act oblivious and innocent, or glance quickly at the person next to you, as if you think he/she did it. Other strategies include coughing or suddenly moving your chair so that people think that they misheard the fart. If you are with one other person, you can act as if nothing happened, and the other person may believe he was mistaken in thinking he heard a fart.

another ploy is to blame the dog or cat, if one should be present, or complain about how the wind must be blowing from the direction of the animal bone rendering plant (Read Malhotra bone,one of my client).

Where does fart gas come from?


The gas in our intestines comes from several sources: air we swallow, gas seeping into our intestines from our blood, gas produced by chemical reactions in our guts, and gas produced by bacteria living in our guts.

A major source of fart gas is bacterial action. Bacterial fermentation and digestion processes produce heat as a byproduct as well as various pungent gases. The resulting bubbles of gas tend to be small, hot, and concentrated with stinky bacterial metabolic products. These emerge as the notorious, warm, SBD (Silent-But-Deadly), often in amounts too small to produce a good sound, but excelling in stench.

Why are beans so notorious for making people fart?


Beans contain sugars that we humans cannot digest. The most offensive sugars, known as "flatulence factors" to scientists who research farts, are raffinose, stachiose, and verbascose. When these sugars reach our intestines, the bacteria go wild, have a big feast, and make lots of gas!

Other notorious fart-producing foods include corn, bell peppers, cauliflower, cabbage, milk, bread, eggs, beer, and raisins. People unable to digest milk due to lactose intolerance will suffer extreme flatulence if they consume dairy products.

Friday, February 18, 2011

vaid adwait tripathi of NOIDA claims clear the heart blockage, is this possible ?


There are few good herbs that help to lower the blood pressure .one of them is Arjunchal(bark of an Arjuna tree) The bark of Arjuna tree is researched as an anti-ischemic or anti- anginal and cardio protective agent and is useful in hypertension and ischemic heart disease. Arjun chal is a unique herb that also helps maintain a healthy heart and reduces the effects of stress and nervousness which proves to be the prime culprit for high blood pressure. Arjuna promotes effective cardiac functioning and regulates the blood pressure. It improves the blood circulation to the heart and increase oxygen flow to the heart. It also helps purify the blood, lowers blood pressure and can improve cholesterol level and also tones the heart. It plays an effective role if the decoction is taken regularly the best thing to do along with this medicine is to walk on the moist grass early morning to control the blood pressure.lowers blood pressure and can improve cholesterol.Do not take it on an empty stomach and it's not suitable if you are pregnant or breast feeding mother. How to prevent hypertension? Include food items of high fiber content in your diet such as fruits, vegetables, pulses, cereal, rice, wheat, etc in unprocessed form are good for your heart and body.Avoid alcohol and tobacco. Give your body some exercise, walking for 30 minutes in the morning is good enough as a start up. Gradually introduce aerobics or yoga and prayanam to keep healthy for ever.drink 15 to 20 glasses of water in the entire day it will help you to hasten your recovery from hypertension and Cholesterol.
Hello everyone,

My father has been diagnised with a blockage in the heart, the doctors are recommeding a by-pass surgery, I've heard about some ayurvedic & homeopathic treatment that can clear the blockage, is this possible ?

Thank you.
dear Patr
Yes i had cured many patient whom weastern therapy told patient for by pass surgery and i have guraneted treatment for Heart blockage.
my aim is to aware importance of people about ayurveda and provide all people better healthy enviorment and make this society free of disorder. so i m telling u complete treatment for Heart blockage and check about the quality of meidines becoz in my clinic i m sure about my medicines and i m taking 100% guranted for cure of heart disorder,, i m giving u complete diagnose for your father and please note down all the treatment and check any local vaidya with excellent quality of medicine how much it will cost.. and whole winter u need to continue this medicines and i m sure he will get cured..
treatment for Heart Blockage..

compound (preparaton Number 1 )

Prabhakar vati
Nagarjunabhra ras
mall sindoor
akkek pisti
prwal pisti
Hradayarnav ras
jawahar mohar pisti
all those ras and pisti and sindor mix together to form one special prepartion that need to take twice a day with Honey, butter,or cream.. if he is not diabetic need to take with honey..

preparation number 2

Arjunarista 4 tea spoon of Arjunarista + 4 tea spoon of normal drinking water need to take twice a day with normal drinking water.. after lunch and dinner..

Ashwagandha rista 4 tea spoon only night before sleeping + add normal 4 tea spoon water..

along with it..
morning evening and afternoon in place of tea add 8-10gm of Arjun chal powder in milk and add sugar like tea ( prepared ) whole wintor.. and tell her to take luke warm water bath whole wintor..

Please suggest him not to take any oily,spicy and sore food, ,just check his diet regulalry..
no need to do any weight work or any work that he need to put effort ..
tell ur family memeber dont leave him during day just talk him when he is free make him hapy ..

any more details u can mail me 24hours without any charge also any doubt about medicines mail me..
adwait tripathi
Originally Posted by ayurveda4uall

Regarding to Any kind of quaries and question and doubt in mind contact me and call me any time 24hours mail me.. i m giving assurance for quick reply Email id.. contact number :- +91-9868943638 +91-9311827943 on demand pure herbs and Excellent quality of Ayurvedic medicine are avialabe and arrenged to send throgh parcel to every whre with very healthy price.. Our motive to spread Ayurveda and Make society free from diseases.. regards vaidya adwait tripathi Arogya sadnam H-129, Sector-41 Noida-201302 On call special appointment can fix for patient for Free Pulse diagnose ..

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