Identification of water problems
Many people determine the quality of the water they consume by how it smells, tastes or looks. Although these are important criteria, they are primarily aesthetic properties of the water. A glass of water may not look, smell or taste good, but it could still be suitable to drink from a health standpoint.
The way water looks, smells and tastes can be used to help determine what type of treatment is necessary to improve the quality of the water. The following guidelines will help you determine if there are any problems with your water and what the most likely cause of those problems might be. All you need is a clear container to take a water sample and then use your senses of sight, smell and taste.
Water is clear when first drawn from the raw water tap then becomes yellow or reddish in appearance, but clears upon standing for 24 hours.
Dissolved iron present.
Water is yellow or reddish when first drawn from the raw water tap but clears upon standing for 24 hours.
Undissolved iron present.
Yellow or brownish cast to water even after softening and/or filtering and does not clear up after standing for 24 hours.
Tannin (humic acid) in water. Comes from water passing through coal veins, peaty soils and decaying vegetation.
Black cast to water that clears upon standing for 24 hours.
Dissolved manganese present.
Milky water.
Excessive air in the water caused by the well pump sucking air (excessive drawdown) or a malfunctioning pressure tank. Also, can be caused by high amounts of bicarbonate precipitates resulting from an increase in pH.
Blackening, tarnishing, or pitting of metal sinks, utensils, pipes, etc.
High amounts of salt (chlorides and sulfates) or hydrogen sulfide gas.
Green stains on sinks and other porcelain bathroom fixtures. Blue green cast to water.
Acidic water (pH below 6.8) reacting with brass and copper pipes and fittings.
Suspended matter in water.
Caused by riled up water in a surface supply or sand pumping from a well.
Soap curds and lime scum in wash basins and bathtubs. Whitish scale deposits in tea kettle and on the ends of plumbing fixtures (faucet, shower head, etc.).
Hard Water caused by calcium and magnesium salts in the raw water supply.
Stained aluminum cookware.
High dissolved mineral content and high alkalinity in the raw water.
Chlorine smell.
Normal chlorination of public or private well sources.
Fishy, musty or earthy smell.
Generally harmless organic matter. Commonly associated with surface water supplies.
Rotten egg odor from the raw water tap or directly from the well.
Dissolved hydrogen sulfide gas in the raw water.
Rotten egg odor only from the hot water tap.
Sulfates present in the raw water reacting with the magnesium anode which causes hydrogen sulfide gas. Can be corrected by removing the anode or replacing it with an aluminum anode.
Detergent odor and water foams when drawn. Also septic odor.
Leakage from a sewer system is entering the water supply.
Salty flavor to the water that may have a laxative effect in some situations.
High salt content (primarily sodium sulfate and magnesium sulfate).
Metallic taste.
High concentration of manganese, or possibly other metals.
Correction of the water problem
When the cause of a water problem has been identified, then a method of treatment can be used to correct or minimize the problem. Before purchasing a treatment system, first have your water analyzed by a state certified laboratory to determine the quantity of foreign material in your water. The most common water tests are for:
Coliform Bacteria
Total Dissolved Solids
Iron and Manganese
After the water is analyzed, you can use the following chart to determine what treatment methods are needed to correct the problem. You may have identified more than one problem. If this is the case, you may need more than one type of treatment. Many reputable water treatment companies have equipment that will treat more than one problem.
Raw Water Problems and Commom Treatment Methods
Raw Water Problem Common Treatment Method
Bacterial contamination Treat using chlorination or other
forms of disinfection (boiling,
iodine, etc.) until the source of
contamination is found and corrected
or removed.
Fine sand, clay Remove using mechanical (fine screen)
or other sediments or sand filtration.
Odor and taste other Corrected with activated carbon
than ROTTEN EGG SMELL filters.
Hydrogen Sulfide Gas Remove using chlorination followed by
(ROTTEN EGG SMELL) sedimentation or use an oxidation
filter (sometimes called an aeration
filter) followed by an activated carbon
filter to remove excess chlorine.
Small amounts of Remove with a common water softener.
dissolved iron and The water softener manufacturer should
manganese. have a level of iron removal rating.
Higher amounts of Remove using an oxidizing agent such as
dissolved iron and potassium permanganate or chlorine
manganese followed by a mechanical screen or use
a green sand filter.
Suspended iron and Remove using mechanical (fine screen)
manganese particles or sand filtration.
Hard water Treat using a water softener.
Acid water Treat with a neutralizing filter (adds
(pH less than 5.0) calcium carbonate)
Alkaline water Treat by injecting a weak acid (acetic
(pH greater than 9.0) acid or white vinegar)
Tannin (humic acid) Remove using chlorination with a
detention tank or a special anion
exchange unit.
Volatile organic1 Remove using an activated carbon
compounds, certain filter. Other treatment options
pesticides, trihalo- include reverse osmosis or distillation.
methanes and radon
Nitrates, heavy metals* Remove with reverse osmosis or by
(lead, copper, etc.), distillation. Nitrates can be removed
high total dissolved with an anion exchange unit.
solids (TDS), sodium,
*These problems are not generally noticeable to human senses.
Testing for these constituents should be performed by a
trained professional familiar with the problems that can cause
these forms of contamination.
Common water treatment methods
A brief description of the six most common types of household water treatment is found on the following chart. The list explains the main use for the treatment method and also, equally important, the major limitations of the method.
Common Home Water Treatment Methods
Method Main Use Restrictions
Water Reduces water hardness minerals Replaces calcium and
Softening (calcium and magnesium) by magnesium with sodium
replacing them with sodium. which can present a
problem for people on
Softened water requires less low sodium diets. A
soap or detergent for washing kitchen faucet should be
and cleaning. left unsoftened for
drinking purposes.
Reduces scale formation in Periodic backwashing and
pipes, water heaters and on regeneration of the
faucets. Improves sudsing resin bed using salt
ability of soaps and detergents. brine is required.
Oxidative Reduces iron and manganese Periodic backwashing
Iron concentrations to levels where required. Periodic
Filtration they don't stain clothes or recharging with potassium
plumbing fixtures. permanganate is
Prevents odors caused by
hydrogen sulfide Should be installed
(rotten egg smell). upstream from a water
Activated Removes general taste and odor Generally does not
Carbon problems including chlorine. remove nitrates, sulfates,
Filtration bacteria or heavy metals.
Usually installed at the Periodic replacement of
point-of-use for drinking activated charcoal
and cooking. (usually in canisters)
is required forcontinuous
Reverse Reduces heavy metals, most Does not remove all
Osmosis pesticides, and fluoride to organic chemicals such
acceptable levels. as chloroform. Does not
remove 100% of most
Used primarily for drinking chemicals.
and cooking. Uses large amounts of
water for flushing.
Distillation Removal of dissolved minerals, Produces bland tasting
trace amounts of heavy metals water.
and many organic chemicals.
Requires significant
Used primarily for drinking energy, therefore small
and cooking. capacity units are used.
Chlorination Disinfection of biologically Not recommended as a
contaminated water supplies, continuous practice for
"shock" treatment of wells and the control of bacteria
storage tanks. in private water wells.
A new, bacteria free
Aids in the removal of high source of water should be
levels of iron and manganese. found.
Additional treatment is
required to remove
residual chlorine and
chlorinated organics.
Sunday, February 20, 2005

Aeration followed by filtration
High levels of dissolved iron and manganese at combined concentrations up to 25 mg/l can be oxidized to a solid form by aeration (mixing with air). For domestic water processing, the "pressure-type aerator" often is used.
In this system, air is sucked in and mixed with the passing stream of water. This air-saturated water then enters the precipitator/aerator vessel where air separates from the water. From this point, the water flows through a filter where various filter media are used to screen out oxidized particles of iron, manganese and some carbonate or sulfate.
The most important maintenance step involved in operation is periodic backwashing of the filter. Manganese oxidation is slower than for iron and requires greater quantities of oxygen. Aeration is not recommended for water containing organic complexes of iron/manganese or iron/manganese bacteria that will clog the aspirator and filter.
Chemical oxidation followed by filtration
High levels of dissolved or oxidized iron and manganese greater than 10 mg/l can be treated by chemical oxidation, using an oxidizing chemical such as chlorine, followed by a sand trap filter to remove the precipitated material. Iron or manganese also can be oxidized from the dissolved to solid form by adding potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide to untreated water. This treatment is particularly valuable when iron is combined with organic matter or when iron bacteria is present.
The oxidizing chemical is put into the water by a small feed pump that operates when the well pump operates. This may be done in the well, but typically is done just before the water enters a storage tank. A retention time of at least 20 minutes is required to allow oxidation to take place. The resulting solid particles then must be filtered. When large concentrations of iron are present, a flushing sand filter may be needed for the filtering process.
If organic-complexed or colloidal iron/manganese is present in untreated water, a longer contact time and higher concentrations of chemicals are necessary for oxidation to take place. Adding aluminum sulfate (alum) improves filtration by causing larger iron/manganese particles to form.
When chlorine is used as the oxidizing agent, excess chlorine remains in treated water. If the particle filter is made of calcite, sand, anthracite or aluminum silicate, a minimum quantity of chlorine should be used to avoid the unpleasant taste that results from excess chlorine. An activated carbon filter can be used to remove excess chlorine and small quantities of solid iron/manganese particles.
Any filtration material requires frequent and regular backwashing or replacement to eliminate the solid iron/manganese particles. Some units have an automatic backwash cycle to handle this task.
The ideal pH range for chlorine bleach to oxidize iron is 6.5 to 7.5. Chlorination is not the method of choice for high manganese levels since a pH greater than 9.5 is required for complete oxidation. Potassium permanganate will effectively oxidize manganese at pH values above 7.5 and is more effective than chlorine oxidation of organic iron if that is a problem.
Potassium permanganate is poisonous and a skin irritant. There must be no excess potassium permanganate in treated water and the concentrated chemical must be stored in its original container away from children and animals. Careful calibration, maintenance and monitoring are required when potassium permanganate is used as an oxidizing agent.
Table I. Treatment of iron and manganese in drinking water
Indication Cause Treatment
Water clear when drawn but red-brown or black particles appear as water stands; red-brown or black stains on fixtures or laundry Dissolved iron or manganese Phosphate compounds (< 3 mg/l iron)
Water softener (<5 mg/l combined concentrations of iron and manganese)
Oxidizing filter (manganese greensand or zeolite) (<15 mg/l combined concentrations of iron and manganese)
Aeration (pressure) (<25mg/l combined concentrations of iron and manganese)
Chemical oxidation with potassium permanganate or chlorine; followed with filtration (>10 mg/l combined concentrations of iron and manganese)
Water contains red-brown particles when drawn; particles settle out as water stands Iron particles from corrosion of pipes and equipment Raise pH with neutralizing filter
Water contains red-brown or black particles when drawn; particles settle out as water stands Oxidized iron/manganese due to exposure of water to air prior to tap Particle filter (if quantity of oxidized material is high, use larger filter than inline; e.g., sand filter)
Red-brown or black slime appears in toilet tanks or from clogs in faucets Iron or manganese bacteria Kill bacteria masses by shock treatment with chlorine or potassium permanganate, then filter; bacteria may originate in well, so it may require continuous feed of chlorine or potassium permanganate, then filter
Reddish or black color that remains longer than 24 hours Colloidal iron/manganese; organically complexed iron/manganese Chemical oxidation with chlorine or potassium permanganate; followed with filtration
Adapted from "Iron and Manganese in Household Water," Water Treatment Notes. Fact Sheet 6, Cornell Cooperative Extension. (1989).
Estimate the water volume contained in the well casing using Table I and the "YOUR WELL" column of the following worksheet.
Table I. Volume of water contained per foot of well depth.
Well casing diameter (inches) Water volume per foot of
water depth (gallons)1
4 0.65
6 1.47
8 2.61
10 4.08
12 5.88
18 13.22
24 23.50
30 36.72
36 52.87
1Volume of water calculated as the volume of a cylinder multiplied by 7.48 gallons/cubic foot.
Step 1. Determine the depth of water in the well: The company that constructed the well should be able to provide you with the well depth and water level. For example, let's say that you have a 50 feet deep well, and the water level is at 40 feet. The well contains 10 feet of water (50-40=10 feet). You can view this information in Figures 1, 2, and 3.
Step 2. Determine the volume of water in the well. You measured the inside diameter of the well and it was 30 inches. Find the gallons per foot of depth for a 30-inch well in Table I. For our example we would multiply the depth of the water in the well (10 feet) by 36.7 gallons of water per foot of water depth (from Table I) to get 367 gallons of well water (10 x 36.7 = 367 gallons of water in the well).
For large diameter wells or cisterns, contact the Division of Drinking Water and Environmental Sanitation at the Nebraska Department of Health for information on how to disinfect your system.
Step 3. Estimate the volume of water in the distribution system. Total up the water storage in the system, including the water heater, pressure tank, etc., and add 50 gallons for the pipeline. If you have a 30-gallon hot water heater and a 30-gallon pressure tank, you need to add 110 gallons for the distribution system.
Step 4. Determine the water contained in the entire system. Add the water volume in the well to the water contained in the distribution system to get 477 gallons (367 gallons in the well plus 110 gallons in the distribution system).
Step 5. Determine the amount of chlorine product required for a 200 ppm solution. Table II lists the product amounts needed to create a 200 ppm chlorine solution using typically available sources. If you decide to purchase laundry bleach, you will need 3 pints of bleach per 100 gallons of water in the well and distribution system. For our example, you would need to purchase 14 pints or 1.75 gallons of liquid laundry bleach. You would determine this by using the worksheet at the end of this article (477 gallons divided by 100, multiplied by 3 pints per 100 gallons, and divided by 8 pints per gallon is equal to 1.75 gallons).
Table II. Amount of chemical required to create a chlorine concentration of about 200 ppm.
Chemical name Amount per 100 gallons of water a
Liquid Laundry Bleach (5.25% NaOCl) 3 pints
Commercial Strength Bleach (12-17% NaOCl) 1 pint
Chlorinated Lime (25% CaOCl2) 11 ounces
Dairy Sanitizer (30% CaOCl2) 9 ounces
High-test calcium hypochlorite b (65-75% Ca(OCl)2) 4 ounces
aWell water containing iron, hydrogen sulfide, or organic substances may require more chemical to create a 200 ppm solution. Chlorine combines readily with these materials, making some of the chlorine ineffective as a disinfectant.
bHigh-test hypochlorite is available as a powder and as a tablet.
Step 6: Introduce the chlorine material into the well and distribution system. The best way to introduce chlorine material into the well is to dissolve the chlorine in a 5-gallon bucket of fresh water. Be sure the bucket is plastic and has been thoroughly washed. Then pour the chlorine solution into the well. Try to splash the solution on the sidewalls of the well casing as much as possible. Attach a hose to the water hydrant or faucet nearest the well and run water through the hydrant and back into the well (Figure 1). TStep 7: Let the chlorine disinfect the system. The most difficult step is to refrain from using water from the well so that the chlorine can disinfect the system. The system should remain idle for at least 2-3 hours, preferably overnight.
Step 8: Flush the system to remove the chlorine. After the water system chlorination has been completed, the entire system must be emptied of chlorine and thoroughly flushed with fresh water by running water out of each faucet or hydrant until the chlorine odor dissipates. Distribute the waste water on gravel roads or other areas without plants or aquatic life, which it might harm.
his will thoroughly mix the chlorine solution and well water.
Do not allow more than 50 gallons of chlorinated water to enter the septic system. If possible, attach a hose to outlets inside the house and distribute the water to a nongrass area away from the house. The chlorine will eventually evaporate into the atmosphere.
Step 9: Retest the water supply for bacterial contamination. The final step is to retest the water to ensure that the water source is bacteria free. Take a water sample 1-2 weeks after shock chlorinating the well, using the same procedures as before. Though most shock chlorination treatments are successful, do not drink the water until the laboratory results confirm that no bacteria are present. Retest the well every month for 2-3 months to be sure contamination is not reoccurring. If test results are negative, an annual water analysis program can be reinstated.
If the water supply continues to develop bacterial contamination problems after being shock chlorinated, continuous chlorination may be an option. Other options include repairing the well, or constructing a new well. It may be necessary to abandon the water source. Procedures for properly abandoning a well are explained in NebFact NF92-81, Plugging Abandoned Wells, available from your Cooperative Extension Office. You may want to contact a licensed water well contractor to perform these duties.
Chlorine Solution Calculation Worksheet
Calculate volume of water in well: Example: Your well:
1. Depth of casing: (See Figure 1) 50 feet __________feet
2. Depth to water: (See Figure 1) 40 feet __________feet
3. Total depth of water: (#1 - #2) 10 feet __________feet
4. Diameter of well: (Measure inside diameter) 30 inches __________inches
5. Volume of water per foot: (Table I, column 2) 36.7 gallons __________gallons
6. Total volume of water in casing: (#3 x #5) 367 gallons __________gallons
7. Volume of water in the system: 110 gallons __________gallons
8. Total volume of water:(#6 + #7) 477 gallons __________gallons
Calculate Amount of Chlorine Product for a 200 ppm Solution:
Chlorine product used: Liquid Laundry Bleach
9. Product needed per 100 gallons:
(Table II - circle the correct units) 3 (ounces/pints) __________(ounces/pints)
10. Total product needed:
(#8 x #9- circle the correct units) 14 (ounces/pints) __________(ounces/pints)
If you use chlorine as the oxidizing agent, it is important to note that any excess chlorine will stay in the water. While chlorine is an effective disinfecting agent, unpleasant taste results from too much chlorine. Using an activated carbon filter is an effective way to remove excess chlorine and improve taste.
The pH of the water supply should be considered when choosing an oxidizing agent. If the pH of the water is less than 6.5, a neutralizing treatment is needed before chemical oxidation. Chlorine bleach is the most effective for oxidizing iron if the pH level is 6.5 to 7.5. Consequently, chlorination is not recommended for treatment of high levels of manganese because a pH level of 9.5 or greater is required for complete manganese oxidation. Potassium permanganate can oxidize manganese at pH levels of 7.5 or higher and is also an effective method of oxidizing organic iron.
