Saturday, December 31, 2005
The Secret of Success
The Secret of Success
Commenters on my previous post have correctly pointed out that a logic puzzle is probably a weak indicator of VC skills. So what is a strong indicator of success? The question reminded me of an encounter in 1990...
The first person I ever met from Bessemer was Neill Brownstein, one of Silicon Valley's pioneer venture capitalists (with investments like Ungermann Bass, Telenet, Maxim, Veritas and BusinessLand). At that interview, he asked me this question:
What do you think is the most common trait among successful venture capitalists?
I thought hard, trying to impress him. "Deep industry domain knowledge."
"No," he said.
"Um, analytical skills?"
Uh oh, I started grasping. "Rich network of contacts? Operating experience? Engineering background? Financial background? Skepticism? Patience? Sense of Urgency? Salesmanship? Decisiveness?" (the last of which I clearly didn't display)
"I give up. What is it?"
I have since followed Neill's advice.
Coincidentally, the second most important factor, I now believe, is a strong, stable platform with great mentors (like Neill and Felda) and smart partners.

Thursday, December 22, 2005
BBC E-mail: Role model overcoming hardships
----- Original Message -----
From: "Syeda Jebeen S . Shah" Subject: BBC E-mail: Role model overcoming
Syeda Jebeen S. Shah saw this story on BBC News Online and thought you
should see it.
** Message **
I thought of sharing this with you all.
** Role model overcoming hardships **
Debabani Majumdar reports on the Bihar girl flown to London to address a
Unicef conference.
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Thursday, December 15, 2005
The most common reasons to Zero Fill an ATA (IDE) hard drive are:
- The drive has contracted a virus that cannot be removed without destroying the boot sector.
- You are changing from one operating system to another and wish to remove everything from the drive.
The download routine for DiscWizard Starter Edition creates a bootable diskette. Boot from the diskette to start DiscWizard Starter Edition. After startup, select Utilities | Zero Fill Drive (Quick) or Zero Fill Drive (Full). Select the drive you want to erase, then select Zero Fill or Low Level.
Zero Fill Drive (Quick) will write over the beginning of the drive which includes the critical partition information, eliminating all partitions and information on the drive including the Master boot record. This is useful if you have a drive that has a corrupted partition or that you wish to erase to reinstalll a fresh operating system and new data.
Zero Fill Drive (Full) will write over the entire data area of the drive. This is useful if a drive has bad sectors that cannot be fixed by the operating system. This will also erase all the data on the drive, but it will take several hours.
When the process completes, reboot the system from the operating system install CD and follow the instructions to prepare (partition and format) the drive and install the operating system.



Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Tom Kelley with Jonathan Littman, FastCompany | December 13, 2005
We've all been there: the pivotal meeting in which you push forward a new idea or proposal you're passionate about. A fast-paced discussion leads to an upwelling of support that seems about to reach critical mass. And then in one disastrous moment, your hopes are dashed when someone weighs in with those fateful words: "Let me just play devil's advocate for a minute. . ."
Having invoked the awesome protective power of that seemingly innocuous phrase, the speaker now feels entirely free to take potshots at your idea and does so with impunity. Because he's not really your harshest critic. Instead, he's essentially saying, "The devil made me do it." Devil's advocates remove themselves from the equation and sidestep individual responsibility for the verbal attack. But before they're done, they've torched your fledgling concept.
The devil's-advocate gambit is extraordinary but certainly not uncommon since it strikes so regularly in the project rooms and boardrooms of corporate America. What's truly astonishing is how much punch is packed into that simple phrase.
In fact, the devil's advocate may be the biggest innovation killer in America today. What makes this negative persona so dangerous is that it is such a subtle threat. Every day, thousands of great new ideas, concepts, and plans are nipped in the bud by devil's advocates.
Why is this persona so damning? Because a devil's advocate encourages idea wreckers to assume the most negative possible perspective, one that sees only the downside, the problems, the disasters-in-waiting. Once those floodgates open, they can drown a new initiative in negativity.
Why should you care? And why do I believe this problem is so important? Because innovation is the lifeblood of all organisations, and the devil's advocate is toxic to your cause. This is no trivial matter. There is no longer any serious debate about the primacy of innovation in the health and future strength of an organisation.
As the general manager of Ideo, I have worked with clients from Singapore to San Francisco to Sao Paulo, and witnessed firsthand how innovation has become recognised as a pivotal management tool across virtually all industries and market segments.
