Friday, June 24, 2011
SBR for sewage treatment

Thursday, June 16, 2011
appeal to Chairperson Sonia Gandhi and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, not to entertain such agitations
New Delhi, India: June 15, 2011 – IR Summary/GBA – A claim of having received 13,000 e mails supporting the Lokpal Bill to include PM and the Judiciary, carries no meaning as per God Believers Association (GBA) another NGO, which has its social functions both innational and international arena in terms of human rights and justice.
GBA expresses: "The first noteworthy point is that people in India have every right to express their opinions being a democratic country but this sort of e mails have come as a part of an initiative of Avaaz, an NGO and not independently, and moreover they are not in crores that they should hold any weight. These e mails look to be influenced under some persuasion."
"Even if not influenced, God Believers Association (GBA), which is also an NGO, does not consider these e mails as a collective voice of the country."
God Believers Assoction (GBA), an NGO, which not only protects the human rights but also get justice to the victims within the settled rules of national and international levels, apart from expanded global issues, humbly state that all such bills like lokpal are against the very spirit of the democracy.
Dr. Raj Baldev, Cosmo Theorist, and GBA Lead Man said here today while addressing the members of the GBA, "No one should be allowed to interfere into the Constitution of India, however popular he might be.
"I, being GBA President, appeal to Chairperson Sonia Gandhi and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, not to entertain such agitations which are against the very spirit of the democracy, since the country has all other legal set ups to tackle all nature of cases."
Dear friends, The bloodshed in Gaza is escalating −− the death toll now stands at over 600 people and rising, almost half of them civilians and over 100 children dead.[1] As Israeli tanks |

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