However, caution must be exercised with potassium permanganate because it is both a poison and a skin irritant. Furthermore, it is very important that no excess potassium permanganate be present in the water supply. In addition, caution must be exercised when storing the concentrated potassium permanganate to ensure that it is kept where children and animals cannot access it. If potassium permanganate is used, careful calibration, maintenance, and monitoring of your water treatment equipment
High levels of dissolved iron and manganese at combined concentrations up to 25 mg/l can be oxidized to a solid form by aeration (mixing with air). For domestic water processing, the "pressure-type aerator" often is used.
In this system, air is sucked in and mixed with the passing stream of water. This air-saturated water then enters the precipitator/aerator vessel where air separates from the water. From this point, the water flows through a filter where various filter media are used to screen out oxidized particles of iron, manganese and some carbonate or sulfate.
The most important maintenance step involved in operation is periodic backwashing of the filter. Manganese oxidation is slower than for iron and requires greater quantities of oxygen. Aeration is not recommended for water containing organic complexes of iron/manganese or iron/manganese bacteria that will clog the aspirator and filter.
Chemical oxidation followed by filtration
High levels of dissolved or oxidized iron and manganese greater than 10 mg/l can be treated by chemical oxidation, using an oxidizing chemical such as chlorine, followed by a sand trap filter to remove the precipitated material. Iron or manganese also can be oxidized from the dissolved to solid form by adding potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide to untreated water. This treatment is particularly valuable when iron is combined with organic matter or when iron bacteria is present.
The oxidizing chemical is put into the water by a small feed pump that operates when the well pump operates. This may be done in the well, but typically is done just before the water enters a storage tank. A retention time of at least 20 minutes is required to allow oxidation to take place. The resulting solid particles then must be filtered. When large concentrations of iron are present, a flushing sand filter may be needed for the filtering process.
If organic-complexed or colloidal iron/manganese is present in untreated water, a longer contact time and higher concentrations of chemicals are necessary for oxidation to take place. Adding aluminum sulfate (alum) improves filtration by causing larger iron/manganese particles to form.
When chlorine is used as the oxidizing agent, excess chlorine remains in treated water. If the particle filter is made of calcite, sand, anthracite or aluminum silicate, a minimum quantity of chlorine should be used to avoid the unpleasant taste that results from excess chlorine. An activated carbon filter can be used to remove excess chlorine and small quantities of solid iron/manganese particles.
Any filtration material requires frequent and regular backwashing or replacement to eliminate the solid iron/manganese particles. Some units have an automatic backwash cycle to handle this task.
The ideal pH range for chlorine bleach to oxidize iron is 6.5 to 7.5. Chlorination is not the method of choice for high manganese levels since a pH greater than 9.5 is required for complete oxidation. Potassium permanganate will effectively oxidize manganese at pH values above 7.5 and is more effective than chlorine oxidation of organic iron if that is a problem.
Potassium permanganate is poisonous and a skin irritant. There must be no excess potassium permanganate in treated water and the concentrated chemical must be stored in its original container away from children and animals. Careful calibration, maintenance and monitoring are required when potassium permanganate is used as an oxidizing agent.
Table I. Treatment of iron and manganese in drinking water
Indication Cause Treatment
Water clear when drawn but red-brown or black particles appear as water stands; red-brown or black stains on fixtures or laundry Dissolved iron or manganese Phosphate compounds (< 3 mg/l iron)
Water softener (<5 mg/l combined concentrations of iron and manganese)
Oxidizing filter (manganese greensand or zeolite) (<15 mg/l combined concentrations of iron and manganese)
Aeration (pressure) (<25mg/l combined concentrations of iron and manganese)
Chemical oxidation with potassium permanganate or chlorine; followed with filtration (>10 mg/l combined concentrations of iron and manganese)
Water contains red-brown particles when drawn; particles settle out as water stands Iron particles from corrosion of pipes and equipment Raise pH with neutralizing filter
Water contains red-brown or black particles when drawn; particles settle out as water stands Oxidized iron/manganese due to exposure of water to air prior to tap Particle filter (if quantity of oxidized material is high, use larger filter than inline; e.g., sand filter)
Red-brown or black slime appears in toilet tanks or from clogs in faucets Iron or manganese bacteria Kill bacteria masses by shock treatment with chlorine or potassium permanganate, then filter; bacteria may originate in well, so it may require continuous feed of chlorine or potassium permanganate, then filter
Reddish or black color that remains longer than 24 hours Colloidal iron/manganese; organically complexed iron/manganese Chemical oxidation with chlorine or potassium permanganate; followed with filtration
Adapted from "Iron and Manganese in Household Water," Water Treatment Notes. Fact Sheet 6, Cornell Cooperative Extension. (1989).
Estimate the water volume contained in the well casing using Table I and the "YOUR WELL" column of the following worksheet.
Table I. Volume of water contained per foot of well depth.
Well casing diameter (inches) Water volume per foot of
water depth (gallons)1
4 0.65
6 1.47
8 2.61
10 4.08
12 5.88
18 13.22
24 23.50
30 36.72
36 52.87
1Volume of water calculated as the volume of a cylinder multiplied by 7.48 gallons/cubic foot.
Step 1. Determine the depth of water in the well: The company that constructed the well should be able to provide you with the well depth and water level. For example, let's say that you have a 50 feet deep well, and the water level is at 40 feet. The well contains 10 feet of water (50-40=10 feet). You can view this information in Figures 1, 2, and 3.
Step 2. Determine the volume of water in the well. You measured the inside diameter of the well and it was 30 inches. Find the gallons per foot of depth for a 30-inch well in Table I. For our example we would multiply the depth of the water in the well (10 feet) by 36.7 gallons of water per foot of water depth (from Table I) to get 367 gallons of well water (10 x 36.7 = 367 gallons of water in the well).
For large diameter wells or cisterns, contact the Division of Drinking Water and Environmental Sanitation at the Nebraska Department of Health for information on how to disinfect your system.
Step 3. Estimate the volume of water in the distribution system. Total up the water storage in the system, including the water heater, pressure tank, etc., and add 50 gallons for the pipeline. If you have a 30-gallon hot water heater and a 30-gallon pressure tank, you need to add 110 gallons for the distribution system.
Step 4. Determine the water contained in the entire system. Add the water volume in the well to the water contained in the distribution system to get 477 gallons (367 gallons in the well plus 110 gallons in the distribution system).
Step 5. Determine the amount of chlorine product required for a 200 ppm solution. Table II lists the product amounts needed to create a 200 ppm chlorine solution using typically available sources. If you decide to purchase laundry bleach, you will need 3 pints of bleach per 100 gallons of water in the well and distribution system. For our example, you would need to purchase 14 pints or 1.75 gallons of liquid laundry bleach. You would determine this by using the worksheet at the end of this article (477 gallons divided by 100, multiplied by 3 pints per 100 gallons, and divided by 8 pints per gallon is equal to 1.75 gallons).
Table II. Amount of chemical required to create a chlorine concentration of about 200 ppm.
Chemical name Amount per 100 gallons of water a
Liquid Laundry Bleach (5.25% NaOCl) 3 pints
Commercial Strength Bleach (12-17% NaOCl) 1 pint
Chlorinated Lime (25% CaOCl2) 11 ounces
Dairy Sanitizer (30% CaOCl2) 9 ounces
High-test calcium hypochlorite b (65-75% Ca(OCl)2) 4 ounces
aWell water containing iron, hydrogen sulfide, or organic substances may require more chemical to create a 200 ppm solution. Chlorine combines readily with these materials, making some of the chlorine ineffective as a disinfectant.
bHigh-test hypochlorite is available as a powder and as a tablet.
Step 6: Introduce the chlorine material into the well and distribution system. The best way to introduce chlorine material into the well is to dissolve the chlorine in a 5-gallon bucket of fresh water. Be sure the bucket is plastic and has been thoroughly washed. Then pour the chlorine solution into the well. Try to splash the solution on the sidewalls of the well casing as much as possible. Attach a hose to the water hydrant or faucet nearest the well and run water through the hydrant and back into the well (Figure 1). TStep 7: Let the chlorine disinfect the system. The most difficult step is to refrain from using water from the well so that the chlorine can disinfect the system. The system should remain idle for at least 2-3 hours, preferably overnight.
Step 8: Flush the system to remove the chlorine. After the water system chlorination has been completed, the entire system must be emptied of chlorine and thoroughly flushed with fresh water by running water out of each faucet or hydrant until the chlorine odor dissipates. Distribute the waste water on gravel roads or other areas without plants or aquatic life, which it might harm.
his will thoroughly mix the chlorine solution and well water.
Do not allow more than 50 gallons of chlorinated water to enter the septic system. If possible, attach a hose to outlets inside the house and distribute the water to a nongrass area away from the house. The chlorine will eventually evaporate into the atmosphere.
Step 9: Retest the water supply for bacterial contamination. The final step is to retest the water to ensure that the water source is bacteria free. Take a water sample 1-2 weeks after shock chlorinating the well, using the same procedures as before. Though most shock chlorination treatments are successful, do not drink the water until the laboratory results confirm that no bacteria are present. Retest the well every month for 2-3 months to be sure contamination is not reoccurring. If test results are negative, an annual water analysis program can be reinstated.
If the water supply continues to develop bacterial contamination problems after being shock chlorinated, continuous chlorination may be an option. Other options include repairing the well, or constructing a new well. It may be necessary to abandon the water source. Procedures for properly abandoning a well are explained in NebFact NF92-81, Plugging Abandoned Wells, available from your Cooperative Extension Office. You may want to contact a licensed water well contractor to perform these duties.
Chlorine Solution Calculation Worksheet
Calculate volume of water in well: Example: Your well:
1. Depth of casing: (See Figure 1) 50 feet __________feet
2. Depth to water: (See Figure 1) 40 feet __________feet
3. Total depth of water: (#1 - #2) 10 feet __________feet
4. Diameter of well: (Measure inside diameter) 30 inches __________inches
5. Volume of water per foot: (Table I, column 2) 36.7 gallons __________gallons
6. Total volume of water in casing: (#3 x #5) 367 gallons __________gallons
7. Volume of water in the system: 110 gallons __________gallons
8. Total volume of water:(#6 + #7) 477 gallons __________gallons
Calculate Amount of Chlorine Product for a 200 ppm Solution:
Chlorine product used: Liquid Laundry Bleach
9. Product needed per 100 gallons:
(Table II - circle the correct units) 3 (ounces/pints) __________(ounces/pints)
10. Total product needed:
(#8 x #9- circle the correct units) 14 (ounces/pints) __________(ounces/pints)
If you use chlorine as the oxidizing agent, it is important to note that any excess chlorine will stay in the water. While chlorine is an effective disinfecting agent, unpleasant taste results from too much chlorine. Using an activated carbon filter is an effective way to remove excess chlorine and improve taste.
The pH of the water supply should be considered when choosing an oxidizing agent. If the pH of the water is less than 6.5, a neutralizing treatment is needed before chemical oxidation. Chlorine bleach is the most effective for oxidizing iron if the pH level is 6.5 to 7.5. Consequently, chlorination is not recommended for treatment of high levels of manganese because a pH level of 9.5 or greater is required for complete manganese oxidation. Potassium permanganate can oxidize manganese at pH levels of 7.5 or higher and is also an effective method of oxidizing organic iron.
However, caution must be exercised with potassium permanganate because it is both a poison and a skin irritant. Furthermore, it is very important that no excess potassium permanganate be present in the water supply. In addition, caution must be exercised when storing the concentrated potassium permanganate to ensure that it is kept where children and animals cannot access it. If potassium permanganate is used, careful calibration, maintenance, and monitoring of your water treatment equipment

From: Mehul Turakhia
Subject: aati kya khandala - in various languages , jus go through it
A Kya Bolti Tu
A Kya Mai Bolu
Ati Kya Khandala
Kya karu Ake mai Khandala
Are Ghumenge, nachenge, gayenge Aish karenge or kya ?
English :
Aye what do you say?
Aye what should I say?
Speak on.
Coming to khandala?
What should I do, coming to khandala?
We'll roam, we'll loaf, we'll sing, we'll dance we"ll
freak, baby,what else?
Sanskrit : This is too good
Aye balike, twam katham kathisyasi
Aye balakah aham kim kathisyamh
Kim twam khandaalaa agchasyasi
Aham kim kurwasyami khandaalayeh
gamisyami, bhramisyami, nryuthyami, gaayami, maja
karishma, kim karishyami?
Punjabi :
A ! ke boldi tu;
A ke mein bolan;
Chaldi khandala
Ki karaan ae ke mein khandala
Are Ghoomenge, Turainge, Naachenge, Gaavenge, Mauj
Karenge, Aur Ki ?
Gujarati :
Aye shun bole tu?
Aye hun shun bolu?
Aave chey su khandaalaa?
Shun karu aaviine khandaalaa?
Ghumshun, pharshun, naachshun, gaashun, majaa karshun,
beeju shun?
Aye kaai tu mhantes?
Aye kaai mi mhanhu?
Yetes kai khandaalaa?
Kai karu yevon mi khandaalaa?
Are ghumuyaa, phiruyaa, gavuyaa, nachuyaa, aish
karuyaa, aankhin kai?
! Kashmiri :
Heey, kya chaakh wannan
Heev, kya bhe wanneyyyy
Pakha telle khandalaa;
Kya karee weeteth bhe khandalaa
Pherevhey, nachevhey, geevevhey, khevevhey, eesh
karav, beyy kya?
Konkani :Aye ! kitte sangta tu?
Aye ! aao kite sangu?
Saan! gta
Khandalaa yeta ghi?
Khandalaa yevun kithe kharche?!
Bhovya, Phireya, Naachya, Gauya, maja korya, anikithe?
Bengali :
Ei ki bolis tui
Ei ki ar boli
Jabi ki khondalaa
K! i kori giye khondalaa
Are, ghurbo, phirbo, nachbo, gaibo, maja korbo ar ki?
**************************Want some
Malayalam :
Aye yenna pariyunnu?
Aye nyan yenna pariyu?
Varinno kh! andala?
Yendu cheyam? Nyaan vannu Khandaala?
Karangam, chuttam, paadam, aadam, maja
Telugu :
Aye, ainte chaepphuta vu
Aye,ainte chaepala
Vinu! Chaeppu
Wastava Khandala
Yem Chesedhi? vacchi Khandala
Thiruguthamu, eguruthamu, aadthaamu, paadthaamu,maja
chesthamu inkemi?
Sindhi :
Aye cha thi c! haen tu?
Aye Maan chaa chavan?
Acheti cha khandaalaa?
Cha kandis achi maan khandaalaa?
Are Ghumandasi, phirandasi, gayendasi,
Nachandasi,aaish kan! dasi, byo cha?
Magahi : (BIHARI)
A ki bolahin tu
A kya boliyuow hum
SunaowAaimahi ki khandala
Ki kariaow aake hum khandala
Gumbai, Phirbai, naachai, gaayii, aish karbai aur ki
ey ki kua tumi?
ey ki kom moi?
ahibi ki khandala?
ki korim aahi moi kahandalaa
are ghurim,phirim,nasim,gaam,khub phurti korim aru ki?
Enna solre
Ennatha solla
mudalla kelu,
sari sollu
Kandala variya
kandala poi enna panrathu
Vera enna .oor suthuvom aaduvom paaduvom jalsa
******If you have reached upto this stage, 't seems
you dont have work, rite? Then have some
Foreign Languages :
German :
Was sagst du?
Was soll ich sagen?
Hor mal!
Sag mal!
Kommst Nach Khandala?
Was machen wir in Khaldala?
Wir gehen, spazieren, tanzen, singen, haben spaCx,
was noch?
Spanish :
Tu que deceas?
Yo que deseo?
Di me
Vas a tu khandaalaa?
Que haceo, yo voy en el khandaalaa?
Viajamos, vagabundeamos, bailamos, cantamos,
disfrutamos, si no.
Chinese :
Ain, Chon Zuan Ho?
Ain, Chon Hee Zuano?
Hyuan Chon Khandala?
Chon Tsuani Hyui Hee Khandala?
Chijuan, Kajuan, Marijuan, Siuan, Samshuan
Tsuaniya Tsu Chon?
Russian :
Aeich, Kov Speache niv?
Aeich, Kov miv Speache?Nuushev,!
Comeva Kov Khandala?
Kov Sheychev Comov miv Khandala! ?
Rotiv, Rotrach, Balleva, Opereacha, Enjova
Sheychevin, Kov
French :!
Aye! qu'est-ceque tu dis?
Aye! qu'est-ceque tu me vouler dire?
Est-ceque tu viens a la Khandala
Qu'est-ceque je fais a aller a la Khandala ?
Promenez,! Allez, Dansez, Chantez a quelle?
Zambesi : (African)
Aye, Zwa To Zulu,
Aye, Zwa Ze ! Zu! lu,
Heliyo To Khandaalaa?
Zwa Kumi, Helithe Khandaalaa?!
Himala, Romala, Wahwahla, Infala, Kumaya Kumana, Ni
From: Akshay Jain
Subject: AIR INDIA
Surinder's uncle was booked into an SIA flight to
Bombay. But as this was his first time in an airplane,
he made a few preparations that were out of place.
When the stewardess came around to take orders for the
in-flight meal, the uncle declared loudly, "I have
brought my own lunch. Make sure you don't charge me
for food and drinks!"
So, as everybody was given their in-flight meal, the
uncle began spreading out his own home-cooked meal.
The man sitting next to him was an American history
researcher, who was curious about the food. "Excuse
me, what is that drink?" he asked.
The uncle picked up the yogurt-based lassi drink and
said, "Milk of India!"
The the uncle took out several pieces of chapattis and
started feasting. "And what is that dish?" asked the
curious American.