And while we at Ideo used to spend the majority of our time in the world of product-based innovation, we have more recently come around to seeing innovation as a tool for transforming the entire culture of organisations. Sure, a great product can be one important element in the formula for business success, but companies that want to succeed today need much more.
They need innovation at every point of the compass, in all aspects of the business, and in every team member.
Building an environment fully engaged in positive change, and a culture rich in creativity and renewal, means creating a company with 360 degrees of innovation. And companies that want to succeed at innovation will need new insights, new viewpoints, and new roles.
All good working definitions of innovation pair ideas with action, the spark with the fire. Innovators don't just have their heads in the clouds. They also have their feet on the ground.
The company 3M, one of the first to fully embrace innovation as the essence of its corporate brand, defines it as "new ideas--plus action or implementation--which result in an improvement, a gain, or a profit." It is not enough to just have a good idea.
Only when you act, when you implement, do you truly innovate. Ideas. Action. Implementation. Gain. Profit.
All good words, of course, but there's still one piece left out. People. That's why I prefer the InnovationNetwork consultancy's definition: "People implementing new ideas that create value."
The classic 3M definition might leave you with the impression that, as a bumper sticker might put it, "Innovation Happens." But unfortunately, there's no spontaneous combustion in the business world. Innovation is definitely not self-starting or self-perpetuating.
People make it happen through their imagination, willpower, and perseverance. And whether you are a team member, a group leader, or an executive, your only real path to innovation is through people. You can't really do it alone.
Innovation is all about people. It is about the roles people can play, the hats they can put on, the personas they can adopt. It is not just about the luminaries of innovation like Thomas Edison, or celebrity CEOs like Steve Jobs and Jeff Immelt.
It is about the unsung heroes who work on the front lines of entrepreneurship in action, the countless people and teams who make innovation happen day in and day out.
At Ideo, we've developed 10 people-centric tools, talents, or personas for innovation. Although the list does not presume to be comprehensive, it does aspire to expand your repertoire. We've found that adopting one or more of these roles can help teams express a different point of view and create a broader range of innovative solutions.
And by adopting some of these innovation personas, you'll have a chance to put the devil's advocate in his place. So when someone says, "Let me play devil's advocate for a minute" and starts to smother a fragile new idea, someone else in the room may be emboldened to speak up and say, "Let me be an anthropologist for a moment, because I personally have watched our customers suffering silently with this issue for months, and this new idea just might help them."
And if that one voice gives courage to others, maybe someone else will add, "Let's think like an experimenter for a moment. We could prototype this idea in a week and get a sense of whether we're onto something good."
The devil's advocate may never go away, but on a good day, the 10 personas can keep him in his place. Or tell him to go to hell.
The learning personas
Individuals and organisations need to constantly gather new sources of information in order to expand their knowledge and grow, so the first three personas are learning roles. These personas are driven by the idea that no matter how successful a company currently is, no one can afford to be complacent.
The world is changing at an accelerated pace, and today's great idea may be tomorrow's anachronism. The learning roles help keep your team from becoming too internally focused and remind the organisation not to be so smug about what you know.
People who adopt the learning roles are humble enough to question their own worldview, and in doing so, they remain open to new insights every day.
1. The Anthropologist brings new learning and insights into the organisation by observing human behavior and developing a deep understanding of how people interact physically and emotionally with products, services, and spaces.
When an Ideo human-factors person camps out in a hospital room for 48 hours with an elderly patient undergoing surgery, she is living the life of the anthropologist and helping to develop new health-care services.
2. The Experimenter prototypes new ideas continuously, learning by a process of enlightened trial and error. The Experimenter takes calculated risks to achieve success through a state of "experimentation as implementation."
When BMW bypassed all its traditional advertising channels and created theater-quality short films for, no one knew whether the experiment would succeed. Its runaway success underscores the rewards that flow to Experimenters.
3. The Cross-Pollinator explores other industries and cultures, then translates those findings and revelations to fit the unique needs of your enterprise.
An open-minded Japanese businesswoman was taken with the generic beer she found in a US supermarket. She brought the idea home, and it eventually became the "no brand" Mujirushi Ryohin chain, a 300-store, billion-dollar retail empire. That's the leverage of a Cross-Pollinator.
The organising personas
The next three personas are organising roles, played by individuals who are savvy about the often counterintuitive process of how organisations move ideas forward. At Ideo, we used to believe that the ideas should speak for themselves.
Now we understand what the Hurdler, the Collaborator, and the Director have known all along: that even the best ideas must continuously compete for time, attention, and resources.
