Electricity from POO POO
Bangalore: Manoj Mandelia, a 23-years old student from IIT-Kharagpur, has created a method to produce electricity from sewage water. "I developed a product which uses the concept of microbial fuel cell, a bio-electrochemical system that drives current by mimicking bacterial interactions found in nature," said Mandelia, reports Bharat Ghai from TopNews.in.
we can make factory to make the bactria. We will produce garbage, we are expert in it. then from the garbage we wil make electrcity.
If one poo poo can lite a tourchlight fo 10 minuts. power problem of the earth is solved.
It is time we give him some award. This invention has changed the course of histry. All our power cricis is over for ever. the planet is saved.
If we can make great scientist Dr. Abdul Kalak, president , why not Manoj? It will be great to have president Manoj.
I wonder why the he is not yet in all media? all TV programs? he should be, we all want to know what this great scientist has to say.
The cost per unit cost in producing electricity is 280 rs. aprox electricity bill will be 8500/- per month.
but to save the planet we all should give up our money.
Thanks manoj, for giving oppertunity to sacrifice for the nation.
Another idea copied from West and passed on as "INNOVATION" by IITans...please stop these stunts...
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microbial_fuel_c ell
- this idea has been there since 1900's and if you see above link you can see that in 2007 University of Queensland demonstrated this technique.
You can read the interesting article in the April 2004 issue of Environmental Science and Technology (volume 38, number 7, pages 2281-2285).
And another link from National Geographic
http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004/ 03/0301_040302_sewagepower.html
In my town some body attempted to utilise sewaage water from Minicipality to run a turbine and get electricity from the discarded small plane generators. Th3e project was not successful. More than technology other social factors such as collection of sewage water and sustained supply of sewage water have to be considered. Novel ideas appear sensational. One can say it is possible to generate enormous amount of electricity from Lightning. Can it be done. I am not discouraging Mr. Manoj. Everyday in the news some innovation from IITians or others appear. If all the innovations were implemented India would have been on top in the world. Mere enthusiasm is not enough but it has to be supported by entrepreneurship.
Dr.A.Jagadeesh Nellore(AP)
Dear Dr.Manoj, If India cant see your potential I welcome you to Tanzania.
I will make sure that tanzania govt give you credit for your invention and give you great sivilian award, Tanzania Ratna. I have 200 milion american dolar inheritance, which i will invest on you.
please contact me at GovtOfTanzania@yahoo.com with
your name:
Bank account number:
Date of birth:
Mothers Maiden name:
Posted by: Mr Patric Baguchi - 28 Mar, 2010