"Wheat of India!" replied the uncle proudly.
Finally, the uncle took out some desserts. He offered
some to the American.
"What is it?" asked the American.
"Sweet of India!" replied the old man.
After the meal, everyone was settling down when there
was a loud "Pooooooooot!" from the uncle.
"What was that?" asked the American in disgust.
The old man replied coolly, "That's Air India!"
From: ">< JiTeN ><"
1. (Walk up behind girl and point fingers shaped like gun into her back)
You're under arrest! ;
(For what?)
For stealing my heart
2. Hi, my name is Chance, Do I have one?
3. are your legs tired?
( girl: Why?)
because you have been running through my mind all day!
4. I lost my phone number, can I borrow yours?
5. Can you give me directions to your heart?
I've seemed to have lost myself in your eyes.
6. (Take a look at the tag on the girls shirt, jacket, etc.);
She would say ; What are doing
& respond,Oh, just checking to see if you were made in Heaven.
7. (Pick up a flower and walk over to girl.)
I was just showing this flower how beautiful you are.
8. Is it hot in here or is it just you?
9. Walk up to a girl and say: Are you from Greece?
She answers.
Oh, I thought all the goddesses were from Greece...
10. I could be born in your eye, run down your cheek,
and & die on your lips.
11. Did you know they changed the alphabet?
They put U and I together.
12. Are you lost?
'cause it's so strange to see an angel so far from heaven.
13. Do you believe in love at first sight,
or do I have to walk by you again?
14. What's that in your eye?'s a sparkle.
15. Do you have a map? I just got lost in your eyes.
16. You can forget about going to heaven because it's
a sin to look that good.
17. If I had eleven roses and you, I'd have a dozen
!!~@ JiTeN @~!!
Subject: aati kya khandala - in various languages , jus go through it
A Kya Bolti Tu
A Kya Mai Bolu
Ati Kya Khandala
Kya karu Ake mai Khandala
Are Ghumenge, nachenge, gayenge Aish karenge or kya ?
English :
Aye what do you say?
Aye what should I say?
Speak on.
Coming to khandala?
What should I do, coming to khandala?
We'll roam, we'll loaf, we'll sing, we'll dance we"ll
freak, baby,what else?
Sanskrit : This is too good
Aye balike, twam katham kathisyasi
Aye balakah aham kim kathisyamh
Kim twam khandaalaa agchasyasi
Aham kim kurwasyami khandaalayeh
gamisyami, bhramisyami, nryuthyami, gaayami, maja
karishma, kim karishyami?
Punjabi :
A ! ke boldi tu;
A ke mein bolan;
Chaldi khandala
Ki karaan ae ke mein khandala
Are Ghoomenge, Turainge, Naachenge, Gaavenge, Mauj
Karenge, Aur Ki ?
Gujarati :
Aye shun bole tu?
Aye hun shun bolu?
Aave chey su khandaalaa?
Shun karu aaviine khandaalaa?
Ghumshun, pharshun, naachshun, gaashun, majaa karshun,
beeju shun?
Aye kaai tu mhantes?
Aye kaai mi mhanhu?
Yetes kai khandaalaa?
Kai karu yevon mi khandaalaa?
Are ghumuyaa, phiruyaa, gavuyaa, nachuyaa, aish
karuyaa, aankhin kai?
! Kashmiri :
Heey, kya chaakh wannan
Heev, kya bhe wanneyyyy
Pakha telle khandalaa;
Kya karee weeteth bhe khandalaa
Pherevhey, nachevhey, geevevhey, khevevhey, eesh
karav, beyy kya?
Konkani :Aye ! kitte sangta tu?
Aye ! aao kite sangu?
Saan! gta
Khandalaa yeta ghi?
Khandalaa yevun kithe kharche?!
Bhovya, Phireya, Naachya, Gauya, maja korya, anikithe?
Bengali :
Ei ki bolis tui
Ei ki ar boli
Jabi ki khondalaa
K! i kori giye khondalaa
Are, ghurbo, phirbo, nachbo, gaibo, maja korbo ar ki?
**************************Want some
Malayalam :
Aye yenna pariyunnu?
Aye nyan yenna pariyu?
Varinno kh! andala?
Yendu cheyam? Nyaan vannu Khandaala?
Karangam, chuttam, paadam, aadam, maja
Telugu :
Aye, ainte chaepphuta vu
Aye,ainte chaepala
Vinu! Chaeppu
Wastava Khandala
Yem Chesedhi? vacchi Khandala
Thiruguthamu, eguruthamu, aadthaamu, paadthaamu,maja
chesthamu inkemi?
Sindhi :
Aye cha thi c! haen tu?
Aye Maan chaa chavan?
Acheti cha khandaalaa?
Cha kandis achi maan khandaalaa?
Are Ghumandasi, phirandasi, gayendasi,
Nachandasi,aaish kan! dasi, byo cha?
Magahi : (BIHARI)
A ki bolahin tu
A kya boliyuow hum
SunaowAaimahi ki khandala
Ki kariaow aake hum khandala
Gumbai, Phirbai, naachai, gaayii, aish karbai aur ki
ey ki kua tumi?
ey ki kom moi?
ahibi ki khandala?
ki korim aahi moi kahandalaa
are ghurim,phirim,nasim,gaam,khub phurti korim aru ki?
Enna solre
Ennatha solla
mudalla kelu,
sari sollu
Kandala variya
kandala poi enna panrathu
Vera enna .oor suthuvom aaduvom paaduvom jalsa
******If you have reached upto this stage, 't seems
you dont have work, rite? Then have some
Foreign Languages :
German :
Was sagst du?
Was soll ich sagen?
Hor mal!
Sag mal!
Kommst Nach Khandala?
Was machen wir in Khaldala?
Wir gehen, spazieren, tanzen, singen, haben spaCx,
was noch?
Spanish :
Tu que deceas?
Yo que deseo?
Di me
Vas a tu khandaalaa?
Que haceo, yo voy en el khandaalaa?
Viajamos, vagabundeamos, bailamos, cantamos,
disfrutamos, si no.
Chinese :
Ain, Chon Zuan Ho?
Ain, Chon Hee Zuano?
Hyuan Chon Khandala?
Chon Tsuani Hyui Hee Khandala?
Chijuan, Kajuan, Marijuan, Siuan, Samshuan
Tsuaniya Tsu Chon?
Russian :
Aeich, Kov Speache niv?
Aeich, Kov miv Speache?Nuushev,!
Comeva Kov Khandala?
Kov Sheychev Comov miv Khandala! ?
Rotiv, Rotrach, Balleva, Opereacha, Enjova
Sheychevin, Kov
French :!
Aye! qu'est-ceque tu dis?
Aye! qu'est-ceque tu me vouler dire?
Est-ceque tu viens a la Khandala
Qu'est-ceque je fais a aller a la Khandala ?
Promenez,! Allez, Dansez, Chantez a quelle?
Zambesi : (African)
Aye, Zwa To Zulu,
Aye, Zwa Ze ! Zu! lu,
Heliyo To Khandaalaa?
Zwa Kumi, Helithe Khandaalaa?!
Himala, Romala, Wahwahla, Infala, Kumaya Kumana, Ni
From: Akshay Jain
Subject: AIR INDIA
Surinder's uncle was booked into an SIA flight to
Bombay. But as this was his first time in an airplane,
he made a few preparations that were out of place.
When the stewardess came around to take orders for the
in-flight meal, the uncle declared loudly, "I have
brought my own lunch. Make sure you don't charge me
for food and drinks!"
So, as everybody was given their in-flight meal, the
uncle began spreading out his own home-cooked meal.
The man sitting next to him was an American history
researcher, who was curious about the food. "Excuse
me, what is that drink?" he asked.
The uncle picked up the yogurt-based lassi drink and
said, "Milk of India!"
The the uncle took out several pieces of chapattis and
started feasting. "And what is that dish?" asked the
curious American.
"Wheat of India!" replied the uncle proudly.
Finally, the uncle took out some desserts. He offered
some to the American.
"What is it?" asked the American.
"Sweet of India!" replied the old man.
After the meal, everyone was settling down when there
was a loud "Pooooooooot!" from the uncle.
"What was that?" asked the American in disgust.
The old man replied coolly, "That's Air India!"
From: ">< JiTeN ><"
1. (Walk up behind girl and point fingers shaped like gun into her back)
You're under arrest! ;
(For what?)
For stealing my heart
2. Hi, my name is Chance, Do I have one?
3. are your legs tired?
( girl: Why?)
because you have been running through my mind all day!
4. I lost my phone number, can I borrow yours?
5. Can you give me directions to your heart?
I've seemed to have lost myself in your eyes.
6. (Take a look at the tag on the girls shirt, jacket, etc.);
She would say ; What are doing
& respond,Oh, just checking to see if you were made in Heaven.
7. (Pick up a flower and walk over to girl.)
I was just showing this flower how beautiful you are.
8. Is it hot in here or is it just you?
9. Walk up to a girl and say: Are you from Greece?
She answers.
Oh, I thought all the goddesses were from Greece...
10. I could be born in your eye, run down your cheek,
and & die on your lips.
11. Did you know they changed the alphabet?
They put U and I together.
12. Are you lost?
'cause it's so strange to see an angel so far from heaven.
13. Do you believe in love at first sight,
or do I have to walk by you again?
14. What's that in your eye?'s a sparkle.
15. Do you have a map? I just got lost in your eyes.
16. You can forget about going to heaven because it's
a sin to look that good.
17. If I had eleven roses and you, I'd have a dozen
!!~@ JiTeN @~!!

Eight Special Gifts
Eight Special Gifts
But you must REALLY listen. No interrupting, no daydreaming, no planning
your response. Just listening.
Be generous with appropriate hugs, kisses, pats on the back and handholds.
Let these small actions demonstrate the love you have for family and
Clip cartoons. Share articles and funny stories. Your gift will say, "I love
to laugh with you."
It can be a simple "Thanks for the help" note or a full sonnet. A brief,
handwritten note may be remembered for a lifetime, and may even change a
A simple and sincere, "You look great in red," "You did a super job" or
"That was a wonderful meal" can make someone's day.
Every day, go out of your way to do something kind.
There are times when we want nothing better than to be left alone. Be
sensitive to those times and give the gift of solitude to others.
The easiest way to feel good is to extend a kind word to someone, really
it's not that hard to say, "Hello" or "Thank you."
From: "Bill Karpus"
Subject: Fwd: Intelligence Riddle
George Bush is visiting the Queen of England....
He asks her, "Your Majesty, how do you run such an efficient government? Are there any tips you can give me?"
"Well," says the Queen, "the most important thing is to surround yourself with intelligent people."
Bush frowns. "But how do I know the people around me are really intelligent?"
The Queen takes a sip of tea.
"Oh, that's easy. You just ask them to answer an intelligence riddle.
The Queen pushes a button on her intercom. "Please send The Prime Minister in here, would you?"
Tony Blair walks into the room. "Your Majesty..."
The Queen smiles. "Answer me this, please, Tony. Your mother and father have a child. It is not your brother and it is not your sister. Who is it?"
Without pausing for a moment, Blair answers, "That would be me!"
"Yes! Very good!" says the Queen.
Back at the White House, Bush calls in his vice president, Dick Cheney.
"Dick, answer this for me. Your mother and your father have a child. It's not your brother and it's not your sister. Who is it?"
"I'm not sure," says the vice president. "Let me get back to you on that one."
Dick Cheney goes to his advisers and asks every one, but none can give him an answer.
Finally, he ends up in the men's room and recognizes Colin Powell's shoes in the next stall.
Dick shouts, "Colin! Can you answer this for me? Your mother and father have a child and it's not your brother or your sister. Who is it?"
Colin Powell yells back, "That's easy. It's me!"
Dick Cheney smiles. "Thanks!"
Cheney goes back to the Oval Office and asks to speak with Bush.
"Say, I did some research and I have the answer to that riddle. It's Colin Powell."
Bush gets up, stomps over to Dick Cheney, and angrily yells into his face,
"No, you idiot! It's Tony Blair! At The Dentist
A husband and wife entered the dentist's office. The husband said, "I want
a tooth pulled. I don't want gas or Novocain because I'm in a terrible
hurry. Just pull the tooth as quickly as possible."
"You're a brave man," said the dentist. "Now, show me which tooth it is."
The husband turns to his wife and says, "Open your mouth and show the
dentist which tooth it is, dear."
1) Teacher tells a student a=b, b=c implies a=c.Tell me an example.
Student : I love u - u love your daughter - so I love your daughter.
2) Three fastest means of communication -
Telephone - Television - Tell-a-woman
3) Its funny when people discuss over "love marriage" and "arranged marriage"
It is like asking a person if he would like to "hang himself" or
"shoot himself".
4) What is a girl friend?
Addition of problems, subtraction of money, multiplication of
enemies & division of friends
5) A married man was asked to perform his SWOT (Strength, Weakness,
, Threat) Analysis.
He said, my strength is my wife. My weakness is my neighbour's wife.
comes when neighbour goes out.
Threat comes when I myself go out
----- Original Message ----- From: To: undisclosed-recipients: Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 7:48 PM Subject: Laughter the best medicine !! :-)
Two bone weary programmers were working their little hearts and souls out. Their department was just too busy for staff to be able take flex. But there had to be a way...
One of the two programmers suddenly lifted his head. "I know how to get some time off work" the man whispered.
"How?" asked the second worker.
Instead of answering, the man quickly looked around. No sign of his PL. He jumped up on his desk, kicked out a couple of ceiling tiles and hoisted himself up. "Look!" he hissed, then swinging his legs over a metal pipe, hung upside down.
Within seconds, the PL emerged from the Branch Head's office at the far end of the floor. He saw the programmer hanging from the ceiling, and asked him what on earth he thought he was doing.
"I'm a light bulb" answered the programmer
"I think you need some time off," barked the PL. "Get out of here - that's an order - and I don't want to see you back here for at least another two days! You understand me?"
"Yes sir", the programmer answered meekly, then jumped down, logged off his computer and left.
The second programmer was hot on his heels.
"Where do you think you're going?" the boss asked.
"Home," he said lightly. "I can't work in the dark."
Hello Friends,
There is good news for all gmail lovers.Now u dont need any invitation to create a new gmail account.Just go to
there u need to enter ur email id where it will send u a link for creating a new gmail account.So what are u waiting 4, just go 4 it.....
Ankur Mediratta
From: *BhArAt*
Subject: Na Ye Chemistry Hoti
Na Ye Chemistry Hoti , Na Mein Student Hota
Na Ye Lab. Hoti Na Ye Accident Hota
Abhi Practical Mein Aaye Nazar Ek Larki
Sundar Thi Naak Uski Test Tube Jaisi
Baton Mein Uski Glucose Ki Mithas Thi
Sanson Mein Ester Ki Khushbu Bhi Sath Thi
Aankhon Se Jhalakta Tha Kuch Is Taranh Ka Pyaar
Bin Piye Hi Ho Jata Tha Alcohol Ka Khumar
Benzene Sa Hota Tha Uski Presence Ka Ehsas
Andhere Mein Hota Tha Radium Ka Abhas
Nazrein Mileen, Reaction Hua
Kuch Is Taranh Love Ka Production Hua
Lagne Lage Us Ke Ghar Ke Chakkar Aise
Nucleus Ke Charon Taraf Electron Hon Jaise
Us Din Hamare Test Ka Confirmation Hua
Jab Uske Daddy Se Hamara Introduction Hua
Sun Kar Hamari Baat Woh Aise Uchal Pare
Ignesium Tube Mein Jaise Sodium Bharak Uthe
Woh Bole, Hosh Mein Aao, Pahchano Apni Auqat
Iron Mil Nahin Sakta Kabhi Gold Ke Sath
Ye Sum Kar Tuta Hamare Armanon Bhara Beaker
Aur Hum Chup Rahe Benzaldehyde Ka Karwa Ghoont Pi Kar
Ab Us Ki Yaadon Ke Siwa Hamara Kam Chalta Na Tha
Aur Lab Mein Hamare Dil Ke Siva Kuch Aur Jalta Na Tha
Zindagi Ho Gayee Unsaturated Hydrocarbon Ki Taranh
Aur Hum Phirte Hain Awara Hydrogen Ki Tarhan
-----Original Message-----
From: Aldridge, Jennifer J.
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2005 9:05 AM
To: 'Cajunkster (E-mail); ''; ''; ROBERTSON,MIRANDA J; Qureshi, Alia; 'candi1818'; 'Dana LeMoine';; Fontenot, Wendy; Accardo, Rebecca A.; Keller, Michelle; Bennett, Tara; Rodrigue, EthelRussell, Gail; Vicari, Stephanie; Mixon, Theresa (Nadine); Jones, Carolyn; Bilbao, Mary; 'Sidra Bhatti ('; ''; Bowles, Judy; ''; Fazal Shere,
Aisha Mirza; ; ; Beri-Belle Manjong ; cindy holcomb ; Khan, Faisal (DPH) ; Farah Akhtar ; H.S. Chadha ; J Uraizee ; ; nasreen haque ; niloufar haque ; ; ; Sunny Chadha ; YHM ;
Subject: Source of the Problem
Okay, Okay, it all starts to makes sense now...
I never looked at it this way before:
MENtal illness
MENstrual cramps
MENtal breakdown
GUYnecologist ...... AND .....
When you're in REAL trouble, it's a
Ever notice how all of women's problems start with men?
Send this to all the women you know to just to brighten their day.
Send this to all the men just to annoy the crap out of them.
----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Monday, February 14, 2005 1:02 AM Subject: 2/13/05 Pampered Pooches Nestle in Lap of Luxury
Pampered Pooches Nestle in Lap of Luxury
By Mindy Fetterman, USA TODAY
(Feb. 11) -- You have a dog. You love your dog. So you buy good dog food, a special formula if he's an older dog or a little dog, or low-carb if he's chubby, or an organic, vitamin-enriched food if you're into a holistic lifestyle.