Those who adopt these organising roles don't dismiss the process of budget and resource allocation as "politics" or "red tape." They recognize it as a complex game of chess, and they play to win.
4. The Hurdler knows that the path to innovation is strewn with obstacles and develops a knack for overcoming or outsmarting those roadblocks. When the 3M worker who invented masking tape decades ago had his idea initially rejected, he refused to give up.
Staying within his $100 authorisation limit, he signed a series of $99 purchase orders to pay for critical equipment needed to produce the first batch. His perseverance paid off, and 3M has reaped billions of dollars in cumulative profits because an energetic Hurdler was willing to bend the rules.
5. The Collaborator helps bring eclectic groups together, and often leads from the middle of the pack to create new combinations and multidisciplinary solutions. Not long ago, Kraft Foods and Safeway sat down to figure out how to knock down the traditional walls between supplier and retailer.
One strategy--a way to streamline the transfer of goods from one to the other--didn't just save labor and carrying costs. The increased efficiency sent sales of Capri Sun juice drinks, for example, soaring by 167% during one promotion.
6. The Director not only gathers together a talented cast and crew but also helps to spark their creative talents. When a creative Mattel executive assembles an ad hoc team of designers and project leaders, sequesters them for 12 weeks, and ends up with a new $100 million girls'-toy platform in three months, she is a role model for Directors everywhere.
The building personas
The four remaining personas are building roles that apply insights from the learning roles and channel the empowerment from the organising roles to make innovation happen.
When people adopt the building personas, they stamp their mark on your organisation. People in these roles are highly visible, so you'll often find them right at the heart of the action.
7. The Experience Architect designs compelling experiences that go beyond mere functionality to connect at a deeper level with customers' latent or expressed needs. When Cold Stone Creamery turns the preparation of a frozen dessert into a fun, dramatic performance, it is designing a successful new customer experience.
The premium prices and marketing buzz that follow are rewards associated with playing the role of the Experience Architect.
8. The Set Designer creates a stage on which innovation team members can do their best work, transforming physical environments into powerful tools to influence behavior and attitude. Companies such as Pixar and Industrial Light & Magic recognize that the right office environments can help nourish and sustain a creative culture.
When the Cleveland Indians discovered a renewed winning ability in a brand-new stadium, they demonstrated the value of the Set Designer. Organisations that tap into the power of the Set Designer sometimes discover remarkable performance improvements that make all the space changes worthwhile.
9. The Caregiver builds on the metaphor of a health-care professional to deliver customer care in a manner that goes beyond mere service. Good Caregivers anticipate customer needs and are ready to look after them. When you see a service that's really in demand, there's usually a Caregiver at the heart of it.
Best Cellars, a retailer that takes the mystery and snobbery out of wine and makes it simple and fun, is demonstrating the Caregiver role--while earning a solid profit at the same time.
10. The Storyteller builds both internal morale and external awareness through compelling narra-tives that communicate a fundamental human value or reinforce a specific cultural trait. Companies from Dell to Starbucks have lots of corporate legends that support their brands and build camaraderie within their teams.
Medtronic, celebrated for its product innovation and consistently high growth, reinforces its culture with straight-from-the-heart storytelling--patients' firsthand narratives of how the products changed or even saved their lives.
Note: The appeal of the personas is that they work. Not in theory or in the classroom but in the unforgiving marketplace. Ideo has battle-tested them thousands of times in a real-world laboratory for innovation.
The personas are about "being innovation" rather than merely "doing innovation." Take on one or more of these roles, and you'll be taking a conscious step toward becoming more of an innovator in your daily life.
Adapted with permission from The Ten Faces of Innovation, by Tom Kelley with Jonathan Littman, to be published October 18 by Currency Books, a division of Random House Inc.

Sunday, December 04, 2005
How to achieve excellence
Delegation is a process beyond mere manuals. It needs to be practiced for perfection. Effective delegation creates speed for the organisation, self development for superiors and high motivation for subordinates.
At Birla Cellulosic, we drew up an ambitious plan for achieving excellence. It involved transforming all the business processes into the best in the world, winning all the national quality awards and winning the coveted Deming Prize within a time period of three years. In addition we wanted to accomplish this without any external consultant.
The first step towards this goal involved putting together a core team of exceptional achievers from various departments. I was part of this team. My co-team members included individuals from different parts of the organisation.
This team was expected to facilitate the achievement of excellence in all business processes cutting across the organisation and even beyond. As the team leader I had some initial discussions with various organisations that had implemented the process.
