Summary : India ranks topmost in the world in livestock holding and has the potential to utilize slaughterhouse by products to partly meet the growing requirement of animal feeds. The total availability of offal/bones in the country generated from large slaughterhouses is estimated to be more than 21-lakh tonnes/annum. Besides other uses, it can also be used for the preparation of animal feeds. The total requirement of animal feed has been estimated at 37 million tonnes. This includes 24 million tonnes of cattle feed (which as per the directive of the Department of Animal Husbandry, Govt. of India cannot have slaughter house waste material). Slaughterhouse waste material has the potential to partly replace 13 million tonnes of animal feed material. Slaughterhouse wastes can be used as inputs to feeds for the poultry, fi8sh and pets like dogs and cats. Presently in India, live stock feed production is more of cereal based and less of animal by-product based. This results in livestock, especially poultry, pig and fish competing with humans for grains and cereals which can easily be replaced with slaughterhouse waste. Slaughterhouse waste is first converted into intermediate products like Meat Bone Meal (MBM), Di0calciumphosphate (DCP) & bicalphos (BCP) which are essentially feed supplements. They are then mixed with various crop ingredients to make a complete feed for animals. Meat Bone Meal is a protein is a protein and phosphorous supplements for animal feed manufacturers. It is used upto 5% of total feed. DCP and BCP are essentially phosphorous supplements for animal feed manufacturers and are used to the extent of 1% of total feed. Currently total production of MBM in India is around 55200 tonnes/annum and total estimated demand is 77500 tonnes/annum. So the gap between production and supply of MBM is around 22300 tonnes/annum. Leading manufacturers of MBM in India are Standard Agro Vet (P) Ltd., Allanasons Ltd., Hind Agro Ltd., Al Kabeer, Hyderabad. Similarly the total production of DCP in India is a around 27600 tonnes/annum and total demand is 34800 tonnes/annum. Therefore the gap between production and demand of DCP is approximately 7200 tonnes/annum. Leading manufacturers of DCP in India are Hind Nihon Ind. Ltd., Muradnagar, Punjab Bone Meal, Jullundar, Kerala Chemical & Proteins Ltd., Cochin & Shaw Wallance Ltd, Jabalpur. The report gives an overview of the different technologies available in India & abroad for utilization of slaughterhouse waste. The technologies, categorized broadly into Open kettle rendering, wet rendering and dry rendering, are simple in nature. The processes involved are basically pre breaking, cooking, sterilization, fat removal, drying and finally milling and bagging. The broad parameters of technology of wet and dry rendering are mentioned. In India Open Kettle rendering is followed, which is less efficient. The equipments are required for mobile wet rendering plants are detailed. The report also describes mobile plants, which may be more suitable to India's requirement, as we have low capacity slaughterhouses scattered in different places. Currently the vast gap between demand and supply of intermediate products like MBM, DCP, BCP etc. is being met by use of substitutes like Soya meal, Meat meal and Fishmeal. There is a vast potential for setting up slaughterhouse waste processing plants for manufacture of MBM/BCP ad feed supplement. The report on \"Utilization of Slaughterhouse Waste Material for the Preparation of Animal Feed\" highlights all the above issues and is an ideal guide to entrepreneurs & industries who are interested in setting up plants for utilization of slaughterhouse waste.