You buy a new collar every six months: a bright green one for spring and one with reindeer for Christmas. You buy matching leashes.
You have a dog bed that's not a leftover bathmat. It might have your dog's name embroidered on it. You buy toys and special bones that clean his teeth. You brush his teeth. You might have his picture taken by a professional photographer or painted by an artist.
You have a dog walker. You have a favorite kennel, maybe even one that's a "resort," where dogs lie around on couches and watch TV. OK, maybe that's a bit much. But you'd do it if you could afford it.
When your dog gets sick, you'll pay almost anything to be sure he gets better, including chemotherapy for cancer and hip replacement surgery. You like to take your dog on vacation, and you'll sneak him up the back stairs to the hotel room if they don't allow dogs.
You'd bring your dog to work, too, if they'd let you.
Join the crowd.
America has always loved its dogs. But now, you could argue, our obsession is becoming truly obsessive.
In the past 10 years, the pet industry has doubled in size to $34 billion a year in revenue. That includes everything from pet foods and toys to furniture and paying fees for dog walkers, groomers, even pet therapists.
The fastest-growing part of the pet industry is super-high-end luxury items, such as the $5,500 Swarovski crystal doggie vest that is the most expensive item featured so far in New York Dog, a new magazine for that city's dog lovers.
"It's not just Milk-Bones anymore," says Leslie Padgett, editor-in-chief.
Nowhere is this more evident than at the 160 dog shows held around the country every year.
And in particular in New York this weekend, as 2,500 dogs and their owners gather for the 129th annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. About 36,000 show up to watch in person, while about 4 million watch it on TV. Many consider these dogs the nation's most pampered pooches.
Wags call the contest the "sport of grooming."
Who's your baby?
Yet, the Best in Show at Westminster might not really be the most spoiled dog in America. That title might be held by the dog in your house.
Or, maybe in Dana Ujobagy's house in Union Beach, N.J. She spends so much on her Boston terrier, Sophie, that she's embarrassed to tell her boyfriend.
"She's one spoiled prima donna," Ujobagy says. "I don't even look at the price tags. I just say, 'Oh! This would be cute on her.' "
She will admit that her Web site,, which sells upscale dog clothes, collars and furniture - including a $4,000 bed with matching dresser - is doing great. "Some people don't blink an eye to buy something like that," she says.
Cece Cord of New York City was "horrified" when a friend gave her a miniature Yorkshire terrier after her faithful Labrador died a few years ago. "She looked like a hamster!" she says.
But now, Tiger travels with her everywhere and has inspired Travels with Tiger, her business in high-end luxury goods for dogs, including a $5,700 green crocodile leather travel bag, sold at Bergdorf Goodman on Fifth Avenue in New York. You can buy the matching human purse, too. "It's like playing grown-up Barbie dolls," she says of the little sweaters with fur trim ($295) and other clothes for dogs that she features.
Dog grooming, too, has evolved beyond the occasional flea bath. Padgett reports that dog owners are doing plastic surgery on their dogs and dying their hair when it gets gray. "It's like owners project themselves onto their dogs, and they don't want to look old," she says.
Pet insurance: an employee benefit
Owners are spending tens of thousands of dollars on their dog's veterinary care, too, including kidney transplants and MRIs.
"We've seen invoices that run from $10,000 to $30,000 to treat a variety of conditions," says Peter Weinstein, medical director for Veterinary Pet Insurance in Brea, Calif. The company has sold more than 360,000 pet insurance policies, vs. 157,000 in 2000. And about 1,100 U.S. companies offer VPI's pet insurance as an employee benefit.
"You can't question it, because people need these relationships with their pets," he says. "We know that dogs give unconditional love, they don't go to college, and they never complain. Why not love them? They're better than kids!" he laughs. Of course, he's kidding, but he realizes that his golden retriever, Sundance, is "the most important thing" in his two kids' lives.
The popularity of tiny dogs is growing, spurred by female celebrities who are photographed carrying their Yorkies or Pekingese or Chihuahuas in their handbags, says Padgett, who has a "smart alecky" yellow Labrador retriever named Buck who "runs sideways" when he fetches a ball.
Trends such as later childbirth for married couples, later marriage for singles and more empty nesters with no kids at home are feeding the dog craze, says Bob Vetere, chief operating officer of the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association.
"While the U.S. economy has suffered these last couple of years, the pet industry has not mirrored it," Vetere says. "As Americans have felt more insecure and less sure of the world around them, they're turning to pets for solace."
Vetere has a golden retriever named Dakota who's "a hoot!" he says. "If someone did a lobotomy on him, they'd find a tennis ball. That's all he cares about."
Four-footed people
The latest trend is for companies that make products for humans to expand into the canine world. "We're seeing the humanization of pets," says Vetere.
OPI, the mainstay of manicurists, has a line of nail polish for dogs. Hasbro makes dog toys. And motorcycle maker Harley-Davidson offers a little leather jacket for dogs.
Two years ago, John Paul DeJoria, the chairman and CEO of Paul Mitchell Systems - the nation's largest privately owned hair-care firm - and some partners launched a line of pet-grooming products that are "tested on humans, so it's safe for your pet."
That human is John Paul himself, who says he's tested every product they sell.
"I even tested the flea and tick shampoo, even though I don't have fleas or ticks," he laughs. You can get "calming moisturizing shampoo" with chamomile and sweet almond oil extracts ($7.99 for a 16-ounce bottle). Or shampoo with natural Australian tea tree oil to control ticks and fleas without chemicals ($9.99 for a 16-ounce bottle). The company's revenue is "in the millions," he says.
Products also are tested for smell by "the coolest dog in the world" - his golden retriever, Jack. "Jack will sniff them," says DeJoria. "If he walks away, that scent is canned."
Working like a dog
On June 24, Pet Sitters International will sponsor its seventh annual Take Your Dog To Work Day. Seven years ago, 300 companies participated. Last year, more than 10,000 did.
"The purpose is to celebrate what great companions dogs make in the workplace," says John Long, spokesman for the association, which has nearly 7,000 members worldwide. "They boost morale and productivity and even sales." The goal, though, is to encourage employees to adopt a dog from a shelter and "get the word out" that dogs are great. Long doesn't have a dog, yet. He's in the process of moving and needs space, because, "I'm a Doberman kind of guy."
If we can't take them to work, we hire pet walkers. Laura Vorreyer, 36, makes "six figures, easy," walking dogs in Santa Monica, Calif. "No one raises their hand in the fifth grade and says, 'I want to be a dog walker.' But I can make a good living out here doing this. And I love dogs." She doesn't have one, though. She says she sees enough during the day.
Web sites such as and tell travelers where they can take their dogs along. La Quinta has 300 "dog-friendly" hotels. Some high-end hotels are welcoming dogs the high-end way. The W Hotel in New York offers turndown service including a monogrammed pillow.
Many Ritz-Carltons offer everything from bone-shaped dog pillows and personalized tags to sitters and treats. The policy is "directly in proportion to how many celebrities visit the hotels," says spokeswoman Vivian Deuschl, who interrupts a conversation to greet Bailey, her black Labrador, who promptly lies down at her feet.
Hotels in New York, Boston, San Francisco, Washington and South Beach in Miami are very welcoming to dogs. At the Central Park South Ritz in New York, "you can borrow a Burberry raincoat for your little dog," says Deuschl. The Ritz in Bachelor Gulch, Colo., has a resident yellow Lab, Bachelor, who's available to be walked, petted and taken on hikes by hotel guests.
At the Ritz-Carlton, Georgetown, in Washington, you can come for a "Tails in the City" weekend that offers your dog a chef-prepared menu and a manicure. Once a month, the hotel holds a "Muttini" hour where you can have a drink while your pooch gets a pet massage or pet aroma-therapy services.
All this pampering, while fun for the dogs and their owners, might seem a little over-the-top to the more practical minded. "To be honest with you, I don't know if anyone really needs a diamond-studded collar for their dog," says Vetere of the pet manufacturers group.
That might be true, says magazine editor Padgett, but dogs give back more than they take. "You can always buy a great purse," she says. "But does it give you a lick on the face at the end of the day?"
smiley name generator
But you must REALLY listen. No interrupting, no daydreaming, no planning
your response. Just listening.
Be generous with appropriate hugs, kisses, pats on the back and handholds.
Let these small actions demonstrate the love you have for family and
Clip cartoons. Share articles and funny stories. Your gift will say, "I love
to laugh with you."
It can be a simple "Thanks for the help" note or a full sonnet. A brief,
handwritten note may be remembered for a lifetime, and may even change a
A simple and sincere, "You look great in red," "You did a super job" or
"That was a wonderful meal" can make someone's day.
Every day, go out of your way to do something kind.
There are times when we want nothing better than to be left alone. Be
sensitive to those times and give the gift of solitude to others.
The easiest way to feel good is to extend a kind word to someone, really
it's not that hard to say, "Hello" or "Thank you."
From: "Bill Karpus"
Subject: Fwd: Intelligence Riddle
George Bush is visiting the Queen of England....
He asks her, "Your Majesty, how do you run such an efficient government? Are there any tips you can give me?"
"Well," says the Queen, "the most important thing is to surround yourself with intelligent people."
Bush frowns. "But how do I know the people around me are really intelligent?"
The Queen takes a sip of tea.
"Oh, that's easy. You just ask them to answer an intelligence riddle.
The Queen pushes a button on her intercom. "Please send The Prime Minister in here, would you?"
Tony Blair walks into the room. "Your Majesty..."
The Queen smiles. "Answer me this, please, Tony. Your mother and father have a child. It is not your brother and it is not your sister. Who is it?"
Without pausing for a moment, Blair answers, "That would be me!"
"Yes! Very good!" says the Queen.
Back at the White House, Bush calls in his vice president, Dick Cheney.
"Dick, answer this for me. Your mother and your father have a child. It's not your brother and it's not your sister. Who is it?"
"I'm not sure," says the vice president. "Let me get back to you on that one."
Dick Cheney goes to his advisers and asks every one, but none can give him an answer.
Finally, he ends up in the men's room and recognizes Colin Powell's shoes in the next stall.
Dick shouts, "Colin! Can you answer this for me? Your mother and father have a child and it's not your brother or your sister. Who is it?"
Colin Powell yells back, "That's easy. It's me!"
Dick Cheney smiles. "Thanks!"
Cheney goes back to the Oval Office and asks to speak with Bush.
"Say, I did some research and I have the answer to that riddle. It's Colin Powell."
Bush gets up, stomps over to Dick Cheney, and angrily yells into his face,
"No, you idiot! It's Tony Blair! At The Dentist
A husband and wife entered the dentist's office. The husband said, "I want
a tooth pulled. I don't want gas or Novocain because I'm in a terrible
hurry. Just pull the tooth as quickly as possible."
"You're a brave man," said the dentist. "Now, show me which tooth it is."
The husband turns to his wife and says, "Open your mouth and show the
dentist which tooth it is, dear."
1) Teacher tells a student a=b, b=c implies a=c.Tell me an example.
Student : I love u - u love your daughter - so I love your daughter.
2) Three fastest means of communication -
Telephone - Television - Tell-a-woman
3) Its funny when people discuss over "love marriage" and "arranged marriage"
It is like asking a person if he would like to "hang himself" or
"shoot himself".
4) What is a girl friend?
Addition of problems, subtraction of money, multiplication of
enemies & division of friends
5) A married man was asked to perform his SWOT (Strength, Weakness,
, Threat) Analysis.
He said, my strength is my wife. My weakness is my neighbour's wife.
comes when neighbour goes out.
Threat comes when I myself go out
----- Original Message ----- From: To: undisclosed-recipients: Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 7:48 PM Subject: Laughter the best medicine !! :-)
Two bone weary programmers were working their little hearts and souls out. Their department was just too busy for staff to be able take flex. But there had to be a way...
One of the two programmers suddenly lifted his head. "I know how to get some time off work" the man whispered.
"How?" asked the second worker.
Instead of answering, the man quickly looked around. No sign of his PL. He jumped up on his desk, kicked out a couple of ceiling tiles and hoisted himself up. "Look!" he hissed, then swinging his legs over a metal pipe, hung upside down.
Within seconds, the PL emerged from the Branch Head's office at the far end of the floor. He saw the programmer hanging from the ceiling, and asked him what on earth he thought he was doing.
"I'm a light bulb" answered the programmer
"I think you need some time off," barked the PL. "Get out of here - that's an order - and I don't want to see you back here for at least another two days! You understand me?"
"Yes sir", the programmer answered meekly, then jumped down, logged off his computer and left.
The second programmer was hot on his heels.
"Where do you think you're going?" the boss asked.
"Home," he said lightly. "I can't work in the dark."
Hello Friends,
There is good news for all gmail lovers.Now u dont need any invitation to create a new gmail account.Just go to
there u need to enter ur email id where it will send u a link for creating a new gmail account.So what are u waiting 4, just go 4 it.....
Ankur Mediratta
From: *BhArAt*
Subject: Na Ye Chemistry Hoti
Na Ye Chemistry Hoti , Na Mein Student Hota
Na Ye Lab. Hoti Na Ye Accident Hota
Abhi Practical Mein Aaye Nazar Ek Larki
Sundar Thi Naak Uski Test Tube Jaisi
Baton Mein Uski Glucose Ki Mithas Thi
Sanson Mein Ester Ki Khushbu Bhi Sath Thi
Aankhon Se Jhalakta Tha Kuch Is Taranh Ka Pyaar
Bin Piye Hi Ho Jata Tha Alcohol Ka Khumar
Benzene Sa Hota Tha Uski Presence Ka Ehsas
Andhere Mein Hota Tha Radium Ka Abhas
Nazrein Mileen, Reaction Hua
Kuch Is Taranh Love Ka Production Hua
Lagne Lage Us Ke Ghar Ke Chakkar Aise
Nucleus Ke Charon Taraf Electron Hon Jaise
Us Din Hamare Test Ka Confirmation Hua
Jab Uske Daddy Se Hamara Introduction Hua
Sun Kar Hamari Baat Woh Aise Uchal Pare
Ignesium Tube Mein Jaise Sodium Bharak Uthe
Woh Bole, Hosh Mein Aao, Pahchano Apni Auqat
Iron Mil Nahin Sakta Kabhi Gold Ke Sath
Ye Sum Kar Tuta Hamare Armanon Bhara Beaker
Aur Hum Chup Rahe Benzaldehyde Ka Karwa Ghoont Pi Kar
Ab Us Ki Yaadon Ke Siwa Hamara Kam Chalta Na Tha
Aur Lab Mein Hamare Dil Ke Siva Kuch Aur Jalta Na Tha
Zindagi Ho Gayee Unsaturated Hydrocarbon Ki Taranh
Aur Hum Phirte Hain Awara Hydrogen Ki Tarhan
-----Original Message-----
From: Aldridge, Jennifer J.
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2005 9:05 AM
To: 'Cajunkster (E-mail); ''; ''; ROBERTSON,MIRANDA J; Qureshi, Alia; 'candi1818'; 'Dana LeMoine';; Fontenot, Wendy; Accardo, Rebecca A.; Keller, Michelle; Bennett, Tara; Rodrigue, EthelRussell, Gail; Vicari, Stephanie; Mixon, Theresa (Nadine); Jones, Carolyn; Bilbao, Mary; 'Sidra Bhatti ('; ''; Bowles, Judy; ''; Fazal Shere,
Aisha Mirza
Subject: Source of the Problem
Okay, Okay, it all starts to makes sense now...
I never looked at it this way before:
MENtal illness
MENstrual cramps
MENtal breakdown
GUYnecologist ...... AND .....
When you're in REAL trouble, it's a
Ever notice how all of women's problems start with men?
Send this to all the women you know to just to brighten their day.
Send this to all the men just to annoy the crap out of them.
----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Monday, February 14, 2005 1:02 AM Subject: 2/13/05 Pampered Pooches Nestle in Lap of Luxury
Pampered Pooches Nestle in Lap of Luxury
By Mindy Fetterman, USA TODAY
(Feb. 11) -- You have a dog. You love your dog. So you buy good dog food, a special formula if he's an older dog or a little dog, or low-carb if he's chubby, or an organic, vitamin-enriched food if you're into a holistic lifestyle.
You buy a new collar every six months: a bright green one for spring and one with reindeer for Christmas. You buy matching leashes.
You have a dog bed that's not a leftover bathmat. It might have your dog's name embroidered on it. You buy toys and special bones that clean his teeth. You brush his teeth. You might have his picture taken by a professional photographer or painted by an artist.
You have a dog walker. You have a favorite kennel, maybe even one that's a "resort," where dogs lie around on couches and watch TV. OK, maybe that's a bit much. But you'd do it if you could afford it.
When your dog gets sick, you'll pay almost anything to be sure he gets better, including chemotherapy for cancer and hip replacement surgery. You like to take your dog on vacation, and you'll sneak him up the back stairs to the hotel room if they don't allow dogs.
You'd bring your dog to work, too, if they'd let you.
Join the crowd.
America has always loved its dogs. But now, you could argue, our obsession is becoming truly obsessive.
In the past 10 years, the pet industry has doubled in size to $34 billion a year in revenue. That includes everything from pet foods and toys to furniture and paying fees for dog walkers, groomers, even pet therapists.
The fastest-growing part of the pet industry is super-high-end luxury items, such as the $5,500 Swarovski crystal doggie vest that is the most expensive item featured so far in New York Dog, a new magazine for that city's dog lovers.
"It's not just Milk-Bones anymore," says Leslie Padgett, editor-in-chief.
Nowhere is this more evident than at the 160 dog shows held around the country every year.
And in particular in New York this weekend, as 2,500 dogs and their owners gather for the 129th annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. About 36,000 show up to watch in person, while about 4 million watch it on TV. Many consider these dogs the nation's most pampered pooches.
Wags call the contest the "sport of grooming."
Who's your baby?
Yet, the Best in Show at Westminster might not really be the most spoiled dog in America. That title might be held by the dog in your house.