This made me realise that such a transformation was never done without an external consultant. Hence the task became tougher and we began with a lot of anxiety and misgivings.
This article is an account of how the challenges faced by us were shared, analyzed and developed into a methodology of delegation. Today many of the team members are heading different departments at various companies.
I myself have shifted to Jubilant Organosys Limited, Noida. Sameer Desai is now with Acrylic Fibre Division in Egypt. Sanjeev Kullu works in the technical MIS and Ashok Kakadia has now moved to Reliance Industries, Hazira. And Mitul Desai currently heads the quality division at Birla Cellousic. Ravi Sharma, Charulata Joshi, Deepak Pandey and Mahesh Agrwal were the other members of the team. We also had two associate members, Ravi Yadav and Sanjay Pandhre.
Each member of the team contributed significantly and was critical in the creation and execution of the methodology. We realised its benefits and therefore, while heading departments at various places across the globe today, we still practice it.
The climb uphill
The first big challenge was in the genesis of the team itself. I had to lead a team of exceptional achievers of which some members had worked in positions senior to me. So a soft issue of ego clash existed and had to be managed carefully.
Other direct challenges for the team were to design a working model of excellence, help various process owners to align their working towards it and ensure improvement in performance.
Indirect challenges came in the form of all types of technical, cultural and political resistances. These challenges and their changing forms required quick and mid term adjustment in the road map.
To summarise the situation, unclear mid-term targets resulting in a hazy strategy demanded extraordinary flexibility and speed. I realised that I was the bottleneck by virtue of my position as well as expertise.
The team members were experts in their work areas, but expectations from them on the excellence model were different and were known only to me. Hence on a typical day, team members would complete their assignments and wait to meet me to discuss issues. I wished to apply the queuing theory in this situation and also considered opening another discussion forum simultaneously. This required another leader. This thought of creating more of me led to the development of the delegation methodology.
Analysing these challenges I realised that there were three distinct factors that were critical for the success of the project:
- need to accomplish more activities per day
- space and time for the team leader to think and strategize for the long term and ensure development of individuals
- high motivational levels for all the team members
In search of effective delegation
Having identified the challenges and success factors I discussed them with the team. It was then decided to resolve these problems first and only then proceed with the actual project.
The issue was discussed with key people in the organisation and interestingly most of them identified it as a 'delegation' issue. Everyone was clear that it could be resolved through effective delegation.
But when it came to the actual implementation all of them had a certain level of discomfort. So our next step was to refer to the company's delegation manual. But we found that this manual focused on financial independence and resources such as people, assets and procedures were considered irrelevant for execution of responsibilities.
Hence the purpose of these manuals or policies did not match the challenges and critical success factors of the team.
At the same time, the team agreed more independence at various jobs should address these challenges. Accordingly, a survey was conducted and fifty employees across various levels were inter-viewed.
The survey revealed that the independence felt by them varied drastically. Although financial independence was followed strictly, control over actual performance of activities was different across the organisation.
Managers who had perceptions of less independence typically focused their discussions on excessive controls exercised by their superiors on their day-to-day activities. When actions were dependent on instructions, managers were unable to use authority.
They felt that their bosses were able to delegate responsibilities easily, but assigning equivalent authority was a rarity. Further, some employees felt that their bosses lacked understanding on equating responsibilities with authority.
Interestingly, almost 90 per cent of subordinates were not happy with the situation although they felt that the delegation manual was adequately drafted.
On the other hand, the department heads felt that exercising controls ensured effective monitoring. Ultimately, performance of activities was directly related to meeting targets. A subordinate who did not perform well could directly affect the actual performance of the department head. Some department heads also felt that sometimes delegated authority was misused.
This created bigger problems for them and therefore they felt that doing anything beyond the present delegation manual could be fatal. At the same time, the same individual who advocated control over his subordinate was frustrated by the intervention of his boss.
This led us to conclude that the viewpoints of both the superior and the subordinate were valid. The confusion was genuine and it became necessary for us to understand what would be the 'ideal state of delegation' in the organisation.
What is effective delegation?
The analysis of the survey and the subsequent discussion among team members clearly revealed the stages of delegation. Delegation was intended when actions were monitored as a part of training. In this case there was a clear communication that if the employee learned to perform the task efficiently he would then be empowered to implement it in the absence of his boss.
When actions were not monitored and results were the focus, then delegation was good. When parameters were not considered and only deviations were monitored, delegation was most effective. To our surprise we found that this was beyond the scope of the delegation manual and was a skill that needed continuous honing.
