NOC form pollution board UP State Udyog Bandhu
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
NOC form pollution board UP State Udyog Bandhu

Monday, October 26, 2009
keep off stimulating drinks
someone becomes tired s/he takes some drinks like coffee, tea or cocoa products which give an apparent stimuli for the time being, but this relief does not last long. The moment the effect of coffee or tea or cocoa wears off, the blood sugar level drops. This repeated shooting up and falling down of sugar levels affects the efficiency of the heart and weakens it. Various stimulants and their impact on our health Coffee: Effect of caffeine in body will be as harmful as any drug in the long run. It's an stimulant to the human brain and nervous system and stimulates the flow of gastric juices which weakens the ability of the system to secrete digestive juices. Tea: It contains tannic acid which is used in tanning of leather. This will tan the digestive tract and impair the normal secretion of digestive juices and their reaction on food leading to indigestion. Cocoa: It contains theobromine which has been found to cause cardiac ailments, nervous disorders, chronic headache. Soft drinks: Aerated drinks should not be taken in excess as it creates acidity. These drinks are habitforming and can become an addiction if taken regularly causing much damage to our system in the long run. If they stop taking their daily dose, they tend to experience withdrawal symptoms like severe headache. Effects Ulcer and gastric problems. Irregular heart beat leading to risk of heart disease.
Raises the blood pressure.
Creates hyper acidity. High blood sugar. Risk of cancer. May increase reproductive loss if taken in high levels by women.
Rich and creamy coffee contains hydrogenated coconut oil which is bad for health. Kills appetite. Restlessness, nervousness, irritability and sleeplessness. Substitute The best stimulant for a sagging spirit is sufficient rest, proper mental make up and determination. A plain cup of cold water and a cold wash all over or at least the face and the head may give you the needed freshening up.
- Article rank
- 26 Oct 2009
- Times of India New Delhi Edition

Sunday, October 25, 2009
Poonam Kasturi ...Compost Wali....Daily Dump
Her organic business venture Daily Dump offers different types of composters that convert the waste generated in one's kitchen into compost. If the customers do not require the compost, it can be sold back to Daily Dump.
What began as a small venture with family members and potters, three years ago, Daily dump is set to treble its turnover to Rs 36,00,000 (Rs 3.6 million) this year. Today, the company has about 4,500 dedicated customers in Bangalore who use the profitable composters.
The response has been encouraging and the company has steadily grown over the past 3 years. In the first year, Daily Dump made a turnover of Rs 200,000, which increased to 12,00,000 (Rs 1.2 million) last year.
Poonam says home waste generated in one's kitchen is 50-70 per cent organic, but urban India has still not found an effective way to dispose this waste, which can actually be churned back into the system by converting it into useful organic manure.
Source :

Human relations movement...Dale Carnegie
M.E.(Env. Engg.)
Mobile: 9899300371
New Delhi, India

Indian Railway Ticket Reservation through Internet (e ticket) in Tatkal, how to get a confirmed ticket
Indian Railway Ticket Reservation through Internet (e ticket) in Tatkal, how to get a confirmed e ticket..... i thought I am very smart, but the ticket agents are smarter and faster....he he he
I have to reserve a train ticket in Dibrugarh Rajdhani through Internet (e ticket) in Tatkal to Guwahati for 27.10.09. I thought I am smart enough to book it at exactly 8 AM today ( it can be booked only after 8 A.M. on 25.10.09. two days prior to departure 27.10.09.). I even know the train number 2424 beforehand, but till the time I filled all the details , the TATKAL tickets are already gone, I got a CKWL12 ticket.PNR NO: 2165691049
When you dont get normal train tickets to Guwahati, and when despite having internet facility at home and still you dont get a confirmed TATKAL ticket also within ten minutes of opening of TATKAL , how can you manage it. I am scratching my (already Bald) Head.
M.E.(Env. Engg.)
Mobile: 9899300371
New Delhi, India

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
The Obvious Existence of God *
These are only a few among billions of details that make life possible on earth. In brief, we live on a planet that is perfectly designed for our survival. This is certainly a planet that has been created for the service of human beings.
Keeping oneself occupied with relentless research to answer these questions results in a clear awareness that everything in the universe, its order, each living being and structure is a component of a plan; a product of design. Every detail, the excellent structure of an insect's wing, the system that enables a tree to carry tons of water to its topmost branches, the order of the planets, and the ratio of gases in the atmosphere, are all unique examples of perfection.
In every detail of the infinitely varied world, people find their Creator. Allah, the owner of everything in the entire universe, introduces Himself to His servants through the flawless design of His creation. Everything surrounding us, the birds in flight, our beating hearts, the birth of a child or the existence of the sun in the sky, manifest the power of Almighty Allah and His creation. What each person must do is to understand this fact. An intelligent person notices that a plan, design and wisdom exist in every detail of this infinitely varied world. This draws the person to recognize the Creator.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Do you agree with this...anger and love have no limits
"anger and love have no limits; we should learn how to control both feelings..."
M.E.(Env. Engg.)
Mobile: 9899300371
New Delhi, India