Or, maybe in Dana Ujobagy's house in Union Beach, N.J. She spends so much on her Boston terrier, Sophie, that she's embarrassed to tell her boyfriend.
"She's one spoiled prima donna," Ujobagy says. "I don't even look at the price tags. I just say, 'Oh! This would be cute on her.' "
She will admit that her Web site,, which sells upscale dog clothes, collars and furniture - including a $4,000 bed with matching dresser - is doing great. "Some people don't blink an eye to buy something like that," she says.
Cece Cord of New York City was "horrified" when a friend gave her a miniature Yorkshire terrier after her faithful Labrador died a few years ago. "She looked like a hamster!" she says.
But now, Tiger travels with her everywhere and has inspired Travels with Tiger, her business in high-end luxury goods for dogs, including a $5,700 green crocodile leather travel bag, sold at Bergdorf Goodman on Fifth Avenue in New York. You can buy the matching human purse, too. "It's like playing grown-up Barbie dolls," she says of the little sweaters with fur trim ($295) and other clothes for dogs that she features.
Dog grooming, too, has evolved beyond the occasional flea bath. Padgett reports that dog owners are doing plastic surgery on their dogs and dying their hair when it gets gray. "It's like owners project themselves onto their dogs, and they don't want to look old," she says.
Pet insurance: an employee benefit
Owners are spending tens of thousands of dollars on their dog's veterinary care, too, including kidney transplants and MRIs.
"We've seen invoices that run from $10,000 to $30,000 to treat a variety of conditions," says Peter Weinstein, medical director for Veterinary Pet Insurance in Brea, Calif. The company has sold more than 360,000 pet insurance policies, vs. 157,000 in 2000. And about 1,100 U.S. companies offer VPI's pet insurance as an employee benefit.
"You can't question it, because people need these relationships with their pets," he says. "We know that dogs give unconditional love, they don't go to college, and they never complain. Why not love them? They're better than kids!" he laughs. Of course, he's kidding, but he realizes that his golden retriever, Sundance, is "the most important thing" in his two kids' lives.
The popularity of tiny dogs is growing, spurred by female celebrities who are photographed carrying their Yorkies or Pekingese or Chihuahuas in their handbags, says Padgett, who has a "smart alecky" yellow Labrador retriever named Buck who "runs sideways" when he fetches a ball.
Trends such as later childbirth for married couples, later marriage for singles and more empty nesters with no kids at home are feeding the dog craze, says Bob Vetere, chief operating officer of the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association.
"While the U.S. economy has suffered these last couple of years, the pet industry has not mirrored it," Vetere says. "As Americans have felt more insecure and less sure of the world around them, they're turning to pets for solace."
Vetere has a golden retriever named Dakota who's "a hoot!" he says. "If someone did a lobotomy on him, they'd find a tennis ball. That's all he cares about."
Four-footed people
The latest trend is for companies that make products for humans to expand into the canine world. "We're seeing the humanization of pets," says Vetere.
OPI, the mainstay of manicurists, has a line of nail polish for dogs. Hasbro makes dog toys. And motorcycle maker Harley-Davidson offers a little leather jacket for dogs.
Two years ago, John Paul DeJoria, the chairman and CEO of Paul Mitchell Systems - the nation's largest privately owned hair-care firm - and some partners launched a line of pet-grooming products that are "tested on humans, so it's safe for your pet."
That human is John Paul himself, who says he's tested every product they sell.
"I even tested the flea and tick shampoo, even though I don't have fleas or ticks," he laughs. You can get "calming moisturizing shampoo" with chamomile and sweet almond oil extracts ($7.99 for a 16-ounce bottle). Or shampoo with natural Australian tea tree oil to control ticks and fleas without chemicals ($9.99 for a 16-ounce bottle). The company's revenue is "in the millions," he says.
Products also are tested for smell by "the coolest dog in the world" - his golden retriever, Jack. "Jack will sniff them," says DeJoria. "If he walks away, that scent is canned."
Working like a dog
On June 24, Pet Sitters International will sponsor its seventh annual Take Your Dog To Work Day. Seven years ago, 300 companies participated. Last year, more than 10,000 did.
"The purpose is to celebrate what great companions dogs make in the workplace," says John Long, spokesman for the association, which has nearly 7,000 members worldwide. "They boost morale and productivity and even sales." The goal, though, is to encourage employees to adopt a dog from a shelter and "get the word out" that dogs are great. Long doesn't have a dog, yet. He's in the process of moving and needs space, because, "I'm a Doberman kind of guy."
If we can't take them to work, we hire pet walkers. Laura Vorreyer, 36, makes "six figures, easy," walking dogs in Santa Monica, Calif. "No one raises their hand in the fifth grade and says, 'I want to be a dog walker.' But I can make a good living out here doing this. And I love dogs." She doesn't have one, though. She says she sees enough during the day.
Web sites such as and tell travelers where they can take their dogs along. La Quinta has 300 "dog-friendly" hotels. Some high-end hotels are welcoming dogs the high-end way. The W Hotel in New York offers turndown service including a monogrammed pillow.
Many Ritz-Carltons offer everything from bone-shaped dog pillows and personalized tags to sitters and treats. The policy is "directly in proportion to how many celebrities visit the hotels," says spokeswoman Vivian Deuschl, who interrupts a conversation to greet Bailey, her black Labrador, who promptly lies down at her feet.
Hotels in New York, Boston, San Francisco, Washington and South Beach in Miami are very welcoming to dogs. At the Central Park South Ritz in New York, "you can borrow a Burberry raincoat for your little dog," says Deuschl. The Ritz in Bachelor Gulch, Colo., has a resident yellow Lab, Bachelor, who's available to be walked, petted and taken on hikes by hotel guests.
At the Ritz-Carlton, Georgetown, in Washington, you can come for a "Tails in the City" weekend that offers your dog a chef-prepared menu and a manicure. Once a month, the hotel holds a "Muttini" hour where you can have a drink while your pooch gets a pet massage or pet aroma-therapy services.
All this pampering, while fun for the dogs and their owners, might seem a little over-the-top to the more practical minded. "To be honest with you, I don't know if anyone really needs a diamond-studded collar for their dog," says Vetere of the pet manufacturers group.
That might be true, says magazine editor Padgett, but dogs give back more than they take. "You can always buy a great purse," she says. "But does it give you a lick on the face at the end of the day?"
smiley name generator

Saturday, February 19, 2005
SENT BY JEBEEN leave letters
This is a collection of leave letters and applications written by> > people in various places of Pakistan.> >> > 1. A student's leave letter:> > "As I am suffering from my uncle's marriage I cannot attend the> > class...."> > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------> >> > 2. A candidate's application:> > "This has reference to your advertisement calling for a 'typist And an> > accountant - Male or Female'... As I am both for the past Several> > years> > and I can handle both; I am applying for the post."> >> > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------> >> > 3. I.T.I., Lahore: An employee applied for leave as follows:> > Since I have to go to my village to sell my land along with my wife.> > Please sanction me one-week leave.> > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------> >> > 4. Another employee applied for half day leave as follows:> > "Since I've to go to the cremation ground at 10 o-clocks and I may not> > return, please grant me half day casual leave"> > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------> >> > 5. A leave letter to the headmaster:> > "As I am studying in this school I am suffering from headache. I> > request> > you to leave me today"> > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------> >> > 6. An incident of a leave letter:> > "I am suffering from fever, please declare one day holiday."> > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------> >> > 7. Another leave letter written to the headmaster:> > As my headache is paining, please grant me leave for the day.> > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------> >> > 8. A covering note:> > "I am enclosed herewith..."> > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------> >> > 9. From H.A.L. Administration dept:> > As my mother-in-law has expired and I am responsible for it, Please> > grant me 10 days leave.> >> > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------> >> > 10. Actual letter written for application of leave:> > "My wife is suffering from sickness and as I am her only husband At> > home I may be granted leave".> > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------> >> > 11. Letter writing:> > "I am in well here and hope you are also in the same well."> > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------> >> > 12. Another gem from I.T.I. Leave-letter from an employee who was> > Performing his daughter's wedding:> > "As I am marrying my daughter, please grant a week's leave..."> >
Apples and Wine>>Women are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the>tree. Most men don't want to reach for the good ones because they are>afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just take the rotten>apples from the ground that aren't as good, but convenient....... The>apples at the top think something is wrong with them, when in reality,>they're amazing. They just have to wait for the right man to come along,>the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree.>Share this with other women who are good apples, even those who have>already been picked!>>Now Men.... Men are like a fine wine. They begin as grapes, and it's up>to women to stomp the shit out of them until they turn into something>acceptable to have dinner with.
Apples and Wine>>Women are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the>tree. Most men don't want to reach for the good ones because they are>afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just take the rotten>apples from the ground that aren't as good, but convenient....... The>apples at the top think something is wrong with them, when in reality,>they're amazing. They just have to wait for the right man to come along,>the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree.>Share this with other women who are good apples, even those who have>already been picked!>>Now Men.... Men are like a fine wine. They begin as grapes, and it's up>to women to stomp the shit out of them until they turn into something>acceptable to have dinner with.

ati kya khandala
From: Mehul Turakhia <>Subject: aati kya khandala - in various languages , jus go through itTHIS ONE'S REALLY COOL.............A Kya Bolti TuA Kya Mai BoluSunSunaAti Kya KhandalaKya karu Ake mai KhandalaAre Ghumenge, nachenge, gayenge Aish karenge or kya ?English :Aye what do you say?Aye what should I say?Listen.Speak on.Coming to khandala?What should I do, coming to khandala?We'll roam, we'll loaf, we'll sing, we'll dance we"llfreak, baby,what else?Sanskrit : This is too good Aye balike, twam katham kathisyasiAye balakah aham kim kathisyamhShrinvasi!ShrunhaKim twam khandaalaa agchasyasiAham kim kurwasyami khandaalayehgamisyami, bhramisyami, nryuthyami, gaayami, majakarishma, kim karishyami?Punjabi :A ! ke boldi tu;A ke mein bolan;SunhSunhaChaldi khandalaKi karaan ae ke mein khandalaAre Ghoomenge, Turainge, Naachenge, Gaavenge, MaujKarenge, Aur Ki ?Gujarati :Aye shun bole tu?Aye hun shun bolu?SambhalSambhlaavAave chey su khandaalaa?Shun karu aaviine khandaalaa?Ghumshun, pharshun, naachshun, gaashun, majaa karshun,beeju shun?MarathiAye kaai tu mhantes?Aye kaai mi mhanhu?AikAikavYetes kai khandaalaa?Kai karu yevon mi khandaalaa?Are ghumuyaa, phiruyaa, gavuyaa, nachuyaa, aishkaruyaa, aankhin kai?! Kashmiri :Heey, kya chaakh wannanHeev, kya bhe wanneyyyyBoozWanooPakha telle khandalaa;Kya karee weeteth bhe khandalaaPherevhey, nachevhey, geevevhey, khevevhey, eeshkarav, beyy kya?Konkani :Aye ! kitte sangta tu?Aye ! aao kite sangu?SaangSaan! gtaKhandalaa yeta ghi?Khandalaa yevun kithe kharche?! Bhovya, Phireya, Naachya, Gauya, maja korya, anikithe?Bengali :Ei ki bolis tuiEi ki ar boliShonShonaaJabi ki khondalaaK! i kori giye khondalaaAre, ghurbo, phirbo, nachbo, gaibo, maja korbo ar ki?**************************Want somemore?????***************Malayalam :Aye yenna pariyunnu?Aye nyan yenna pariyu?KekuPariyuVarinno kh! andala?Yendu cheyam? Nyaan vannu Khandaala?Karangam, chuttam, paadam, aadam, majacheyyam,verendha?Telugu :Aye, ainte chaepphuta vuAye,ainte chaepalaVinu! ChaeppuWastava KhandalaYem Chesedhi? vacchi KhandalaThiruguthamu, eguruthamu, aadthaamu, paadthaamu,majachesthamu inkemi?Sindhi :Aye cha thi c! haen tu?Aye Maan chaa chavan?BudhBudhaiAcheti cha khandaalaa?Cha kandis achi maan khandaalaa?Are Ghumandasi, phirandasi, gayendasi,Nachandasi,aaish kan! dasi, byo cha?Magahi : (BIHARI)A ki bolahin tuA kya boliyuow humSunSunaowAaimahi ki khandalaKi kariaow aake hum khandalaGumbai, Phirbai, naachai, gaayii, aish karbai aur kiAssamese:ey ki kua tumi?ey ki kom moi?sunsunaahibi ki khandala?ki korim aahi moi kahandalaaare ghurim,phirim,nasim,gaam,khub phurti korim aru ki?Tamil:Enna solreEnnatha sollamudalla kelu,sari solluKandala variyakandala poi enna panrathuVera enna .oor suthuvom aaduvom paaduvom jalsapannuvom******If you have reached upto this stage, 't seemsyou dont have work, rite? Then have somemore...!!!!******************* Foreign Languages :German :Was sagst du?Was soll ich sagen?Hor mal!Sag mal!Kommst Nach Khandala?Was machen wir in Khaldala?Wir gehen, spazieren, tanzen, singen, haben spaCx,was noch?Spanish :Tu que deceas?Yo que deseo?OyeDi meVas a tu khandaalaa?Que haceo, yo voy en el khandaalaa?Viajamos, vagabundeamos, bailamos, cantamos,disfrutamos, si no.Chinese :Ain, Chon Zuan Ho?Ain, Chon Hee Zuano?Sui,Suion,Hyuan Chon Khandala?Chon Tsuani Hyui Hee Khandala?Chijuan, Kajuan, Marijuan, Siuan, SamshuanTsuaniya Tsu Chon?Russian :Aeich, Kov Speache niv?Aeich, Kov miv Speache?Nuushev,!Nuusheva,Comeva Kov Khandala?Kov Sheychev Comov miv Khandala! ?Rotiv, Rotrach, Balleva, Opereacha, EnjovaSheychevin, KovGobraich?French :!Aye! qu'est-ceque tu dis?Aye! qu'est-ceque tu me vouler dire?EntendreEntendrezEst-ceque tu viens a la KhandalaQu'est-ceque je fais a aller a la Khandala ?Promenez,! Allez, Dansez, Chantez a quelle?Zambesi : (African)Aye, Zwa To Zulu,Aye, Zwa Ze ! Zu! lu,Wahte,Kaso,Heliyo To Khandaalaa?Zwa Kumi, Helithe Khandaalaa?!Himala, Romala, Wahwahla, Infala, Kumaya Kumana, Ni---------------------------------
From: Akshay Jain <>Subject: AIR INDIASurinder's uncle was booked into an SIA flight toBombay. But as this was his first time in an airplane,he made a few preparations that were out of place.When the stewardess came around to take orders for thein-flight meal, the uncle declared loudly, "I havebrought my own lunch. Make sure you don't charge mefor food and drinks!"So, as everybody was given their in-flight meal, theuncle began spreading out his own home-cooked meal.The man sitting next to him was an American historyresearcher, who was curious about the food. "Excuseme, what is that drink?" he asked.The uncle picked up the yogurt-based lassi drink andsaid, "Milk of India!"The the uncle took out several pieces of chapattis andstarted feasting. "And what is that dish?" asked thecurious American."Wheat of India!" replied the uncle proudly.Finally, the uncle took out some desserts. He offeredsome to the American."What is it?" asked the American."Sweet of India!" replied the old man.After the meal, everyone was settling down when therewas a loud "Pooooooooot!" from the uncle."What was that?" asked the American in disgust.The old man replied coolly, "That's Air India!"
)From: "><><" <>Subject: WAYS TO PROPOSE1. (Walk up behind girl and point fingers shaped like gun into her back)You're under arrest! ;(For what?)For stealing my heart2. Hi, my name is Chance, Do I have one?3. are your legs tired?( girl: Why?)because you have been running through my mind all day!4. I lost my phone number, can I borrow yours?5. Can you give me directions to your heart?I've seemed to have lost myself in your eyes.6. (Take a look at the tag on the girls shirt, jacket, etc.);She would say ; What are doing& respond,Oh, just checking to see if you were made in Heaven.7. (Pick up a flower and walk over to girl.)I was just showing this flower how beautiful you are.8. Is it hot in here or is it just you?9. Walk up to a girl and say: Are you from Greece?She answers.Oh, I thought all the goddesses were from Greece...10. I could be born in your eye, run down your cheek,and & die on your lips.11. Did you know they changed the alphabet?They put U and I together.12. Are you lost?'cause it's so strange to see an angel so far from heaven.13. Do you believe in love at first sight,or do I have to walk by you again?14. What's that in your eye?'s a sparkle.15. Do you have a map? I just got lost in your eyes.16. You can forget about going to heaven because it'sa sin to look that good.17. If I had eleven roses and you, I'd have a dozen!!~@ JiTeN @~!!
From: Akshay Jain <>Subject: AIR INDIASurinder's uncle was booked into an SIA flight toBombay. But as this was his first time in an airplane,he made a few preparations that were out of place.When the stewardess came around to take orders for thein-flight meal, the uncle declared loudly, "I havebrought my own lunch. Make sure you don't charge mefor food and drinks!"So, as everybody was given their in-flight meal, theuncle began spreading out his own home-cooked meal.The man sitting next to him was an American historyresearcher, who was curious about the food. "Excuseme, what is that drink?" he asked.The uncle picked up the yogurt-based lassi drink andsaid, "Milk of India!"The the uncle took out several pieces of chapattis andstarted feasting. "And what is that dish?" asked thecurious American."Wheat of India!" replied the uncle proudly.Finally, the uncle took out some desserts. He offeredsome to the American."What is it?" asked the American."Sweet of India!" replied the old man.After the meal, everyone was settling down when therewas a loud "Pooooooooot!" from the uncle."What was that?" asked the American in disgust.The old man replied coolly, "That's Air India!"