The cycle of delegating effectively
The team understood that delegation was necessary but at the same time if it was not done effectively it would hamper the performance of the whole team. Hence it was essential to establish a process of continuous delegation, issue by issue. This would not only make the transition smooth but also help in delegation of new responsibilities that would get added on subsequently.
We also felt that an element of standardisation to reduce time as well as individual dependence was necessary. After many experiments and iterations we developed the following eight-step cycle that proved to be highly effective.
Step 1: Identify the strengths of your subordinates
Each individual has a distinct characteristic, which is effective in a particular situation. So apply the strength of a person to the right situation. There are various methods of identifying strengths in subordinates:
- Visible performance: when a person joins the department, he starts working in his areas of interest. His initial performance in these areas of interest directly indicates his inherent strengths.
- Past experience: past experience with an individual can be used to identify areas of performance and assess strengths.
- Discussion with a reference: with a new employee, discussions with an earlier supervisor or references is an effective method of identifying his strengths.
- Assigning sample jobs: a variety of small jobs requiring different skills can be given to an individual to identify his strength.
- Victory parade: this unique practice in many organisations has a high potential to improve delegation. Although this exercise was intended to improve team working, it helped significantly in identifying the perceived strengths of all team members. In this exercise each member, based on his experiences, identifies and lists the strengths of other team members including the leader. A forum is then organised to reveal the strengths of each member. A list of strengths is displayed in the working area of the team after every such exercise
Step 2: Assign jobs as per strengths
This step requires a change in the mindset as the focus of the team leader has to shift from 'identifying the gaps' to 'assigning jobs based on possible achievements'. Feedback has to change from 'you need to improve' to 'well done' or 'I know you are the best and will continue to be'.
But how do you know whether you have identified the strength correctly? If the team member shows willingness to do the task, is not tired after completing the task, shows improvement every time, uses creative methods to make things better and performs at a level higher than his boss on the specific job, it means that you have identified his strength correctly.
Interestingly, in around 80 per cent of activities, effective delegation resulted in subordinates achieving skill levels that were higher than the team leader's own skills.
Step 3: Insist on documenting plans and activities
A vital feature of this step is to develop a checklist for tasks that will be used in the future. If the task was performed earlier the old checklist should be given and the team member should be asked to further enhance its contents. This not only ensures continuous improvement, it also minimises efforts every time.
While assigning the job, insist on developing an activity schedule. The most critical input of the team leader at this stage is to help members identify their activities.
Step 4: Standardise checklists and shift activities horizontally
Each checklist, developed in step 03, should be controlled with proper coding (may require a separate document control system if the company is not ISO certified). Whenever a task is repeated, a clear insistence on observing the checklist should be made. If the checklist needs improvement, activities should be added or removed with consent from the team leader and members. This process of firming checklists, controlled changes to the checklists and removal of obsolete checklists is called standardisation.
The weakest link of effective delegation is standardisation. Mostly supervisors get trapped in daily fire fighting due to their inability to standardise. Japanese companies have become world leaders primarily by standardisation. Standardisation ensures consistency as well as effective delegation and therefore needs extensive focus.
Step 5: Encourage teamwork through the 'project leader' concept
Unfortunately, due to hierarchical working system, team members expect a lot of support from the leader. Usually sub-ordinates do not believe that they are more proficient than their leaders in certain areas.
This in fact is the basic requirement for team working and effective delegation. Hence members should be given control of projects to further sharpen their skills and develop leadership qualities. Obviously, authority should be given based on their individual strengths.
The biggest benefit of this process is identification of new areas of interest and potential strengths' of individuals. It also gives a sense of accomplishment to the project leader and hence energizes him to perform better.
Step 6: Create measures of performance
This step involves identifying measures of performance at each stage. Deviations from norms (control limits) indicate the need for intervention of a superior. This step also requires a keen interest from the team leader in identifying what to measure.
Changing from activity monitoring to granting independence is difficult, as it requires identification of some parameters, which can indicate that performance is yielding results.
This step is the most critical step and team leaders may need specific training inputs and practice to develop this.
As delegation improves, the team leader's involvement in various activities reduces. But given today's volatile environment performances vary with speed. This may result in fluctuating performance levels over a period of time in various areas.
To avoid this fluctuation, it is essential for the team leader and other experts to provide inputs, whenever there is the possibility of a drop in performance.