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
philosophy of Sufism
Sufism entwined with its philosophy, doctrines, isms and mythos is reckoned as "a science whose objective is the reparation of the heart and turning it away from all else but God". It is an amalgamation of science art and philosophy through which learns how to "travel into the presence of the Divine, purify one`s inner self from filth, and beautify it with a variety of praiseworthy traits." | |
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The history of Sufism is rich and it has already travelled a long path before the subsequent institutionalization of Sufi teachings into devotional orders in the early middle Ages. The chains of transmission of almost all the extant Sufi orders can be traced back to the Prophet Muhammad via his cousin and son-in-law, Ali. However, the only notable exception to this rule is the Naqshbandi order, as the origin of its teachings traces from the Prophet Muhammad to the first Islamic Caliph Abu Bakr. There have been a number of different devotional styles and traditions of Sufism developed over time and they reflected the perspectives of different masters and the cumulated cultural wisdom of the orders. Almost all of these styles and traditions have concerned themselves with the understanding of subtle knowledge, education of the heart for purifying it of more basic instincts. They also concerned themselves with the love of God, and they approached God through a well-described hierarchy of enduring spiritual stations and more impermanent spiritual states. | |
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According to the traditional Sufi point of view, the esoteric teachings of Sufism were actually transmitted from the Prophet Muhammad to those who had the capacity of acquiring the direct experiential subtle knowledge of God. The knowledge was passed on from teacher to student through the centuries. While, most of this transmission is not summarized in texts, some of them are. The people like Uwais al-Qarni, Harrm bin Hian, Hasan Basri and Sayid ibn al-Mussib are regarded as the first Sufis in the earliest generations of Islam, who have made important contributions in Sufi writing. Harith al-Muhasibi is considered to be the first one to write about moral psychology and Rabia Basri was a Sufi, famous for her love and passion for God. She expressed her thoughts and affection to God through her poetry. Bayazid Bastami was also considered to be among the first theorists of Sufism | |
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The philosophy of Sufism and its growth has played a definitive role in the spread of Islam and also in the creation of integrally Islamic cultures, especially in the continents of Africa and Asia. Sufism produced a flourishing intellectual culture throughout the Islamic world between the 13th and 16th centuries CE. This intellectual culture was considered as a sort of "Golden Age" and the physical artifacts of the culture are still present. There can be found a lodge (known variously as a zaouia, khanqah, or tekke) in many places that is endowed through a pious foundation in perpetuity (waqf) to provide a gathering place for Sufi adepts. The lodge also provides lodging for the itinerant seekers of knowledge. Some of the lodges also contained kitchens where these seekers could serve the poor and/or complete a period of initiation, a library, and other structures. In fact, there was not a single important domain in the civilization of Islam that could remain unaffected by the Sufi philosophy in this period. | |
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Sufism hence can be called as the passing of ordinary limitations. |

Thursday, October 08, 2009
Standards for safe pit
Sharps (needles and blades etc) are being used in a day to day practice in all health care establishments. To avoid recycling of sharps, their burial in safe pit is an effective and economical disposal method. It can be constructed by 1 mtr dia and 2 mtr deep circular pit of Brick work. An MS top cover fitted on top of the pit. In the MS cover a 15 x 15 cm door fitted with lock and key which is used to drop Sharps (needles and blades etc) inside the pit . The pit is plastered inside on the wall and the bottom . Outside plastering is not required.
When it is filled up, the MS cover plate is removed and a cement slurry is used to close it permanently and a second pit is constructed and fitted with the old MS top cover.
Standards for deep burial
- A pit or trench should be dug about 2 meters deep and One meter dia.
- On each occasion, when wastes are added to the pit, a layer of 10 cm of soil shall be added to cover the wastes.
- When the pit number 1 is half full with waste, it should be covered with lime powder and than fully filled with soil. Than start using the second pit. When second pit is half filled with waste start using the third pit. So on.
No shallow well should be close to the site. The site should be away from the residential area and the vicinity of drinking water so as to avoid the risk of pollution.
The institution shall maintain a record of all pits for deep burial.
* Deep burial shall be an option only in towns with population less than 5 lakhs and in rural areas. and for category 1 & 2 waste.
+ Chemical treatment using at least 1% hypochlorite solution or any other equivalent chemical reagent. It must be ensured that chemical treatment ensures disinfection.
Reference: Bio Medical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 1998.
Sr No | Item | No | Cost (Rs.) |
(a) | Brick work tank , 1 mtr Dia, 2 Mtr deep, plaster inside | 01 |
(b) | MS cover for the Safe Pit tank | 01 |
02 | Deep burial pit | ||
(a) | Earthwork in excavation for deep burial pit | 01 |
03 | Other Miscellaneous Items |
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Total cost of the work |
M.E.(Env. Engg.)
Mobile: 9899300371
New Delhi, India

Saturday, October 03, 2009
Kaspersky Online Virus Scan
I want all of my readers to Make a NEW YEARS RESOLUTION!
(a) USE 1 AntiVirus
(b)1 spyware application
(c) 1 malware application I recommended.
Anti Virus :
Bit Defender–BitDefender-Free-Edition.html
Malwarebyte's AntiMalWare
Note : You can check your computer online for any virus
2009 FREE online virus scans
Trend Micro HouseCall
BitDefender Onlline Scan
Kaspersky Online Virus Scan
CA Online Virus Scan
eset Online Virus Scan
M.E.(Env. Engg.)
Mobile: 9899300371
New Delhi, India

Thursday, October 01, 2009
BUSINESS associates
Your Scope Of Work:
1. Generation of enquireies from your surrounding area by meeting Local
pollution board officials.
2. Send the enquiry through email to me
3. I will send a quotation to you.
4. You will submit the quotaion to the party
5. For any technical discussion, our engineer from Delhi will visit the
client accompanied by you.
6. All follow up action will be done by you till the deal is matured.
7. You will do the Liasioning work with local govt bodies
Your fees: For the above mentioned work , a fee will be determined between
you and me before submission of the proposal to the client. This fee will be
paid to you after maturation of the deal as decided mutually.Your fee will
be different from project to project.
Your Investment : Nothing as such.
Our Scope of work: The total work will be completed by our staff. If any
help from your side is required, you will be compensated accordingly.
M.E.(Env. Engg.)
Mobile: 9899300371
New Delhi, India