)From: "><><" <>Subject: WAYS TO PROPOSE1. (Walk up behind girl and point fingers shaped like gun into her back)You're under arrest! ;(For what?)For stealing my heart2. Hi, my name is Chance, Do I have one?3. are your legs tired?( girl: Why?)because you have been running through my mind all day!4. I lost my phone number, can I borrow yours?5. Can you give me directions to your heart?I've seemed to have lost myself in your eyes.6. (Take a look at the tag on the girls shirt, jacket, etc.);She would say ; What are doing& respond,Oh, just checking to see if you were made in Heaven.7. (Pick up a flower and walk over to girl.)I was just showing this flower how beautiful you are.8. Is it hot in here or is it just you?9. Walk up to a girl and say: Are you from Greece?She answers.Oh, I thought all the goddesses were from Greece...10. I could be born in your eye, run down your cheek,and & die on your lips.11. Did you know they changed the alphabet?They put U and I together.12. Are you lost?'cause it's so strange to see an angel so far from heaven.13. Do you believe in love at first sight,or do I have to walk by you again?14. What's that in your eye?'s a sparkle.15. Do you have a map? I just got lost in your eyes.16. You can forget about going to heaven because it'sa sin to look that good.17. If I had eleven roses and you, I'd have a dozen!!~@ JiTeN @~!!

collection of leave letters sent by JEBEEN
This is a collection of leave letters and applications written by> > people in various places of Pakistan.> >> > 1. A student's leave letter:> > "As I am suffering from my uncle's marriage I cannot attend the> > class...."> > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------> >> > 2. A candidate's application:> > "This has reference to your advertisement calling for a 'typist And an> > accountant - Male or Female'... As I am both for the past Several> > years> > and I can handle both; I am applying for the post."> >> > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------> >> > 3. I.T.I., Lahore: An employee applied for leave as follows:> > Since I have to go to my village to sell my land along with my wife.> > Please sanction me one-week leave.> > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------> >> > 4. Another employee applied for half day leave as follows:> > "Since I've to go to the cremation ground at 10 o-clocks and I may not> > return, please grant me half day casual leave"> > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------> >> > 5. A leave letter to the headmaster:> > "As I am studying in this school I am suffering from headache. I> > request> > you to leave me today"> > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------> >> > 6. An incident of a leave letter:> > "I am suffering from fever, please declare one day holiday."> > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------> >> > 7. Another leave letter written to the headmaster:> > As my headache is paining, please grant me leave for the day.> > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------> >> > 8. A covering note:> > "I am enclosed herewith..."> > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------> >> > 9. From H.A.L. Administration dept:> > As my mother-in-law has expired and I am responsible for it, Please> > grant me 10 days leave.> >> > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------> >> > 10. Actual letter written for application of leave:> > "My wife is suffering from sickness and as I am her only husband At> > home I may be granted leave".> > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------> >> > 11. Letter writing:> > "I am in well here and hope you are also in the same well."> > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------> >> > 12. Another gem from I.T.I. Leave-letter from an employee who was> > Performing his daughter's wedding:> > "As I am marrying my daughter, please grant a week's leave..."> >
Apples and Wine>>Women are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the>tree. Most men don't want to reach for the good ones because they are>afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just take the rotten>apples from the ground that aren't as good, but convenient....... The>apples at the top think something is wrong with them, when in reality,>they're amazing. They just have to wait for the right man to come along,>the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree.>Share this with other women who are good apples, even those who have>already been picked!>>Now Men.... Men are like a fine wine. They begin as grapes, and it's up>to women to stomp the shit out of them until they turn into something>acceptable to have dinner with.
This is a collection of leave letters and applications written by> > people in various places of Pakistan.> >> > 1. A student's leave letter:> > "As I am suffering from my uncle's marriage I cannot attend the> > class...."> > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------> >> > 2. A candidate's application:> > "This has reference to your advertisement calling for a 'typist And an> > accountant - Male or Female'... As I am both for the past Several> > years> > and I can handle both; I am applying for the post."> >> > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------> >> > 3. I.T.I., Lahore: An employee applied for leave as follows:> > Since I have to go to my village to sell my land along with my wife.> > Please sanction me one-week leave.> > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------> >> > 4. Another employee applied for half day leave as follows:> > "Since I've to go to the cremation ground at 10 o-clocks and I may not> > return, please grant me half day casual leave"> > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------> >> > 5. A leave letter to the headmaster:> > "As I am studying in this school I am suffering from headache. I> > request> > you to leave me today"> > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------> >> > 6. An incident of a leave letter:> > "I am suffering from fever, please declare one day holiday."> > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------> >> > 7. Another leave letter written to the headmaster:> > As my headache is paining, please grant me leave for the day.> > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------> >> > 8. A covering note:> > "I am enclosed herewith..."> > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------> >> > 9. From H.A.L. Administration dept:> > As my mother-in-law has expired and I am responsible for it, Please> > grant me 10 days leave.> >> > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------> >> > 10. Actual letter written for application of leave:> > "My wife is suffering from sickness and as I am her only husband At> > home I may be granted leave".> > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------> >> > 11. Letter writing:> > "I am in well here and hope you are also in the same well."> > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------> >> > 12. Another gem from I.T.I. Leave-letter from an employee who was> > Performing his daughter's wedding:> > "As I am marrying my daughter, please grant a week's leave..."> >
Apples and Wine>>Women are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the>tree. Most men don't want to reach for the good ones because they are>afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just take the rotten>apples from the ground that aren't as good, but convenient....... The>apples at the top think something is wrong with them, when in reality,>they're amazing. They just have to wait for the right man to come along,>the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree.>Share this with other women who are good apples, even those who have>already been picked!>>Now Men.... Men are like a fine wine. They begin as grapes, and it's up>to women to stomp the shit out of them until they turn into something>acceptable to have dinner with.

ati kya khandala in diffrent languages
From: Mehul Turakhia <>Subject: aati kya khandala - in various languages , jus go through itTHIS ONE'S REALLY COOL.............A Kya Bolti TuA Kya Mai BoluSunSunaAti Kya KhandalaKya karu Ake mai KhandalaAre Ghumenge, nachenge, gayenge Aish karenge or kya ?English :Aye what do you say?Aye what should I say?Listen.Speak on.Coming to khandala?What should I do, coming to khandala?We'll roam, we'll loaf, we'll sing, we'll dance we"llfreak, baby,what else?Sanskrit : This is too good Aye balike, twam katham kathisyasiAye balakah aham kim kathisyamhShrinvasi!ShrunhaKim twam khandaalaa agchasyasiAham kim kurwasyami khandaalayehgamisyami, bhramisyami, nryuthyami, gaayami, majakarishma, kim karishyami?Punjabi :A ! ke boldi tu;A ke mein bolan;SunhSunhaChaldi khandalaKi karaan ae ke mein khandalaAre Ghoomenge, Turainge, Naachenge, Gaavenge, MaujKarenge, Aur Ki ?Gujarati :Aye shun bole tu?Aye hun shun bolu?SambhalSambhlaavAave chey su khandaalaa?Shun karu aaviine khandaalaa?Ghumshun, pharshun, naachshun, gaashun, majaa karshun,beeju shun?MarathiAye kaai tu mhantes?Aye kaai mi mhanhu?AikAikavYetes kai khandaalaa?Kai karu yevon mi khandaalaa?Are ghumuyaa, phiruyaa, gavuyaa, nachuyaa, aishkaruyaa, aankhin kai?! Kashmiri :Heey, kya chaakh wannanHeev, kya bhe wanneyyyyBoozWanooPakha telle khandalaa;Kya karee weeteth bhe khandalaaPherevhey, nachevhey, geevevhey, khevevhey, eeshkarav, beyy kya?Konkani :Aye ! kitte sangta tu?Aye ! aao kite sangu?SaangSaan! gtaKhandalaa yeta ghi?Khandalaa yevun kithe kharche?! Bhovya, Phireya, Naachya, Gauya, maja korya, anikithe?Bengali :Ei ki bolis tuiEi ki ar boliShonShonaaJabi ki khondalaaK! i kori giye khondalaaAre, ghurbo, phirbo, nachbo, gaibo, maja korbo ar ki?**************************Want somemore?????***************Malayalam :Aye yenna pariyunnu?Aye nyan yenna pariyu?KekuPariyuVarinno kh! andala?Yendu cheyam? Nyaan vannu Khandaala?Karangam, chuttam, paadam, aadam, majacheyyam,verendha?Telugu :Aye, ainte chaepphuta vuAye,ainte chaepalaVinu! ChaeppuWastava KhandalaYem Chesedhi? vacchi KhandalaThiruguthamu, eguruthamu, aadthaamu, paadthaamu,majachesthamu inkemi?Sindhi :Aye cha thi c! haen tu?Aye Maan chaa chavan?BudhBudhaiAcheti cha khandaalaa?Cha kandis achi maan khandaalaa?Are Ghumandasi, phirandasi, gayendasi,Nachandasi,aaish kan! dasi, byo cha?Magahi : (BIHARI)A ki bolahin tuA kya boliyuow humSunSunaowAaimahi ki khandalaKi kariaow aake hum khandalaGumbai, Phirbai, naachai, gaayii, aish karbai aur kiAssamese:ey ki kua tumi?ey ki kom moi?sunsunaahibi ki khandala?ki korim aahi moi kahandalaaare ghurim,phirim,nasim,gaam,khub phurti korim aru ki?Tamil:Enna solreEnnatha sollamudalla kelu,sari solluKandala variyakandala poi enna panrathuVera enna .oor suthuvom aaduvom paaduvom jalsapannuvom******If you have reached upto this stage, 't seemsyou dont have work, rite? Then have somemore...!!!!******************* Foreign Languages :German :Was sagst du?Was soll ich sagen?Hor mal!Sag mal!Kommst Nach Khandala?Was machen wir in Khaldala?Wir gehen, spazieren, tanzen, singen, haben spaCx,was noch?Spanish :Tu que deceas?Yo que deseo?OyeDi meVas a tu khandaalaa?Que haceo, yo voy en el khandaalaa?Viajamos, vagabundeamos, bailamos, cantamos,disfrutamos, si no.Chinese :Ain, Chon Zuan Ho?Ain, Chon Hee Zuano?Sui,Suion,Hyuan Chon Khandala?Chon Tsuani Hyui Hee Khandala?Chijuan, Kajuan, Marijuan, Siuan, SamshuanTsuaniya Tsu Chon?Russian :Aeich, Kov Speache niv?Aeich, Kov miv Speache?Nuushev,!Nuusheva,Comeva Kov Khandala?Kov Sheychev Comov miv Khandala! ?Rotiv, Rotrach, Balleva, Opereacha, EnjovaSheychevin, KovGobraich?French :!Aye! qu'est-ceque tu dis?Aye! qu'est-ceque tu me vouler dire?EntendreEntendrezEst-ceque tu viens a la KhandalaQu'est-ceque je fais a aller a la Khandala ?Promenez,! Allez, Dansez, Chantez a quelle?Zambesi : (African)Aye, Zwa To Zulu,Aye, Zwa Ze ! Zu! lu,Wahte,Kaso,Heliyo To Khandaalaa?Zwa Kumi, Helithe Khandaalaa?!Himala, Romala, Wahwahla, Infala, Kumaya Kumana, Ni---------------------------------
From: Akshay Jain <>Subject: AIR INDIASurinder's uncle was booked into an SIA flight toBombay. But as this was his first time in an airplane,he made a few preparations that were out of place.When the stewardess came around to take orders for thein-flight meal, the uncle declared loudly, "I havebrought my own lunch. Make sure you don't charge mefor food and drinks!"So, as everybody was given their in-flight meal, theuncle began spreading out his own home-cooked meal.The man sitting next to him was an American historyresearcher, who was curious about the food. "Excuseme, what is that drink?" he asked.The uncle picked up the yogurt-based lassi drink andsaid, "Milk of India!"The the uncle took out several pieces of chapattis andstarted feasting. "And what is that dish?" asked thecurious American."Wheat of India!" replied the uncle proudly.Finally, the uncle took out some desserts. He offeredsome to the American."What is it?" asked the American."Sweet of India!" replied the old man.After the meal, everyone was settling down when therewas a loud "Pooooooooot!" from the uncle."What was that?" asked the American in disgust.The old man replied coolly, "That's Air India!"
)From: "><><" <>Subject: WAYS TO PROPOSE1. (Walk up behind girl and point fingers shaped like gun into her back)You're under arrest! ;(For what?)For stealing my heart2. Hi, my name is Chance, Do I have one?3. are your legs tired?( girl: Why?)because you have been running through my mind all day!4. I lost my phone number, can I borrow yours?5. Can you give me directions to your heart?I've seemed to have lost myself in your eyes.6. (Take a look at the tag on the girls shirt, jacket, etc.);She would say ; What are doing& respond,Oh, just checking to see if you were made in Heaven.7. (Pick up a flower and walk over to girl.)I was just showing this flower how beautiful you are.8. Is it hot in here or is it just you?9. Walk up to a girl and say: Are you from Greece?She answers.Oh, I thought all the goddesses were from Greece...10. I could be born in your eye, run down your cheek,and & die on your lips.11. Did you know they changed the alphabet?They put U and I together.12. Are you lost?'cause it's so strange to see an angel so far from heaven.13. Do you believe in love at first sight,or do I have to walk by you again?14. What's that in your eye?'s a sparkle.15. Do you have a map? I just got lost in your eyes.16. You can forget about going to heaven because it'sa sin to look that good.17. If I had eleven roses and you, I'd have a dozen!!~@ JiTeN @~!!
From: Akshay Jain <>Subject: AIR INDIASurinder's uncle was booked into an SIA flight toBombay. But as this was his first time in an airplane,he made a few preparations that were out of place.When the stewardess came around to take orders for thein-flight meal, the uncle declared loudly, "I havebrought my own lunch. Make sure you don't charge mefor food and drinks!"So, as everybody was given their in-flight meal, theuncle began spreading out his own home-cooked meal.The man sitting next to him was an American historyresearcher, who was curious about the food. "Excuseme, what is that drink?" he asked.The uncle picked up the yogurt-based lassi drink andsaid, "Milk of India!"The the uncle took out several pieces of chapattis andstarted feasting. "And what is that dish?" asked thecurious American."Wheat of India!" replied the uncle proudly.Finally, the uncle took out some desserts. He offeredsome to the American."What is it?" asked the American."Sweet of India!" replied the old man.After the meal, everyone was settling down when therewas a loud "Pooooooooot!" from the uncle."What was that?" asked the American in disgust.The old man replied coolly, "That's Air India!"
)From: "><><" <>Subject: WAYS TO PROPOSE1. (Walk up behind girl and point fingers shaped like gun into her back)You're under arrest! ;(For what?)For stealing my heart2. Hi, my name is Chance, Do I have one?3. are your legs tired?( girl: Why?)because you have been running through my mind all day!4. I lost my phone number, can I borrow yours?5. Can you give me directions to your heart?I've seemed to have lost myself in your eyes.6. (Take a look at the tag on the girls shirt, jacket, etc.);She would say ; What are doing& respond,Oh, just checking to see if you were made in Heaven.7. (Pick up a flower and walk over to girl.)I was just showing this flower how beautiful you are.8. Is it hot in here or is it just you?9. Walk up to a girl and say: Are you from Greece?She answers.Oh, I thought all the goddesses were from Greece...10. I could be born in your eye, run down your cheek,and & die on your lips.11. Did you know they changed the alphabet?They put U and I together.12. Are you lost?'cause it's so strange to see an angel so far from heaven.13. Do you believe in love at first sight,or do I have to walk by you again?14. What's that in your eye?'s a sparkle.15. Do you have a map? I just got lost in your eyes.16. You can forget about going to heaven because it'sa sin to look that good.17. If I had eleven roses and you, I'd have a dozen!!~@ JiTeN @~!!

Friday, February 11, 2005
Interconnected Intelligence - How Powerful Can It Be?
Yesterday, Sunday, everything started to click at a faster rate than I ever expected. I know I am new to this, but are the millions out there way behind me as well.
What am I talking about?
Networked intelligence.
It is there. It is working. It is doing wonders in less than you eye can blink.
There are so many great minds at work toward creating a better and more harmonious place to live in it is hard to believe that this marvelous force can be stopped dead on its tracks.
But indeed that is the issue we must face today. Either to personally study and learn about this magnificient network and actively contribute to it, or remain untouched, an alien spectator to the most majestic human endeavour ever taken.
Yes, I believe it is of such magnitude.
Thinkers, innovators, technologists, developers, and entrepreneurs of all kinds are linking-up to create new powerful and diversified realities. Determining their rules and the spaces within which to operate.
Like-minded people discover and link-up to each other by using powerful self sustaining networks that provide powerful means of extending your reach rapidly and effectively.
The raise of Ecademy, Ryze, Linkedin, Friendster, Huminity and other social networks is a social and cultural phenomenon that is having profound effects on how people find out about each other, inreact and co-operate in mutually beneficial relationships.
In this virtual universe ideas interconnect and link up in at the speed of light and its immense creative power is at work 24/7/365.
Such rapid idea molding and create fast growing networks of powerful concepts rippling and bouncing faster than you can ever imagine.
It is my personal advice that each one of us takes a serious committment to understand deeply these communication revolution taking place at this very moment and to make it relevant at the levl where you, personally, can affect the most change and useful application.
Here is an interesting 1-hour broad spectrum scan of what a small fraction of the online interconnected intelligence is actively refining, improving and making available.
As one question of significant, planetary importance pops up in your head, you can be sure there is an army of independent minds working passionately at it.
Here is the proof:
From today I-Sales excellent e-mail discussion list, moderated by John Audette:
From: Gert Cauwenbergh
Hi John
Welcome back. You gave me the extra incentive to start reading I-Sales again daily.
Recent posts on spam and your story on the eBay mock-up made me think.
The Internet paved the path to global economics, sales, transactions, networking.
Everything done from the bottom up.
I always believed in the bottom-up approach of people gathering and pushing for changes, I even built my company on this.