For example, if a maintenance supervisor is able to answer the question 'what if I do not do this', for each checkpoint of planned maintenance checklist, the various measurables will be revealed. This needs to be done exhaustively before the supervisor completely delegates the maintenance activities.
The measurable will be effective if it is able to indicate the performance of a delegated activity. Since there is some lag in conversion of strengths into a skill, initial monitoring will be required. As the skill level improves, monitoring levels should reduce by design. An important factor that has to be taken into account is the fact that establishing monitoring systems requires a lot of effort. But changing them later requires even greater effort.
Step 7: Develop hierarchical measures of performance
It is the duty of the superior to delegate as well as encourage his team members to further delegate. This effective delegation will result in development of measures of performance at all levels, which are interlinked.
Step 8: Go back to step 01
In this step the process of identifying strengths continues and the delegation cycle becomes continuous. This is therefore not only a delegation cycle but an improvement cycle also. Each cycle means one more activity standardised and delegated.
Performance feedback and effective delegation
It is important to provide continuous feedback to team members on their progress and guide them towards higher performance. But, the area where most team leaders fail is in consolidating these inputs on a periodic basis. This results in an inability of the team member to perform at high levels in the leaders absence.
So, it is absolutely necessary for the team leader to spend time with each team member to take stock of performance. He should discuss the member's achievement, distinct strengths displayed, areas of interest and performance against agreed result areas (along with feedback for deviations).
Preferably, this should be recorded and the company's expectations from the employee should be clearly communicated to him.
Ultimately, at the end of the year, the leader should rate his team members based on the strengths they have acquired and the results that they have delivered.
Plan your substitutes and tell them
The thought of losing authority with delegation in managers is strong. This welds them to their position and limits progress. To avoid falling into this trap, a leader should plan for succession.
He should ideally communicate to one of his team member the skills required to substitute his job. The leader should sit with his boss and an expert from the HR department and discuss his job profile.
He should combine their inputs into a skill set and document it. This document should be given to the possible successor and the leader should support, encourage and motivate him to achieve the skill set.
To conclude, you can grow only if you ensure both the growth of your subordinates and the sustainability of processes in the organisation. This method of delegation does both.

Re: email address of Architects of NCR DElhi
----- Original Message -----
From: "Amita Gupta" <>
To: "saleem" <>
Sent: Friday, December 02, 2005 4:34 AM
Subject: Re: email address of Architects of NCR DElhi
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------
> Respond in TEXT mode only ! No File Attachments, Please !!
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------
> 011-28311623
> 0 9891565513
> 0 9891026578
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------
> B H A R A T C O M P U T E R S
> the DATABASE People ....
> 4/11, JAIDEV PARK, NEW DELHI - 110026.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------------------
> Nov 2005
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------
> DATABASE-NAME Entries Price
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------
> Advertising Agencies 600 Rs.200/-
> Automobile Industry 1000 Rs.300/-
> Banks (Public,Pvt,Foreign 700 Rs.200/-
> Builders/Construction Cos 600 Rs.200/-
> Call Centres 220 Rs.100/-
> Carpet Industry 150 Rs.100/-