With regard to spam, in recent weeks, I read in the local press (Belgium), global press and online newsletters more and more requests to have a global legislation against spam since it will be the only solution to fight off-shore spammers.
My question: will the Internet and its worldwide community (singular) be the driver to generate global legislation as well?
Kind regards-- Gert Cauwenbergh
Now please read this:
"Proponents of the Internet have committed to and sought for a more intelligent Internet where new democratic methods could be enabled to help rectify the imbalance and inequalities of the world. Instead, the Internet today is a noisy environment with a great deal of power consolidation instead of the level democratic Internet many envisioned.
In 1993 Howard Rheingold wrote[1],
We temporarily have access to a tool that could bring conviviality and understanding into our lives and might help revitalize the public sphere. The same tool, improperly controlled and wielded, could become an instrument of tyranny.
The vision of a citizen-designed, citizen-controlled worldwide communications network is a version of technological utopianism that could be called the vision of "the electronic agora."
In the original democracy, Athens, the agora was the marketplace, and more--it was where citizens met to talk, gossip, argue, size each other up, find the weak spots in political ideas by debating about them.
But another kind of vision could apply to the use of the Net in the wrong ways, a shadow vision of a less utopian kind of place--the Panopticon.
Since then he has been criticized as being naive about his views.[2] This is because the tools and protocols of the Internet have not yet evolved enough to allow the emergence of Internet democracy to create a higher-level order. As these tools evolve we are on the verge of an awakening of the Internet.
This awakening will facilitate a political model enabled by technology to support those basic attributes of democracy which have eroded as power has become concentrated within corporations and governments.
It is possible that new technologies may enable a higher-level order, which in turn will enable a form of emergent democracy able to manage complex issues and support, change or replace our current representative democracy.
It is also possible that new technologies will empower terrorists or totalitarian regimes. These tools will have the ability to either enhance or deteriorate democracy and we must do what is possible to influence the development of the tools for better democracy."
Keep reading Emergent Democracy Paper here. (Hats to Joi Ito and his teammates for such excellent work).
Having now a better idea of the actual scope and breadth of what INDIVIDUALS and LIKE-MINDED groups, self-organized in dynamic networks aspire and are capable of, you may be ready to jump into viewing at how seriously indeed the new interconnected intelligence can become capable of becoming an alternative political force.
Here is what somebody else around the world is writing. This piece carries forward some powerful and highly interesting ideas about how relevant and effective this new grassroots networked power can actually come to be.
Please read:
"There is an emerging second superpower, but it is not a nation. Instead, it is a new form of international player, constituted by the “will of the people” in a global social movement.
The beautiful but deeply agitated face of this second superpower is the worldwide peace campaign, but the body of the movement is made up of millions of people concerned with a broad agenda that includes social development, environmentalism, health, and human rights.
This movement has a surprisingly agile and muscular body of citizen activists who identify their interests with world society as a whole—and who recognize that at a fundamental level we are all one. These are people who are attempting to take into account the needs and dreams of all 6.3 billion people in the world—and not just the members of one or another nation. Consider the members of Amnesty International who write letters on behalf of prisoners of conscience, and the millions of Americans who are participating in email actions against the war in Iraq. Or the physicians who contribute their time to Doctors Without Borders/ Medecins Sans Frontieres.
"New forms of communication and commentary are being invented continuously...
The current enthusiasm for blogging is changing the way that people relate to publication, as it allows realtime dialogue about world events as bloggers log in daily to share their insights.
Meta-blogging sites crawl across thousands of blogs, identifying popular links, noting emergent topics, and providing an instantaneous summary of the global consciousness of the second superpower.
The Internet and other interactive media continue to penetrate more and more deeply all world society, and provide a means for instantaneous personal dialogue and communication across the globe.
The collective power of texting, blogging, instant messaging, and email across millions of actors cannot be overestimated.
Like a mind constituted of millions of inter-networked neurons, the social movement is capable of astonishingly rapid and sometimes subtle community consciousness and action.
Distributed mass behavior, expressed in rallying, in voting, in picketing, in exposing corruption, and in purchases from particular companies, all have a profound effect on the nature of future society. More effect, I would argue, than the devastating but unsustainable effect of bombs and other forms of coercion."
Aming many other powerful considerations, one stands particularly valuable to me and to those who may have been highly critical of the politics and operations of some of the largest international development organizations.
"...we must carefully consider how best to support international institutions, so that they collectively form a setting in which our power can be exercised.
Perhaps too often we attack institutions like the World Bank that might, under the right conditions, actually become partners with us in dealing with the first superpower.
International institutions must become deeply more transparent, accessible to the public, and less amenable to special interests, while remaining strong enough to provide a secure context in which our views can be expressed."This paper was recently prepared by James F. Moore of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society
Please read the full paper "The Second Superpower Rears its Beautiful Head" by James F. Moore.
As you have seen, the view on how significant and critical the effect on new social networking aspects of our society may vary quite a bit, but in all cases, they all appear to have the potential of providing governance and legislation as much more of the online rules determine also our options to communicate and freely exchange.
How Communication Agents like me and you will confront this opportunity will bear significant changes on how we live, co-operate and go about the business of living together harmoniously in a learning society.
Something to start seriously thinking about.
Yesterday, Sunday, everything started to click at a faster rate than I ever expected. I know I am new to this, but are the millions out there way behind me as well.
What am I talking about?
Networked intelligence.
It is there. It is working. It is doing wonders in less than you eye can blink.
There are so many great minds at work toward creating a better and more harmonious place to live in it is hard to believe that this marvelous force can be stopped dead on its tracks.
But indeed that is the issue we must face today. Either to personally study and learn about this magnificient network and actively contribute to it, or remain untouched, an alien spectator to the most majestic human endeavour ever taken.
Yes, I believe it is of such magnitude.
Thinkers, innovators, technologists, developers, and entrepreneurs of all kinds are linking-up to create new powerful and diversified realities. Determining their rules and the spaces within which to operate.
Like-minded people discover and link-up to each other by using powerful self sustaining networks that provide powerful means of extending your reach rapidly and effectively.
The raise of Ecademy, Ryze, Linkedin, Friendster, Huminity and other social networks is a social and cultural phenomenon that is having profound effects on how people find out about each other, inreact and co-operate in mutually beneficial relationships.
In this virtual universe ideas interconnect and link up in at the speed of light and its immense creative power is at work 24/7/365.
Such rapid idea molding and create fast growing networks of powerful concepts rippling and bouncing faster than you can ever imagine.
It is my personal advice that each one of us takes a serious committment to understand deeply these communication revolution taking place at this very moment and to make it relevant at the levl where you, personally, can affect the most change and useful application.
Here is an interesting 1-hour broad spectrum scan of what a small fraction of the online interconnected intelligence is actively refining, improving and making available.
As one question of significant, planetary importance pops up in your head, you can be sure there is an army of independent minds working passionately at it.
Here is the proof:
From today I-Sales excellent e-mail discussion list, moderated by John Audette:
From: Gert Cauwenbergh
Hi John
Welcome back. You gave me the extra incentive to start reading I-Sales again daily.
Recent posts on spam and your story on the eBay mock-up made me think.
The Internet paved the path to global economics, sales, transactions, networking.
Everything done from the bottom up.
I always believed in the bottom-up approach of people gathering and pushing for changes, I even built my company on this.
With regard to spam, in recent weeks, I read in the local press (Belgium), global press and online newsletters more and more requests to have a global legislation against spam since it will be the only solution to fight off-shore spammers.
My question: will the Internet and its worldwide community (singular) be the driver to generate global legislation as well?
Kind regards-- Gert Cauwenbergh
Now please read this:
"Proponents of the Internet have committed to and sought for a more intelligent Internet where new democratic methods could be enabled to help rectify the imbalance and inequalities of the world. Instead, the Internet today is a noisy environment with a great deal of power consolidation instead of the level democratic Internet many envisioned.
In 1993 Howard Rheingold wrote[1],
We temporarily have access to a tool that could bring conviviality and understanding into our lives and might help revitalize the public sphere. The same tool, improperly controlled and wielded, could become an instrument of tyranny.
The vision of a citizen-designed, citizen-controlled worldwide communications network is a version of technological utopianism that could be called the vision of "the electronic agora."
In the original democracy, Athens, the agora was the marketplace, and more--it was where citizens met to talk, gossip, argue, size each other up, find the weak spots in political ideas by debating about them.
But another kind of vision could apply to the use of the Net in the wrong ways, a shadow vision of a less utopian kind of place--the Panopticon.
Since then he has been criticized as being naive about his views.[2] This is because the tools and protocols of the Internet have not yet evolved enough to allow the emergence of Internet democracy to create a higher-level order. As these tools evolve we are on the verge of an awakening of the Internet.
This awakening will facilitate a political model enabled by technology to support those basic attributes of democracy which have eroded as power has become concentrated within corporations and governments.
It is possible that new technologies may enable a higher-level order, which in turn will enable a form of emergent democracy able to manage complex issues and support, change or replace our current representative democracy.
It is also possible that new technologies will empower terrorists or totalitarian regimes. These tools will have the ability to either enhance or deteriorate democracy and we must do what is possible to influence the development of the tools for better democracy."
Keep reading Emergent Democracy Paper here. (Hats to Joi Ito and his teammates for such excellent work).
Having now a better idea of the actual scope and breadth of what INDIVIDUALS and LIKE-MINDED groups, self-organized in dynamic networks aspire and are capable of, you may be ready to jump into viewing at how seriously indeed the new interconnected intelligence can become capable of becoming an alternative political force.
Here is what somebody else around the world is writing. This piece carries forward some powerful and highly interesting ideas about how relevant and effective this new grassroots networked power can actually come to be.
Please read:
"There is an emerging second superpower, but it is not a nation. Instead, it is a new form of international player, constituted by the “will of the people” in a global social movement.
The beautiful but deeply agitated face of this second superpower is the worldwide peace campaign, but the body of the movement is made up of millions of people concerned with a broad agenda that includes social development, environmentalism, health, and human rights.
This movement has a surprisingly agile and muscular body of citizen activists who identify their interests with world society as a whole—and who recognize that at a fundamental level we are all one. These are people who are attempting to take into account the needs and dreams of all 6.3 billion people in the world—and not just the members of one or another nation. Consider the members of Amnesty International who write letters on behalf of prisoners of conscience, and the millions of Americans who are participating in email actions against the war in Iraq. Or the physicians who contribute their time to Doctors Without Borders/ Medecins Sans Frontieres.
"New forms of communication and commentary are being invented continuously...
The current enthusiasm for blogging is changing the way that people relate to publication, as it allows realtime dialogue about world events as bloggers log in daily to share their insights.
Meta-blogging sites crawl across thousands of blogs, identifying popular links, noting emergent topics, and providing an instantaneous summary of the global consciousness of the second superpower.
The Internet and other interactive media continue to penetrate more and more deeply all world society, and provide a means for instantaneous personal dialogue and communication across the globe.
The collective power of texting, blogging, instant messaging, and email across millions of actors cannot be overestimated.
Like a mind constituted of millions of inter-networked neurons, the social movement is capable of astonishingly rapid and sometimes subtle community consciousness and action.
Distributed mass behavior, expressed in rallying, in voting, in picketing, in exposing corruption, and in purchases from particular companies, all have a profound effect on the nature of future society. More effect, I would argue, than the devastating but unsustainable effect of bombs and other forms of coercion."
Aming many other powerful considerations, one stands particularly valuable to me and to those who may have been highly critical of the politics and operations of some of the largest international development organizations.
"...we must carefully consider how best to support international institutions, so that they collectively form a setting in which our power can be exercised.
Perhaps too often we attack institutions like the World Bank that might, under the right conditions, actually become partners with us in dealing with the first superpower.
International institutions must become deeply more transparent, accessible to the public, and less amenable to special interests, while remaining strong enough to provide a secure context in which our views can be expressed."This paper was recently prepared by James F. Moore of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society
Please read the full paper "The Second Superpower Rears its Beautiful Head" by James F. Moore.
As you have seen, the view on how significant and critical the effect on new social networking aspects of our society may vary quite a bit, but in all cases, they all appear to have the potential of providing governance and legislation as much more of the online rules determine also our options to communicate and freely exchange.
How Communication Agents like me and you will confront this opportunity will bear significant changes on how we live, co-operate and go about the business of living together harmoniously in a learning society.
Something to start seriously thinking about.

how to become a communication agent
How To Become A Communication Agent
I am about to refine and improve the organization and layout of this Web site.
My goal is one of providing more "focus" on the critical mission I am after.
As I have been studying and learning much in my ten fields of interest the amount of Good content available in each one is quite significant.
While so far the content has been helping Web surfers of all kinds coming from search engines with specific questions, my audience is gradually but rapidly changing to include a great number of people who want to communicate better and more effectively while increasing their reach and effectiveness.
In this light I have decided to change my "Vista Points" (content categories), which you see listed on the left side of my pages, into "How Tos" for Communication Agents.
Here I am listing the "How Tos" categories that intend to use. My goal is to try to cover a comprehensive and sensible set of areas I am very familar with to provide a conundrum of what it takes to become an effective Communication Agent.
Am I forgetting something?
Are critical activities of a Communication Agent well covered?
Are there terms or items that you feel are inappropriate?
Please give a look at what you see and provide me with your revised and improved version by using the comments facility at the end of this article.Simply copy and paste my list below and re-edit it in the comments box.
Robin Good's 12 Critical How-Tos To Become Effective Communication Agents
1. Learn*Turn off your TV*Question media*Explore new resources*Inform yourself*Track information
2. Find*ReSearch*Find*Store & Archive*Filter & Categorize
4. Be smart*Attain privacy online*Secure your PC*Authenticate yourself*Outsmart spammers
5. Sync-up*Share and Exchange*Collaborate online*Network*Create synergies
6. Prepare content*Prepare digital images*Visualize information*Write & Report*Organize content*Translate
7. Design*Design information*Design publications*Design Web sites*Design interaction
8. Test*Test technologies*Track resources*Provide techsupport
9. Make it accessible*Simplify*Make it easy to use*Test & verify
10. Transmit*Present*Distribute*Publish*Broadcast & Stream*Make the news*Create a buzz
11. Protect*Protect it*Share it*Copyright it?
12. Be Your Own Boss*Market online*Promote and Sell*Find partners *Link with others
Let me read your point of view.
posted by Robin Good on Tuesday May 13 2003updated on Friday May 21 2004
1. Learn*Turn off your TV*Question media*Explore new resources*Inform yourself*Track information*Be up-to-date (Comment: note different sequence to show an approximate "path" people would have to follow to really start learning. Also, the last point be up-to-date could be dropped without too much loss of meaning...)
2. Find*ReSearch*Find*Store & Archive*Filter & Categorize
4. Be smart*Attain privacy online*Secure your PC*Authenticate yourself*Fight spam(Comment: I would rather say "Outsmart spammers")*Protect your privacy(Comment: This last point - I changed the sequence - could also be dropped because it is a summary of the other points and doesn't add. Especially "attain privacy on line" really already says it.)
5. Sync-up*Share and Exchange*Collaborate online*Network*Create synergies(Comment: see slight change in sequence - again to show the probable sequence of steps)
6. Prepare content*Prepare digital images*Visualize information*Write & Report*Organize content*Translate*DeBabelize(Comment: I think translate and de-babelize are synonymous and I would therefore drop the translate)
7. Design*Design information*Design publications*Design Web sites*Design interaction(Comment: Suggest changing the sequence as shown here)
8. Test*Test technologies*Track resources*Provide techsupport
9. Make it accessible*Simplify*Make it easy to use*Test & verify(Comment: suggest change of sequence)
10. Transmit*Present*Distribute*Publish*Broadcast & Stream*Make the news*Create a buzz(Comment: change of sequence suggested)
11. Protect*Protect it*Share it*Copyright it?(Comment: again a change of sequence suggested)
12. Be Your Own Boss*Market online*Promote and Sell*Recruit partners (Comment: I would prefer "Find partners")*Link with others
May 15, 2003 05:49 PM
mine is not going to be an actual review or point-by-point comment, rather a more general reflection on the overall approach.
Becoming a communication agent involves first of all the ability to listen to others and observe what's going on around you. It's an ability one can develop and improve, although some do have a talent for it. The moment you want to establish a connection with someone and pass on a message, you need to know what they're more sensitive to, what's close to their heart and interests, what their needs are.
You don't need to be the finest psychologist, but you can certainly listen to their words and worries and enthusiastic fits and then decide how to approach sending out the message.
Finding the fit between what you have to say and what your "recipient" (will you allow me this cold word?) needs implies a process of listening, observation and adaptation to her language and situation, perspective and needs. One of the most popular design-geeks sayings goes "Give your users what they need, not what they say they want". You need to interpret what you gather from your environment so that you can find the "key" to other people's attention.
I see this process happening in any context. Culture clashes, bad moods, different priorities, motivation can all stand in the way of the most brilliant ideas.
That's when facilitation comes in, and it can take oh-so many forms: negotiation, training, education, evangelization, the proverbial elevator's pitch. Finding the right words, smiling at the right moment, pushing it hard, providing supporting evidence...
And eventually comes trust. Why should I listen to you if I don't trust you? How do you win trust in the (apparently) most impersonal of environments? How do you appeal to your recipients' experience so that they can identify themselves and go "Hei, that's true!"? I think this is what really differentiates a communication agent from a public relations office or a big media company.
Going back to your 12 how-tos, I'd suggest you slip "listen" and "observe" into 1.Learn or 2. Find (or Find out?). I leave it to you to find a comfy place for "facilitate" and "win trust".
Your faithful(l) Marian
I am about to refine and improve the organization and layout of this Web site.
My goal is one of providing more "focus" on the critical mission I am after.
As I have been studying and learning much in my ten fields of interest the amount of Good content available in each one is quite significant.