> Chemical Industry 500 Rs.200/-
> Chemists / Medical Store 450 Rs.150/-
> Coaching Centres 800 Rs 250/-
> Communication Industry 900 Rs.300/-
> Computer Industry 1300 Rs.300/-
> Courier/Freight Forward 180 Rs.100/-
> Dotcom Companies 120 Rs. 75/-
> Educational Institutions 560 Rs.200/-
> Electricals/Electronics 1200 Rs.300/-
> E-mail Id All Categories 8000 Rs.600/-
> Export Houses 1000 Rs.300/-
> Financial Institutions 1200 Rs.300/-
> FMCG Industry 600 Rs.200/-
> Food Industry 500 Rs.200/-
> Footwear / Shoe Industry 320 Rs.150/-
> Furniture Industry 650 Rs.200/-
> Gift Item Industry 500 Rs.200/-
> Glass Industry 160 Rs.100/-
> Govt Enterprises 600 Rs.200/-
> Handicraft/Handloom Industry 200 Rs.100/-
> Hotels / Resorts, etc 950 Rs.300/-
> Importers 300 Rs.150/-
> Insurance Industry 230 Rs.100/-
> Jewellery Houses 500 Rs.200/-
> Joint Ventures 220 Rs.100/-
> Kitchen Accessories 330 Rs.150/-
> Leather Industry 180 Rs.100/-
> Machine Mfrs 540 Rs.200/-
> Multi-Nationals Companies 500 Rs.200/-
> Office Automation Industry 1400 Rs.300/-
> Packaging Industry 330 Rs.150/-
> Paper Industry 320 Rs.150/-
> Pharmaceutical Industry 370 Rs.150/-
> Photo/Imaging Industry 320 Rs.150/-
> Placement Consultants 500 Rs.200/-
> Plastic Industry 350 Rs.150/-
> Property Dealers 500 Rs.200/-
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> Refrigeration/AC industry 200 Rs.100/-
> Sanitaryware Industry 550 Rs.200/-
> Schools (Public, Convent) 1000 Rs.300/-
> Security Companies 300 Rs.150/-
> Showroom - Garments 600 Rs.200/-
> Sport / Toy Industry 200 Rs.100/-
> Stationery Industry 200 Rs.100/-
> Textile Industry 1000 Rs.300/-
> Tooling Industry 200 Rs.100/-
> Transport Companies 400 Rs.150/-
> Travel Agencies 800 Rs.250/-
> Watch/Clock Showrooms 150 Rs.100/-
> AnandParbat Industrial Area 400 Rs.150/-
> Bhikaji Cama Place 350 Rs.150/-
> Connaught Circus 1400 Rs.300/-
> District Centre Janak Puri 200 Rs.100/-
> Faridabad (Industry,Business) 1000 Rs.300/-
> Ghaziabad (Industry,Business) 500 Rs.200/-
> GTK Road Industrial Area 200 Rs.100/-
> Gurgaon (Industry,Business) 1400 Rs.300/-
> Karol Bagh Market-Area 1000 Rs.300/-
> Kirti Nagar Industrial Area 500 Rs.200/-
> Lawrence Road Indl Area 150 Rs.100/-
> Mangolpuri Industrial Area 100 Rs. 75/-
> Mayapuri Industrial Area 300 Rs.150/-
> Mohan Coop Industrial Estate 110 Rs. 75/-
> Naraina Industrial Area 400 Rs.150/-
> Narela Industrial Area 200 Rs.100/-
> Nehru Place 1000 Rs.300/-
> Netaji Subhash Place 120 Rs.75/-
> Noida (Industry, Business) 1300 Rs.300/-
> Okhla Industrial Area 1000 Rs.300/-
> Patparganj Industrial Estate 150 Rs.100/-
> Peera Garhi Udyog Nagar 160 Rs.100/-
> Rajindra Place 320 Rs.150/-
> Sahibabad Industrial Area 120 Rs. 75/-
> Wazirpur Industrial Area 500 Rs.200/-
> Advocates/Legal Advisors 1500 Rs.300/-
> Architects/Interior Designer 1350 Rs.300/-
> Chartered Accountants 1000 Rs.300/-
> Doctors/Medical Professional 1800 Rs.350/-
> Ashok Vihar 2300 Rs.350/-
> Defence Colony 1600 Rs.300/-
> Dwarka (Aptts/Societies) 500 Rs.200/-
> East Of Kailash 900 Rs.300/-
> Golf Links 450 Rs.200/-
> Greater Kailash 2300 Rs.350/-
> Green Park 1000 Rs.300/-
> IP Extn (Societies) 750 Rs.250/-
> Jor Bagh 450 Rs.200/-
> Model Town 1150 Rs.300/-
> New Friends Colony 1200 Rs.300/-
> Palam Vihar 1600 Rs.300/-
> Paschim Vihar 2800 Rs.350/-
> Patel Nagar 1500 Rs.300/-
> Pitam Pura 2600 Rs.350/-
> Prashant Vihar 1000 Rs.300/-
> Preet Vihar 1700 Rs.300/-
> Punjabi Bagh 1300 Rs.300/-
> Rohini 1600
> Rajouri Garden 1500 Rs.300/-
> Safdarjung Enclave 1500 Rs.300/-
> Saraswati Vihar 600 Rs.200/-
> South Extn 650 Rs.200/-
> Vasant Vihar 2300 Rs.350/-
> Vivek Vihar 1150 Rs.300/-
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------
> * Prices/Entries can be revised any time without any notice.
> * Data once sold will not be REPLACED or TAKEN BACK.
> * Payment Terms :100% Advance in "CASH". However, Outstation party may
> payment through Demand Draft in favour of BHARAT COMPUTERS and payable
> ICICI Bank, Punjabi Bagh, NEW DELHI.
> * CDs are to be collected from OUR OFFICE only from 11 am to 8 pm on all
> days except NATIONAL Holidays.
> * However, CDs can be couriered / emailed after receiving full

Friday, December 02, 2005
data CDs
----- Original Message -----
From: "Amita Gupta" <>
To: "saleem asraf" <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2005 10:22 PM
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------
> Respond in TEXT mode only ! No File Attachments, Please !!
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------
> 01128311623
> 09891565513
> 09891026578
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------
> B H A R A T C O M P U T E R S
> the DATABASE people ...
> 4/11, JAIDEV PARK, NEW DELHI - 110026. (INDIA)
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------
> Sir,
> BHARAT COMPUTERS offers DELHI / NEW DELHI & NCR (Nearby area of
> National Capital territory Region like Industrial town - FARIDABAD in
> Haryana, GHAZIABAD in Uttar Pradesh, Modern Cities like GURGAON in
> Haryana and NOIDA / GREATER NOIDA in Uttar Pradesh.
> We Provide Latest updated DATA in EXCEL format in CD from where one can
> make its HARD COPY when required or Use it as such in Soft form. We have
> more than 100 itles spread-over particular INDUSTRY wise, Industrial AREA
> or Commercial / Business-Complex wise, PROFESSIONALs-wise & POSH
> RESIDENTIAL Colonies data.
> Our list of Data CDs
> Advertising Agencies Automobile Industry
> Banks(Public/pvt/foreign) Builder/Constr Co.s
> Call Centres Chemical Industry
> Chemists/Medical stores Coaching Centres
> Communication Industry Computer Industry
> Courier/Freight Co. Dotcom Co.s
> Educational Institutions Electric/ElectronicInd
> Email-id(All Categories) Export Houses
> Financial Companies Food Industry
> Footwear Industry FMCG Industry
> Furniture Industry Gift/Novelties Industry
> Govt Enterprises Hotels / Resorts, etc
> Importers Insurance Industry
> Jewellery Houses Joint Ventures
> Kitchen Appliances Leather Industry
> Machine Mfrs Multi-National Companies
> Office-Automation Packaging Industry
> Paper Industry Pharma Industry
> Photo / Imaging Industry Placement Consultants
> Plastic Industry Printing Industry
> Property Dealers Publishers/Distri.
> Refrigeration,A/C Inds Sanitaryware Industry
> Schools(Public/Convent) Security Co.s
> Showrooms - Garments Sport / Toys Industry
> Stationery Industry Textile Industry
> Tooling Industries Transport Co.s
> Travel Agencies Watch Showrooms
> Anand Parbat Indl Area Bhikaji Cama Place
> Connaught Circus Faridabad (Indl/Busi)
> GTK Road Indl Area Gurgaon (Indl/Busi)
> Ghaziabad JanakPuri Distt Centre
> Karol Bagh Market Kirti Nagar Indl Area
> Lawrence Road Indl Area Mangolpuri Indl Area
> Mayapuri Indl Area Mohan Co-op Indl Estate
> Naraina Indl Area Narela Industrial Area
> Nehru Place Netaji Subhash Place
> Noida (Indl/Busi) Okhla Industrial Area
> Patparganj Indl Estate Peera Garhi Udyog Nagar
> Rajindra Place Sahibabad Indl Area
> Wazirpur Industrial Area
> Advocates/Legal Advisors Architects / Interior Designers
> Chartered Accountants Doctors /Medical Professionals
> Ashok Vihar Defence Colony
> Dwarka (Aptt/ Societies) East of kailash
> Golf Links Greater Kailash
> Green park IP Extn (Societies)
> Jor Bagh Model Town
> New Friends Colony Palam Vihar (Gurgaon)
> Paschim Vihar Patel Nagar
> Pitampura Prashant Vihar
> Preet Vihar Punjabi Bagh
> Rajouri Garden Rohini
> Safdarjung Enclave Sainik Farms
> Saraswati Vihar South Extn.
> Vasant Vihar Vivek Vihar
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------
> * All these DATABASE CDs are available at OUR OFFICE From 11 am to 8 pm
> all days except NATIONAL Holidays.
> * DATABASE CDs can be COURIERed or Emailed after FULL PAYMENT.
> * Feel Free to Get in touch for DETAILS / PRICELIST / PAYMENT-TERMS
> ===============================================================
> Our Contact Details are :-
> ===============================================================
> Postal Adress : 4/11, JAIDEV PARK, NEW DELHI - 110026 (INDIA)
> Telephone : 011-28311623 (Landline)
> Mobile : 0-9891565513 (24 Hours)
> 0-9891026578 (24 Hours)
> Country Code: 091