While so far the content has been helping Web surfers of all kinds coming from search engines with specific questions, my audience is gradually but rapidly changing to include a great number of people who want to communicate better and more effectively while increasing their reach and effectiveness.
In this light I have decided to change my "Vista Points" (content categories), which you see listed on the left side of my pages, into "How Tos" for Communication Agents.
Here I am listing the "How Tos" categories that intend to use. My goal is to try to cover a comprehensive and sensible set of areas I am very familar with to provide a conundrum of what it takes to become an effective Communication Agent.
Am I forgetting something?
Are critical activities of a Communication Agent well covered?
Are there terms or items that you feel are inappropriate?
Please give a look at what you see and provide me with your revised and improved version by using the comments facility at the end of this article.Simply copy and paste my list below and re-edit it in the comments box.
Robin Good's 12 Critical How-Tos To Become Effective Communication Agents
1. Learn*Turn off your TV*Question media*Explore new resources*Inform yourself*Track information
2. Find*ReSearch*Find*Store & Archive*Filter & Categorize
4. Be smart*Attain privacy online*Secure your PC*Authenticate yourself*Outsmart spammers
5. Sync-up*Share and Exchange*Collaborate online*Network*Create synergies
6. Prepare content*Prepare digital images*Visualize information*Write & Report*Organize content*Translate
7. Design*Design information*Design publications*Design Web sites*Design interaction
8. Test*Test technologies*Track resources*Provide techsupport
9. Make it accessible*Simplify*Make it easy to use*Test & verify
10. Transmit*Present*Distribute*Publish*Broadcast & Stream*Make the news*Create a buzz
11. Protect*Protect it*Share it*Copyright it?
12. Be Your Own Boss*Market online*Promote and Sell*Find partners *Link with others
Let me read your point of view.
posted by Robin Good on Tuesday May 13 2003updated on Friday May 21 2004
1. Learn*Turn off your TV*Question media*Explore new resources*Inform yourself*Track information*Be up-to-date (Comment: note different sequence to show an approximate "path" people would have to follow to really start learning. Also, the last point be up-to-date could be dropped without too much loss of meaning...)
2. Find*ReSearch*Find*Store & Archive*Filter & Categorize
4. Be smart*Attain privacy online*Secure your PC*Authenticate yourself*Fight spam(Comment: I would rather say "Outsmart spammers")*Protect your privacy(Comment: This last point - I changed the sequence - could also be dropped because it is a summary of the other points and doesn't add. Especially "attain privacy on line" really already says it.)
5. Sync-up*Share and Exchange*Collaborate online*Network*Create synergies(Comment: see slight change in sequence - again to show the probable sequence of steps)
6. Prepare content*Prepare digital images*Visualize information*Write & Report*Organize content*Translate*DeBabelize(Comment: I think translate and de-babelize are synonymous and I would therefore drop the translate)
7. Design*Design information*Design publications*Design Web sites*Design interaction(Comment: Suggest changing the sequence as shown here)
8. Test*Test technologies*Track resources*Provide techsupport
9. Make it accessible*Simplify*Make it easy to use*Test & verify(Comment: suggest change of sequence)
10. Transmit*Present*Distribute*Publish*Broadcast & Stream*Make the news*Create a buzz(Comment: change of sequence suggested)
11. Protect*Protect it*Share it*Copyright it?(Comment: again a change of sequence suggested)
12. Be Your Own Boss*Market online*Promote and Sell*Recruit partners (Comment: I would prefer "Find partners")*Link with others
May 15, 2003 05:49 PM
mine is not going to be an actual review or point-by-point comment, rather a more general reflection on the overall approach.
Becoming a communication agent involves first of all the ability to listen to others and observe what's going on around you. It's an ability one can develop and improve, although some do have a talent for it. The moment you want to establish a connection with someone and pass on a message, you need to know what they're more sensitive to, what's close to their heart and interests, what their needs are.
You don't need to be the finest psychologist, but you can certainly listen to their words and worries and enthusiastic fits and then decide how to approach sending out the message.
Finding the fit between what you have to say and what your "recipient" (will you allow me this cold word?) needs implies a process of listening, observation and adaptation to her language and situation, perspective and needs. One of the most popular design-geeks sayings goes "Give your users what they need, not what they say they want". You need to interpret what you gather from your environment so that you can find the "key" to other people's attention.
I see this process happening in any context. Culture clashes, bad moods, different priorities, motivation can all stand in the way of the most brilliant ideas.
That's when facilitation comes in, and it can take oh-so many forms: negotiation, training, education, evangelization, the proverbial elevator's pitch. Finding the right words, smiling at the right moment, pushing it hard, providing supporting evidence...
And eventually comes trust. Why should I listen to you if I don't trust you? How do you win trust in the (apparently) most impersonal of environments? How do you appeal to your recipients' experience so that they can identify themselves and go "Hei, that's true!"? I think this is what really differentiates a communication agent from a public relations office or a big media company.
Going back to your 12 how-tos, I'd suggest you slip "listen" and "observe" into 1.Learn or 2. Find (or Find out?). I leave it to you to find a comfy place for "facilitate" and "win trust".
Your faithful(l) Marian

The Road To Communication Agents
I am trying to define as well as I can what is the road to becoming effective Communication Agents.
I am therefore opening also this thread to your comments and feedback as it would serve me well to see things from as many perspectives as possible.
Feel free therefore to copy and paste my list below into the comments area and to play with it to your satisfaction. That would make this a useful process for both.
Here are what I see as being the stages or roles that an interconnected individual can decide to take on. Initially, it would appear to me that there is indeed a sequence or rather a set of stages which a Communication Agent would likely go through. It is also perfectly fine that some of these roles remain static for individuals that identify within them their actual mission.
So while there would be movers through these stages there would also be specialized individuals dedicated to perform passionately in one specific stage/role.
The idea needs to berefined a lot, but as we refine it, it would allow some of us to better understand the overall process at work and to refine further our strategies to integrate ourselves in it.
1) Passers-onAs they are already well networked and interconnected "Passers-on" receive a lot of messages and see many sites. They redistribute and send out much of what they find and repute interesting, humorous, and of possible interest to others.
2) FilterersFilterers are Passers-on with a specific interest. They pre-filter and select interesting info bits to be spread to a limited community of like-minded people. Such mini-networks brought to life by one individual do not ususally go beyond 150 people.
3) HuntersHunters go out proactively to search information and new resources by investing systematic time in this effort. Hunters have all the qualities and virtues of Passers-on and Filterers while integrating good search, synthesis and summarization skills.
4) PublishersPublishers pick out the best that Hunters provide and post, email and publish online on their Web sites key information items, stories and resources that are of value and complement to their own mission or to the purpose of their network of interest.
5) AggregatorsAggregators harmonize complementary resources, tools, ideas, and actual content to create:a) easier access to specialized knowledgeb) mini-guides, tutorials, dossiers and reports on specific topicsc) specialized knowledgebases and directories
6) Independent ReportersReporters make a living off the Publisher role and take on specialized research, investigative and reporting skills. Reporters create their own magazines, newsletters, reports, books, audiotapes and videos. They participate in workshops and conferences and take a very active role in educating and explaining information in their areas of expertise.
7) Communication AgentsCommunication Agents understand the overall communication process at work on this planet. They have long studied and invested extensive personal time, passion and resources to play, tinker, experiment and discover which tools, methods and tactics provide the most efficient, speediest and widest effects.Communication Agents understand that they hold digital weapons with which they can peacefully overcome apparently much larger and resisting forces.
Where do you fit?
At what level are you?
Do you see gaps? Can you suggest improvements?
"Knowledge defends you against every form of harm in existence.If you think of the word knowledge what kind of boundaries or limitations can you see it describe? Any?
If so, what do you think is the value of that word (knowledge)?
1) Passers-onAs they are already well networked and interconnected "Passers-on" receive a lot of messages and see many sites. They redistribute and send out much of what they find and repute interesting, humorous, and of possible interest to others.(Comment: Passover happens to be a religious feast of our Jewish sisters and brothers, so I wouldn't use the word to describe an individual engaged in passing on information. A suggestion would be "Passers-on" similar to the term passers-by, which actually does exist in English)
2) FilterersFilterers are Passers-on with a specific interest. They pre-filter and select interesting info bits to be spread to a limited community of like-minded people. Such mini-networks brought to life by one individual do not ususally go beyond 150 people.(Comment: changed to passers-on and added "brought to life by one individual")
3) HuntersHunters go out proactively to search information and new resources by investing systematic time in this effort. Hunters have all the qualities and virtues of Passers-on and Filterers while integrating good search, synthesis and summarization skills.(Comment: changed to passers-on and added another "er" to Filters)
4) PublishersPublishers pick out the best that Hunters provide and post, email and publish online on their Web sites key information items, stories and resources that are of value and complement to their own mission or to the purpose of their network of interest.(Comment: changed "one" to "purpose" to make reading more fluent)
5) AggregatorsAggregators harmonize complementary resources, tools, ideas, and actual content to create:a) easier access to specialized knowledgeb) mini-guides, tutorials, dossiers and reports on specific topicsc) specialized knowledgebases and directories
6) Independent ReportersReporters make a living off the Publisher role and take on specialized research, investigative and reporting skills. Reporters create their own magazines, newsletters, reports, books, audiotapes and videos. They participate in workshops and conferences and take a very active role in educating and explaining information in their areas of expertise.(Comment: changed of to off - better grammatically)
7) Communic-action AgentsCommunication Agents understand the overall communication process at work on this planet. They have long studied and invested extensive personal time, passion and resources to play, tinker, experiment and discover which tools, methods and tactics provide the most efficient, speediest and widest effects.Communication Agents understand that they hold digital weapons with which they can peacefully overcome apparently much larger and resisting forces.(Comment: changed bigger to larger for grammatic reasons. Communic-action Agents seems awkward to read and I notice that in the text you use Communication Agents. I think this latter term is better and more easily understood.
Where do you fit?
At what level are you?
(Comment: for myself, I do some of the things described, but could not limit myself to only one of the categories. It's kind of a gradient. Once you learn one area, the one that attracts you most, then you are free to start in on others. I suppose it's a learning process.)
Do you see gaps? Can you suggest improvements?
"Knowledge defends you against every form of harm in existence.If you think of the word knowledge what kind of boundaries or limitations can you see it describe? Any?
(Comment: Yes, knowledge limits the otherwise quite normal stupidity and bumbling that is our way of going through life)
If so, what do you think is the value of that word (knowledge)?
(Comment: The word itself is without value. the thing it describes is what we should be striving for because it does, indeed, tend to protect its bearer from harm and what's more - ultimately it has rewards better than the best movie or the sweetest tiramisu...)
If success or failure of this planet and of human beings depended on how I am and what I do, HOW WOULD I BE? WHAT WOULD I DO?" R. Buckminster Fuller If you stop long enough to seriously think about the possible answer that you can give to this one, you engage in one of the noblest activities life avails to man: checking your ticket for correct seat number and...
Luigi Bertuzzi suggests: "had this post been titled "Conversational Blogs Feature Consensus Building" ... the Request (or Requirement) List could be the outcome of a collective decision making process. A requirement list which is not the byproduct of process work can be obtained from surveys and questionnaires. However, people contributing to the results of a survey take no commitment to support the initiatives which may be triggered by such results....Killer features and facilities for upcoming Weblog/CMS online personal publishing systems I have been thinking and collecting a list of highly desirable features that need to be integrated by major weblog/CMS developer companies if they are to continue to ride the high interest and positive acceptance of their technology across a large and diverse number of users. Since Weblogs/CMS have been originally born out of the need to build a...
I am trying to define as well as I can what is the road to becoming effective Communication Agents.
I am therefore opening also this thread to your comments and feedback as it would serve me well to see things from as many perspectives as possible.
Feel free therefore to copy and paste my list below into the comments area and to play with it to your satisfaction. That would make this a useful process for both.
Here are what I see as being the stages or roles that an interconnected individual can decide to take on. Initially, it would appear to me that there is indeed a sequence or rather a set of stages which a Communication Agent would likely go through. It is also perfectly fine that some of these roles remain static for individuals that identify within them their actual mission.
So while there would be movers through these stages there would also be specialized individuals dedicated to perform passionately in one specific stage/role.
The idea needs to berefined a lot, but as we refine it, it would allow some of us to better understand the overall process at work and to refine further our strategies to integrate ourselves in it.
1) Passers-onAs they are already well networked and interconnected "Passers-on" receive a lot of messages and see many sites. They redistribute and send out much of what they find and repute interesting, humorous, and of possible interest to others.
2) FilterersFilterers are Passers-on with a specific interest. They pre-filter and select interesting info bits to be spread to a limited community of like-minded people. Such mini-networks brought to life by one individual do not ususally go beyond 150 people.
3) HuntersHunters go out proactively to search information and new resources by investing systematic time in this effort. Hunters have all the qualities and virtues of Passers-on and Filterers while integrating good search, synthesis and summarization skills.
4) PublishersPublishers pick out the best that Hunters provide and post, email and publish online on their Web sites key information items, stories and resources that are of value and complement to their own mission or to the purpose of their network of interest.
5) AggregatorsAggregators harmonize complementary resources, tools, ideas, and actual content to create:a) easier access to specialized knowledgeb) mini-guides, tutorials, dossiers and reports on specific topicsc) specialized knowledgebases and directories
6) Independent ReportersReporters make a living off the Publisher role and take on specialized research, investigative and reporting skills. Reporters create their own magazines, newsletters, reports, books, audiotapes and videos. They participate in workshops and conferences and take a very active role in educating and explaining information in their areas of expertise.
7) Communication AgentsCommunication Agents understand the overall communication process at work on this planet. They have long studied and invested extensive personal time, passion and resources to play, tinker, experiment and discover which tools, methods and tactics provide the most efficient, speediest and widest effects.Communication Agents understand that they hold digital weapons with which they can peacefully overcome apparently much larger and resisting forces.
Where do you fit?
At what level are you?
Do you see gaps? Can you suggest improvements?
"Knowledge defends you against every form of harm in existence.If you think of the word knowledge what kind of boundaries or limitations can you see it describe? Any?
If so, what do you think is the value of that word (knowledge)?
1) Passers-onAs they are already well networked and interconnected "Passers-on" receive a lot of messages and see many sites. They redistribute and send out much of what they find and repute interesting, humorous, and of possible interest to others.(Comment: Passover happens to be a religious feast of our Jewish sisters and brothers, so I wouldn't use the word to describe an individual engaged in passing on information. A suggestion would be "Passers-on" similar to the term passers-by, which actually does exist in English)
2) FilterersFilterers are Passers-on with a specific interest. They pre-filter and select interesting info bits to be spread to a limited community of like-minded people. Such mini-networks brought to life by one individual do not ususally go beyond 150 people.(Comment: changed to passers-on and added "brought to life by one individual")
3) HuntersHunters go out proactively to search information and new resources by investing systematic time in this effort. Hunters have all the qualities and virtues of Passers-on and Filterers while integrating good search, synthesis and summarization skills.(Comment: changed to passers-on and added another "er" to Filters)
4) PublishersPublishers pick out the best that Hunters provide and post, email and publish online on their Web sites key information items, stories and resources that are of value and complement to their own mission or to the purpose of their network of interest.(Comment: changed "one" to "purpose" to make reading more fluent)
5) AggregatorsAggregators harmonize complementary resources, tools, ideas, and actual content to create:a) easier access to specialized knowledgeb) mini-guides, tutorials, dossiers and reports on specific topicsc) specialized knowledgebases and directories
6) Independent ReportersReporters make a living off the Publisher role and take on specialized research, investigative and reporting skills. Reporters create their own magazines, newsletters, reports, books, audiotapes and videos. They participate in workshops and conferences and take a very active role in educating and explaining information in their areas of expertise.(Comment: changed of to off - better grammatically)
7) Communic-action AgentsCommunication Agents understand the overall communication process at work on this planet. They have long studied and invested extensive personal time, passion and resources to play, tinker, experiment and discover which tools, methods and tactics provide the most efficient, speediest and widest effects.Communication Agents understand that they hold digital weapons with which they can peacefully overcome apparently much larger and resisting forces.(Comment: changed bigger to larger for grammatic reasons. Communic-action Agents seems awkward to read and I notice that in the text you use Communication Agents. I think this latter term is better and more easily understood.
Where do you fit?
At what level are you?
(Comment: for myself, I do some of the things described, but could not limit myself to only one of the categories. It's kind of a gradient. Once you learn one area, the one that attracts you most, then you are free to start in on others. I suppose it's a learning process.)
Do you see gaps? Can you suggest improvements?
"Knowledge defends you against every form of harm in existence.If you think of the word knowledge what kind of boundaries or limitations can you see it describe? Any?
(Comment: Yes, knowledge limits the otherwise quite normal stupidity and bumbling that is our way of going through life)
If so, what do you think is the value of that word (knowledge)?
(Comment: The word itself is without value. the thing it describes is what we should be striving for because it does, indeed, tend to protect its bearer from harm and what's more - ultimately it has rewards better than the best movie or the sweetest tiramisu...)
If success or failure of this planet and of human beings depended on how I am and what I do, HOW WOULD I BE? WHAT WOULD I DO?" R. Buckminster Fuller If you stop long enough to seriously think about the possible answer that you can give to this one, you engage in one of the noblest activities life avails to man: checking your ticket for correct seat number and...
Luigi Bertuzzi suggests: "had this post been titled "Conversational Blogs Feature Consensus Building" ... the Request (or Requirement) List could be the outcome of a collective decision making process. A requirement list which is not the byproduct of process work can be obtained from surveys and questionnaires. However, people contributing to the results of a survey take no commitment to support the initiatives which may be triggered by such results....Killer features and facilities for upcoming Weblog/CMS online personal publishing systems I have been thinking and collecting a list of highly desirable features that need to be integrated by major weblog/CMS developer companies if they are to continue to ride the high interest and positive acceptance of their technology across a large and diverse number of users. Since Weblogs/CMS have been originally born out of the need to build a...

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